Chapter 81

In the distant Dawei imperial palace.

The ambitious King Wei received secret letters saying that there was an outbreak of plague in Daye Country. Meanwhile, the people of Daye Country were restless, anxious and lacking supplies.

King Wei started plotting.

He summoned all his civil and military officials to discuss plans.

"I received secret letters from my spies in Daye that they are currently facing a major epidemic. Now is the perfect time to reduce Daye's national power. I plan to send troops north to deal Daye another heavy blow to prevent them from rising again."

"Father, I volunteer to lead troops to attack Ye Country," said Prince Ju, King Wei's second son.


"Father, I also volunteer to lead troops to attack Ye Country."

King Wei's eight sons competed to speak up.

"Very good. My sons from Dawei Dynasty are valiant warriors. You will surely heavily injure Daye Dynasty this time. Seize all their beautiful ladies, food, fine wine and horses and bring them back to me."

"Father, we will definitely not disappoint you."

"Ministers, what are your thoughts?"

The ministers looked at each other. King Wei's ambition to conquer the five nations was evident. Attacking Daye now had its pros and cons.


"Your Majesty, attacking now will certainly lead to quick victory, but it also has downsides."

"What downsides?"

"As you know, the plague is terrifying. If we defeat Daye but our troops accidentally get infected, that would be disastrous."

"Yes, please think this through, Your Majesty." The other ministers echoed.

"Ministers need not worry so much. This battle is only to reduce Daye's national power through attrition, not major offensives."

"Your Majesty is wise."


So Wei Country sent the second and third princes with a total of 100,000 troops, marching 1,000 li away from Ye Country's plagued areas, straight into Ye Country's borders.

Ye Country was not adept in military affairs. Facing Wei Country's fierce attacks, they resisted strongly but suffered heavy losses. To prepare for the next wave of attacks, urgent help was requested from King Ye to send reinforcements to the Xu Mountain Border Pass 800 li away.

In the royal court of Ye Country, discussions were underway to deal with the epidemic, though strict quarantine orders have been issued for plagued areas. But the outbreak did not stop spreading just because of lockdowns.

Reported death tolls kept climbing while riots in quarantined regions intensified. More and more troops were sent to suppress riots while granaries across the land were almost depleted. National granaries were also being rapidly consumed.

Whether mountain god worship or medical treatments, none had any effect against the plague.

"The most critical task is to uncover the origin of the plague and eliminate it, only then can we stop the outbreak from spreading."

"Can you determine the origin just by standing here? Tell Us how."


"Stop spouting nonsense. Dismissed."

"Your Majesty, I suggest hiring famous civilian and witch doctors with generous rewards to produce solutions in the disaster zones." Minister Qin said.

"Good. Issue notices across the land. Any famous doctor or witch doctor who goes to the disaster area will be rewarded 1,000 gold." King Ye said after thinking it through.


"Report." Suddenly an urgent messenger came from outside.


Shortly after, an armored scout entered the hall.

"Report to Your Majesty. General He from Xu Mountain Border Pass sent an urgent letter. Dawei invaded with 100,000 troops and we suffered heavy losses. Please send reinforcements."

"What?" King Ye heard this and rage burned within him. With the epidemic not contained and the enemy invading, this was a terrible time for his Daye Dynasty.

Could heavens be planning his demise?

"Reinforcements, reinforcements... They have 100 thousand troops and so do we. Why is there such a huge disparity in strength? What use do I still have for you all?" King Ye angrily scolded his officials.

The officials did not dare speak seeing King Ye's rage.

In the end, King Ye helplessly massaged his aching head and said, "Speak, any suggestions?"

"Your Majesty, I volunteer to lead 50 thousand troops to reinforce General He at Xu Mountain Border Pass." General Wei Wu said.

"Your Majesty, our country has a severe epidemic outbreak. Dawei attacked to reduce our national power. This isn't an appropriate time for war. I suggest sending envoys to negotiate peace," said one civil official.

"Minister of Justice, what is your opinion?"

"Your Majesty, seeking peace is unwise. Wei's invasion was blatant opportunism to deplete our country. If we negotiate peace, who's to say they won't ask for the heavens?" "Crown Prince, what do you make of this?"

"In response, fighting now while the epidemic has not spread nationwide is imperative, Father, otherwise the state will decline and exhaust its strength."

"I concur."

"We all concur."

"General Wei Wu, I grant you 100 thousand elite soldiers to immediately repel the enemy at Xu Mountain Border Pass."

"I obey, Your Majesty."

"Report to Your Majesty. The national treasury is currently insufficient to provision 100 thousand troops. Please reconsider this, Your Majesty." Minister of Revenue anxiously added.


"Commoners across the land, merchants, in preparation for the worsening epidemic, have begun hoarding food and medicine, causing nationwide shortages."

"Paying disaster relief to officials in the capital and provisioning support to disaster zones are also heavily straining our coffers. I cannot reimburse the treasury quickly enough."

"Where is Deputy Marshal Qin?"

"Reporting, Marshal Qin is on sick leave to recuperate at home." Minister Qin said.

"Why couldn't he have fallen sick sooner or later? He had to when I needed his advice." King Ye angrily roared.

"Resolve the provisions issue somehow."

"I obey." Minister of Revenue did not dare say more and took his leave.

Watching his ministers withdraw, King Ye felt exhausted mentally and physically.

At the Qin Estate.

"Young Master, the situation outside is worsening. I heard Nanlong Prefecture has been completely locked down. The plague is more severe than expected. Our master sent Shadow Guard to lock down the estate; no entry or exit allowed."

"Also ordered that no one from the Qin Estate can contact the imperial family."

Hearing this, Qin Chuyuan felt anger and helplessness at being controlled, in addition to his thirst for power.

"Find ways to send messages out to probe the Nanlong situation. Report any updates to me and the imperial family immediately."


"Also, Young Master, I overheard the guards today saying that war between Ye Country and Wei Country is imminent, but drafting adequate provisions is causing headaches in court."

Hearing this, Qin Chuyuan rapped his fingers on his desk.

"Qin Yi, send word to the Crown Prince proposing solutions for procuring provisions."