Chapter 197

Little Fat Baby's plan was this.

She felt riding a horse was probably very dangerous, most likely she would be rejected.

So by asking Xiao Qi to carry her, she would not feel so embarrassed.

Although she had just decided to take Xiao Qi as her own person, within the category of her friends, not calling her sister anymore, directly calling her by name.

But she still didn't want to walk, she wanted a hug, her legs were sore.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Qi actually agreed, agreed......


Little Fat Baby felt like she had been hit by a stewed pig's trotter, the kind that was fragrant.

Xiao Qi actually really wanted to ride a horse.

Just now when washing the horses, with two seniors watching, she was well-behaved.

Now in front was just a little chubby girl, and two horses, it felt like the time, location, people and events were all favorable.

She had learned equestrian skills at the expert level from Wicom. Xiao Qi was originally very familiar with horses and understood them well. Little Coral was too small, not used to letting people ride it. Xiao Qi didn't want to bother it either.

But Taylor was obviously a very well-trained horse, very docile, and also very intimate towards Xiao Qi.


Taylor's performance as a well-trained horse, obviously wanted Xiao Qi to ride on its was a little hard to articulate, but Taylor really felt that way. Two-legged beasts, if they liked you, their most direct expression was an intimate ride on their backs.

It didn't feel humiliating at all, on the contrary it was an honor.

Especially when galloping.

Taylor had nudged Xiao Qi several times already.

Xiao Qi also really wanted to try the feeling of expert-level equestrian skills. No intense dangerous moves, she should have no problem at all.

Xiao Bao'er was somewhat blankly carried onto Taylor's back by Xiao Qi. All of a sudden she felt the view was different, the front was so high up, she could see so far away. Compared to what she saw walking on the road with her little short legs, the scenery was completely different. She was so happy, the wind was strong, luckily her hat was tied under her fat chin, it wouldn't blow away.


Xiao Bao'er was very bold, not scared at all, although compared to Taylor, she probably wasn't even as tall as one of Taylor's legs.

There was just a slight rocking, then Xiao Bao'er felt a warm embrace behind her.

Xiao Qi put her feet in the stirrups and got up on the horse.

Holding the reins, hugging Xiao Bao'er, she slowly walked a few steps on the grass, then went onto the track.

By now it was evening, the setting sun hung by the lakeside, and there were no other horses on the track. Xiao Qi held the reins and gently controlled them.

After actually obtaining the equestrian skills, she had specifically gone online to look up information about horse riding. She had earnestly studied the theoretical knowledge, and now was the time for practice. She carefully recalled the theoretical knowledge, and meticulously felt the specific differences.

Little Coral followed closely behind, hopping and skipping, quite happily.

Xiao Bao'er was riding a horse for the first time, extremely delighted.

Her chubby face with thick eyebrows and big eyes was for once not stern like a little adult, but giggling nonstop, extremely happy.

She kept shouting, "Xiao Qi rush rush,"

then after a while shouted: "Taylor rush rush."

Xiao Qi: ......

Riding a horse really did feel great.

On the horse's back was a completely different world from the ground, able to see higher and farther, the wind stronger, even the sunlight seemed brighter.

Taylor walked very steadily, clip clop, the sound of the horse's hooves hitting the ground was like a melody.

Listening to the horse's hooves, the fat girl's laughter, the wind, the sound of the lake water lapping at the shore, and Little Coral's light and cheerful neighs beside her, at this moment Xiao Qi seemed to understand the true beauty of symphonic music that Zhou Teacher had taken her to listen to before.

What was in front of her eyes was actually a symphony of nature and humans combined, so beautiful, so pure, so clean, so joyful.

Her emotions were very cheerful, even the soles of her feet felt happy.

The sun was not glaring, the wind gentle.

Feeling that the two-legged beast cub and girl were very happy, Taylor couldn't help but speed up.

Xiao Bao'er excitedly blurted out new lines: "Horray! Horray!"

Xiao Qi didn't understand at all what that meant, probably something like "go on" right.

Increasing the speed while riding a horse and ambling slowly were completely different feelings. There was a headwind beside her ears, the scenery retreating backwards. Little Coral beside also sped up and started trotting quickly, thinking Taylor was playing with it, trotting very merrily.

At this moment Xiao Qi felt a kind of explosive power.

She suddenly understood what was meant by the experience of sprint explosive power.

No matter how fast she ran, she definitely couldn't match Taylor and Coral, after all she only had two legs.

But this feeling while galloping, had a different kind of speed, one that Xiao Qi didn't have when running normally. Because when running, in order to maintain distance and number of steps, and to keep her breathing steady, she would repress her physical sensations, keeping to a constant speed as much as possible.

That sprint explosive power was probably her weakness. One, she didn't have professional training, two, as a girl her lung capacity was normally not as great as a boy's.

However, Xiao Qi had grown up in the high altitude Gumu La village since she was little. Naturally she had big lungs. Her swimming competition championship was probably also related to this to some extent.

She could hold her breath for a very long time, and wouldn't feel uncomfortable in the swimming pool.

If you had greater lung capacity, there was an advantage when running, especially for sprints, the final explosive power.

Xiao Qi carefully experienced this feeling,

the differences and similarities between a galloping horse and a running person. At this time, Xiao Shengzhou was in his office dealing with things. He said dealing with things because he really did have things to deal with, after all he was still a student. He had his own academic issues, and the student council had a lot going on too. Enhua's student council had already been run like a big company, with new students joining every year, and graduating students leaving every year, very much like new and old employees changing shifts at a company. The student council needed to negotiate issues between students and the school, sometimes serving as a student union, fighting for benefits for students.

And the equestrian center also had some miscellaneous matters. Initially it was for hobbyists, but then they discovered that the students who joined could barely keep up the daily operations. Of course breaking even on membership fees was impossible.

Unless they had outstanding equestrians who could compete with their horses and get good rankings, only then would there be a possibility of making profit. Otherwise the cost of keeping these horses was extremely high.

But good equestrians wouldn't come to their school's shabby equestrian center either.

And actual professional equestrians, he probably couldn't afford to hire, his horses were decent but still had a huge gap compared to horses that could compete professionally. The prices of those horses were astronomical, buying them wouldn't be cost-effective either, they probably couldn't even afford to keep them, they were too precious, too expensive.

In short the possibility of making profit was small, so he also had to consider, after graduating should he just shut down the equestrian center? After graduation, he might need to go back to work at his family's company, or he might want to do something himself too, juggling the equestrian center wouldn't be very realistic, especially a non-profit one.

Xiao Shengzhou was busy with solemn work on this end.

Xiao Yu on the other hand was lazily sitting to the side playing on his phone.

His legs were up on the coffee table, leaning against the floor to ceiling glass window, looking very relaxed.

Xiao Shengzhou looked up and saw this scene, really......

No wonder his dad, mom, grandpa, grandma all wanted to beat up his youngest uncle...seeing this, he also really wanted to beat someone up.

But although Youngest Uncle was lazy, his work was actually very good. He didn't work at the family business, and had started his own company which was operating very well. However the company gave off a somewhat unscrupulous vibe, too many female employees...

Suddenly he heard Xiao Yu shout: Holy crap!

Xiao Shengzhou was also startled, what could make his unflappable youngest uncle who got cursed out by the whole family without even furrowing his brow, be so surprised?

He couldn't help standing up, and also shouted: Holy crap!

His little sister was actually riding a horse, her fat little face laughing with a full mouth of teeth, speeding by very quickly from far away...

Scared the piss out of him!

Hope nothing happens, although his fat sister was unanimously deemed too ugly by the whole family, if anything really happened, if she lost a single hair, he'd probably get punched and kicked by the whole family.

Then he saw someone was holding Xiao Bao'er, Su Xiaoqi hugging Xiao Bao'er, holding the reins, rushing forward like a warrior, with Little Coral also dashing quickly beside them...

Like a flash of lightning, flashing by the front of their building.

Seeming to even hear Xiao Bao'er's laughter.

Xiao Shengzhou was scared into a cold sweat.

Xiao Yu's face was dumbstruck, the riding girl was so beautiful.

Behind her was the glowing lake, she was like galloping out from a painting.

And when he wanted to take one more look, all that was left was her back view.

Like the wind.

Xiao Yu blurted out blankly: I'm in love.

Xiao Shengzhou said impatiently: "Youngest Uncle, I've been hearing you say that since I was in kindergarten."

"This time is different, really serious." Xiao Yu jumped up.