Chapter 321

Xiao Qi ran away......ran away.

She ran at a speed that would break the marathon record.

Li Weijin's classmate simply couldn't keep up......

Xiao Qi shamelessly ran a circle around the sports field, then ran back to the classroom for evening self-study.

Li Weijin also went back for evening self-study.

Seeing Xiao Qi with a serious face, earnestly doing homework and going through English test papers, he felt both angry and amused.


He had thought he was dense, but it turned out a certain someone was even denser.

And seeing the two return in batches, Mi'er suppressed the huge gossip in her heart - after all, Zai Zai classmate belonged to all the girls, if she yelled, Xiao Qi would probably get into more trouble, better to keep quiet and make a fortune.

Mi'er looked at the careless, easy-going but actually delicate, considerate Xiao Qi who always made people around her feel at ease.

In contrast, her dorm mate Chu Yu had the opposite temperament - if her roommates had even a small issue, Chu Yu would exclaim in surprise.

For example, through her accidental, careless leaks, Mi'er found out that her roommate Su Li had spent several nights out, seeming to interact closely with many male friends. Also, another roommate Lin Dongqing seemed to be a leader's daughter, but her father seemed to be in trouble, put under shuanggui, probably involving corruption charges.

Anyway, these were things the kind-hearted, simple Chu Yu accidentally revealed, not intentionally......


In Xiao Qi's opinion, being Chu Yu's roommate was disastrous in eight lifetimes.

Su Li was just a little arrogant, not to the extent of rumors of promiscuity.

And what did Lin Dongqing have to do with her father's issues? He was her father, she was herself, she couldn't be denied education just because her father was in trouble, moreover the allegations were uncertain.

Finally enduring until the end of self-study, they didn't even stop for late night snacks, Mi'er dragged Xiao Qi back to the dorm, Wei Cheng and Gu Yunshu also packed up and went back together.

Li Weijin didn't follow, he felt he couldn't catch up, like the saying goes, no need to rush things, he suddenly became enlightened, feeling he had unblocked his meridians and his mind cleared up.

Back at the dorm, there was no interrogation, roommates still feared Xiao Qi a bit - although she usually seemed very easy to talk to, obedient and cute, she had inexplicably become the boss. Roommates were very curious, extremely curious.


Xiao Qi also didn't know what to say - was there anything? Actually nothing happened, but it seemed something did, anyway she was still confused, tangled up.

She didn't know what was going on.

Back at the dorm, she practiced writing many more pages than usual, feeling restless, her writing more erratic than usual.

For emotional issues, others couldn't give advice unless the other party was truly scum - even if scum, even bare your heart to advise, they may still get back together, emotions had no reason.

Although roommates were anxious to know, they still respected Xiao Qi's wishes, not spreading rumors.

At lights out chat time, they still couldn't control their excitement.

On the surface sleeping peacefully in mutual understanding, after a while Mi'er still couldn't resist poking her head out from the quilt, buzzing: "If Zai Zai confessed to me, I would immediately agree, after all he's handsome which makes meals more appetizing, future babies would be even prettier."

Xiao Qi: ......You're only a teenager, why are you already thinking of the next generation......

Wei Cheng whispered, "If Zai Zai confessed to me....pfui pfui, what am I thinking, that day will never come, you guys keep talking."

Gu Yunshu calmly said, "My mom would probably really like him, handsome and from a good family, she'd probably make us get engaged first before marrying. I don't like it, I don't like boys more good-looking than me, no sense of security, but Xiao Qi you don't have this worry, you're evenly matched, both good-looking."

Xiao Qi: ......

"No mental preparation, didn't dare to fall in love, felt like having a relationship would not be good student behavior, hindering studies." Xiao Qi said.

"My mom tells me to seize opportunities in school for finding a good match, or I'd become an old spinster after graduation. And you're so hardworking, how could relationships hinder your studies, it's not like it would hinder anyone else's! Just say, do you like Zai Zai or not?" Mi'er rattled on, having wanted to ask this for a long time.

The room was silent for a bit, clearly Wei Cheng and Gu Yunshu were also curious.

In fact even Xiao Qi herself was curious.

"I don't know, forget it don't want to think about it, sleep, still have class tomorrow." Xiao Qi ended the conversation.

She truly didn't know, feeling very tired that afternoon and exhausted waking from a nap, yet now tossing and turning, strangely unable to fall asleep, yet also didn't want to discuss this with roommates, emotions were deeply personal, hard to discuss.

Finally vaguely hearing Mi'er and Wei Cheng's rhythmic snores, she fell asleep.

Next morning was half day of classes, no afternoon classes.

Morning classes were Accounting Principles and Basic Concepts of Marxism, both relatively easy for Xiao Qi.

Accounting Principles was by a famous professor invited back after retirement from Tsinghua/Peking University , though heavily accented his level was truly high, for good students having such a teacher was extremely fortunate, basically mind-opening, increasingly comprehensible.

As for Basic Concepts of Marxism, Xiao Qi had already reached specialized expertise, she also really liked Professor Mao Xihong's teaching style, feeling her lectures very charismatic, extremely enjoyable in this class, like chatting with someone who understood you, touching the soul.

Today the professor happened to talk about relationships during class. Professor Mao happily said: "My lover and I got to know each other through QQ chat, what you now call online dating, we are very happy together, but I'm not encouraging online dating for you - there are many ways to date, online dating then and now is not the same, early internet prevalence was low then, having a QQ number and able to log in daily already outranked 80% of people in society at the time, so you understand......."

Professor Mao laughed conspiratorially, students guffawing loudly.

Among the loud laughter, roughly some understood, some pretended to understand without really getting it, some just laughed along.

What Professor Mao said still referred to matching conditions, though she online dated her partner was still high quality to start, filtered, not random like nowadays, all possibilities existed behind the internet.

At least this was little Xiao Qi's understanding for now, maybe as she grew up in future she would gain other insights.

Basically once class ended everyone fled like their butts were on fire.

Mainly because she didn't know how to face Li Weijin.

Yet seeing Li Weijin not catching up, Xiao Qi again didn't know how she felt.

No afternoon classes, Xiao Qi decided to go horseback riding, Wei Cheng going to the theater, so Xiao Qi went alone.

She felt riding horses would also be good, estimated she could think through things then - galloping on horseback body and mind seemed to take flight, more relaxed feeling.

That afternoon she wore a goose yellow tracksuit given to her by Mi'er's family, superb quality, unlabeled though price at factory states was cheap as dirt. A whole set of quality goose yellow tracksuits, comfortable, colorfast when washing, Mi'er had only charged eighty bucks for it. Secretively said the same thing once stocked in shops with a brand tagged would cost over five hundred.

Anyway she brought them for roommates, they looked great after wearing these causing business sales to skyrocket, so also not taking advantage of roommates but rather roommates helping her advertise, very smart business sense.

Xiao Qi looked gorgeous in the goose yellow too - fair skin complemented the bright color for a lively young girl vibe.

Balanced out Xiao Qi's normally slightly stern image, rare soft and cute.

Hair was casually plaited in a small pigtail at her forehead, bit of a cool air.

As Xiao Qi become famous, this hairstyle seemed to quietly rise in popularity at Enhua University among both guys and girls, still often spottable around campus.

However, Xiao Qi had just tied her hair up in a little bun to keep her bangs out of her eyes, she didn't expect it to become a trend.

When she arrived at the stables, the drum beater had not yet returned from the capital where he had gone to undergo some checkups, so he would be back later. The coach was also not there today... Apparently he had taken some money and gone out partying, feeling too rich to resist. In short, the coach was nowhere to be seen in the stables, having asked for a week off...

Xiao Qi looked over the horses in the stables, rather like an emperor selecting a concubine to spend the night. Finally she chose Taylor.

The jet black Taylor trotted out quite cheerfully, rubbing his head against Xiao Qi.

Unexpectedly, Chairman Xiao also wanted to go horseback riding, and had come to select Seal.

Xiao Qi had originally intended to gallop around wildly on Taylor's back, but with the Chairman there, she reined in her speed to accommodate his pace, contentedly riding alongside him at a sedate circle around the grounds, savoring the feeling of wind in their faces looking out to sea. It engendered a particularly pleasant sensation.

The two rode side by side on their horses.

Xiao Shengzhou suddenly asked, "Xiao Qi, what do you think of me?"