Chapter 327

Li Qianmen was born into a humble background.

His biggest wish in the past was to plant peach trees and become a well-known millionaire.

His name was extremely simple as well, because his mother gave birth to him on the way to the hospital, so he was named Li Qianmen.

He always felt that his name was too casual, so when naming his own son, he made sure to make it sound more cultured.

When he had his first son, he named him Li Tangsong, representing two dynasties, and giving a sense of history, which was quite high-class.

When he had his second son, he followed the same naming strategy as the first son, naming him Li Weijin.


Perhaps the Wei and Jin dynasties were too arduous, and the second child was especially mischievous.

This caused Li Qianmen and Gao Cuihua a lot of worry.

Now hearing the butler say that the child wants to take the postgraduate entrance exam, the couple expressed their strong approval.

Li Tangsong also expressed his approval, although he had some doubts about the motivation for taking the exam.

Everyone expressed their willingness to help the child successfully pass the exam.

Li Tangsong called his secretary and asked her to collect all the past entrance exam papers.


Li Qianmen planned to look around the street near Qingbei University and buy a street.

Gao Cuihua planned to order a batch of red Hermes haute couture, hoping that it would bring good luck to the child during the exam.

The butler wiped the nonexistent sweat from his forehead and took his leave.

Today was another cloudless sunny day.

The autumn day was not cool at all, and breakfast was eaten in a sweat.

Wednesday was the day with the most classes in a week, with classes in the morning and afternoon.


Although the weather was hot, there were no absentees, because the homeroom teacher said there would be a class meeting today.

The midterm exam results were out.

The homeroom teacher was basically absent during normal times, but when she did appear, she always liked to take up a bit of everyone's free time.

She seemed easy to talk to, but if anyone was absent, she would take up a lot of the absent person's free time, having experienced the homeroom teacher's stubbornness, everyone came obediently.

After the first two macroeconomics classes in the morning, the homeroom teacher appeared and briefly talked about the midterm exam.

On Monday, the teachers of each subject basically handed out the papers, and everyone had a rough idea of their scores.

But no one expected En Hua to be so extreme, not only did she assign fixed seats like in high school, but she also ranked the students, and the scores were openly ranked in each subject, which was simply too malicious for some people.

Looking at the ranking table projected on the wall by the homeroom teacher, most students felt immense pressure, some had not passed, and had to retake the exam... The ranking table was like a roll call, with two numbers marked after each person's name, the first number was the class ranking, and the second number was the major ranking.

The class monitor sent the electronic version to the class group for everyone to download to their phones.

Everyone saw that the study committee member Su Xiaoqi was first in the class and first in the major.

And the second, third, and fourth in the major were not from their class, the second in the class and fifth in the major was Su Xiaoqi's roommate Gu Yunshu.

Wei Cheng was third in the class and tenth in the major, and Mi Er was fifth in the class and seventeenth in the major.

Su Xiaoqi's dormitory can be said to have very good results, sweeping the top five in the class.

There's no way around it. With diligent students like Su Xiaoqi in the dormitory, others can't help but be motivated. It feels like not studying is simply wrong, even carefree students like Mi'er are diligently hitting the books.

Fourth place goes to the deputy learning committee member, Mao Wenshu.

As for Li Weijin, who vowed to take the postgraduate entrance exam alongside Xiaoqi, he ranks sixty-ninth in the class of seventy-three students, with a professional ranking of over two hundred. In the Information Management major, there are just over two hundred students spread across three classes.

Moreover, Li Weijin has three failing grades that need makeup exams...

Li Weijin: ...I'll keep my word from yesterday... I promise.

What surprised everyone was that Su Li, also from the preparatory class, actually ranked twenty-ninth in the class and seventy-eighth in the major.

Su Li was particularly proud of herself for passing all her exams without failing, with her ranking in the upper half of the class. Haha, it's worth showing off. She decided to post it on her Moments later, hmm, to boast to her aunt.

Just thinking about it makes her happy.

And seeing her name so close to the top, only about twenty places away, feels amazing.

That scumbag, ranked sixty-ninth, hahaha, Su Li couldn't help but laugh at the thought of her nemesis being so low, it's delightful!

Upon learning that Li Weijin harbored inappropriate thoughts towards Su Xiaoqi, Su Li's admiration turned into jealousy and then hostility. Now, the equally handsome Li Weijin has been demoted to a scumbag in her eyes.

Others' grades varied, not showing anything too extreme, but Su Li's roommate, Chu Yu, upon seeing her own grades, immediately teared up.

Chu Yu usually portrayed herself as a diligent student, a model student, very studious-looking. But this time, she only ranked thirty-seventh in the class and over one hundred in the major in the mid-term exam. There weren't many girls in the class, only twenty-one in total, and usually, girls performed better than boys, so Chu Yu was basically at the bottom among the girls.

Xiaoqi looked at the rankings. The ones the teacher displayed on the big screen were only for their class, while the class president sent the rankings to the group chat, including their major.

The second-ranked in the major wasn't far ahead of her, just thirty-two points apart, and their scores in major courses were two points higher than hers, making Xiaoqi feel a sense of crisis.

Xiaoqi scored full marks in calculus, and only lost one mark in English composition, 99 points. Xiaoqi didn't think she was very talented; she planned to take the postgraduate entrance exam, so she took out the English and math papers for the exam to have a look. They were quite difficult. In comparison, the reason Xiaoqi scored full marks in calculus this time was simply because the paper was too easy.

After the class teacher finished discussing the exam situation and reminded those who failed to make up for it, they left like a gust of wind.

Next was the calculus class, taught by the teacher Xiaoqi adored, the elegant Lu Ruxue. Today, she wore glasses with gold chains, wore tasteful makeup, and a red dress. Although she was in her sixties, she had the feeling of being in her thirties, not the kind of trying to look younger but a very comfortable and beautiful feeling.

Even the calculus taught by Teacher Lu was endearing.

Su Xiaoqi, like many students her age, tended to focus on specific subjects she liked, excelling in them with great dedication. Calculus was no exception; she performed exceptionally well in the midterm, scoring a perfect hundred. However, she didn't feel proud at all; it seemed to her that the exam was just too straightforward.

Being the top in her major wasn't a big deal either. Enhua University offered over fifty majors, each with its own top student. With four grades, that added up to over two hundred "top students."

Su Xiaoqi had visited Qingmeng University and felt that there was a considerable gap and inadequacy compared to her own school.

Participating in an English speech contest at her school, which already had abundant foreign teaching resources, Su Xiaoqi found that formidable opponents were scarce. However, at Qingmeng University, it was an entirely different story; it seemed like any student from their school could easily outshine Enhua University.

Initially, according to the college entrance exam scores, this was true. Those entering Qingmeng University scored at least a hundred points higher than those entering Enhua University.

A hundred points represented the natural gap between academic excellence and mediocrity.

So, Su Xiaoqi felt a bit uneasy about her own top position. She thought her performance was average, attributing it to the teacher's leniency and the simplicity of the exam paper. However, listening to Professor Lu's lectures was quite rewarding. Although the exam paper was somewhat straightforward, the content covered in class was not compromised. Professor Lu delved into various challenging calculus problems, presenting them in an engaging and interesting manner. Su Xiaoqi found the classes enjoyable, and the time seemed to fly.

Meanwhile, Chu Yu, a fellow student, barely paid attention in class.

Finally enduring until the end of the school day, Su Xiaoqi collapsed on her desk and burst into tears—startling Su Xiaoqi, as she was at the neighboring desk.

Despite generally disliking Chu Yu's style, seeing a young girl cry prompted Su Xiaoqi and others, including the vice study committee member, the student in front of Su Xiaoqi, and a few boys from behind, to rush over.

Su Xiaoqi realized that her dormmates found Chu Yu too affected and distant, though she seemingly had good relationships with male students.

Chu Yu was genuinely upset. She had always presented herself as an academic achiever, which she couldn't accomplish in her previous school. However, now at Enhua, she scored high on the college entrance exam—two points higher than Su Xiaoqi, according to her careful inquiry. Yet, she ranked only in the thirties overall and even lower in her major. Su Li, her dormmate, scored better.

Chu Yu even suspected that Su Li might have connections, knowing the exam questions in advance. After all, Su Li played every day and didn't seem to have time to study.

Moreover, Su Xiaoqi, who participated in various extracurricular activities and seemed to be everywhere, like a social butterfly, unexpectedly ranked first in the class and major. She had a thirty-point lead over the second place in the major, which felt unfair to Chu Yu.

And, scoring a perfect hundred in calculus was just absurd. Why would someone who scored a hundred in calculus choose Enhua?

The more Chu Yu thought about it, the more wronged she felt.

Feeling wronged, tears finally spilled.

Now a group of people showed concern for her. Her eyes were red, tears streaming down warmly. She lifted her head, her nose also rosy, and she cried in a way that looked quite charming.

Upon hearing that she was crying because of poor exam results, Su Xiaoqi's classmates, including Chen Hanhe, responded in surprise.

Su Xiaoqi's friend group, known as Xiaoqi and her gang: ...This is quite something; it feels like we're back in kindergarten.

Chen Hanhe, who sat in front of Xiaoqi, immediately comforted her, "You said you weren't feeling well those days. With your health issues, it must be that you fell ill again, so you didn't do well on the exam. Don't be sad."

A bunch of boys joined in to console her, saying that it's okay if your health is not good, and it's not her fault.

Seeing so many people comforting her, Xiaoqi and her friends didn't want to join in the commotion. They quickly rushed to the cafeteria, fearing that if they were late, all the delicious food would be gone.

When Xiaoqi and her roommates had secured a good spot by the window, bought their meals, and were ready to eat, Chu Yu and her group finally arrived.

Chu Yu walked up to Su Xiaoqi, tears still in her eyes, and said, "I will definitely do better next time."

Xiaoqi was busy devouring her food, and Chu Yu suddenly said this, leaving her utterly confused.

If you want to do well, just do well. Xiaoqi wasn't her mother; why was Chu Yu saying this to her?

Finally managing to swallow her food, Xiaoqi said, "If your health is not good, you can jog more. I used to have poor health too, really. Next time, you won't have to perform poorly just because of your health."

Xiaoqi's words were sincere; her physical condition used to be not that great, and having subpar performance during exams was a common occurrence. Health is the foundation of everything.

However, Chu Yu interpreted it differently. She felt that Su Xiaoqi was insinuating that she faked being unwell, using it as an excuse.

Tears rolled down Chu Yu's face, repeating, "I will definitely do better next time."

Although she wanted to say she would outperform Xiaoqi next time, she ultimately didn't dare to utter those words.

Turning around, she walked away, followed by a group of people.

Among them, Chen Hanhe, the loyal follower, was detained by Mier.

"What's wrong with her? She deliberately came to Xiaoqi, cried, looked strong and wronged, making it seem like Xiaoqi bullied her."

Chen Hanhe didn't understand either, just instinctively defending, "No way, you're thinking too much. Probably, she wants to learn from the class monitor because she topped the exam."

"Ah, with so many ulterior motives, even if she puts one-thousandth of that into studying, I doubt she could surpass our Xiaoqi, who's probably number one in the major." Mier's voice was anything but quiet.

"Pfft!" Honest guy Wei Cheng accidentally sprayed rice everywhere.