Chapter 330

The large classroom with over 70 people was a bit stuffy, even with the windows open.

The applied statistics class in the morning, during the third and fourth periods, was quite difficult. In the spring drowsiness and autumn weariness, listening to the teacher lecturing incomprehensible content was still making many students nod off.

Because there was no need to get up early this morning, many students had gone to bed late last night, and as a result they lacked energy now.

Li Weijin was also not very spirited. It wasn’t because he had stayed up late playing games. Last night, he had actually studied diligently until after 2am. He even found it unbelievable himself. Unlike Su Li the arrogant rich second generation's mediocre popularity among the girls, Li Weijin was very popular among the boys.

Aside from him being especially generous and extravagant, he also never had a condescending attitude. He treated everyone almost impartially with his expressionless face. Therefore, he was still very popular among the boys. It was probably also because he didn’t have a roommate who suffered grievances every day.

Knowing that the young master wanted to study, his other three roommates very proactively went to other dorms to play games using the game console provided by the young master. They cleared up space for him to study quietly.


Li Weijin had studied diligently during the evening self-study in class. Back at the dorm, he continued to study.

His foundation wasn’t very good because he basically didn’t study in the past.

Back then, his brain was probably only used for others to look at - empty, containing nothing.

During the evening self-study, he encountered many difficulties. But he didn’t take the opportunity to ask questions to look for Xiao Qi, because he had too many questions. He felt that if he asked, Xiao Qi wouldn’t even need to attend the evening self-study. Although Xiao Qi had an easygoing personality and would answer other students' questions, there was a limit to one person's attention.

He wrote down the problems he encountered, preparing to solve them himself first. If he couldn’t solve them, then he would look for... her. Back at the dorm, it was the same as he continued to study from the beginning.

In the past, he felt studying was a very dull thing. He didn't expect that when he really started learning, he actually found it interesting. It wasn't so boring, and it even seemed quite fulfilling.


Unknowingly, it was already past 2am. If he wasn't worried about having dark eye circles that wouldn't look good the next day, he probably could have continued to work hard.

Studying until 2am was obviously different from playing games until 2am. Now he still lacked a bit of energy and felt like his brain was overused and depleted, making him feel muddled and groggy.

Xiao Qi had very good sleep habits so she didn't have this problem. She was quite spirited during class. However, one person's attention was still limited. In a 45-minute class period, it wasn't guaranteed that she could stay highly concentrated the whole time. By the final 5 minutes before the end of class, she also quietly started spacing out a bit.

She was thinking about elementary level Spanish in her mind. It seemed she had integrated and comprehended a lot of things, and remembering Teacher Aizhen's lessons made her understand even more clearly.

Judging by this level, her English should be at a proficient level already. Her Japanese and Spanish were at an elementary level, while her Korean was still a bit away from elementary level. Mainly because she was quite busy and didn't often spend time with Jin Zaiyan, so her self-study progress was slower.

Fortunately, after learning Japanese, she felt Korean was quite easy. The basics of listening and speaking were not too difficult and she had also grasped them.


After learning languages, Xiao Qi discovered that actual usage was exceptionally effective. She used English quite a lot usually, watched many Japanese and Korean dramas, but she really used very little Spanish.

Thinking about it, the school's sponsor Mrs. Su actually knew eight languages. Let alone anything else, just this one ability was too powerful.

Only after really going to study did she know it was not easy at all.

Thinking of foreign languages, Xiao Qi's thoughts suddenly jumped to buying a house.

After participating in this horse racing competition, she now had over 4.8 million RMB. Originally she wanted to buy a house in Capital City, but after inquiring about it, she learned that 4.8 million could not buy a good house in Capital City. Besides that, she simply did not have the qualifications to buy a house in Capital City. There were purchase restrictions in Capital City that prevented non-locals without a Capital City hukou from buying property.

Outsiders needed to provide 5 consecutive years of tax records or proof of social security contributions in Capital City to buy property there.

In short, Xiao Qi could not buy a house there, but she could buy in Meng City since her hukou was registered in Meng City.

She remembered the analysis Chairman had given her previously - if investing, buying a small 60-80 sqm apartment was the most cost-effective. Such units were easy to buy and sell. If it was a school district apartment, it could be even smaller. But school district apartments were related to policies so had to be chosen cautiously. It was possible that a certain school may be the district school for an area this year, but district boundaries may change after a few years.

Xiao Qi felt apartments in Meng City's city center were still too expensive, already reaching 50,000 to 60,000 RMB per sqm. Since she wouldn't live there, she preferred to buy in the development district, around 10,000 RMB per sqm. With that price, she might be able to buy 7 or 8 small units.

Just thinking about the quantity - owning 7 or 8 apartments herself - made her feel especially happy and satisfied, reassured.

Xiao Qi decided to go house hunting this weekend. With the experience from last time, she didn't need the Chairman to accompany her this time.

These couple of days, bank staff had actually called her. They said they were her exclusive wealth management advisor. They added her on WeChat and recommended her various wealth management products. There was one fund that could earn around 300 RMB in profit per day with an investment of just 30,000 RMB. It was practically sky-high returns. Xiao Qi's bank savings account didn't even earn 300 RMB per month.

If it wasn't for the system giving her money every day, Xiao Qi felt she could probably live her whole life just relying on interest income.

This was when the importance of education became evident. With just a bit of learning, one would know this kind of sky-high returns was unsustainable. Those 300 RMB per day could become a loss of the entire principal amount after a few days. If there really were such high returns, everyone would stop working and just buy funds to live their whole lives. The whole society would probably stagnate then.

Xiao Qi decisively blocked this wealth advisor, marking them with suspected fraud.

Of course it was also possible they weren't scammers, just that the examples they sent her seemed too exaggerated to Xiao Qi. It was still better not to get involved, otherwise it would be easy to get muddled.

Her father always told her, don't be greedy and you won't be easily fooled.

There was also Yunshu's birthday recently. Her mother had sent many things over again. One of the jade pendants was extremely beautiful, in the shape of a butterfly. One side was white while the other was light yellow, just like a real butterfly. It was vivid and very smooth and pleasant to touch.

Yunshu said it was Hetian seed jade. The yellow side was the skin. Her mother had a Suzhou master carve it exquisitely, at a very high price. Just the carving fee was over 10,000 RMB. The material itself was also extremely expensive, being a complete pebble of seed jade. Single pebbles like it would cost tens of thousands RMB.

-year-old Xiao Qi very rarely had special interest in something, but upon seeing that butterfly jade pendant, she felt it was especially beautiful. Beautiful things probably had a universal appeal to humans.

She also really wanted to have a jade pendant or something that could be worn around the neck or hand. It seemed different from other accessories, having a special significance.

The end of class bell rang, the final 5 minutes where Xiao Qi's mind wandered far away.

The classroom livened up as soon as the bell rang.

The teacher shook his head, took a cigarette, and sauntered out.