Chapter 363

Logical thinking ability? Xiao Qi seemed to be obsessed with learning recently.

She used to find programming and computers rather dull, but once she really delved into it, she found that world vast and boundless, too wondrous and beautiful.

It was another expansive world, another elegant language, concise and correct, without hesitation or indecision. Right was right, and wrong was wrong, with not even a misplaced comma: everything had its proper place.

Xiao Qi had grown accustomed to the system occasionally acting up, but she didn't particularly care who was intensely jealous.

She still called Bao Butler.

After she and the Young Master started dating, he had formally introduced her to the butler and given her his number to contact him anytime.


Xiao Qi was reluctant to bother Bao Butler too easily, feeling that her mind was an open book to him, with nothing to hide, which made her a bit uneasy.

When Bao Butler saw the incoming call, he answered right away, feeling quite excited.

Miss Qi had finally called him.

Initially, he hadn't approved of the Young Master's romance; it was normal for young people to date casually, with the steadfast Young Master and a string of transient girlfriends.

But after a series of recent events in the Li family, the butler felt they had to be a united front.

It all started when the Young Master mistakenly said he liked that bronze ware, and the Lady ended up spending five billion to buy it, infuriating the Eldest Young Master for several days.


Then the Patriarch unexpectedly spent over five billion more to buy land and build an exhibition hall for that broken ware. The Eldest Young Master was furious over the bronze ware for a month before calming down, only to explode again.

Somehow, that area has now become a key high-tech development zone for the country, with massive investment pouring in, instantly multiplying the land's value.

The Eldest Young Master was utterly devastated by the over ten billion spent in anger, triggered by Xiao Qi's innocent mistake, only for the returns to multiply and the investment to become a priceless asset that money can hardly buy.

The Eldest Young Master was severely shaken and fell into depression again.

Then, seeing the Younger Young Master shave his head bald to pursue his girlfriend, he immediately cheered up and went to work happily, as if joy must be built on others' suffering.

Unexpectedly, the bald Younger Young Master actually won over Xiao Qi and brought her home for a formal introduction.


So Bao Butler gained a new young mistress, and of course, his salary rose accordingly.

As an all-capable household manager, his compensation was extremely high.

High pay meant he had to deliver, and when Miss Qi called, just hearing her lovely voice, which he had longed for, was like heavenly music.

While answering the call, he immediately headed her way.

Driving the Bentley, he roared over to the student street.

At that moment, Chu Yu and the others were just leaving, and with Chu Yu no longer interested in listening, he found an excuse to disband the group.

As they were leaving, they ran into the butler exiting the Bentley and entering the private room, respectfully addressing the study committee member as "Miss Qi."

Jin Hu was stunned to see the visitor, realizing, damn, the boss must have bought out that whole development...

Jin Hu slunk away, while the butler sat down and carefully explained the situation to Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi was just as dumbfounded - so the building she bought could skyrocket in value? Double? Maybe even increase tenfold?

Xiao Qi quickly calculated - one million times ten is ten million; the system gave her thirty thousand a day, so it would take over three thousand days, nearly ten years, to reach ten million...

No wonder this was the feeling of overnight riches for the wealthy, a world she didn't understand.

After dismissing the man and thanking Bao Butler, Xiao Qi even bought him a pearl milk tea, as the campus tea was quite good and especially sweet.

The butler felt it was particularly thoughtful, even though serving the Young Masters was part of his duties and he was paid for it, but receiving an extra milk tea from her felt different. Despite the small hiccup in buying the property and the addition of a bald companion, Xiao Qi's life hadn't changed much, mainly focused on studying.

Li Weijin had also suddenly become a diligent student, and the two spent most of their time studying together, doing homework, reading books, and occasionally discussing questions from their textbooks.

However, their high looks still drew attention.

Especially Li Weijin - after shaving his head, someone took a video of him just walking and posted it on Douyin, garnering over two million likes for that simple walking clip.

There were indeed more face-worshippers in this world; even Xiao Qi had to admit that despite winning various competitions and championships, her highest like count was only around one million.

Xiao Qi was also good-looking, but she didn't typically give off a stunning aura - just a pretty student without makeup. Li Weijin, on the other hand, had exceptionally striking features that became more pronounced with shorter hair. It was said that extremely short hair had two extremes: either remarkably beautiful or remarkably ugly.

The sight of the two together was quite pleasing, and almost everyone at school knew of this pair. Although dating was prohibited at Enhua, the two were always just studying together, their interactions brimming with a romantic aura but without any untoward behavior. This was probably the most beautiful scene of campus romance.

Even the chairwoman, Mrs. Su, knew about it.

One day, after Xiao Qi's French class, Mrs. Su had some free time and chatted with her about dating.

"Do you know why the school rules prohibit students from dating?"

Xiao Qi's face immediately reddened at the question.

In fact, most students complained that this rule was too extreme.

"Isn't it because it seems unreasonable? A student's primary task is to study, and you're all too young to control your emotions and energy. If you put most of your effort into dating, you'll neglect your studies."

Xiao Qi felt like a child caught misbehaving when Mrs. Su said this. Mrs. Su was truly kind; every time Xiao Qi came for her class, she not only learned French but also witnessed Mrs. Su handle matters with a gentle breeze yet resolute actions, employing harsh measures yet also a delicate touch: truly formidable. Xiao Qi didn't refute that she and the Young Master actually spent most of their time studying together.

Being together was a fact, a flutter of the heart, a youthful infatuation.

Seeing Xiao Qi's discomfort, Su Longyu smiled: ah, the joys of youth.

"However, it's worthwhile for young people to experience a romance. You're excellent, and I admire one thing about you: not only do you study hard yourself, but you also motivate those around you. From what I know, that boy came from the preparatory program with very poor grades, but since being with you, his grades have skyrocketed, while you've continued making progress. Excellent."

Off to the side, Su Li muttered to herself: ...

Auntie, last time you told me if I dared date, you'd break my legs!!!

Xiao Qi had braced herself for a stern reprimand but was instead praised by Mrs. Su.

She was greatly encouraged and excited.

"Thank you, teacher. I will continue to work hard. I plan to complete my credits early..." In her excitement, Xiao Qi started rambling about her plans.

Su Longyu: ??

"Isn't Enhua good enough?"

"I really like Enhua, but I want an even greater challenge," Xiao Qi answered honestly.

Su Longyu very much appreciated this girl's exceptional academic performance and diligent efforts. Out of genuine admiration and affection, she advised, "Young people shouldn't aim too high; it's better to be more grounded."

Xiao Qi didn't expect Mrs. Su to say she was aiming too high, suddenly feeling deflated.

This feeling lingered for the night.

It wasn't until the next day, when she was drenched in sweat and panting after her run, that the frustration finally dissipated amidst her exhaustion.

Her parents were simply conventional people. As far as she could remember, they had never changed - her upbringing was all about being well-behaved, not going against the grain, obeying elders and teachers.

But one's life is so long. How would you know your limits if you didn't try your hardest and seize opportunities?

Besides, Xiao Qi was still young. The cost of trial and error was low. Even if she failed to complete all her course credits, she wouldn't lose much - just more time spent studying. And more time studying wasn't a waste, Xiao Qi believed. Where there were efforts, there would be rewards, even if not immediately apparent.

With this thought, Xiao Qi's spirits lifted.

There was no time to mope afterwards.

That week, she had the English Proficiency Test Level 4 exam.

All students were working hard to learn English.

Apart from that exam, Xiao Qi had also registered for the National Computer Rank Examination Level 2, which was held at Qingmeng University since their school, Enhua, wasn't an exam venue. She had also registered for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 2. The Japanese tests were graded from Level 1 to 5.

To take Level 5, the easiest level, one only needed to complete the grammar from the 'New Standards for Sino-Japanese Communication' Beginner Book 1 and know over 1,000 Japanese words.

Level 5 was so basic that there was hardly a need to take it.

Levels 4 and 3 didn't differ much - one had to complete the Beginner Book 2 grammar and know over 2,000 words.

Xiao Qi chose Level 2 because she had already finished the 'New Standards for Sino-Japanese Communication' Intermediate Books 1 and 2, mastering close to 10,000 words.

The last time she wanted to do a Japanese translation part-time job, the requirement was having a Level 2 certificate. Most Japanese companies required around Level 2 Japanese proficiency, as did Japanese studies graduate programs.

Level 1 required at least 12,000 words, plus knowledge of grammar and customs unique to Japan. Xiao Qi didn't feel very confident about it, so Level 2 seemed safer.

While each exam seemed simple on its own, doing all of them together was quite hectic.

This was when Xiao Qi realized the importance of logical thinking. She could handle multiple tasks more systematically, prioritizing by importance and sequence. Despite the number of things on her plate, she could tackle them in an orderly and well-planned manner.

The most noticeable difference was for the Computer Rank Exam Level 2. She felt much more at ease, able to write the programming assignments smoothly. Previously, there were times when she struggled with the logic, but now it felt like a breeze.

Her boyfriend had also registered for the Computer Rank Exam Level 2 and found it quite challenging. She didn't know if he would pass.

As for the English Proficiency Test Level 4, Xiao Qi found it very easy.

Li Weijin used to find it difficult, but this time he also felt it was quite easy. He might not score exceptionally high, but passing the test wouldn't be an issue.

Li Weijin had also started learning Japanese and registered for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 4, still at the beginner level.

Xiao Qi felt that the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 2 was a bit difficult but believed she could pass.

After taking the exam, she specially chatted with Mr. Yamamoto on WeChat.

To her surprise, Mr. Yamamoto, who had returned to Japan, remarked that their Level 2 test was too difficult - even he might not do well on it. He also invited her to visit his temple sometime.

Xiao Qi felt that Mr. Yamamoto's personality had become much more easygoing after returning to Japan.

Despite the hectic schedule, Xiao Qi kept up with her weekly French lessons with Mrs. Su.

Su Li could only suffer through it, bitterly studying along.

While she was just going through the motions, eventually she could speak basic French. Occasionally in class, she would practice French conversations with Xiao Qi.

Whenever this happened and everyone else looked dazed, Su Li felt immensely satisfied. Knowing a language that others didn't understand felt powerful - she could bad-mouth someone to the class president, and no one else would understand. Heh heh heh.

Soon, the results of the various exams came out.

It was another French lesson that day.

Xiao Qi had made tremendous progress in French, thanks in part to Mrs. Su's excellent teaching. Even Su Li, the half-baked student, could now communicate basic French.

After the lesson, Mrs. Su noticed that Xiao Qi seemed to have something on her mind.

The young lady was diligent in her studies and quite talented. Considering her age and background, her level of achievement was already impressive. Her character could use some tempering, but she was still very malleable at this stage.

"Is something on your mind? Do you have something to tell me?" Mrs. Su asked with a kind smile.

Xiao Qi nodded, her heart thumping.

In her eyes, Mrs. Su was the epitome of the perfect grandmother figure - highly knowledgeable, gentle yet resolute, not meek but efficient in handling matters. Xiao Qi had witnessed a few instances where Mrs. Su scolded others sternly, inspiring trepidation in her subordinates as she swiftly took charge.

It wasn't the typical table-banging rant. Just an aura of severity that exerted immense pressure. The first time Xiao Qi saw Mrs. Su angry, she was in awe of Su Li for not being fazed by her own grandmother's ferocity.

The phrase "flexible yet unbending" perfectly described Mrs. Su.

But this time, Xiao Qi simply wanted to share her achievements, without any lofty aspirations.

She placed her exam results in front of Mrs. Su - a score of 742 out of 750 for the English Proficiency Test Level 4 (pass mark was 425), an "Excellent" rating for the Computer Rank Examination Level 2, and 169 out of 180 for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 2 (pass mark was 90).

The official certificates had not been issued yet, so these were printouts of the online results.

Su Shuyuan: ...So you're bringing me your scores to rub it in my face? Typical kid, being so competitive. I just said one thing about your lofty ambitions and you can't let it go, even going out of your way to print the results for me to see!!!

She looked at the beaming young lady, eyes shining as she stared at Su expectantly.

"Ahem, not bad, you did well on all of them."