Chapter 379

"Friends walk together for life, those days are gone, just a few words for a lifetime, a life's romance over a cup of wine."

The old song 'Friends' ended the reunion of classmates.

Little Xiao Qi, after having some drinks, became extra lively. Although she didn't lose composure, she boldly sang several love songs into the mic, all the while gazing at Zaizai.

Zaizai's face turned completely red, like a boiled shrimp.

He didn't usually get drunk easily from alcohol, but at this moment, he was intoxicated by the singing.

After leaving the KTV, the butler had been waiting outside with the car.


The students hadn't gotten excessively drunk, so they could all go home without issues. But seeing that Xiao Qi's boyfriend actually had someone to pick him up, they felt a tinge of jealousy.

Aside from that, these two had been unintentionally flaunting their lovey-dovey relationship throughout the gathering and made everyone feel full from their display.

Li Meimei also saw that car and immediately recognized it as a Maybach, not just an ordinary Mercedes costing a few hundred thousand. Some people really have it easier than others in life.

She had thought she had found true love when Liu Shaowei treated her so well. Her friends advised her against it, but she thought they were just jealous. Now she realized they were incompatible after all. Liu Shaowei cared too much about appearances, was aloof, yet able to endure. She saw the look in his eyes when he gazed at that other girl, suppressing jealousy, resentment, and other emotions, yet still openly congratulating them. It gave her quite a fright.

She decided to return to the Capital City tomorrow...

The butler first sent Xiao Qi to the hospital due to her period, as she had requested earlier. If she didn't go, her parents would probably worry and not be able to sleep at night. Afterwards, he sent the young master home.


He left the keys and access card for the apartment he had bought under Xiao Qi's name.

Xiao Qi didn't know about this. The apartment was purchased in her name.

Li Weijin's parents and elder brother all agreed to it. Previously when Li Weijin mentioned the little lamb gift Xiao Qi gave him, his elder brother Li Tangsong thought she was just another girl after his money and even had someone appraise it. But he was proven wrong and held a grudge, not wanting to be indebted to others.

He saw all women as only interested in his wealth, but he hated owing others favors. So when his parents suggested buying property in Lvshan City, he figured he might as well just buy it for that girl. The 4 million yuan was much more expensive than the ancient jade, but what was truly unbelievable was that his parents' money-burning exhibition hall actually started getting a steady stream of visitors every day because of the girl's art exhibition.

The exhibition hall was incredibly popular, with people constantly booking personal exhibits. Calculated this way, it was profitable rather than a loss.

In the end, the entire Li family approved of this decision. Zaizai knew Xiao Qi liked houses and thought this gift was fitting.


Everyone knew about it except Xiao Qi herself. She had simply tossed the keys and access card into her bag when she received them.

After stopping to buy some food, she headed to the hospital.

Zaizai was reluctantly pulled away by the butler, but he respected Xiao Qi's wishes. They spent so much time together at school already. Xiao Qi had only been home for a few days during this short winter break, so she probably wanted to spend time with family.

As Xiao Qi entered the hospital, the pungent smell of disinfectant, which she hadn't smelled in a long time, felt unexpectedly familiar and nostalgic.

Just as she came in, she saw her aunt carrying a basket of freshly washed clothes to be hung out to dry.

"Auntie!" Xiao Qi called out happily.

"You're here. Let me hang these clothes first, wait a bit," her aunt replied. If they weren't in a hospital, Xiao Qi might not have recognized her. Her aunt had lost nearly a third of her weight, and her caretaker uniform hung loosely. But she still seemed quite strong as she effortlessly carried the large basket of clothes.

The hospital wasn't quiet at night, but rather quite noisy, as it was a traditional Chinese medicine hospital with many long-term patients who treated it like their home. Xiao Qi used to find it noisy, smelly and chaotic, but now it felt comfortingly familiar.

Xiao Qi set her things down and helped her aunt hang the clothes to dry.

"Oh right, the Little Lin family next door moved out. Little Lin is doing well for himself - I heard he started making money in university."

Xiao Qi was a bit surprised, but realized it made sense for Brother Lin Min to be earning and providing a better environment for his parents.

"Is Uncle Lin still working at the hospital?"

"Old Lin doesn't work here anymore. A few days ago he went out drinking, ended up breaking his leg in a fall. Such a pity, he has no blessing. But the very next day, his son came back saying he had made money and found them a new place. He took his broken-legged father away. That Old Lin was good for nothing anyway, always drinking and getting handsy when drunk..." Her aunt rambled on.

Xiao Qi didn't know why, but she felt relieved yet apprehensive at the same time.

Recalling the system's constant warnings about the increasingly dark path of Brother Lin Min... it all seemed a bit too coincidental.

She had heard her aunt complain privately a few times before that she really disliked men who beat women. This was the reason for her past argument with Lin Min's father, and why she didn't talk to Lin Min's father or respect his mother either, feeling they should have just gotten divorced instead.

As her aunt chattered about the hospital's goings-on, Xiao Qi noticed her face still had that ever-present smile like before. But it was now full of real joy rather than a reluctant facade. Her dark, shiny hair was tied in a long braid, complementing her fair skin and pearl necklace - a gift Xiao Qi had sent her.

"The pearl necklace you bought looks very nice. The patients in the wards all complimented it," her aunt mentioned.

Xiao Qi thought the slimmer look really suited her aunt, making her taller figure and curves more apparent. She used to be overweight, but now had a pleasing, shapely figure.

"I'm glad you like it, Auntie."

"But don't keep buying me so many things next time, it's a waste of money."

"They weren't expensive. I bought lots of snacks too - do you still eat night snacks, Auntie?"

"I do eat them. I'm not on a diet, just exercising more. The trainer said it's healthier this way, the occasional night snack is fine."

They entered the dimly lit underground tunnel. With the Lin family's former residence vacant next door, it felt even more spacious now, though still quite bright. Xiao Qi could no longer hear the sounds of Brother Lin Min and his sister arguing like before, and felt slightly unsettled by the change.

The room remained exactly as Xiao Qi had left it, with the vase of fresh flowers.

Aside from the flowers, there was little else besides a plate of fruit.

Even being an underground room, it had a vibrant, lived-in atmosphere. Her aunt habitually turned on a device playing excerpts from the opera The Dream of the Red Chamber.

They sat eating spicy hot pot and large steamed buns, a feeling Xiao Qi had sorely missed.

"Found a boyfriend yet?" her aunt suddenly asked.

Xiao Qi's face flushed as she nodded.

"That's good, you're young, hurry up and date around," her aunt said, her own face turning slightly red. "I'm not working here after the New Year. An old patient introduced me to someone - he runs a fruit store, a widower with a university student daughter. Seems like a good man."

"Really? Congratulations, Auntie! Will you bring him home to meet us during the holidays?"

"I already did. Your uncle and aunt think he's decent - honest, good personality. His daughter is back from university, why don't we all have dinner together tomorrow night so you can meet them?"

"Okay." This was a major event for her aunt, so Xiao Qi had to agree.

After chatting some more, Xiao Qi washed up, intending to practice her calligraphy before bed. The familiar study desk filled her with nostalgia, as if it was just yesterday rather than so long ago. Her aunt still worked the night shift caring for patients, but only the first half - she rested during the latter part. Not staying up all night contributed to her much improved complexion and figure from regular exercise. No wonder she had found someone too. Xiao Qi had worried her aunt would remain alone, but now she could sleep at ease.

At midnight, her aunt returned to sleep. They each had their own bed, no need to squeeze together.

Xiao Qi slept extraordinarily peacefully, the nearby morgue remaining quite still and peaceful too.

The next day at noon, after bidding farewell to Zaizai, with the New Year approaching, they couldn't spend it here and had to return home. Zaizai was reluctant to leave and remained in a low mood, staring blankly out the car window for a long time.

The butler thought for a moment and said, "Ahem, Young Master, your time is limited now. Xiao Qi has prepared a lot of assignments for you."

Zaizai: ...

Alright, he took out his books and began studying.

In the afternoon, Xiao Qi was running on the campus of No.1 Middle School. The young girl Liang Jiajia also came and excitedly ran alongside her, boasting that she had ranked fifth in her grade for the final exams, and her mother had rewarded her with a new phone while her father had gifted her a new lens.

Talking about the lens her father bought her, she felt particularly proud, "That auntie with the dark face, my dad said if I rank in the top three next time, he'll buy me another one."

Originally intending to take Xiao Qi out for dinner, but Xiao Qi said she had something to do with her aunt in the evening, so they had to return. However, Jiajia had secretly recorded videos of Xiao Qi running, studying, and learning throughout the afternoon, with a mischievous grin on her face.

Xiao Qi felt very happy. The young girl had changed a lot since their first encounter. Initially, as a child from a single-parent family, she was a bit cynical, although very smart but unwilling to study. Now, however, she had become diligent and cheerful, no longer harboring resentment towards her father and showing understanding for her mother's hard work. Unnoticed, the young girl seemed to have grown up.

In the evening, her aunt wore a dress with a long coat over it. She wasn't slim, but her tall stature made her look quite good. Xiao Qi even helped her aunt with makeup, lightly touching up her eyebrows. Not heavily made up, but just a few strokes, making her look refreshed and nice.

It was evident that her aunt was quite fond of that man, as she had put a lot of thought into her attire.

However, Xiao Qi was a little worried. Since the man had a daughter, recalling how hostile Jiajia had been towards her father's "auntie," she wasn't sure how the situation would unfold, even though her aunt's circumstances were different as a potential stepmother.

According to her aunt, over the past six months, she hadn't been giving money to her cousin but instead asked her cousin what she needed to buy. She had also communicated with her ex-husband, only to discover that they had both been giving money to their daughter without knowing what she was doing with it.

As a result, after she stopped giving her daughter money, her daughter didn't contact her for half a year. Compared to her daughter's indifference, Xiao Qi would occasionally call her, which made her feel a bit sad. But giving without receiving anything in return had fostered a selfish personality, which would only worsen in the future. So she endured it. Previously, all the money she earned was basically taken away by her daughter under various pretexts. Now, she had started saving, and if her daughter were to get married in the future, she could use the savings to buy her some nice, big items, which would be better than squandering it all now.

Xiao Qi didn't say much. Her cousin was a few years younger than her, around the same age as Lin Min's sister, and still quite rebellious. Originally, it would have been more appropriate for her cousin to join them for dinner, but her aunt called and said her cousin wouldn't be coming.

They had made a reservation at Lvshan Restaurant, a formal establishment suggested by the man, indicating that he also attached great importance to the occasion.

Neither Xiao Qi nor her aunt arrived too early or too late, leaving just in time to arrive at the scheduled time.

At Lvshan Restaurant, by the window, sat a father and daughter at a table. The father wore a black jacket with a brand new sweater underneath, and old trousers with frayed hems. His shoes were canvas.

Across from him sat his daughter, intently scrolling through Douyin on her phone.

"Wenwen, your Aunt Su will be bringing her niece with her shortly. It seems her niece also studies here in Meng City at a private school. You two can chat since you're both students."

Upon hearing "private school," Gao Wenwen raised an eyebrow. "Dad, I don't think we'll have much in common. Private school students are usually underachievers. And why do I have to be there while you're meeting your girlfriend? It's the same old story, isn't it?"

"No, no, this time is different. Your Aunt Su is a really nice person, hardworking with a great personality." He tugged at the sweater he was wearing, which Little Su had knitted for him. It was particularly warm and fit him perfectly. Little Su was beautiful, elegant, kind, and industrious. He was very satisfied, his only concern being whether his daughter would like her.

Gao Wenwen remained silent, continuing to scroll through Douyin. One of the local accounts she followed had just updated with her idol's running routine, even at No.1 Middle School. She was a student at No.2 Middle School and had ranked third in the entire school during last year's college entrance exams, gaining admission to Qingmeng University.

She was now a sophomore English major student at Qingmeng University and a member of the student council. When organizing a speech competition for new first-year students, she became a fan of a particular girl. This girl was truly amazing. Originally, Wenwen had thought Qingmeng University would be unbeatable, but a student from Enhua University had come in first place. She had paid attention to this girl ever since and discovered that she was incredibly talented, to the point of making her want to cry.

Not only was she athletically gifted, but her academic performance was also exceptional, always ranking first in exams. With such great grades, why didn't she go to Qingmeng University instead of wasting her time at Enhua?

Wenwen often came across her on Douyin. Seeing her was always inspiring. Although from a single-parent family and deeply impacted by her mother's passing, often waking up from nightmares in tears, seeing this young girl filled her with motivation and a positive, upbeat spirit.

So, even though she was a sophomore, she still looked up to that young girl.

As for the aunt her father wanted to date, when it rains, the father wants to remarry: she couldn't stop it, let him love whoever he wants. In the future, she would only have her idol, and she would strive forward on her own.