Chapter 511

She took out a few small paper packets from her bosom and opened them, revealing their contents before Minister Hao.

"Father, look at these - they are poisons I made myself. With these, I can ensure my safety if I encounter danger.

Besides, even though my husband and I intend to deal with those people, we have no intention of acting rashly and will always prioritize our own safety."

Mo Jiuye also understood He Zhiran's intention in saying this and chimed in:

"Father-in-law, today presents a good opportunity."

As he spoke, he bent down and began searching Liu Gonggong's body.


Soon, his hand emerged holding a token similar to the one they had used to enter the city earlier.

"Father-in-law, with this token, I can enter the palace without much effort."

Minister Hao stared at Mo Jiuye, and the determined look in his eyes confirmed that his son-in-law was not joking.

Even if he wanted to stop them, he would likely be powerless to do so.

Moreover, he was also aware that in order to eliminate the Empress's faction, the first step would be to undermine their power. And the person who could undermine the Empress's faction was the Shun Wu Emperor.

Now that the Shun Wu Emperor's fate was unclear, if Mo Jiuye could successfully enter the palace and learn some useful information, it would be beneficial. At the very least, they could understand the situation within the enemy's camp and devise countermeasures accordingly.


After considering it from all angles, apart from his own daughter wanting to accompany Mo Jiuye into the palace, Minister Hao could not find any reason to stop their actions.

He Zhiran also understood the need to seize the opportune moment.

"Father, I will disguise myself as an attendant and accompany my husband. After all, we may need to investigate the rear palace, which would be inconvenient for my husband, a grown man, to enter alone. Don't worry, I promise we will return safely."

Minister Hao looked at He Zhiran helplessly but eventually acquiesced.

He solemnly said to Mo Jiuye, "If that's the case, I entrust Zhiran to you."

"Rest assured, Father-in-law, I will ensure Zhiran's safe return without a single hair harmed." Glancing at the sky, the hour was already late.


Minister Hao reminded them, "As far as I know, the palace guards change shifts at midnight. If you plan to act, it would be best after midnight."

Both Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran understood the reason for this.

After all, Liu Gonggong had just left the palace earlier that night with two attendants, and if they returned before the shift change, not only would the guards be different, but one would also be missing, which would undoubtedly arouse suspicion.

However, after midnight, when the guards changed shifts, it would be different. No one would know who or how many people had left the palace during the previous shift.

With limited time, Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran could not linger to converse further with Minister Hao. He called over Feng Shu and dragged the three attendants into the courtyard.

Since Feng Shu had already said that Minister Hao had sent all the servants away, they did not need to worry about being seen.

Mo Jiuye stripped the two attendants of their clothes, then swiftly took their lives with his knife.

"Feng Shu, please dispose of these bodies properly."

"Rest assured, Young Master, I will take care of it."

In the dead of night, looking at the three corpses, Feng Shu was terrified.

But considering that this could save his old master's life, he no longer cared about anything else.

There was no time to waste. Seeing that the hour had reached midnight, Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran hid behind a folding screen and changed into the attendants' clothes.

Fortunately, one of the attendants was of a shorter stature, and his clothes, though slightly loose, fit He Zhiran reasonably well in terms of length.

Mo Jiuye had a more robust build, so he wore Liu Gonggong's clothes, which were also a bit large but did not look too out of place.

He Zhiran quickly applied her makeup, and the two emerged from behind the screen.

"Father, we will enter the palace now. This journey may take some time, so please do not worry. Trust in my husband's abilities; we will return unharmed."

He Zhiran could not guarantee that their mission would be successful - not because of any danger, but rather the uncertainty of whether they would be able to meet the people they intended to see.

If they encountered any obstacles, they might have to hide in the secret space for a while before finding another opportunity to act.

Therefore, it was necessary for her to give this warning.

If Minister Hao assumed they had not returned from the palace after a long time and gave up hope, all their efforts would be in vain.

But that was not all she needed to convey.

"Father, the Minister's Residence is no longer safe. The Empress has developed the intention to kill you. She sent three attendants today, but they failed. There's no guarantee she won't try other methods to assassinate you.

For your safety, once Feng Shu has disposed of the bodies, you should depart. When my husband and I return, we will meet you directly at the Fei Residence."

According to Minister Hao's initial intentions, he did not wish to leave the Minister's Residence. Moreover, before He Zhiran and the others arrived, he had resigned himself to death.

But seeing his daughter's pleading gaze, his heart softened.

"Very well, I will listen to you and go to Fei Nanyu's place with Feng Shu later."

Previously, Mo Jiuye had already revealed Fei Nanyu's true identity to him. Although he had not interacted much with Fei Nanyu, he was not entirely unaware of his talents.

Nan Qi was a foolish and arrogant man. Before the Empress's faction took control of the court, Nan Qi had enjoyed immense power and prestige.

Nan Qi's success could be attributed to the insightful suggestions he frequently proposed at court, which caught everyone's attention.

Whether others could see it or not, Minister Hao clearly understood the truth.

During the morning court sessions, Nan Qi would always bring Fei Nanyu along, and on the way, Fei Nanyu would continuously advise Nan Qi on various matters.

Therefore, Minister Hao could confirm that Nan Qi's far-sighted proposals were due to Fei Nanyu's guidance behind the scenes.

Compared to the false prince Nan Qi, Minister Hao was more inclined to support Fei Nanyu's claim to the throne.

Setting aside Fei Nanyu's profound knowledge, in terms of royal lineage, he was the true heir to the imperial bloodline.

Seeing his father's agreement, He Zhiran and Mo Jiuye finally set out under the moonlight.

The patrolling guards on the streets remained vigilant, maintaining a state of high alert.

To minimize trouble, Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran used their lightness skills, leaping from rooftop to rooftop, and arrived directly at the palace gates.

The guards at the gate were all highly alert, evidently well-trained professionals.

The two composed themselves, trying to appear as natural as possible.

Mo Jiuye walked in front, while He Zhiran followed closely behind with her head lowered.

After all, having frequently visited the palace from a young age, Mo Jiuye could still mimic certain movements and attitudes.

Especially dressed in Liu Gonggong's clothes, as Liu Gonggong was the Empress's capable attendant and undoubtedly held a high rank.

For people like him, while lacking in other skills, their forte was certainly to flaunt their connections and status.

With these considerations in mind, as they approached the palace gates, Mo Jiuye clasped his hands behind his back, slightly tilted his chin upwards at an appropriate angle, and strained his vocal cords to sound more nasal.

"Open the gates! We are here on the Empress Mother's orders to report an urgent matter."