Chapter 515

"Young Master Mo, this servant is about to tell you something that may sound unbelievable, but it is all true."

Seeing Granny Wang speaking so solemnly, Mo Jiuye immediately guessed what she was about to say.

"Concubine Yuan must have misunderstood, I am undoubtedly from the Mo family, and not her biological son."

Upon hearing his words, Granny Wang froze on the spot.

"What are you saying, Young Master? Could it be that you already knew about this?"

Granny Wang let go of He Zhiran's hand and walked towards Mo Jiuye, clearly not believing what he said and thinking that he was just unwilling to accept the truth.


"Young Master, this servant knows you may have doubts about this matter, but you are indeed Concubine Yuan's child..."

"Granny, I have no doubts, because I know Concubine Yuan's biological son is someone else."

Granny Wang stared intently at Mo Jiuye's expression, and seeing that he spoke without any emotion and looked extremely calm, she somewhat believed his words.

"Young Master said Concubine Yuan's biological son is someone else?"

Mo Jiuye nodded: "And that person is in the capital."

Just as Granny Wang was about to ask Mo Jiuye who this person was and where he was, Concubine Yuan on the bed showed signs of stirring.


"You...what did you say?"

Hearing this very weak voice, everyone's gaze shifted to Concubine Yuan.

Granny Wang was the first to approach the bed, her eyes already wet with tears. "My Lady, you're awake. This servant will fetch you some warm water immediately."

In Granny Wang's heart, although she was eager to help her mistress recognize her son, her mistress's health was more important.

Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran did not stop Granny Wang from leaving, as they felt it would be better to tell Concubine Yuan in person. He Zhiran knew about Concubine Yuan's condition - her poor health was mainly due to excessive shock and malnutrition. Sitting up for a short while would not harm her body.

"My Lady, let me help you sit up for a bit."


Concubine Yuan did not object, as she also wanted to sit and talk to them.

After being helped up to a sitting position against the headboard by He Zhiran, Concubine Yuan looked at Mo Jiuye.

She still called Mo Jiuye by his name as she had before.

"Jiuye, what did you mean by what you said earlier? Could it really be that you are not my son? And how did you come to know this?"

Concubine Yuan's tone was clearly urgent.

"Concubine Yuan, I truly am not your son. Your son is currently in the capital, serving as an aide under Nan Qi.

Furthermore, Fe Mama is also in his hands. The only reason Fe Mama is unwilling to come forward and testify is because she is related to Nan Qi..."

Seeing that Concubine Yuan's spirits were not too bad at the moment and that she was not overly emotional, Mo Jiuye went ahead and told her everything he knew.

Just as he finished speaking, Granny Wang walked in carrying a cup of warm water.

In fact, while Mo Jiuye was speaking, she had been listening outside the door and did not interrupt.

Mo Jiuye knew Granny Wang was listening and did not mind.

At this moment, Granny Wang was somewhat flustered.

She placed the cup on the table and said angrily, "Young Master, are you saying that back then, Fe Mama took it upon herself to take the young prince and switch him with her own nephew?"

Mo Jiuye nodded: "Indeed, the current Nan Qi is Fe Mama's own nephew."

Granny Wang narrowed her eyes.

"No wonder, whenever Concubine Yuan mentioned Young Master in front of us servants, Fe Mama's gaze would always be evasive.

So it turns out she hid so much just to make her nephew become the prince.

Concubine Yuan never mistreated her, yet she committed such a betrayal..."

Granny Wang grew more and more incensed as she spoke, finally letting it all out.

"Back when Prince Qi dragged Li Auntie out of Concubine Yuan's palace and beat her to death, the excuse was that Li Auntie had done something wrong towards Concubine Yuan.

On that same day, Fe Mama also disappeared without a trace, and we thought she had suffered the same fate as Li Auntie under Prince Qi's hand. Little did we know that she had fled after discovering something was amiss."

At the same time, Granny Wang patted her own chest.

"Fortunately, when Concubine Yuan ordered the child to be switched those years ago, I had returned home to attend to my ailing mother and did not participate in the matter.

Even if I had known, it was long after that Concubine Yuan told me about it.

Prince Qi must have thought that back then, I was not involved and did not know, so he did not treat me like Li Auntie.

Otherwise, I would have turned to dust long ago and been unable to continue serving Concubine Yuan."

Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran were not particularly interested in what Granny Wang said.

His main purpose in revealing this was, on one hand, that as Fei Nanyu's biological mother, Concubine Yuan had a right to know who her son was.

More importantly, he hoped that for the sake of her biological son, Concubine Yuan would be willing to restore Fei Nanyu's identity, even at the risk of committing a crime of deceiving the emperor.

Although Concubine Yuan had not spoken, her mind was constantly contemplating.

To have sat firmly in the position of a concubine for so many years, her intelligence must not be lacking.

Although Mo Jiuye's revelation shocked her, it did not reach the point of being unacceptable.

After Granny Wang fell silent for a while, Concubine Yuan finally spoke.

"Thank you, Young Master, for telling me these things and for helping Nanyu.

If I have a chance to see the Emperor, I will definitely tell him the truth from back then, and let Nanyu take back what originally belonged to him."

Now that she was a mother herself, He Zhiran could understand that Concubine Yuan's concern for Fei Nanyu was not superficial.

The only thing she was unsatisfied with Concubine Yuan about was that as a mother, she had been willing to exchange her own flesh and blood for glory, wealth, and status.

If she had known she gave birth to a daughter back then, would she still have done the same?

He Zhiran only thought these things to herself; as for what Concubine Yuan would do, those were not matters she should concern herself with.

Mo Jiuye also did not approve of Concubine Yuan's actions, and his thoughts were similar to He Zhiran's - these were other people's family matters, and all they could do was reveal the truth.

"Concubine Yuan, since your health seems to have recovered, my wife and I will not linger here any longer."

After all, this was Concubine Yuan's bedchamber, especially as she was still being watched by the Empress's people. If someone came to check, it would not be very convenient for them to remain.

Moreover, the couple had not slept all night, and it was not a good time to take action during the day. It would be better for them to rest properly in their space, and then continue their actions after nightfall.