Chapter 434

After leaving the Chaoyang Palace, not far along the way, Zhao Hua suddenly heard someone calling her from outside the carriage.

She lifted the carriage curtain and saw that the person blocking the way was Consort Yin.

Zhao Hua smiled and asked her, "Consort Yin? You're carrying a food basket, are you going to find His Majesty?"

Consort Yin glanced at the attendant Xiao Fuzi, then smiled bitterly and said:

"Xiao Fuzi is loyal to you, Your Majesty. What I tell him, he may not divulge to others, but he would never hide it from you."

Consort Yin had always been blunt, but she was not a simpleton.


Zhao Hua preferred conversing with intelligent people.

She nodded slightly, not responding verbally, but arched her eyebrows as she gazed ahead, saying:

"After passing through the Zhongsi Gate, we'll enter the Imperial Garden. The chrysanthemums are in full bloom this autumn. I haven't had a chance to see them yet. Would Consort Yin kindly accompany me for a stroll?"

Consort Yin knelt and said, "It would be my pleasure."

With Consort Yin's assistance, Zhao Hua alighted from the phoenix carriage, and they walked side by side.

The servants followed at a distance to attend to them. Upon arriving at the Imperial Garden, Zhao Hua glanced at the food basket that Consort Yin had been carrying and asked: "I noticed you wouldn't even let your maid carry this food basket. Is the food inside a token of your affection for His Majesty?"


Consort Yin nodded. "My family's estate recently presented some premium yak. His Majesty bestowed them all upon me."

Then, she suddenly smiled bitterly.

"I thought His Majesty was being considerate of my homesickness, but I heard that Mongolia sent sixteen tribute horses of the finest bloodstock... Compared to those precious horses, my family's little gesture pales in comparison.

No wonder His Majesty treats Noble Consort Ru with such favor, far more intimately than me. Last month, Noble Consort Ru attended His Majesty's bedchamber twice, while I can't even remember the last time His Majesty visited my palace."

Hearing the sorrow in her words, Zhao Hua tried to console her.

"You mustn't be too disheartened. You've served His Majesty for so long, how could he neglect you? It's just that state affairs have been demanding lately, so he..."


"I know His Majesty's intentions as clear as a mirror," Consort Yin shook her head with a light sigh, interrupting Zhao Hua. "Since the Crown Prince went missing at his first birthday celebration, I've realized that I'm merely a pawn for His Majesty to keep the North Tribe in check. Now that the North Tribe's power is completely diminished, His Majesty has no need to placate this pawn any longer."

Zhao Hua said, "Consort Yin, you are mistaken. His Majesty has always treated all nations and tribes with respect, never neglecting Mongolia or the North Tribe."

Consort Yin laughed, "His Majesty must think I'm a fool, just as he seems to think the entire Ada Tribe are fools. The day the Crown Prince disappeared without a trace, His Majesty suspected the North Tribe was responsible and ordered his troops to attack, severely crippling the North Tribe. Do you know why the North Tribe's annual tribute to the court pales in comparison to Mongolia's, Your Majesty?

It's because of that war... The Qi Dynasty practically plundered everything of value from the North Tribe. The North Tribe now faces starvation and destitution... Surely His Majesty himself is aware of this situation?

Later, when the Crown Prince returned to the palace, returned to you, His Majesty claimed it was to protect the Crown Prince. But to protect the Crown Prince, must he sacrifice the entire North Tribe's loyalty to the Qi Dynasty?"

What Consort Yin said, Zhao Hua had heard before from Xiao Jingyan.

That day, Xiao Jingheng used the Crown Prince's disappearance as an excuse to attack the North Tribe. Zhao Hua initially thought he was trying to find a pretext to cover up his act of burying his own child alive, but his schemes went far beyond that.

He took the opportunity to brutally attack the North Tribe, burning, looting, and pillaging, turning the North Tribe into a living hell.

Xiao Jingyan had asked Xiao Jingheng if such treatment of the North Tribe was appropriate,

but Xiao Jingheng's reply was,

"The North Tribe is a foreign tribe that only submits to the Qi Dynasty to eke out a living. I use their abundant resources to nourish the millions of Qi Dynasty subjects, and that is for the greater good." In other words, in Xiao Jingheng's eyes, except for the Qi Dynasty, all foreign tribes and nations, even if they submit, will eventually be consumed and drained dry by him.

Zhao Hua remained silent, listening as Consort Yin continued:

"When the Crown Prince disappeared, everyone in the palace suspected the North Tribe was responsible and thought I must have been involved. Even His Majesty treated me with coldness. Only you, Your Majesty, were willing to give me the benefit of the doubt."

Her eyes glistened with tears as she said emotionally:

"As the saying goes, we of the barbaric tribes may be lowly, but we always repay kindness with lifelong gratitude. So I have always tried not to disappoint the trust you once placed in me. But His Majesty..."

Consort Yin slowly opened the food basket, gazing at the still-warm roasted beef inside, and her tears flowed.

"My little gesture was unworthy of him. Never mind..."

With that, she poured the entire tray of beef into the Imperial Lake.

Seeing her actions, Zhao Hua first glanced back at the palace maids following behind, then lowered her voice and said to Consort Yin:

"Consort Yin, no matter what, His Majesty is your husband. Such words and actions from you are acceptable in my presence to vent your feelings. But if you were to say or do this in front of His Majesty, it would be a grave insult. Not only would you bring misfortune upon yourself, but you would also implicate your family."

Consort Yin wiped her tears and took a deep breath, then said fearlessly:

"I know everyone in the palace is acting in front of His Majesty. After all this time, how many people are truly sincere with him? Affection calculated and weighed based on self-interest - what else can it bring but others' calculations in return?"

She clenched her fists tightly and said through gritted teeth:

"I only regret that the North Tribe has been so loyal to the Qi Dynasty, only to end up being completely plundered and left as an empty shell!"

Zhao Hua heard Consort Yin's breathing grow heavier, and suddenly said softly in her ear:

"If I had a way to make His Majesty return everything plundered from your North Tribe, would you be willing to try it?"

Consort Yin was taken aback and hurriedly asked in bewilderment:
