Chapter 439

Facing Consort Yun's pressing inquiries, Ru Ge remained utterly calm and composed.

"Your humble servant's family gained the Emperor's favor and support, lifting us from destitution to our current honored status. Thus, from a young age, your servant often heard her father speak highly of the Emperor.

Living in deep seclusion, your servant rarely saw other men, but we had a portrait of the Emperor hung in our home - he was the man your servant saw most often."

A thin smile played on her lips, her eyes brimming with innocent yet profoundly touching shyness and emotion.

"Back then, your servant would often gaze at the Emperor's portrait, lost in thought, wondering what kind of person he might be.

One day, my mother caught me doing so and informed me that as the daughter of an official family, I would eventually have to attend the palace selection to potentially become one of the Emperor's consorts.


Although young at the time, your servant understood that if chosen, the Emperor would become her husband..."

Her voice trailed off as she lifted her gaze, eyes glistening with tears like a lake brimming with spring waters, rendering one deeply moved.

"So from a very early age, your servant regarded the Emperor as her husband. When first learning embroidery, the first item your servant made was this pair of interlocked hearts, as she wished to present her initial devotion to her future husband. Your servant sees no fault in this."

Ru Ge's gaze met Xiao Jingheng's softening eyes, realizing she had finally gained favor before the Emperor.

Though unwilling to draw attention to herself, she couldn't help but recite a line:

"Eight hundred clouds return to the lonely mountain temple, inch by inch stretching, inch by inch shaded..."


Hearing this poem, Xiao Jingheng expressed surprise: "These are verses I composed in memory of the late Empress Jiarui. They were never made public - how did you come to know them?"

Ru Ge nodded lightly, "Your humble servant admires the Emperor's talents, and any poems composed by the Emperor that I have heard, I commit to memory and study in private. There are many others besides this one..."

After a brief silence, clarity gradually dawned on Xiao Jingheng.

So Ru Ge's affections for him had taken deep root long ago.

No wonder she had willingly married the Prince of An and remained in his household as a spy,

and when selected for the palace, she had been overwhelmed with tears of joy, far more emotional than others chosen.


At this moment, he addressed her with a warm tone: "Rise. I understand your intentions now."

As she stood, Zhao Hua retrieved the interlocked hearts Xiao Jingheng had set aside and tossed them to Ru Ge.

Ru Ge caught them, cradling them preciously against her chest, before speaking softly:

"Your humble servant begs the Empress's forgiveness..."

"These were made for the Emperor as a pair, but one has been burned. I permit you to keep this as a model to make an identical replacement. When finished, you may present it to the Emperor yourself, fulfilling your original intent."

Hearing Zhao Hua's words surprised even Xiao Jingheng.

He looked at her with a hint of pleasant surprise in his expression.

Ru Ge, too, stared wide-eyed in bewilderment: "Your Majesty means to..."

Zhao Hua smiled, "Your sincere admiration for the Emperor far exceeds the petty schemes of many in the palace pursuing selfish desires. I am not so petty as to deny you. I will grant the genuine feelings you and others have for the Emperor. However..."

She paused, then shyly met Xiao Jingheng's gaze.

"My lord, I find the idea delightful. In time, I too shall embroider a pouch for you, with your name on the surface and mine hidden within. You must wear it daily, agreed?"

Xiao Jingheng smiled faintly and nodded. "Of course."

Then, turning his gaze to the now pale and trembling Cai Jie kneeling below, he said coldly:

"This servant has uttered vile slanders. Guards, drag her away and cut out her tongue before executing her."

Cai Jie cried out in horror, pleading desperately as she kowtowed, the sound of her head striking the floor echoing loudly.

Just as she was about to be dragged away, Zhao Hua called out: "Wait."

She halted the guards, then addressed Xiao Jingheng: "My lord, allow me to handle these palace trivialities."

Xiao Jingheng nodded impassively, his face betraying clear annoyance.

Zhao Hua then turned her gaze to Consort Yun, her tone laden with meaning:

"No need to cut out her tongue. We should allow her to speak and reveal who instructed her to utter such vile falsehoods."

Consort Yun's face, already pale and flushed, turned even more unsightly at these words.

At Zhao Hua's command, the guard Yun Shu approached Cai Jie and said softly:

"Will you confess willingly, or do you need some 'encouragement' from the Empress to behave?" Cai Jie's trembling lips parted slightly, as if to speak,

but after a furtive, fearful glance at Consort Yun, she gritted her teeth and protested shakily:

"No... no! Everything this servant said is true!"

Zhao Hua looked at her sternly. "Before the Emperor and myself, you need fear no one. I will give you one final chance. If you confess truthfully, I will spare your life and allow you to leave the palace. But if you persist in this defiance, do not blame me for being merciless."

Her voice grew cold as she added:

"And your family will be punished alongside you for your transgressions."

Zhao Hua's words offered Cai Jie a chance at life she dared not refuse to protect Consort Yun.

Once a single thread began unraveling the woven sack of lies, everything would come undone.

Trembling, she spoke: "Your Majesty is merciful! Consort Yun forced me to say those things! My younger brother is being held hostage by her. Since Consort An entered the palace, Consort Yun has had me watching her every move."

She kowtowed repeatedly, her forehead bleeding profusely yet she dared not stop.

"Your Majesty is wise! I have never witnessed any inappropriate behavior between Consort An and any man. I spoke foolishly - please have mercy, Your Majesty!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingheng turned his cold, frightening gaze on Consort Yun, his eyes suggesting he might devour her alive at any moment.

Seeing Consort Yun's lips part as if to protest,

Zhao Hua swiftly cut her off, instructing the maid Xiao Fu:

"Take Cai Jie away."

Xiao Fu helped the bloodied Cai Jie to her feet. Thinking she would live, Cai Jie wept joyfully, profusely thanking the Empress's mercy.

But before her elation could swell, she heard Zhao Hua's voice, chillingly emotionless:

"No need to cut out her tongue. Give her a cup of poisoned wine so she may die with some dignity."

Upon hearing this, Cai Jie froze.

By the time she reacted and tried to plead, Xiao Fu had already gagged her and was dragging her away.

Silence fell over the hall once more.

After a moment, Xiao Jingheng said to Zhao Hua, "Handled efficiently."

Zhao Hua smiled lightly and nodded. "Allowing such a person to leave the palace with their life risks slandering the imperial family's reputation if they speak recklessly again. As husband and wife sharing one heart, I naturally understand the gravity of the matter and will show no womanly mercy in such cases."

Her gaze then turned coolly to Consort Yun as she said in a detached tone:

"As for Consort Yun... I do not understand her motivations for acting this way or what schemes she harbors. But ultimately, she is your consort, so how to deal with her rests on your decision, my lord."