Chapter 30

Qin Kaili hurried through the crash course and didn't really learn anything substantial. Instead, it just made her feel bad about her poor performance and left her sad and upset.

After meeting her teammates, one was a rival, one was just there to watch the excitement, and two were very sensitive, the day's events set the tone for the upcoming trip being full of troubles.

Qin Wei got in the car after leaving the company, and suddenly felt a heavy heart.

It seems easy to make money in the entertainment industry, but also quite difficult...


After leaving the company meeting room, Liu Xin went to the photography studio for a shoot. During makeup, her assistant came over with a phone call.


"Sis Xin, Sis Xinya is calling you. Do you want to take it?"

Looking at the name "Chen Xinya" on the screen, Liu Xin didn't intend to answer it at first. But when Xinya called again, Liu Xin calmly picked up.

On the other end of the line came Xinya's voice, slightly complaining but mostly aggrieved:

"Master sister, why did you only just pick up? I was so anxious..."

Liu Xin told her:

"I have a shoot soon, didn't Erikson tell you?"


This prompted more complaints over the phone:

"Oh you're talking about him! I feel like he wants to abandon me now. He's supposed to be both our agent but he's clearly biased towards you, master sister. Usually he barely contacts me so how would I know your schedule? Master sister you’re so busy, don’t you have time to talk to me now?"

Xinya's complaints didn't irritate Liu Xin. She seemed quite used to Xinya talking to her this way, so she let it slide and calmly replied after glancing at her watch:

"Not counting makeup time, I'll give you three minutes to talk to me. After that I have to take promo shots for my new drama, and I have a cocktail party tonight."

Xinya's voice sounded less unhappy now, but the grievance still lingered:

"Master sister, did you see Qin Wei?"


"I saw her, what's up?"

Liu Xin said, signaling the makeup artist to leave them for now. Currently it was just her alone in the dressing room. At the mention of this name, Xinya couldn't help but think back to recording the show recently, anger bubbling up inside: "Master sister, Qin Wei is washed up now, yet she still dared to bully me like before...

As soon as I arrived she started targeting me, even threw a volleyball at me on purpose. And when leaving she put leftover food in my lunchbox. How was I supposed to know? I opened it and it spilled all over the car. I can still smell it now...

Master sister, you have to stand up for me!"

Liu Xin let out a cold laugh, casually fiddling with an eyebrow pencil on the table. She then slowly said to Xinya:

"Knowing you, I bet you didn't tell the whole story?

Qin Wei does have a bad temper, but she's not one to actively pick fights either. You’ve worked with her before, so you should know better than me...

You must have provoked her somehow, wouldn't be the first time, don't forget some things in the past..."

Before Liu Xin could finish, Xinya hastily interrupted in a panicked voice:

"Master sister, you know how she treated me back then! I almost lost my job because of her!

Master sister, I can let her look down on me slide, but she also looks down on you. I can't swallow this anger, but I don't have a chance to get back at her now. Master sister..."

"That's enough, don't deliberately cause trouble."

Liu Xin said, glancing at herself in the mirror. Her face was quite beautiful too, so how could she still not compare to Qin Wei?

"Master sister, I didn't..."

"Time's up."

Liu Xin looked at her watch and cut her off.

"You don't have to deliberately tell me these things. I have my own plans. She always looked down on us in the past, now it's our turn to turn the tables. Don't worry, I won't let her have it easy."

Xinya was overjoyed on the other end:

"Really, master sister? You have to avenge me!"

Liu Xin raised the corners of her mouth, a flash of viciousness in her eyes, but it quickly reverted back to normal:

"I know, leave it to me."


Two episodes of "Peach Blossom Spring" had aired so far, and Xu General Manager from Anxing Entertainment had been watching too, as the main investor. He could also see some footage that wasn’t available to others.

Like the segment of Lin Qiqi arriving at Peach Blossom Spring with a huge entourage carrying piles of luggage.

Sitting in front of the computer, Xu stroked his chin pensively.

His assistant Qian Lang, who had been following Xu since his overseas days, also watched the full unseen footage. He couldn't help but sneak a glance at Xu, knowing he shouldn't speak now but unable to stop himself:

"General Manager Xu, isn't this Miss Lin being too arrogant in front of Qin Wei? Should we 'leak' this footage to let Qin Wei vent?"

Xu shook his head, pressed pause, thought for a bit then dragged the progress bar back to the beginning. He watched the video again without saying a word.

After it finished playing, he rewound and watched it one more time.

Qian didn't understand why Xu had to do this, but he could see his increasingly complex expression, as if heavily weighed down.

Even when Xu was still abroad, Qian had already been his assistant. He prided himself on understanding Xu quite well. This man was usually decisive and excelled in both work and academics. For some reason he had given it all up months ago to hurriedly return to China.

At the time Qian didn't think much of it and just followed Xu back.

Only after coming back did Qian realize Xu had returned for her sake.

Staring at the beautiful face on screen, Qian sank into his thoughts...

"Something's wrong."

Xu suddenly spoke, jolting Qian from his contemplation. Turning to Xu, he asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Something’s off with Qin Wei."

Xu's eyes never left the screen. His brows were tightly knitted as he began to doubt whether the woman he was seeing was really Qin Wei.

He had carefully watched all four aired episodes, and felt Qin Wei's personality had changed tremendously. Keeping a low profile, diligently working on the farm, these were not things the Qin Wei he knew would do.

Though he considered this could be an act for her image on the show... Surely it was Qin Wei's agent Li Yao making her do this. Li Yao looked mediocre but was quite cunning. So Xu didn't think too much of it and assumed she was following the script.

But facing this unreleased footage, he felt something was off.

Enduring everything in silence, anticipating trouble and discreetly recording audio, remaining composed to protect herself yet not reacting too extremely... This was simply not her style.

Both Lin Qiqi and Qin Wei knew this part wouldn't make it on air. So Lin Qiqi could reveal her true colors, while Qin Wei didn't need to conceal anything.

Xu hit play, now showing when Lin Qiqi wanted to grab Qin Wei's room and Qin Wei mentioned recording audio.

Xu asked him:

"See what I mean?"

Qian hesitated:

"General Manager Xu, you mean... Qin Wei doesn't have the brains for this?"

Xu shook his head, then nodded.

What Qian said wasn't wrong either. Qin Wei had a fiery temper. Facing this, she would've blown her top long ago instead of calmly confronting Lin Qiqi and having the foresight to record audio.

Xu's expression was grave:

"She may no longer be who she used to be..."