Chapter 32

Thirty minutes later, various major brands announced that they were terminating their contracts with Lin Qiqi. Lin Qiqi's fan club also announced its dissolution, and Lin Qiqi herself apologized on her account and said she would indefinitely suspend her work.

Qin Wei was at a loss for a while as she watched the melon unfold.

Without going through the repeated grind of public opinion back and forth reversals, being directly hit hard by the other party in a quick, accurate and ruthless manner, without even a chance to defend herself, it could be said that it was a decisive victory.

It's too fast...

Qin Wei was still in shock when her phone rang.

"Little ancestor, pack your bags today, we'll be leaving tomorrow morning."


It was Li Yao on the phone. It seemed like the visa had come through and the crew was ready too.

At this moment, Qin Wei's mind was completely absorbed in Lin Qiqi's big melon. Thinking that Li Yao was more professional, she couldn't help asking him:

"Have you seen the hot search? Do you know about Lin Qiqi's thing? Come on, analyze it for me. It came and went so fast, I haven't reacted yet, it just feels a bit scary."

Li Yao calmly told her:

"She must have offended someone. There could be many reasons, but they clearly grabbed some dirt on her too. It's obvious they don't want to give her a way out, destroying her career in one go... The entertainment industry is just that cruel.

But don't worry little ancestor, we haven't done anything disgusting like that, so there's no dirt they can grab on us."


Qin Wei asked back:

"Then how did I become obscure?"

Li Yao was speechless for a while before saying:

" be precise, can't be considered obscure, just...somewhat...past prime, yes, past prime... Don't worry, it'll be fine..."

Qin Wei rolled her eyes on the phone. To her, there was no difference between these two words. In any case, she had done a good job of self-reflection recently, and had made preliminary plans for the road ahead.

Next was just waiting for the show recordings to finish and air, then she could retire from the industry, something no one could stop. ...


Li Yao came before dawn. The day before, he had told Qin Wei that the filming crew would come, so Qin Wei also got up very early. Before the crew arrived, Li Yao took the opportunity to advise her:

"More than half of Peach Blossom Spring has aired. I saw people's evaluations of you online weren't bad, this is a good trend. Strike while the iron is hot, be sure to show yourself actively. Remember, you have to be patient, easy-going and sunny."

Of course Qin Wei couldn't do that, she even wanted to sing a different tune a little. She was surprised that Peach Blossom Spring could get good reviews, but this didn't change the big picture either. She still wanted to coast along until retirement.

She hummed and hawed, evading Li Yao for a while, and then the filming crew arrived.

Because managers were not allowed to follow, nor carry cash or their own phones, Qin Wei could only see Li Yao off at the door with her luggage, and got into the car to the airport.

After getting off, she headed straight to the departure lounge. She wasn't the first to arrive, Sheng Lin and Qin Kaili were already there, and Chen Chen arrived at the same time as Qin Wei.

Because they weren't familiar with each other, after a simple greeting, everyone fell silent, each holding only a non-smartphone, with no internet access, so Qin Wei took out a book from her bag and went to read alone.

Time became a little slow, but Liu Xin still hadn't arrived.

It felt like a long time had passed when a commotion was heard from afar. A group of people walked over here, many were taking pictures of Liu Xin, while Liu Xin walked very slowly, greeting everyone as she walked.

It seemed that many media had gotten news of her arrival and were staking out the airport to take pictures after she got through security. Afterwards, she was still high-profile, attracting onlookers to watch and take pictures.

While the director had previously urged everyone to keep a low profile when arriving, and not affect filming, everyone else was trying their best to comply, but this didn't seem to work for her.

Liu Xin let them take some more pictures before finally walking over, saying to the director:

"Sorry, I was as low-key as possible already, but still got discovered by fans and friends. Couldn't turn down their enthusiasm, so I let them take pictures. After all, they can't see me anytime."

Everyone else perfunctorily said it was fine, but Chen Chen turned her face away.

Liu Xin looked around, then said,

"Anyway, let's not wait here. You all waited for me patiently, let's go to the VIP lounge and chat over red wine."

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. Sitting in the departure lounge, no one was there to wait for her. Their plane tickets were for economy class.

Liu Xin's eyebrows were twisted together. She couldn't flare up directly now since they were filming, but since this was a reality show, showing some real temper wasn't bad either.

Like complaining about the company and crew, reinforcing her straightforward image.

"Our Chong Shi Entertainment invested money in this show too. How could the crew be so stingy to make us sit in economy? Get it changed quickly, I've never sat in economy before, my waist and neck can't take 10 hours!"

The show staff said they couldn't arrange an upgrade, unless she paid for it herself. But the budget was tight to begin with, every dollar had to be spent on the blade. There was no extra to pay for the price difference to first class.

Liu Xin folded her arms and sighed, her gaze falling on Chen Chen. Her husband was a wealthy businessman, known for doting on her. She surely hadn't suffered the injustice of economy class before.

"Teacher Chen, what do you think?"

Chen Chen was unhappy to be put on the spot. She didn't want to sit in economy either, but also didn't want to make a fuss like Liu Xin. So she said:

"It would be best to sit in first class of course. But since I'm here, it's to experience life. Any way is fine..."

Liu Xin knew she couldn't count on her. She looked to Qin Kaili, but Qin Kaili cleverly avoided her gaze.

Sheng Lin was even less hopeful.

Finally Liu Xin noticed Qin Wei reading a book in the corner.

The corners of Liu Xin's mouth turned up and she walked over.

"Weiwei hasn't sat in economy either. And wasn't she in a drunk driving accident recently, her health can't endure 10+ hours in economy right!"

Bringing this up again, again!

Damn it, said it wasn't drunk driving a hundred times already!

Qin Wei closed her book, looked up at her, not hiding her displeasure at all:

"We're all princesses, why are you the only one with problems?"


Everyone was stunned silent by Qin Wei's direct retort, including Liu Xin who didn't expect her to directly confront her like this, and on camera too. She didn't know what to say for a moment.

Perhaps her brain couldn't react fast enough either. Liu Xin didn't continue arguing, but silently found a seat to sit down until boarding, never bringing up the cabin upgrade again.

This opening segment was placed in the show as a highlight. Many people watched and actually supported Qin Wei-

【Qin is so badass! Directly clapping back!】

【Qin Wei called Liu Xin a princess disease, Liu Xin was dumbfounded lol xswl】

【Liu Xin is an idiot, bringing up the drunk driving thing again. It's been clarified 800 times already. Even antis don't use it to diss her anymore. She still brings it up, living in the 2G network? Not surfing everyday?】

【Digging up old wounds is quite nasty really. This round I support Sister Qin.】
