Chapter 7

"Shang Junyu is also like this. We have always taught him at home to take good care of his younger sister Shen Yue. He has always been doing well. It's just that today he didn't go to school with Shen Yue. Who could have thought this would happen," said Xu Zhilian as she took a sip of tea without replying. She just reached out and poked Shen Bin to get him to respond.

Shen Bin was also very troubled. He had just called Shen Yichen and had some feelings. He felt that maybe they were wrong to do everything according to Shen Yue's wishes. As parents, they should have helped their child discern the right path.

Although the Shen family had six children, the first five were all too smart. From a young age they already understood the path they wanted to take, a straight road leading upward, leaving no room for them as parents to intervene.

Even in school, those five boys were always top of their class, with countless admirers, never causing them any worry.

An accident like what happened to Shen Yue was the first of its kind for the entire Shen family.

Shen Bin was even a little nervous now. Should he send the Shang family away for now, or let the two children continue as before? Should he appropriately reduce the resources given to the Shang family... He might as well call home and ask his mother for advice.


"Shang Junyu! Quickly apologize to Uncle Shen and Auntie Xu. Later when Shen Yue comes back you have to sincerely apologize to her!"

Shang Junyu's mother suddenly slapped Shang Junyu heavily on the head. The sound made even Shen Bin jump in fright. Shang Junyu was still young, wasn't slapping him so hard going overboard?

If Shang Junyu was raised in such an environment, they really needed to reconsider whether it was right to let Shen Yue get so close with the Shang family.

Since it was the Shang family's private affair, Shen Bin did not want to directly intervene, he could only speak politely. "You can't blame this entirely on Junyu. It's also our fault for not anticipating this kind of situation arising in the prestigious school. We originally thought that not giving Shen Yue any special treatment would allow her to better enjoy school life. Now we also have some reflections."

"Yes, Elder Shang. Actually for a little princess like Shen Yue, she should have been taught from a young age that she is special. That way she could be prevented from intentionally getting close to those with ulterior motives."

Just as Shen Bin was about to say something, Xu Zhilian stopped him and changed the topic. "Doesn't Shen Yue usually go to school with Junyu? How come they didn't go together today?"


Shang Junyu's parents paused, their expressions instantly turning ugly. They didn't actually know what had happened that morning. They didn't pay much attention to Shang Junyu at home, so naturally they didn't notice anything off about him today.

Shang Junyu was slapped forcefully again. Shang Father's face was fierce, showing no intention of saving face in front of others. "Speak! What's going on! Why didn't you go to school with Shen Yue today!"

Shang Junyu covered his face. His complexion was calm, as if he was long used to this kind of treatment. "She didn't come to get me this morning..."

Before he could finish speaking, Shang Junyu was slapped again. "You worthless thing! If Shen Yue didn't come looking for you, don't you know to take the initiative to contact her?! It's shameful I even have to feel embarrassed for you as a man."

Shang Junyu lowered his head and started to admit his wrongs. "I'm sorry."

Seeing Shang Junyu's manner, Xu Zhilian felt somewhat pity. "Let's not get angry over this. Shen Yue must have had some reason for not going to find Junyu today. It's not Junyu's fault. It's already noon, let's eat a meal first."


"How could we, we came here originally to apologize..."

"Junyu doesn't need to apologize to us. If he really feels he did something wrong, later when Shen Yue comes back, he can apologize to her directly. We adults shouldn't interfere." Shen Bin put an end to the discussion. The Shang family finally quieted down.

During the meal, Shen Bin saw the message sent by Shen Yichen and his eyelid twitched. This damn brat.

So after the Shen family finished their lunch, various families began to bring their children over one after another to report who the mastermind was.

But Shen Yue still hadn't returned. Shen Bin and Xu Zhilian could only listen on her behalf for now.

At first when they heard Secretary Zhang's report, they thought it was just some thoughtless prank by the children. The main culprits were the school's teachers who did not teach the students well, and the principal who allowed the school ethos and discipline to deteriorate.

For these children who did wrong and their parents, they only wanted to reprimand them a little before sending them home.

But unexpectedly, as more and more children reported, the two realized that the situation was completely different from what they had imagined.

"Because He Lei was jealous that Shen Yue could go to and from school with Shang Junyu every day, she would secretly put laxatives in Shen Yue's lunch whenever she had the chance. She also made the biggest fuss this time. She said she must properly teach Shen Yue, that shameless thing, a lesson and make sure she doesn't dare to get close to Shang Junyu again."

Xu Zhilian's face darkened. She recalled that Shen Yue did seem to have pale complexion and clutch her stomach in pain for a few days each month. They had thought it was just symptoms from reaching puberty, but now it seemed there were other reasons, and it was even related to Shang Junyu.

Fortunately the Shang family people weren't allowed to follow them in.

"He Lei was it? The Shen family will remember this. If it is true, we certainly won't implicate other innocent people."

Hearing this, the family's expression was delighted. "That's good, that's good. I knew a prominent family like the Shens would definitely be reasonable, hahaha."

At this time, the gatekeeper notified that another visitor had arrived, also regarding Shen Yue. Shen Bin instructed that anyone related to Shen Yue's matter could be directly brought in.

This family came in and also reported the mastermind. "Song Sui wanted Shen Yue to be his girlfriend, but Shen Yue is so pretty and popular, she looks down on him. So he is always spreading rumors about Shen Yue behind her back, wanting everyone to dislike her. Then he could lend a hand to help Shen Yue, and Shen Yue would have to rely on him. What happened today was also orchestrated by him. He just wants Shen Yue to be bullied."

Hearing this, Shen Bin's face also darkened. These children were so young, yet their hearts were already so dark.

At such a young age, instead of studying hard, they actually harbored crooked thoughts. He didn't know who they learned it from.

"Song family. Song Sui. I'll remember."

At this time, the steward also followed Shen Bin's intention and continuously brought in the visitors. It was none other than the Song family.

Hearing that this information was detrimental to them, the Song family quickly slapped their child and had him explain. "It's not like that. It was Lv Yuelan who disliked Shen Yue for being prettier than her, so she took the chance to get back at her. Previously Lv Yuelan deliberately put her own hair clip in Shen Yue's bag, wanting to frame Shen Yue. It was me who helped take the hair clip out of Shen Yue's bag before she could do it... "

"You're lying. It was clearly you who poured glue on Shen Yue's stool..."

"It was Lu An who wrote insulting words about her on Shen Yue's desk."

"Lin Ruann pulled Shen Yue's hair! And damaged her belongings..."

"Zhang Xin often tricks Shen Yue into giving her money to spend..."

As more and more people came, the children pushed responsibility onto each other. This allowed Shen Bin and Xu Zhilian to understand what kind of life Shen Yue was living at school.

They taught their child to be kind, gentle and polite, but did not teach her how to deal with malice and discern others' hearts. It was their dereliction of duty.

"Enough!" Shen Bin had not been this angry for a long time since retiring.

He also never imagined that children's malice could reach such an extent.

"I don't want to hear how children talk. I just want to ask how you as parents are teaching your children! Listen to what your children just said!"

"Mr. Shen, children just say things randomly. The situation may not be..."

"May not be what? I see it's more than just not teaching them well! A child is a mirror of their parents. Your children are hypocritical, cunning, greedy, despicable, vulgar, selfish! Which of these did you not teach them by your words and examples! I can guess what kind of businesses people like you are running."

Xu Zhilian timely stepped forward and patted Shen Bin's chest to calm him down, while also suggesting, "Let's wait until the Eldest Young Master comes back to talk about this."

Shen Bin nodded. Just as he was about to send these people away, he heard a tender voice say, "Who do you think you are? An old man with one foot in the grave who doesn't even work anymore, yet you dare insult my parents? We were already giving you face by coming here. Don't be shameless!"

Shen Bin was stunned, and the child's parents were also stunned. They hurriedly covered the child's mouth, forehead sweating nonstop, "Mr. Shen, the child was not taught well by us. We will go back and discipline him properly..."

But the words just now had already resonated. These children had only come over originally just to shirk responsibility. They did not expect to be scolded badly, and their temper flared up immediately.

They did not know what the difference was between the Shen family and their families. They only knew that they had fire in their hearts that could burst out casually, and their parents would solve it for them anyway.

Having been scolded like that by Shen Bin, they felt very uncomfortable in their hearts.

Their parents had never scolded them like this. What was this old man?

"It was right in the first place. What gives him the right to say that? Shen Yue would have been bullied only because she was stupid herself."

"Shut up!" These parents had pampered their children since they were young. When their children made mistakes, they would always use the excuse that the children were still young, until now when it backfired on themselves, and they realized how big of a mistake their children could make.

Shen Bin took a deep breath and barely maintained his demeanor. "I never argue with little kids. You can leave. See them out!" But he could not guarantee what would happen with the adults.

Because of its uniqueness, the Shen family was not an ordinary wealthy family. Naturally, they had a lot of bodyguards.

With an order from Shen Bin, the bodyguards swarmed in and took away all the yelling adults. Of course, it was unavoidable that some children were handled a little roughly when they were grabbed, since they were struggling.

After it quieted down, Xu Zhilian called Shen Yichen immediately to ask about Shen Yue's situation.

Shen Yichen glanced at Shen Yue, whose eyes were shining as she waited for an extra-large cheese octopus balls. His lips met above and below, and he said impassively, "She is in very poor condition."

She was indeed in poor condition. Just now, when they passed this octopus ball stand, Shen Yue had painfully covered her heart and said, "If I can't eat this octopus ball, some of me, such as my looks, figure, social etiquette, good moral character, good personality, and even my soul will be destroyed."

Shen Yue was so young. What kind of figure could she have? Shen Yichen judged from this that the current Shen Yue was indeed in very poor condition, on the verge of madness.

But he didn't dislike it.

"A lot of people came to our house just now to talk about what happened to your sister today. Dad and I also have some things we want to say face to face to Yueyue. Can you two come home now?"

The current Shen Yue had gotten the extra-large octopus balls. She was full of happiness with every bite. She looked at Shen Yichen who was still on the phone, asked the boss for three more bamboo skewers, poked at the octopus balls, and handed them to Shen Yichen.

Shen Yichen took a look and reached out to take them, while still answering the call on the other end, "I have some things to deal with. Let's do it in an hour." Shen Yichen ended the call and took a bite of the octopus ball Shen Yue had handed over. Unexpectedly, he felt that this kind of roadside filth was quite delicious.

People in the Shen family were not allowed to eat outside food privately before they came of age. Today Shen Yichen could be considered leading Shen Yue to break the rules.

"Shen Yue, let's go home in an hour."

", what's that? I want to eat it."

"Don't know."

Shen Yue was shocked. She almost wrote "How can you be so awesome and not know it" on her face in big words. But she didn't ask Shen Yichen and turned to ask the boss directly, "Boss, what is this?"

"It's called Nangu Sheng Yan."

"Brother! This is called Nangu Sheng Yan!"

Shen Yichen nodded. He had heard it. No need to repeat it a second time.

As expected, Shen Yue bought two more portions, one for herself and one for Shen Yichen.

After eating it, Shen Yichen realized that this thing was actually just steamed pumpkin shaped and added with carbon dioxide. The taste was just that taste, only the name and packaging were changed.

But seeing Shen Yue eat it with such a happy face, Shen Yichen didn't say anything in the end. He just called his secretary to cancel the afternoon schedule as well.

After eating with Shen Yue for an hour, Shen Yichen instructed Shen Yue again before going home, "Don't talk or show any expression when you get home, understand?"

Following the principle of listening to whoever feeds her, Shen Yue nodded heavily, "Got it!"

Shen Yichen couldn't help but rub Shen Yue's head again. He now felt that having a sister was also quite good.

"Good girl."

So when Shen Yue got home, she had turned from a happy eating machine into a gloomy and expressionless girl.

Shen Yichen held her hand and walked straight to the reception hall. The three members of the Shang family were still there, and his own parents were there too.

Seeing Shen Yue, they came up to meet her.

Xu Zhilian hugged Shen Yue and started crying, "Mom's baby, it's mom's fault for not protecting you well."

Shen Bin was also very distressed beside her. Although he didn't hug her directly, his appearance was anguished.

Under the push of Shang Junyu's parents Shang Father and Shang Mother, Shang Junyu also came over, bent down to the expressionless Shen Yue, and said, "I'm sorry."

Shen Yue didn't even blink. Ah, he's here, he's here with his apology.

At this time, she really wanted to avoid Shang Junyu, and also comfort her crying mother, for example, telling her that she was not her daughter, so don't be sad.

However, she had promised Shen Yichen not to speak, so she would not speak.

Moreover, Shen Yue had already tried it when she remembered everything on the first day. She seemed to be unable to tell anyone about her identity. Whenever she wanted to speak, she would lose her ability to vocalize.

After trying a few times, she just gave up.

Not getting a response from Shen Yue, Shang Junyu naturally did not get up either, and just kept bending down. Shen Yichen knew clearly that Shen Yue would not speak, but he didn't say anything either.

It was Shen Bin who saw Shang Junyu's body start to tremble before letting him stand up first.

"Yueyue, what's wrong with you? Respond to mom, okay? Don't scare mom."

"Mom, Shen Yue hasn't been able to speak since I picked her up from school. She's probably traumatized. Don't force her right now."

Hearing this, Xu Zhilian cried even harder.

Shang Junyu's parents also realized the seriousness of the matter and the opportunity. They looked at each other and understood each other's meaning. Then they pushed Shang Junyu forward even more.

"Sister Xu, it's better not to stimulate Yueyue anymore in this situation, and not to ask her questions either. My idea is to let Junyu try? Junyu is the same age as her, and they usually get along well. Maybe he can make her willing to speak!"

While saying this, their minds were already bare.

They just wanted to completely tie the Shen family down using Shang Junyu. If Shen Yue recovered because of Shang Junyu, they could even become the Shen family's benefactor.

Shen Yichen, who had not spoken all this time, finally spoke at this point.

"Are you Shang Junyu? Just now, Secretary Wang told me some things. Every day when you go to school, you take all the money from Shen Yue. When you buy lunch for Shen Yue at noon, you deliberately leave the food in the cafeteria for a while. When you hear someone talk about Shen Yue, you don't refute, and you even give some hints to your little fangirls... Explain these things."

Hearing this, everyone present except Shen Yue and Shen Yichen changed their expressions.