Chapter 152: Coming Soon  

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Chapter 152: Coming Soon  



It wasn't long before Yasuo teleported to another place again after discussing a few things with her and that place is quite close, just a few miles below the ground, his silver massive lab to a specific darkroom.

An almost completely empty room if not for the static shadowy figure sitting in a meditative position within completely focused.

A human being, one that's alive and completely conscious, a rare sight in Yasuo's lab as nothing was ever given the freedom to explore what's hidden within the walls of his lab.

However, the room is almost completely closed without any source of light but there is a canal he constructed previously throughout the lab which is responsible for delivering oxygen from the oxygen tank.

The man within the room seems to be in a deep meditation state with a calm smooth golden Aura flowing all around him until he noticed the silent visitor that brought a comfy chair and sat on it with his legs crossed.


The man slowly opened his eyes remarking lightly, "So you decided to save me huh... Well, thank you." The calm voice coming out of the man's mouth sounds quite familiar.

"Well, it's not like you didn't expect it, You dying isn't really helpful in contrast to leaving you alive. And well, I kind of owe you one so I guess this is what you really wanted, you wanted to live." Yasuo responded in a similar calm tone as if he knows the man that is within his lab.

"Hoho, I can't hide anything from you, I wanted to live... Not because I had anything left important to do, no, I simply want to watch as humanity conquers what I couldn't though I wouldn't have minded dying if necessary."

The man's tone changed to a joyful one as he responded.

"I see," Yasuo remarked as he started walking towards the man and crouched then he performed his signature moved as purple lines started appearing all over his right arm and struck towards the man.

The miraculous scene repeated itself although not from the outside, instead, what the purple lines that appeared all over the old man healed is the damage done inside and the latter showed no resistance or any reaction to Yasuo's actions.


Yasuo stood up as the negative Rose continued to heal the old man, then he pointed to a portal that just appeared explaining a few things.

"This will lead to the place you want to go to, and remember just don't appear until the first expedition to the dark continent and when you do, it will help a lot if you supported the expeditions though I think that's your goal in the first place."

The old man stood up nodding joyfully with his good mood apparent, "Thank you." Those are all the words that came out of Netero's mouth as he walked through the portal as people like them don't need too many words to understand each other.

Netero who set off the bomb named poor man's rose to end what he deemed a pointless fight and make sure he eradicate the danger spreading its fangs to humanity, the hunter association's president, the one who is thought to be dead at the moment yet here he is alive and sound.

Yet the bomb actually exploded even though it was within his stomach previously and it was only possible for that to happen if his heart stops beating and it for a few seconds before he was teleported away with the bomb that was about to explode also teleporting from his stomach to a distance closer to Meruem but not too close as to not actually kill him.

The portal closed after Netero passed through it then Yasuo disappeared directly after to another room within the lab, a special one, and its also almost completely empty if not for the two individuals inside.

A strange human-like looking being lying on the ground without a trace or it being alive, no breathing nor was there any movement and the same could be said for the other person who is a human being, a white-haired girl wearing white angelic clothes lying next to the other being.

Between them is something Yasuo prepared for them, a game they love, the one that brought them together, Gungi. That is the game they played for hours until their life ended under the effect of darkness, the poison within Meruem that transported to Komugi.

The only reason Yasuo allowed for their last hours to be here in his lab is that he knows there is nothing Meruem can do or will want to do that'll endanger the specimens within the lab and the fact that the room is completely isolated so Meruem will have to go through the wall composed of Yasium which will be an annoyance even for him.

And he will have to do so for tens of walls because that's how many are between him and the things that actually matter.

Yasuo also took into consideration Meruem's ability which was basically a form of En that allowed him to sense everything around as long as it came into contact with the photons.

Except it doesn't, at least not as much as before, merging the photons ability with his new ability giving the light speed function and other functions had some results that weren't desired.

His sense within the photon became vague just enough to allow him to sense what needs to and manipulate his ability perfectly.

Most importantly, he could no longer sense emotions with the photons. Also, his photons previously weren't able to go through walls or anything that's completely closed. While now, he can actually go through a lot of things except things that are extremely dense, things that light can't go through, his photons also can't go through, of course, loaded photons can't go through any barrier and these are things Yasuo observed during the fight.

This is the reason he felt safe letting Meruem stay here in his last hours, the walls are made of Yasium, the densest element known to Yasuo and he did a lot of research so he knows a general idea of what it can do. light will definitely not be able to go through it... Of course, Yasuo looked into the future several times just to make sure.

The scene didn't matter to Yasuo at all as his expression remained as emotionless as always.

He created an amplification domain and started observing their bodies carefully for a while until he made sure the poison is already dead.

The poor man's rose's poison is quite special, the deadliest poison known to mankind so far yet the hardest to activate because of its strangeness. It's hard to make but it was never used to assassinate anyone specific ever except Meruem.

That is because of a simple reason, normally it's useless, a harmless poison that can kill no one.

The reason being is that the poison is almost always in its dormant state until the necessary environment for it to be active becomes available and that necessary environment happened to be the presence of nuclear radiation, extremely deadly radiation.

The explosion allowed for the strange poison to spread through miles and miles away from the explosion.

A much longer distance than what can radiation reach and that's the point of the poison, its extremely large range, and why the known world determined that using the bomb ever again is a taboo.

There is a weak point however, the poison can only be effective for about 24 hours after leaving its optimal environment and Meruen left the radiation's range a while ago enough for the poison to die out completely though not before it took his life with it.

Even though Meruem is radioactive due to staying in that environment for a long time, the scale of that radiation isn't enough for the poison to survive within, and only when enough time has passed did Yasuo come here.

He just preferred not to waste his Aura protecting himself from the poison so he chose to wait, he has a vast range of abilities, and multiple of them can protect him from the radiation as well as the poison, a poison he has a massive amount of though in its dormant state but its too useful to miss.

He then teleported with the two bodies following after him to a special room where he left them in a large tube with a special liquid that'll allow the bodies to stay in an optimal condition without decomposing.

He started another journey far away to Swardani City, the location where the Hunter Association's headquarters resides.

Yasuo still has a few things to do before he starts his transformation and one is especially important, too important to miss and he can't ignore it because it can lead to some unfortunate consequences.

'Killua will first try everything before he asks Alluka for a wish to heal Gon as I'm sure even he has probably come to the conclusion that Nanika's wish-granting ability has a hidden price other than the obvious ones especially since he learned about how Nen works so he'll only use it as a last measure though he'll most likely contact me before he tries to do so.'

Yasuo walked into the hunter association's headquarter while thinking of the previous with his strange eyes appearing as if they're shining.

Not truly shining but to everyone else, he appears as so like his extreme good mood is affecting reality itself around him.

The anticipation within his eyes is quite apparent until it disappeared as the usual serene expression returned to his face, "We meet again..."