Chapter 154: Let's Make This Fast, Shall We?

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Chapter 154: Let's Make This Fast, Shall We?



And this is where things took a strange direction no one expected, even for Pariston.

Yasuo wrote the method he thought is best before giving it to Beans who will pick one of the papers and that's how the next chairman will be chosen, by the strange words on that paper...

The strange words no one expected and that especially goes for Ging who frowned.

You see, In reality, the rules that were written by Ging days prior to the assembly Anticipating the decision to draw lots is something he planned.

He panned for Beans to read them, since most likely he would be the one tasked with picking a paper, and told him to pretend to pull it out if he agreed with those rules.


So it didn't really matter what paper he picked, he'll always say the words Ging told him to so how can Yasuo solve that?

Well, quite simple, Beans just need to pick his paper and he wins and that's a 100% chance in Yasuo's books.

With a bit of use of his control domain, Beans will definitely pick his piece of paper and that's exactly what happened.

Beans picked the piece of paper and unfolded it, he looked at the name at its top, Yasuo Zoldyck.

He didn't bother reading it as he was about to announce its Ging's paper only for the paper in his hand to easily slip out and fly high above the table for everyone in the room to see leaving most of them baffled and Ging frowning.

"Sorry, I couldn't hold back my curiosity to see whose paper it is and it appears it's me, quite lucky."


A simple remark from Yasuo that got people out of their surprise and doubts, he can control the paper, How? Yasuo then closed his eyes and let everything go as planned except the Zodiacs had doubts, is it possible he cheated to make Beans pick his paper.

however, they shook off those doubts because of one simple thing, they were observing carefully as Beans selected a paper and they saw no strange movement at all.

And the chances for anything such as that to escape their senses is Zero in their minds.

On top of that, Yasuo showed the fact that he can manipulate the paper in front of them as if he didn't care, like the doubts that can come from that mattered not to him and they trusted their senses and eyes though some of them saw this as something more.

Yasuo has never participated in any of their meetings not does he have any relationship with any of them.

So naturally, he won't trust anyone in the room especially considering he's a Zoldyck and the information they know about him as everyone in the room investigated him to a certain extent, a 3-star hunter that appeared suddenly, how could they not?

Pariston smiled brightly looking forward to what's written on the paper, the sequence of events that always happen around Yasuo always seems to entertain him or at least the shadows of events left behind by Yasuo.

Pariston was sitting on a chair in the forefront of the table and Beans is standing a bit to his left, the paper flew above Beans so Pariston didn't get to see what's written on it.

In fact, most of the people in the room weren't able to see what's written on it, the words were quite small in contrast to Yasuo's name that was quite clear and they weren't given enough time to thoroughly look at the paper.

So Pariston didn't know whether he will like what's on the paper or not, Beans took that responsibility as he knows he has no choice but to read the words on the paper.

Ging closing his eyes without objecting was a sign there is nothing he can do.

"Yasuo Zoldyck will be the one to choose who is the next chairman of the association though he can't choose himself but anyone else from the Zodiacs is a possibility.

There is a second option in which the next chairman will be chosen through drawing lots and Yasuo will be the one to pick from the papers.

Also, the candidates don't have to write their names as they can write the name of another candidate in their own paper."

The simple proposed method made the faces of the people in the room twitch as well as getting confused because that means he won't have the chance to be the president which is strange in their eyes.

It was as if he just came here to mess around and isn't actually interested in being the president, thus, their confusion.

Unless he wants them to choose the second option which will allow him to be a candidate and the first option is but a facade especially after thinking about Ging's words.

Most of them frowned contemplating carefully about what to choose while Yasuo just remained relaxed with his eyes closed.

Ging on the other hand confirmed his suspicion, the man next to him is a variable he can't trust at all as what he knows about him is already enough to provide a general description of what kind of person he is.

Especially considering his close ties to the silver snake family, a ruthless family that eliminates anything or anyone that sought to be an obstacle in their way.

They even go as far as to eliminate entire families leaving no possible future threat, otherwise, they're just a business family that's working its way up the world.

Everyone continued contemplating the two options for a while and the same could be said for Pariston who is wondering who will Yasuo choose as the president. The thing is, the two options are both fair so they can't do anything about it. The aim was to decide upon the method of the election and none of his options go against this.

It just depends on what they choose and the first option will technically provide a higher chance for them since that'll exclude Yasuo from the list of the candidates but that'll be leaving the choice in his hands which most of them didn't like.

However, Pariston wanted to choose the first option because the other option is boring to him while the first one sounds at least a bit interesting.

He expected Ging to do something which should be interesting but Yasuo interfered and his previous actions told him a bit of what Ging was planning, the question is how did he know?

Ging was the first one to make a choice and he didn't need to think much to come to the conclusion that this choice is better.

"The second choice but you will not be the one to pick from the lots, previously you controlled the paper Beans picked and it was your paper, one you touched so that can't be a coincidence.

You didn't cheat and moved the paper so that Beans picks it, but that leads me to believe that you know which paper is yours so the moment Beans picked it, you knew you won.

You just made sure everyone knows since you don't trust that Beans will actually be fair."

With his eyes still closed, Ging continued his explanation which has a deeper meaning as it's not just for Yasuo, it's also for the other Zodiacs so they can make their choice only after hearing his full explanation.

"That means that if you were allowed to pick, you'll always pick yourself because you can sense exactly where it is.

Whatever ability you used most likely needs you to come in contact with the target so you can't touch any of the other papers as well."

"Sure." Answered Yasuo shrugging his shoulders without missing a bit as if he already expected it and everyone in the room agreed.

All of them are experienced hunters so after thinking for a bit, most of them came to the same conclusion and they wouldn't have allowed him to pick the lots in the first place.

Everyone again kept their distance from each other and wrote the names they want to write though most of them wrote their own names except three people, Ging who wrote Cheadle's name, Pariston who wrote Yasuo's, and lastly, Yasuo who wrote Pariston's name.

Strange choices though Gings is understandable, he doesn't want Yasuo or Pariston to be the president.

His previous plan failed so he needs to adapt but he doesn't have many options aside from just increasing the chances for Cheadle and making sure no one tamper with the results.

Beans also know he can't lie here or tamper with the results in any way, he can't say the winner is someone specific when the paper says something else because most likely, Yasuo will ask him to show the paper.

His lack of trust in anyone here is quite apparent so he couldn't take the risk.

This is where things took a strange turn of events as Pariston waited impatiently for the results. What'll happen? he knows Yasuo likely has no interest in being the president so what is he doing here?

Beans picked one of the papers with everyone watching closely making sure it's not tampered with and watching for any bizarre movement or activity.

He opened it slowly then looked at what's written for a good few seconds frowning. He let out a sigh before saying something none wanted to hear, "Pariston hill."

None except Yasuo who is just messing around and Pariston who couldn't help but do something that baffled everyone else, something extremely rare from someone like him.

He let out a small genuine laugh then he stood up saying, "I appoint Yasuo Zoldyck as the vice president and... I resign."

Just what's going on? Everyone was baffled by the strange turn of events...