Chapter 163: You Have One As Well?  

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Chapter 163: You Have One As Well?  



Yasuo smiled as if he just remembered that deal and explained, "About that, we're just here on a vacation and aren't interested in any trouble at all so excuse us..."

And they walked away after saying that, of course, the prince didn't like that one bit, it's not like he didn't expect this because it was definitely a possibility so he prepared a few henchmen of his just in case and requested provisional hunters to protect him through the succession contest but he still found their behavior quite rude and he kept it in mind for the future.

Illegitimate children of the Kakin King are forbidden from ever attending any ceremonies or social events and showing themselves to the public in general, however, Morena is a special case for obvious reasons as Natsubi can't even say anything noticing her scar has disappeared, they're on equal standing and none of the two consider each other to actually be family. Natsubi can naturally see the guardian beasts in the room and he paid special attention to them and his beast to see how they will react noticing Yasuo because as far as he knows, this is the first time he personally saw the man and well, they didn't react at all.

They didn't react to his existence in the room until they actually saw him and they paid attention to him slightly appearing confused though he didn't seem to be able to see them and that's for a specific reason, the ceremony hasn't fully started yet and the beasts haven't fully formed yet but they're about to so no one but him can see them.

However, once the succession contest truly begins, they'll show themselves to every Nen-user because even though conjured things are normally seeable by everyone, the guardian beasts are special as only Nen users can see them.


In the empire's King Natsubi's eyes, the ceremony started when he decided it will and he had to do so a while ago, so he decided it will start the moment this ceremony begins and it started the moment where Yasuo was talking with Tserriednich yet he didn't seem to react as if he didn't see the beast standing behind Tserriednich that's looking at him closely.

The beasts' actions are affected by the host's emotions so when Tserriednich didn't like Yasuo's words, his strange beast started acting strangely.

His Guardian Spirit Beast resembles a horse with feminine features with long fair hair, a long neck with a mane that can extend several meters, big four fingered hands, big sharp pointed nipples, a tail resembling a nine tailed whip, and it wears high heel shoes. The inside of the beast's mouth reveals another face within, with a split tongue and jagged teeth.

And what the beast did is exactly as strange its appearance, it extended its long neck until its head was in front of Yasuo turning its neck at a strange angle to look at the latter's face, it opened its massive mouth in which another deformed face appeared with its split tongue acting as its eyes towards Yasuo who stopped.

"What is that?" Finally asked Morena not able to hold her curiosity as she looked at the dark sinister beast fitting of Tserriednich's personality, she did found the beast disgusting but was curious nonetheless.

Yasuo didn't answer, instead, he raised his hand trying to touch its head but it simply went through it just as expected, he turned his head looking at all the other beasts moving around and Morena did as well with her curiosity peaking.


He resumed walking without changing his walking direction as he went right through the beast while answering her signaling to Natsubi, "It has something to do with him and what I told you about previously."

They walked until they were only a few steps away from Natsubi with Yasuo introducing himself, "I'm Yasuo Zoldyck, It's our first meeting but you wouldn't mind me asking you about what just happened, would you?"

'Right to the subject huh.' Natsubi though because it's quite obvious for Nen users to make this assumption, only his children have the beasts around them, and even though Natsubi's Guardian Beast is hidden, it's still logical to think so.

"Just a game being played by family, I'd appreciate it if you don't interfere and allow the trip to be successful and actually reach our goals." A big smile was on the Kakin King's face while uttering those words like they were old friends, however, beneath his pleased tone is threats as he dearly doesn't want Yasuo to screw this up else he will definitely screw the expedition in return.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested, and also, thank you for taking the risk of funding the expeditions." And of course, Yasuo lied without batting an eye with a smile on his face.

After which, Yasuo took a seat at one of the available tables with Morena and just observed everything with his domain detecting every activity of the guardian beasts that are within the room and he couldn't help but found each of them extremely special.

Each describing its host's personality and acting according to their emotions and desires without breaking the rules place upon them and they don't seem to be interested in each other, they only show interest in other humans that come in contact with their host or they just stroll around the hall and some even go through walls going somewhere else. "Too interesting, aren't they." Remarked Yasuo and Morena who is also keeping an eye on them nodded spoke of her observations and the conclusion she came to, "It definitely has something to do with the succession contest because as the fourth prince's earlier words signified it started and it seems like a one time chance thing else the Kakin King won't behave as such, are you interested in messing around with them? Or should I see If I can absorb them?"

Yasuo shook his head, "Nah, don't come in contact with them at all and be cautious, they seem a tad bit dangerous so I'll perform a few tests on them personally."

Morena narrowed her eyes looking in a certain direction, "Can I at least take care of her?" She noticed someone not taking her eyes of them both at all and she definitely didn't like no matter what the woman's purpose is, Camilla Hui Guo Rou, the second prince.

Yasuo raised his brows shaking his head again, "No, she's just a spoiled girl and she doesn't matter but the strange creature behind her matters so don't try anything."

Only now did Morena understand that perhaps, those beasts are special, something he desires, perhaps he saw something she couldn't see so she nodded and brought her chair even closer to him asking, "Which one do you think is the strongest?" Only for Yasuo to ask back, "What do you think?"

Morena thought for a bit thinking about how they look and behave before answering, "Prince Tserriednich's seem sinister and quite active and proactive of him but mostly, how disgusting the strange beast makes me thinks its ability is similarly sinister and dangerous in contrast to the more normal looking beasts around. The first, third and the ninth princes also look strong."

By this point, every prince has shown up as per formalities to the departure ceremony and they had to simply because Natsubi wanted to observed their Guardian beasts as well as to let them know what's to come, that only one of the survivors will get out of this alive.

"I'm done, let's go back, this is quite boring." Stated Yasuo as he stood up and Morena followed suit, they passed by a few hunters Yasuo knows but they don't know him as well as he does even though they have met each other and talked in a future Yasuo saw.

Melody who remained frozen horrified as Yasuo passed by her and she wasn't able to move from her place for a few minutes trying to comprehend what she just heard, she heard nothing.

Not once in her life had she faced something that doesn't have a rhythm, a sound she can hear but she couldn't hear his, absolute silence because his heart doesn't beat nor does his blood flew through his veins or so she thinks.

Before Morena can voice her doubts, Yasuo explained, "Yes, this is happening due to the Seed urn and the beast are the result of a particular ritual that happens on the Urn. I previously explained it to you because I wanted you to participate in the ritual since you have his blood but I changed my mind receiving some new information."

Morena seemed curious as they entered their quarters, she wondered, "Are they dangerous to their hosts?"

Yasuo shook his head as he took his jacket off and started taking his black shirt off then answered, "No, but the last survivor will become the King meaning everyone else will die."

She was still confused even with that and questioned, "I will surely be the winner if I participate, why would you think otherwise?" While saying that, she turned around to look at Yasuo only for her eyes to widen looking at the completely unexpected peculiar scene before her.

The scene of Yasuo comfortably lying down on the bed with a strange creature next to him and only then did he answer, "Because I'll have to kill you if that happens."