Chapter 168: For Our Friendship?  

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Chapter 168: For Our Friendship?  



However, the bullets and the cards appeared to have heat an indestructible metallic shield they simply couldn't go through, because strangely, the massive monster seems to have the ability to use Nen.

Once the barrage of attacks stopped, a calm sound was heard from beneath the deformed monster, "Hisoka, just what do you think you're doing?"

Just a few hundreds of meters away from him, at the ceiling that looks normal like any other part, but just like before, some things just aren't as they seem, that part of the ceiling started distorting as if the ceiling was coiling around itself.

However, it's just Hisoka who took the piece of cloth affected by his texture surprise off, he has been moving all around the ceiling performing the previous orchestra through the use of his Bunge gum ability without exposing himself though with the constant moving around, the texture surprise cloth has appeared to be strange not consisted with the ceiling around it from time to time.

After which, he started falling down upside down until he suddenly stopped falling a few meters above the ground.


There seems to be some sticky or rubbery preventing him from reaching the ground, he remained hovering upside down looking at Illumi with his narrow eyes narrowed even more, "What are you doing here?"

The massive Zombie monster stood up slowly with Illumi doing so as well standing next to it while keeping his cautiousness, "I don't believe I need to answer such a question but you need to answer mine, am I your target now?" Hisoka narrowed his eyes even more voicing his doubts, "Am I yours? I wanted to hire you to try killing me later but I don't think I really need to now... Because you're here for me, aren't you? Is your brother still here or are we alone in the tier? "

Hisoka had too many questions he wanted to ask but only asked the most important ones, his confusion still never reduced since the previous incident and his paranoia only continued to grow as he wonders if Yasuo will appear next to him at any moment and take his life also.

'Why did Yasuo just go away like that even though he knew he was there? How is he that strong? When can I face him? When will I be strong enough to face him? Will I ever be? Is there a way to become that strong faster? What was that strange creature on his back?' And so many more doubts were continuously bugging his mind and he dearly needs to find answers.

However, he couldn't so once some amount of time passed of him just hiding in the ceiling not daring to move lest Yasuo comes back, only after that time did he leave as fast as he could until he found some survivors.

He wanted to keep his mind off the previous incident, that was just too much for him so he started a massacre wringing everyone in his way to death, his Nen type is transmutation and he exploited it creatively creating an interesting ability.


Bunge gum, Hisoka's main ability which allows him to make his aura sticky and elastic. Its extreme durability, flexibility, and adhesive properties make it an exceptionally versatile ability with several offensives, defensive, and supplementary applications. He can activate it from his fingers, hands, and feet.

He can attach it both through physical contact and remotely, by extending it towards the target, which makes it very difficult to avoid.

He can give it the command to contract at will, and it snaps back with greater force the more it is stretched, he basically transmutes his Aura to have the properties of rubber and gum.

However, Hisoka didn't give him the chance to answer as he added to make sure Illumi doesn't even try to lie, "You must've been looking for me right? And once you saw some of the bodies that are killed in my style you naturally assumed it's me and with your assassin skills, you must've confirmed it."

Hisoka then started looking at the massive strangely deformed monster, "You saw that the bodies are quite fresh, 'perhaps he's still close by' is what you thought so you decided to prepare because close combat fights aren't exactly your forte as far as I know... Unless you also wanted to attract my attention by the sound of gunfire... You don't need to lie, you know?"

Yet, Illumi's face remained as emotionless as always though he raised his brow in understanding, "I see, you've met my brother and it wasn't a pleasant experience. But how are you alive? Did you by any chance escape?"

Even Hisoka couldn't stop his face from slightly twitching hearing that but still didn't say anything as he just waited for Illumi to answer his questions.

He knows himself too well, he wants to have fights with the risk of death, he doesn't want to have a fight where he dies no matter what, where he doesn't have any chance of winning at all so he knows he needs to grow more to the degree where he can face Yasuo or prepare enough to be able to face whatever that monster has to offer.

"Pfft, hahaha hahaha. Excuse my rudeness, I just couldn't hold it." A rare sight indeed, Illumi let out a small laugh unable to hide his amusement.

A cold laugh that could sens chills through anyone's spine but a laugh nonetheless, one that caused a few more spasms on Hisoka's face with the latter bringing one of his cards up ready to attack if the Zoldyck annoyed him any further.

"I see, I thought you'd welcome a fight to the death against me with open arms but it seems the circumstances don't allow you to, traumatized perhaps? Thankfully he left you alive for me so you at least have a chance of winning.

As for why this is happening, it's not really complicated, I was hired to find you and kill you by Chrollo Lucilfer though the main reason is that Yasuo also wanted to kill you for some unknown reason so I decided to do it in his stead for old times' sake and if you win, you can live without worrying about him coming after you." His explaining was detailed with a calm sincere tone but Hisoka didn't believe a word he said, he took them into consideration but he didn't truly believe most of his words.

They never trusted each other and kept their guards up all the time when they were together, and they knew how their strange 'Friendship' will end up.

However, Hisoka let out a small creepy smile, "Yeah, you're right, for old times' sake, I'll probably end up dying today no matter what so I really need to put up a good show, a beautiful exhilarating orchestra of death and blood."

Slowly, that sticky rubber that was holding him in the air started pulling him up to the ceiling again, "And show me what other tricks you have up your sleeves I haven't seen yet."

The massive monster before is something he never knew about as all he ever saw is his corpse control and needle people abilities which is something Illumi didn't mind showing, Yasuo once told him it's okay to show some of his abilities only if he has some unexpected aces up his sleeves.

The most important thing he taught him in all their sparing sessions however is something quite interesting and simple.

When you want to create any ability, take into account any other ability that you might want to create in the future and modify your abilities so they can work with each other eliminating each other's weaknesses as well as doing far more than what they were supposed to do.

"Don't worry, I'll show you as much as your strength allows you to see..." Muttered Illumi quietly before lifting his hand towards the massive creature that leaned until the latter's chest came in contact with Ilumi's hand.

And only then did the massive creature's chest start opening u seeking to devour Illumi within, not just its chest, even its stomach opened up allowing anyone near to see what's within, Zombie heads, the heads of every human that was used to make such a thing with a needle sticking to their heads.

This is how the massive creature is constructed, deforming the Zombies to the point where they can stick to each other with their flesh mixing together and so are their bones, but not their heads because it's the central location and how the creature can work.

Strange looking sticky hands seem to spurt out of the creature's stomach and chest that extended until they caught hold of Illumi and pulled him inside before its chest and stomach again closed.

Hisoka narrowed his eyes looking at the scene knowing things will get more interesting now so he started another barrage of bullets from the numerous guns he collected and attached to the ceiling with his Bunge gum.

If one used Gyo, then an interesting scene will become apparent, the scene of the numerous pink threads of Aura connected to his hands and feets, and he had to manipulate each thread accurately to aim with the guns and pull the trigger, all of that while he's moving all around the ceiling and sending numerous card attacks while also working on a side project.

The strange massive monster started moving as Hisoka became even more cautious of that strange thing because he assumed it's not going to be anywhere as agile as him considering its size, however, he was mistaken.

The creature seems to be accurately manipulated by Illumi within as its movement is extremely similar to him, he crouched with his massive leg muscles contracting uncontrollably then instantly disappeared leaving a whirl of wind behind him with the ground around him shattering completely

The monster appeared extremely near of Hisoka with his speed barely slowing down as well as an apparent change in its arm, his previously relatively normal arm started twisting curving on themselves until they took the shape of an enormous sharp sword formed by bones and flesh.

Swords that were swung at Hisoka whose eyes couldn't help but dilate seeing the wonderous seen before him, however, he prepared just in case, he instantly disappeared as he gave a command to one of his stretched aura threads.

The command to contract which means it will pull him away from harm's way quick enough to avoid the deadly attack with only a small wound on one of his cheeks...