Chapter 172: Strange Conclusion  

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Chapter 172: Strange Conclusion  



A simple room styled in a fashion similar to the Kakin empires. Two men were seated on the comfortable wing chairs each with a different mood apparent in their eyes.

Yasuo was quite casual and calm, taking a sip of coffee from time to time. The other one however had a blank look on his face. He appeared to be absentminded muttering a few words. "So they're all dead..."

Yasuo can see more in the golden-haired man's eyes. He can see a trace of loss like he lost his path.

Kurapica was truly lost at this moment not knowing what he will do when he lose every purpose he set in living.

The spiders are dead, all of them. Now, all he has left is his goal of getting the remaining scarlet eyes and give a proper farewell to his family and people.


What is there to live but revenge for him? He doesn't know because he decided the day he set foot on this path that life after this is no option.

Not only that, he had to watch for the past week as chaos ensured a lot of people die. He felt powerless, the princes with their strange ability were unleashed.

What started it all is the death of Benjamin the first prince. His subordinates were too loyal to let it go, they worshiped him and believed in him so how can it end simply like that.

Some of them died due to trying to kill Camilla to no avail. Most sought another path and took advantage of her weakness, they hid her captive in a hidden place left to die in hunger, they couldn't kill her nor could they throw her into the ocean as the ship is closed.

However, they didn't stop there. Some of them were too affected by the incident to stop. They started bringing chaos everywhere and the other princes didn't stop it. It was to their advantage

They were the Kakin army so there was nothing else to stop them except the other princes. They decided to target the princes and only then did they receive resistance. Some of the princes sought to ignite the fire even more bringing about the fall of several others. Halkenburg didn't like that one bit but he didn't have a choice.


He started seeing the darkness of his siblings that cared not for their blood ties and knew he has no choice but to also do his best.

However, he failed to see the disgusting rotten darkness within the person he trusts the most, Tserriednich.

They decided to work together to protect themselves, not to take the lives of those around them. Tserriednich however had a few hidden intentions as he worked behind the scenes to hasten the deaths of his siblings.

He is a true rottenly poisonous snake, he succeeded. His magnificent ability allowed him to do many things that would otherwise be impossible.

Not the ability of his guardian beast but another ability he created naturally once he was introduced to Nen.

He is truly a Nen genius. He created an ability called Parallel Future, When Tserriednich closes his eyes and activates Zetsu, he receives a vision, which he refers to as "Precognition" or "Dream", of the following ten seconds.

The vision is instantaneous: no time passes in the present between its beginning and its end, which are signaled by a sound and a visual pattern akin to static on a television.

If, after those first Ephemeral Ten Seconds, he does not open his eyes or rescind his Zetsu, time outside of his premonition resumes moving as normal, but he continues to see ten seconds into the future, the time in the vision and the real world unfolding in parallel, but the one in the premonition running ten seconds fast.

In this state, Tserriednich can see and hear what passes in his vision while at the same time perceiving what occurs outside of it, and recovers his ability to move.

This astounding ability is what allowed him to take out most of the princes with minimal use of his guardian beast. The first tier witnessed continuous incidents of bloodbaths.

Not as bloody as the fifth tier which remains empty to this day until people from the hunter association conclude their investigations, but bloody nonetheless especially considering whose blood it is.

Among those unfortunately is one named Woble, a baby that was killed by a small bug, a strange firebug that disintegrated after doing its job.

Kurapica had no way of protecting the baby because he didn't know when the firebug appeared and only noticed once it consumed the baby's life.

So many people with so many strange abilities, how could he prepare for every one of them? he couldn't.

The baby's mother was also found dead not long after, by suicide. A series of unfortunate events that didn't differentiate a baby from an adult, good from evil. May the strongest survive.

How could Kurapica not blame himself? He failed to do what he promised, he failed in so many things, and it's starting to take a toll on his mind.

He really just wanted to get the remaining scarlet eyes and take a rest. He is too tired, he might need a long vacation from which none come back.

"This is not the only thing you want to talk about, right?" Questioned Yasuo undisturbed by Kurapica's lifeless eyes.

"You know where the scarlet eyes are? right? I'm sure you have ways to find out so if you know, can you tell me? Or if you don't, can you find out? Just help me, I don't have much of my lifespan left so you'll likely get what you want soon."

His tone was calm, emotionless even. He ignored whether Yasuo can understand what he insinuates and just wait for the latter to answer. He also ignored the fact Yasuo can kill him and get whatever he wants and he didn't consider that he might have already got what he wanted.

Yasuo however didn't mind answer, in fact, that's exactly what he wanted to do. "I do know where they are but the one who currently owns them is right next to them appreciating their beauty so you might have to fight him unless."

"Also there is something inside that might make you want to kill him dearly so think about it, or I can just steak them and bring them to you later," Yasuo whispered something that gave birth to countless possibilities within Kurapica's mind.

He wanted to know what it is that'll make him do that. If it's really what he thinks it is then he has to take the obvious bait and he can't allow Yasuo to take them because he doesn't trust them staying in his hands one bit.

Kurapica walked into the dark portal that just appeared while ignoring so many warnings within his mind, he just felt too tired to prolong his stay any longer

What greeted him is a strange sight. A man playing with a head in his hands. He knows both of them, the man and the head that have an expression of bafflement on his face, they never met but he knows general information about them.

Tserriednich with Halkenburg's clean head in his hands. He seems to be preparing a test tube to put the head in and he seems to be quite skillful in doing so like he did the same many times before.

The tens of test tubes around testify to that. He didn't seem to have noticed the silent Kurapica to focused on doing his loved work. Kurapica also wasn't focused on him at all, he was looking at all the other test tubes around.

His eyes started shining in a scarlet light, a light similar to those of the ones in some of the several test tubes before them.

He focused on the test tube placed in the middle of those ones, the test tubes that have a small human head within.

Kurapica looked at the head's eyes that looks so familiar to him, he knows who the head belong to or he knew him when he was alive. He also knows those eyes because they look the same as his shining scarlet in the middle of the darkroom.

Tserriednich at this point believes he's the last survivor of the princes. He kept his ear open to the whispers of people around him and he made sure everyone's dead, even the ones he wasn't responsible for killing.

So he just needed to put a few finishing touches on his magnificent collection and then go to meet his father though he thought the latter will summon him at this point in time but that didn't happen.

He was appreciating his beautiful work unaware of the raging Kurapica behind him who won't give him a chance at all.

He was unaware of Camilla's ability and thought Benjamin's subordinates have already killed her as revenge because that's the information he received.

The rage within Kurapica simply wouldn't allow him to give his unaware opponent any chance, he didn't even have a chance to enter Zetsu to activate his ability.

His guardian beast can only protect him against some specific kinds of attacks, like a normal bullet. Kurapica is much stronger than him and in his scarlet eyes state, the result was already decided.

Natsubi's personal butler walked through a specific hallway in the third tier, a dark hallway just as dark as his expression.

He accepted that the succession ceremony is necessary for the Kakin empire's wellbeing but he couldn't hide his sorrow seeing the death of all the princes, no matter how they are, they were family to Nugui.

However, his face regained its usual composed look once he reached a certain metallic door, one he has the key to as the ship was after all built by the Kakin empire.

He inserted the key then opened the door slowly. What welcomed him is a dark small room with no source of light to be seen and the strong stinky smell that didn't change his expression.

He congratulated, "Congratulation miss Camilla for being the last survivor of the succession contest." ... "I'm what???"