Chapter 197: Unveiling The Mysteries V  


Chapter 197: Unveiling The Mysteries V  


Her rage only intensified once the human she had met before appeared before her. His expression was that of interest and curiosity driving her ever more madder.

"It's your fault! It has to be your doing! I will kill you and kill everyone else!!!" She barely had a silver of insanity in her scarlet eyes as she screeched her lungs out in pure madness.

Then she commanded the massive expanse of fire above her to engulf him as well as the raging volcano behind her to consume everything.


The volcano wouldn't normally reach the city as it's way too far but its current rage seems to be the fuel to achieve what it couldn\t previously do.

Yasuo just looked at all of this with that hint of curiosity never leaving his eyes. The curiosity about something deeper, not the raging fire and lava.

The hot substance and how it behaves according to her wishes is something he already knows and saw in a future that didn't exist, it's no mystery to him.

What he's curious about is her mind or what is within it, her memory. How she gained this ability and what happened hundreds of years ago, mysteries he has yet to uncover.

The assimilation of Pakunoda's ability happened to have been completed just a bit more than a week ago and that's all he needed to know what he previously didn't.

So he started walking in the air towards her, towards the incoming raging fire, the world-destroying fire seem to have flinched as his eyes turned scarlet.


It was as if the fire had a hint of intelligence allowing it to be hesitant in its actions. The bright scarlet eyes startled the old lady as she looked confused and stunned.

She was unable to utter a word for a while before she started mumbling in her breath, mumbling that has become clearer as time went on and insanity shrouded her.

"Heretic! Disgusting heretic! This must be a sign that the Lord wishes me to kill you!! A heretic!" She was shrieking, seemingly able to shatter glass to numerous fragments.

The fire and the volcano behind her seem to have been infected with her insanity as they started raging at much greater insanity, the fire was about to engulf Yasuo whole. "Calm down." These were the calm words that came out of Yasuo's mouth. It was as if they came out in a specific rhythm affecting the fabric of reality around him.

The fire and the volcano indeed heeded his words and calmed down and all was still. The raging volcano was no more and the fire seeking to engulf him stopped knowing its place.

Until he added, "Go back whence you came from." The fire did indeed retreat and went back into the volcano calmly hiding there until another command gets uttered.


It appears as if the death of every one of her tribe as well as all the abnormal things she faced so far did quite a toll on her mind leaving her frozen unable to comprehend how the heretic was able to achieve what he just did.

Until Yasuo stood right before her looking into her scarlet eyes as she raved while shaking, "W- What do you want!! Stay away from me you monster!! The lord of fire will definitely punish y..."

She was unable to complete her incoherent words as Yasuo gently touched her forehead with his finger which is strangely shining in a slight purple color due to the numerous purple lines all over it.

As his finger touched her forehead, a torch was lit. A strange torch or fire was lit on the tip of his finger so small its almost unnoticeable, a dark fire or so it appeared to be.

It's but a dark smoke with a vile aura surrounding it. Its darkness was deserved as the old lady was simply extinguished in her entirely, not even her soul was spared and it's all due to the violet rose.

Yasuo disappeared directly after only to appear in the silent tribe of hers. Bodies everywhere, all dead and they didn't seem to have sensed the incoming scythe of death at all.

Yasuo didn't linger in the area for long, he just picked a few samples of blood from the bodies and researched the area for a bit before leaving.

He already has the old lady's blood and now he got a few more samples as perhaps they could be useful in the future, after all, he already took few samples of their blood months ago.

Else, how could he command the raging fire as the old lady did?

He reached an uninhabited area not far from the tribe and sat down to explore the new memories he just received.

The memories he saw in a future where he used Pakunoda's ability on the old granny and saw all of her memories like an open pictures book, he remembered everything as usual.

He explored the unknown area that is her memories, her dark yet boring memories.

The memories of an insane person and he explore every inch and cranny, not missing anything as in the veils of obscurity lies the secrets of the world.

In a tribe that doesn't look to have stood the test of time, she was born. The tribe was new and was only built not more than a few thousand years ago.

The surviving humans after the bizarre great disaster formed that tribe seeking to escape the incoming clutches of extinction, to multiply and spread, grasping the height of power humanity once had.

Humans had to start all over again, learn and evolve, and advance. The assembly of so many humans allowed that process to be faster and time passed.

Among that group of people, there was a specific strange group of people that were deemed as demons or at least possessed by demons and were oppressed.

Their forefather happened to be the first leader of the tribe only to disappear not long after leaving his descendants which happened to have those strange delish scarlet eyes. A new leader took place who very much respected the previous leader so he chose against doing anything to his cursed descendants.

However, he didn't stop the normal tribe people from letting their emotions out on them but he didn't let them go too far.

The scarlet eyes people which the tribe used to call the cursed people suffered dearly under people's constant abuse, they were innocent born with a gift.

It's however an unknown and strange gift and humans fear such a thing especially after the bizarre great disaster so the family of cursed ones had to suffer.

They still reproduced among themselves giving birth to more cursed ones and spreading bit by bit even under the preying hateful eyes.

Their forefather left them to face the burnt of the fire but they persisted and gained a bit of a foothold in the tribe but not before an incident that determines the future of the tribe transpired.

The old granny was but an innocent child, a special one as she was born as a cursed one just like her parents.

She has grown in a cold family just like most cursed families are, the abuse they suffered in their childhood did a toll on their minds and a loving family was rare among them.

She didn't complain because she had a friend she spends most of her time with, a similarly cursed child of the same age.

She was satisfied with her life and didn't complain much even with all the suffering and bullying she was experiencing until a certain incident took place.

A case of abuse going too far. The son of one of the smiths in the tribe, the kid was older than her and was used to bullying her acting upon his hatred.

The hatred he gained due to his father who also hate the cursed ones and passed that hatred to his child just like his father passed that hatred to him.

How hard is it to fill a blank slate with hatred? Not hard at all, in fact, it's too easy so upon a minor conflict with her, the smith's son allowed his emotions to cloud his reasoning.

That lead to the massive and obvious burn scar on her back but she survived, not without consequences however.

Hatred started growing within her and an obsession. The incident gave birth to a strange obsession with fire that would later turn into something else.

Her hatred was left unsatiated for a long time but she has grown poisonous and noticed her friend also started hating those vile people so she worked hard to make that hatred grow even more, she knows he has a crush on her after all.

Her hard work bore fruit as her friend found something magical. He found what looks like an ancient tool with a magical property buried not far from the tribe.

He only found the magical property by accident and didn't notice any harmful repercussions from using it albeit he only used it one time.

He was quite obedient to her and gave her the artifact and told her what he knows about it without omitting even a single detail, they were still little kids in their early teens so his nativity is understandable.

However, the cursed girl wasn't naive at all, the heinous burn scar on her back pushed her on a pathway of early maturity and she didn't mind letting her hatred out on the tribe's people.

She just needed the power to do so and now that it's in her hands, how can she let it go? How can she let this opportunity slip by? She absolutely wouldn't.