Chapter 52: Morena Prudo  


Chapter 52: Morena Prudo  


Once she left, his briefcase flew to him then it opened, what was revealed is the nine missing scarlet eyes pairs. He picked one of them looking closely at it, "it is a beautiful color..."

The moment all of the scarlet eyes were within his domain and when he noticed all of them in a tightly closed chest.

He simply channeled his aura inside the closed briefcase then created several source portals in it, as for the destination portals, he created them below all the scarlet eyes allowing the eyes to fall through the portal into his briefcase.


This is the benefit of his control domain, he sees everything in it which means he can create the destination portal anywhere he wants in it though he still needs the source portal to be in his aura.

He also did the same when they searched his briefcase, simply teleporting them somewhere empty within his domain which gives a lot of options considering his domain envelops a radius of 260 meters around him, then he teleported them back.

He created an amplification domain scanning all of the eyes at a cellular level, he continued decreasing his amplification domain's size, and with it, his sense got much stronger surpassing the cellular level...

His normal domain decreased to only envelop an area with 6 meters diameter around him with his amplification domain enveloping all of the eyes with a diameter of 1 meter.

What he felt is faint energy all around, soo faint that it's almost unnoticeable, The faint energy seems to be slowly moving around in a pitch-black space that remained static with no movement whatsoever, this is space.

When Yasuo created his control domain, he created it with the function of the stronger he is the more he can sense which means his sense will extend to anything as long as he is strong enough.


That also means that space is within his control if not for the enormous Aura consumption and so far he can sense space vaguely in a 1-meter Amplification domain with almost all the rest of his domain sacrificed but if he decreased his amplification domain more then he can sense it clearly.

Yasuo concentrated his attention on all the scarlet eyes sensing some kind of dark energy all around them but concentrated mostly in the iris. He also noted that energy remained static with no movement while also noting the similarity between this particular energy and Nen and that he can't control it at all.

'Hmm, I should do more tests on them when I go back and most definitely use the genetic elixir machine on them.

And I can't control the energy, huh and it's not as if I can't handle the input, it's more like it's uncontrollable, So far I only found one similar case, is it actually?'

While thinking of this, a gleam of interest passed in his eyes.

What Yasuo found is that he can control everything he can sense and that extends to other Nen-user's Nen though the consumption is way too high for it to be worth it except two similar cases so far, this one is one of them.


He observed them for a while closely then he lifted his hand as purple lines appeared on it then he attacked at one of the eyes leaving a purple mark, he repeated the process several times on all of the scarlet eyes then put all of them in his backpack.

What Yasuo just used is 'Delayed Rose,' which will allow him to erase them whenever he wants, he used the same ability on everything back in his lab just in case...


"This is it for the basics, now I'll open your Aura nodes," Two days passed, Yasuo and Morena are in a large room on an airship heading towards the republic of Padokea, to a city close to the Kukuroo mountain the Zoldycks property.

He has started teaching her Nen though he still teaching her about theoretical knowledge before opening her Aura nodes.

Morena could be seen wearing a simple black dress with a smile representing her good mood while also focusing completely on what he says.

"Let's start, come close and show me your back," Ordered Yasuo and she did as told without any hesitation, after all, he can kill her whenever he wants.

Then Yasuo lifted his hand placing it close to her shoulder, "Ren" instantly he outputs his Nen though it's strangely calm with little to no aura waste.

He then focuses his aura on her stunning with her eyes widening as she felt the new sensation enveloping her, she seemed distracted until she heard him say, "Focus! do what I taught you, close your eyes..."

She did as told closing her eyes, her focus only increased once she heard his next words, his wise words seem to target exactly what she needs to hear to trigger the emotional activity needed.

"Imagine a halo surrounds you not allowing what's yours to wander in the world, not allowing filthy humans or this filthy world to have a taste of your aura,"

His calm yet faint voices seemed to have some kind of invisible power that acted as a hypnotization of such, letting her relax and drift into the destination he desires. The aura that was flowing away two seconds ago started to flow through and around her body forming a shroud of aura around her, this is 'Ten'.

Yasuo lifted his hand and with a smile on his face started patting her bringing her out of her entranced state, "Good job!"

She slapped his hand away with a frown on her face, "About filthy humans and this filthy world having a taste of my aura, Why did you say that? according to your teaching that's not really what happens, right?"

"Of course not but it worked, didn't it? I told you, Nen is an extension of one's will so since you really didn't want what I said to happen, your will acted making the process faster,"

While saying that he lifted his hand catching Morena's punch that was striking towards him.

"How do you know what I want and what I don't want? you said you don't know me and I still didn't tell you anything about me, " She asked with a glare on her face while retracting her punch.

Yasuo started walking towards a chair next to a table while signaling for her to take the other seat.

"You didn't notice? You give that vibe and even though it's faint, I can still easily detect it, it's like you don't care about anything and you really don't care about your life, you showed that two days ago, make sense?"

That made Morena frown even more not liking how he can see through her at all.

"Anyway, let's have a talk and don't let your aura flow away, so tell me about yourself and you don't have to hide anything from me," stated Yasuo.

Morena just let out a sigh knowing its probably useless to hide anything from him, "My real name is Morena Prudo, I'm the Illegitimate daughter of the Kakin empire's ruler...

The scars are a result of me not being an official child and I'm only allowed to live under the condition that I never appear in public or concern myself with politics... I joined the Heil-Ly family, a mafia family a few months ago... Satisfied?"

Yasuo started stroking his earring while saying, "Good enough, so that explains your personality, well I'm Yasuo Zoldyck an assassin and a 1-star research hunter..."

There seems to be a hint of surprise on her face, "You told me your real name back then... you don't see me as a threat at all,"

"We'll start with basics until we reach our destination then we'll test your Nen affinity, I'm gonna get lunch now..." Said Yasuo ignoring her remark.

Then he left the room leaving Morena to her wandering thoughts, 'Does he really just want me to become a 1-star hunter?

Then I can do whatever I want when he takes this purple mark off me if not then what'll I do? What can I do? Going against him feels like a hopeless endeavor, and why does he treat me so nicely? is he still trying to seduce me... Well, it doesn't matter.'

While thinking of that she extended her dress looking at the bright purple mark on her chest making her frown until she just let out a sigh and started training her Ten...