Chapter 54: Unknown energy  


Chapter 54: Unknown energy  


He used his maximum sense sacrificing most of his domain to sense the dark energy within the eyes yet there is still no activity at all and while the person can see clearly with them, there is still no strengthening effect at all and the eyes remained scarlet...

"Stand up" ordered Yasuo after noticing no effect and the person did as told, then Yasuo went behind him and placed his hand close to the person's shoulder, 'Ren' he initiated the person to Nen though gently leaving no harm.

"Do your eyes feel any different?" Asked Yasuo while using his amplification domain to observe the eyes and any abnormal activity, the person plainly describes what he is experiencing though what he described is what Nen feels like.


Yasuo frowned, "As I thought, It's not that easy..." Then he took the scarlet eyes out leaving the person eyeless then he headed to a specific room with the two scarlet eyes floating behind him.

What came into view is a weird-looking device with three metal spheres, one smaller than the other with inscriptions all over it, in fact, the entire room is completely engraved.

He opened the metal sphere at the top which is the largest then threw the pair of eyes in it then he focused his Nen on the device and with that, the inscriptions started absorbing his Nen as the whole device lightened up.

He continued to output his Aura towards the device for hours until, from the lowest metal sphere, a few drops of red liquid fell into a small test tube.

Yasuo picked the test tube then exited the room with a syringe flying towards him, he then used it to draw in the small amount of red liquid and injected it into the person's arm then he simply observed the following with interest.

As time passed, the person's organs started failing though what Yasuo observed with his amplification domain is that it isn't the immune system that's attacking the liquid he injected, it's the opposite.


The liquid he injected that has cells filled with dark energy is responsible for the person's organs failure as they attacked the blood cells and the immune system cells basically starting a self-destructive process. One thing Yasuo took note of is the dark energy becoming active until the person died and with that all of the cells he injected stopped their activity with the dark energy stoping its activity as well with the entire process taking about seven minutes.

Yasuo looked thoughtful while stroking his earring then he activated Violet Rose erasing the body only to instantly notice something making him activate his amplification domain on a few spots.

That continued for a while until the small red liquid was concentrated in one place, then he manipulated it into an empty tube and put it in the fridge.

"So it's not considered to be part of the body even though I injected it which ended up erasing solely the body and leaving the liquid since I set the targets as the body."

His eyes shined brightly, "So it's possible but incredibly hard..."

Yasuo spent some more time in the lab then left heading towards Morena who is using 'Ren' in front of the house she stopped one she noticed him walking towards her, "What do you want?" Impatience could be noticed in her voice.


Yasuo raised his eyebrows as a look of amusement surfaced on his face, "Oh, you don't like spending time with me? I noticed you started avoiding me for a while ago,"

She frowned and looked unsure about what to say until she said avoiding answering his question, "It doesn't matter, what do you want?"

Yasuo shrugs his shoulder, "You can talk to me about it whenever you want, just don't take long I don't like to wait..."

She was about to say they have nothing to talk about before she heard the following interrupting her.

"Anyway, since your progress in the basics is satisfactory, we'll start advanced Nen techniques training, I already taught you the theoretical knowledge so we'll have a spar from time to time to make you more comfortable with using Nen in battle,"

"Also, have you thought about what your ability would be like?" then he continued to ask.

"I'm still thinking about it, I have a general picture about what I want but that's it," She answered without giving too much information.

"Hmm, let me guess, something that spreads chaos, something that only spreads further bringing more and more chaos, a parasite should fit this description well, is that what you're planning on conjuring?"

Playfulness could be seen on his face as he seems to enjoy messing with her.

Morena's face could help but twitch then she let out a small pout, "You're soo annoying!!" then she allocated her aura to her hand punching towards him. Yasuo looked startled as he caught the punch, "well, that's cute, I certainly didn't expect that" he remarked as a faint smile painted his face.

That embarrassed Morena even more but calmed her down as she took deep breaths getting her composure back then she walked back to the house, ' Just what's wrong with him and what's wrong with me, I'm getting too comfortable with all of this...'

Yasuo was just left there stroking his earring, 'It's going well huh'

-Two months later-

"Your physical capabilities are quite low and your compatibility with enhancement is low as well so focus more on speed and just evade until you see a chance to deal fatal damage,"

Remarked Yasuo while evading her attack then he punched at a speed only fast enough to make it a little bit hard for her.

She barely evaded the punch and kept her distance from him.

"Good, you were able to see the pattern of my attacks faster than last time, most people have patterns that they either consciously or unconsciously follow, that extends to Nen abilities as well, and considering the kind of ability you want to make then this is something you should always keep in mind."

"But you don't and the only patterns I see are the ones you want me to see."

Remarked Morena while evading another punch then took the chance to attack since according to his current patterns of attacks after this exact attack there will be a weak point.

Except Yasuo changing his pattern at that moment wasn't taken into consideration leading to him taking a completely different course of action that wasn't within her prediction leaving her basically defenseless considering she attacked to a place with him evading to another place making her stunned.

Since they started sparring, he always used a different pattern each time teaching her how to use it to her advantage and how to predict the other's actions but he never changes his pattern of attack in the middle of the spar which explains her astonishment when he did.

He placed his hand on her throat while explaining:

"The final lesson, the enemy may use his pattern to his advantage if he is aware of it or create a pattern to trick the enemy so while you should take patterns into consideration, don't ever let it be your only plan of action,"

Then he retracted his hand.

Morena nodded and took a few deep breaths as sweat came down her face, she is wearing black sportswear with her blonde hair tied up.

Yasuo lifted his hand and started patting her, "But good job, your progress during the last month was quite good," then he retracted his hand and asked wondering, "You didn't make your Hatsu yet, why?"

Morena let out a faint smile, "I changed my mind on what kind of ability I want... so I'm still visualizing it,"...