Chapter 64: Challenge III  


Chapter 64: Challenge III  


Another two golden arms punching towards him with a speed two times faster than the other two as his sense of danger screams to him to evade except he can't... its much faster than his top speed unless... we add his control domain to the equation...

As Yasuo concentrated his Aura on his feet leaping back trying to evade except that the two golden punches are coming towards him much faster than his retreating speed...only for something unusual to happen making Netero narrow his eyes.

As the punches got closer to Yasuo, the latter suddenly accelerated to an astonishing degree leaving the range of the golden hands.


He seemed to be flying back until he stopped only after leaving a distance of tens of meters.

A weird smile surfaced on Netero's face seeing this scene.

'He.. really was able to evade it though barely and I finally forced him to use his ability...but I didn't get much information about it huh.

I wonder...will he force me to use 'Zero hand.'?Should I use it if I was forced to? but he will die if I did unless he survived? I really want to find out if he can survive it.'

Then he started walking towards Yasuo.

While Netero is thinking about the previous, Yasuo was noting what he observed from the previous exchange.


'I can safely estimate that his attacking speed is near the hypersonic speed and should roughly be about 7.5 Mach and my attacking speed is a little bit faster than that while my overall speed is much faster than his.'

Yasuo then observed the golden hands, 'In the last exchange, the two upper golden arms reached a speed of about 10 Mach which I can keep up with to a certain extent.

The problem lies in the two golden arms in the middle, their speed is much faster reaching nearly 16 Mach. I had to push my control to its limit to retreat safely, after all, according to what I tested recently, the combination of my muscle force and control domain allows me to reach a speed of nearly 13-14 Mach and the sense of danger they give me is even more than the other two golden arms.'

A bright light appeared deep in Yasuo's eyes as a smile surfaced on his face, 'This is the most important reason why am here, to try to mimic and learn from the most powerful Nen user, to try mimicking his abilities, abilities that are too useful to miss...'

Then Yasuo also started walking towards him while forming similar arms to Netero's using his Aeronen, something Netero noticed because while he can't see the Aeronen due to its invisibility he can still roughly sense it making the invisibility property useless to a certain extent on people like him.

While I can make similar shapes using transmutation as well, they won't have the same power and properties as Netero's especially with something like the technique he is using now, mimicking it is impossible.


Well, it's possible but I will only be able to mimic its base form without any enhancement in speed or power but what I'm interested in is the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva since I want to create something similar but It will take too long to perfect unless I already have a model to mimic.

Abilities such as this one are hard to impossible to mimic since there are risks and conditions applied to them so it's better to create one from scratch.

That's why I found it quite easy to mimic the portals ability, it's quite simple with no condition that's uncopyable so it all comes down to if one is able to mimic how Nen behaves.

And getting hit or having a taste of the ability is also a requirement allowing one's Nen to have a deeper knowledge of what it's gonna mimic.

As Yasuo walked towards Netero he noted something else, his control domain is too Nen consuming so if he just kept evading while controlling himself to make his speed faster, he will be on the losing side.

And from what he can see, the ability Netero is using doesn't look that consuming and he is sure its consumption is nowhere near his control domain's If he pushes it which he will have to do if he wants to evade the middle golden arms.

That's why he wants to use Aeronen since the consumption is negligible relative to his Aura pool.

Yasuo formed four extra arm pairs spurting from his back though they're a bit longer than normal arms giving him an Extra eight arms.

Once they got close to each other, they both attacked while allocating Aura to their hands as all the extra arms followed attacking as well.

Except for the two golden middle arms that he instead manipulated it placing them on his head triggering another part of his ability, a transparent golden barrier appeared surrounding him with only a few cm distance between it and his skin.

And with that, the sound of collision resounded through the underground room with Netero being the one sent back.

Though Yasuo didn't escape unscathed as the only reason he stayed in his place is because of the Nen threads connected to the metallic ground keeping him in his place.

Yasuo just stood there weirdly closing his eyes even in this situation, even with his right arm completely fractured with blood dripping to the ground, the same arm he blocked the attack with.

An attack that wasn't supposed to happen considering he wasn't within Netero's range yet, while the latter was within Yasuo's range since the Arms he created are much longer. Suddenly one of the golden arms dispelled As the remaining golden arm started getting bigger until its size tripled then he manipulated it to strike towards the metallic ground resulting in friction that stopped him in his tracks, the same thing he used to attack Yasuo even though the latter wasn't within his range.

Netero got his balance back and again started walking towards Yasuo then while doing so deactivated the golden barrier around him only to use another golden hand to create the barrier again.

The difference being is using only one of the upper golden arms to create it instead of the strongest middle golden arms.

"Hoho, I was wondering what I sensed so to be safe I used my full defensive ability but after receiving the attacks, I'm pretty sure they won't get through the lowest level barrier.

Whatever you transmuted your Aura that has invisibility property while it seems strong and fast, its offensive abilities aren't that seems I have the advantage,"

Stated Netero while stroking his beard with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Yasuo just let out a smile while looking at his completely broken arm with a thoughtful expression.

"Interesting, I don't know exactly what you transmuted your Aura to but I can make few assumptions, is it something illusionary... like your power of believe or something similar?"

Netero let out a small weird laugh until a dignified expression surface on his face, "Something.. similar but... it's real... I believe it is so it's very real..."

A bright light appeared deep in Yasuo's eyes as he looked at his arm with a peculiar look.

"Of course it is... Nen is fascinating isn't it, making dreams come true, manifesting one's imagination and there are only a few things that limit it.

Talent and hard work, imagination... and most importantly, one's mind and will."

While saying that, he started concentrating his Aura on his left arm.

'Violet Rose- M=-1, T=0.2'.

He activated his Hatsu while striking towards his heart area with his hand going through it and all the Aura on it disappearing completely.

He retracted his hand as purple lines started spreading all over his body especially on his right arm.

They kept spreading for half a second after the timer ended as he felt the shattered bones connect together with the purple lines guiding them with all the wounds shining purple as they rapidly closed until... the arm completely healed.

This is something Yasuo learned recently, if he applied the negative multiplier and used the ability on himself, he can decide on which place the restoration process will focus on like now.

He focused most of the restoration on his damaged arm which allowed him to heal it completely though the consumption is significant.

That brought Netero out of his contemplating hearing Yasuo's words, he narrowed his eyes seeing the following scene. Yasuo closed his eyes concentrating on all the Aeronen arms.