"Stop the pursuit, strengthen the defense line, and prevent the Americans from counterattacking!"

  The generals of the German front line issued an order. After the collapse of the US army, the German army took advantage of the situation to pursue them, and they were about to hit Topsfield.

   It's just that there are not many German troops in the past, and neither the main armored division nor the mechanized infantry division has passed. And the U.S. military still has heavy troops in Topsfield. If you attack rashly, I am afraid that you will not be able to defeat the US military, but will suffer a loss. Therefore, the German army had to suspend its offensive and wait until the follow-up main force arrived before launching an offensive.

  The engineers of the German army began to build the pontoon bridge. They were busy on the St. Croix River with tools prepared in advance. Soon, pontoon bridges were erected one after another.

  After the infantry of the German infantry divisions began to cross these pontoon bridges, they established positions on the opposite bank of the St. Croix River. Prepare to resist the counterattack of the US military.

  More German engineers are building solid pontoon bridges that can pass heavy equipment. Otherwise, the heavy tanks of the German army would not be able to cross the river. It is necessary to defeat the US military head-on and completely defeat them. These heavy equipment of the German army are indispensable.

"Your Excellency Marshal, the US military's defense line has been defeated by us. Now, an infantry division is crossing the river. Engineers are building a pontoon bridge that can pass heavy equipment, and it is expected to be built in the afternoon." Lieutenant General Karl Hilpert reported road.


Marshal Guderian nodded: "Let the 8th Armored Division, 88th Armored Division, 71st Mechanized Infantry Division, 72nd Mechanized Infantry Division, 73rd Mechanized Infantry Division and 74th Mechanized Infantry Division be ready. Tomorrow Before dark, all must cross the river. In the morning of the day after tomorrow, launch an attack on time, and we must defeat the US 5th Army." Marshal Guderian ordered.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal." Lieutenant General Karl Hilpert replied.

  The 8th Army is an armored army with two armored divisions and four mechanized infantry divisions. The entire group army has more than a thousand tanks. The "Tiger King" heavy tank alone has equipped two battalions with more than one hundred vehicles. Even if the US 5th Army also has a strong armored force, it is undoubtedly very difficult to counter the German 8th Army.

   "In addition, let the 3rd Army and the 13th Army hurry up. They also need to get rid of the American 6th Army the day after tomorrow." Marshal Guderian said.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal." Lieutenant General Karl Hilpert nodded.

  With the strength of the 3rd Army and the 13th Army, there is no problem in killing the 6th Army of the US Army. However, whether it can be wiped out depends on luck.


   Lieutenant General Lucien Truscott, commander of the US Fifth Army, looked very ugly when he learned that the front line had collapsed. He has sent a full 4 infantry divisions and two independent tank battalions to the front. But in the end it still failed to withstand the German attack. Moreover, so many troops only persisted for less than half a day, which is a complete shame!

   "Asshole! Are those guys on the front line a bunch of idiots? Four divisions, more than 70,000 people, were defeated by the Germans in half a day." Lieutenant General Lucian Truscott was very angry.

   "General, what should we do now? Do we need to mobilize troops to counterattack again? Now the main force of the Germans is crossing the river. A large number of troops have already crossed the St. Croix River." An officer asked.

   Lieutenant General Lucian Truscott shook his head: "The Germans are fully prepared now, and it will be difficult to defeat them if they launch an attack."

  Although the 5th Army still has an armored division and two mechanized infantry divisions, with more than 600 tanks. However, the German army dispatched a group of armed helicopters and quickly destroyed the two US tank battalions, which also frightened Lieutenant General Lucian Truscott.

"After the Germans have crossed the St. Croix, it is impossible not to go on the offensive. In this case, we will be in Topsfield, waiting for the Germans to attack. Strengthen the defense here, and when the Germans attack, let the Germans attack. They smashed their heads against our line of defense!" Lieutenant General Lucian Truscott ordered.


   "Yes, General."

  Originally, the U.S. military used the St. Croix River as a natural moat, hoping to withstand the German attack. But now it seems that this is of no use at all.

   This made Lieutenant General Lucien Truscott also have to change his thinking.

  Toppersfield is at any rate the site that the US 5th Army has been operating for a long time, and the remaining four infantry divisions have all gathered here. The 5th Armored Division, 41st Mechanized Infantry Division and 42nd Mechanized Infantry Division are not far away and can be reinforced at any time. Once the U.S. military can use the built fortifications to resist the German attack and consume the vital strength of the German army, it can then invest in armored forces and defeat the German army in one fell swoop.

  Of course, this is just Lieutenant General Lucien Truscott's own thoughts. Whether it will become a reality is very difficult to say.

  Like the 5th Army, the US 6th Army also chose to defend Princeton. In other words, the U.S. Sixth Army is under greater pressure than the U.S. Fifth Army. After all, what they had to face was the two German armies with twice as many troops as them.

  Lt. General Lucien Truscott and the commander of the 6th Army did not forget to ask for help. Hope the Army General Staff will send more reinforcements to reinforce them. Otherwise, it would undoubtedly be very difficult for these two armies to hold back the attack of the three elite armies of the German army group B.

  The U.S. General Staff was already aware of the critical situation on the front line when the St. Croix River defense line was breached. The U.S. troops north of the 5th Army have been ordered to prepare for reinforcements.

  The defense line of the US Eighth Army has been taken over by the Seventh Army and the Ninth Army. The 8th Army went south to prepare to reinforce the 5th Army. At the same time, the 11th Army was also moving south. It's just that the distance is a little longer.

  The US military did not stop the German army from crossing the river. With the U.S. Army Air Forces having been beaten by the Luftwaffe without the slightest temper, they had no way to prevent the Germans from crossing the river. What's more, if an army is sent to launch an attack, it will only be meat buns beating dogs, and there will be no return. The German troops crossing the river have already strengthened the defense line on the basis of the defense line left by the US military, and are waiting for the US military to send it to their door.

  Under such circumstances, several armored divisions and mechanized infantry divisions of the German army began to cross the St. Croix River in an orderly manner.