"We are going to lose this war, our country is going to perish. If, in Washington, we are not able to withstand the pace of the German attack, then our country is really going to die. The Germans will not Let the United States of America continue to exist. At that time, we will all become subjugated slaves under the oppression of the Germans. We can only muster up our courage, take up arms, fight hard, and resist the Germans in the final battle. In this way Only then will we be able to keep our country. For our country, but also for freedom, let’s fight to the death with the Germans!" President Roosevelt’s voice was transmitted to all parts of the United States through radio waves.

  In the U.S. military barracks, officers and soldiers gathered around the radio, listening to President Roosevelt's speech.

  With the continuous defeat on the front line, many American soldiers did not have the courage and confidence to continue fighting. In their eyes, the Germans have become synonymous with invincibility. However, after listening to President Roosevelt's speech, these American officers and soldiers once again mustered up their courage, and finally fought to the end. After all, they are soldiers of the United States Army, and their job is to defend the country.

   "For freedom, fight the Germans to the end!" A US military officer said.

   "For freedom, God bless us!" shouted a black soldier.

   "For freedom, defeat the Germans!" More American soldiers responded.

   At the last moment, President Roosevelt successfully stimulated the morale of the US military.


  Of course, this only temporarily stimulated the fighting spirit of the troops. Once the battle situation becomes unfavorable to them again, the morale of the troops may collapse immediately. Even worse than before. At that time, perhaps a large number of American troops will voluntarily surrender to the German army. Once the battle has reached that point, there is no need to continue.

   "Huh! Freedom? Shit!" Marshal Manstein turned off the radio and said disdainfully.

  The Americans did everything they could to resist the German attack at the last moment. However, such a small strategy is completely vulnerable to the strong military strength of the German army. The powerful German army will use powerful force to crush them directly.

   "How long will it take for the ministries to reach the predetermined area?" Marshal Manstein asked.

   Marshal Manstein hopes to suppress the resistance of the US military in the shortest possible time. In this case, he will be able to withdraw from the United States as soon as possible.

  As long as the German army can eliminate the main force of the U.S. military, the remaining affairs can be handed over to other people. And he can return to Germany. Now the United States is just making a last-ditch struggle. There is almost no problem in defeating them. However, after defeating the United States, it does not mean that the war is over. On the other side of the ocean, Germany had a formidable enemy to contend with. After defeating them, Germany can be regarded as winning the final victory of this war.


"Your Excellency, Commander, Army Group B is expected to arrive in three days. Army Group A will arrive in about five days. Army Group C may take a week to arrive at the predetermined area because of the longer distance." The general reported.

  Marshal Manstein nodded. The United States is too large, which made the German army spend a lot of time fighting in the United States. Fortunately, the US military has assembled in Washington, although the total strength has reached 4 million. But this is undoubtedly much better than the US military dividing troops to guard various places. The German army can also strive to wipe out all the US troops in this battle. If this is the case, the battle will almost be over.

   "Where are the combat supplies? How are the preparations going?" Marshal Manstein asked.

  A large-scale battle consumes an astronomical amount of war supplies. Even, whether the supply of war materials is sufficient or not is directly related to the outcome of the war.

"Your Excellency Marshal, as the east coast of the United States has almost fallen into our hands, we have already mastered many ports. A large amount of war materials are directly transported to these ports and then sent to the front. For the attack on Washington The preparations for war are almost complete," said the general.

   "Very well, let the Air Force start the bombing of Washington! Before the Army arrives, cause as much damage as possible to the Americans." Marshal Manstein ordered.


   Until now, the main force of the Luftwaffe has been stationed in North America. Not only in Newfoundland, Cape Breton and Nova Scotia have a large number of airports. Even after invading the United States, it took over quite a few US Army Air Corps airfields. Some airports that were not seriously damaged have also been repaired. This enables the German Air Force to further deploy to the United States. In this way, the Luftwaffe will be able to more effectively support the Army's frontline operations.

   "Yes, Marshal!" The general immediately went to make arrangements.

  Northern Washington, the U.S. military is relying on small towns and small towns to build a solid line of defense that is more than 100 kilometers long. These lines of defense consisted of trenches. Barbed wire, minefields, firepower points, artillery positions, and airports are distributed among them. In order to build such a solid line of defense, the U.S. Army has taken great pains!

  Especially because the Anacostia River is relatively narrow and easily broken by the Germans. Therefore, the U.S. military had to deploy heavy troops on the Anacostia River, hoping to withstand the German attack after the battle began.

  Admiral Marshall, as the chief of staff of the U.S. Army and the de facto commander of the U.S. Army, also worked tirelessly to inspect various lines of defense. He hoped that in this final battle, the U.S. Army would be able to avenge its shame, or at least perform better. If it can withstand the German attack, it may really save the fate of the United States.

"General, we have assembled 20 group armies. However, there are only 17 armored divisions. There are 40 mechanized infantry divisions. A large number of tanks and armored vehicles have also been deployed on the positions. This kind of defense can already be counted. It is solid. If the Germans want to break through our position in one fell swoop and occupy Washington, it will definitely not be so easy. Maybe, this time, the Germans can really smash their heads in front of our defense line." Major General Eisenhower Appears very confident.

  Despite the repeated failures of the US military, by this time, he has not given up hope.

   Admiral Marshall nodded, the US military has gathered its last strength here. Regardless of success or failure, there is only such a chance.