Washington, the White House, President Roosevelt's underground office.

  U.S. Secretary of State Hull went here directly after returning from the German Command, and did not go to his office. He must report the German request to President Roosevelt as soon as possible.

   "Your Excellency, the Germans have officially rejected our request for peace talks. They proposed that we must surrender unconditionally. Otherwise, the German army will continue to attack and destroy us in one fell swoop!" Secretary of State Hull said.

  President Roosevelt's expression also became very ugly. He did not expect that the Germans would raise such conditions. He also believed that the Germans might put forward many harsh restrictions on the United States. But unexpectedly, the Germans directly rejected their request for peace talks and asked them to surrender unconditionally.

   "If we agree to the Germans' demand for unconditional surrender, then we will only be slaughtered by the Germans!" President Roosevelt said. Such a result is undoubtedly what President Roosevelt and other senior officials of the US government do not want to see.

   "Yes, Your Excellency President. At that time, the United States may no longer be able to continue to exist." Hull said.

   "The ultimate intention of the Germans is to destroy the United States. Regardless of whether we accept their demand for unconditional surrender, they will destroy the United States." President Roosevelt said.


   Hull nodded, the intention of the Germans is undoubtedly obvious.

  Then, the choice of the U.S. government is now critical. Do you choose to resist to the end, or choose to accept the demands of the Germans?

   "Call other people, let's discuss it!" President Roosevelt said.

   "Okay, Your Excellency the President." Hull said.

   Soon, the senior military and political officials of the United States gathered together again.

   "Everyone, we have formally submitted a request for peace talks to the Germans. However, it is very regrettable that the Germans rejected our request for peace talks." President Roosevelt said.


   "What? The Germans really rejected us? Are they determined to destroy us?"

   "What should we do now? If the peace talks fail, the United States of America will definitely not be able to continue to exist."

"Keep fighting, fight the Germans. We still have 2 million troops. We still have more than 100 million Americans. We still have more territories not occupied by the Germans. We can continue to fight the Germans." !"

  After hearing that Germany rejected the United States' request for peace talks, senior military and political officials in the United States talked a lot.

  Although, they had long expected that Germany would not let the United States go so easily. However, Germany rejected the United States' request for peace talks so cleanly, which was beyond everyone's expectations. This also made many people panic. They all know very well that when Germany is determined to destroy the United States, it may be difficult for them to make a comeback.

   After a while, the senior military and political officials of the US government stopped talking.


   "Gentlemen, the Germans have made a request that the United States of America must surrender unconditionally to them and let them be slaughtered. So, what should we do about this? Should we accept the German request?" President Roosevelt asked.

   "Surrender unconditionally? Damn Germans, how dare they make such a condition?"

   "Yes! If we agree to such a condition, wouldn't we be caught without a fight and let the Germans slaughter us? The Germans can do whatever they want, and we simply have no ability to resist."

   Obviously, none of the senior military and political officials of the US government can accept unconditional surrender. If it is a conditional surrender, even if the conditions are harsher, they may be able to accept it. However, if they surrender unconditionally, this is beyond their bottom line.

   "If we do not accept the Germans' demand for unconditional surrender. Then the Germans will continue to attack. What should we do in such a situation?" Secretary of State Hull asked.

  Suddenly, everyone shut up, like a duck with its throat pinched.

  Although they were unwilling to accept Germany's request for unconditional surrender, they also knew that if the German army continued to attack, they would not be able to resist it. The final result is still being destroyed.

"We still have a lot of troops. If we launch a breakout operation, can we escape from Washington? At that time, we can go to the central or western United States, and continue to fight the Germans on our huge territory!" A minister asked .

"It's almost impossible. The Germans have deployed heavy defenses to the west, south and east of Washington. Although those armies are the servants of the Germans. However, with the loss of our elite troops being similar, There was simply no way to break through the German blockade and escape from Washington," Admiral Marshall said.

  The German army obviously made up its mind a long time ago to wipe out the U.S. troops gathered in Washington. Therefore, troops were specially dispatched to intercept them. Although these troops are servants with weak combat effectiveness, relying on the defense of the river, even the elite troops of the U.S. Army can hardly break through, let alone the remaining second-line troops.

   "Is there no hope at all?"

   Admiral Marshall shook his head: "I am afraid that all the troops deployed in Washington will be lost here."

   "What about the troops in other states? Including those militias? Can you continue to fight against the Germans?"

"I'm afraid it will be very difficult. We have assembled our last strength in Washington, and the combined army of other states is less than 200,000. Although there are still many militias. But we lack heavy equipment, ammunition and supplies. It can't resist the German attack at all. The Germans will spend more time at most, and they will still destroy us." Major General Eisenhower said.

   Immediately, it became clear to everyone. If they choose to continue to resist, they simply don't have enough capital.

   "Everyone, if there is no other way, it seems that we can only accept the demands of the Germans. At least, this can avoid greater casualties." Secretary of State Hull said.

   "Yes, if it really doesn't work, then we have to surrender to the Germans. If we continue to fight, we will definitely kill and injure more people." Another minister also said.

   When there is no other means of war, yielding to the Germans and accepting the Germans' request for unconditional surrender seems to be the last resort.

  President Roosevelt also understood what everyone meant.

   "Well, since everyone has no objection, let's surrender unconditionally to the Germans!"