"Your Excellency, Commander, the radio department has detected a radio signal. According to the analysis, it is very likely that it was sent by a German submarine. And our fleet has just passed through that sea area." Rear Admiral Yano Zhikasan reported with a worried expression on his face. road.

  General Yamamoto Fifty-Six's expression suddenly became very ugly. Originally, he had hoped that his own reconnaissance plane would discover the traces of the German fleet first, but he did not expect that his own traces would be exposed first.

   "Hasn't our reconnaissance planes spotted the German fleet yet?" General Yamamoto Fifty-Six asked.

   "No!" Major General Yano Shikazo shook his head.

   "Your Excellency, what should we do now? The German fleet must have begun to speed up our pursuit."

  General Yamamoto Fifty-Six did not answer immediately, but looked at the sky. Now, there are only two or three hours until dark.

   "Even if the Germans find us and start chasing us now, it is impossible to attack us before dark. Their attack on us should be tomorrow." General Yamamoto Fifty-Six said.


   Major General Yano Shikazo nodded.

"Immediately turn to the southwest and sail to the western waters of Palau. Before dawn, take off the seaplane to search the eastern and southeastern seas for traces of the Germans. At that time, all carrier-based aircraft are ready to fight. Once the Germans are found Fleet, launch an attack immediately!" General Yamamoto Fifty-Six ordered.

   "Hi, Your Excellency, Commander." Major General Yano Shikazo immediately went to convey the order.

  General Yamamoto Fifty-Six knows that if the fleet continues to maintain its course, it is very likely that it will be chased by the German Navy tomorrow and then launch an attack. Although the number of aircraft carriers in the Japanese navy has reached 21. But seven of them are aircraft carriers converted from merchant ships. Although the power system has been strengthened, the maximum speed is only 25 knots. And, generally speaking, the cruising speed is lower. Compared with a regular aircraft carrier, it is several knots lower. This also makes the combined fleet much worse than the German Navy in terms of speed.

  General Yamamoto Fifty-Six then ordered the fleet to turn to escape the search direction of the German Navy, so as to avoid being discovered by the German Navy and thus being attacked. Even, it can be the first to launch an attack after dawn.

  Of course, General Yamamoto Fifty-Six is ​​also betting. If he is lucky, his purpose may be achieved. However, if you are unlucky, the combined fleet may be attacked by the German navy first. At that time, the United Fleet will suffer a devastating blow.


  General Yamamoto Fifty-Six can only pray to God Amaterasu, praying that their luck will be better. It can be said that he is betting on the fate of the United Fleet and even the entire island country.

  The two fleets of the German Navy are speeding up to pursue the combined fleet. Moreover, in order to avoid being ambushed by the capital ship formation of the combined fleet, the distance between the two fleets of the German Navy is also constantly approaching.

   After all, neither the capital ship formation of the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet nor the fire support formation has the strength to defeat the capital ship formation of the island navy alone. The four "Yamato-class" battleships of the Japanese Navy are too perverted. The 460mm main gun can tear any capital ship of the German Navy to pieces. And its abnormal defense can also withstand the attacks of the 406mm main guns and 380mm main guns of the battleships of the German Navy.

   Therefore, the German Navy handed over the task of sinking the four "Yamato-class" battleships of the island navy to the carrier-based air fleet. Submerge the Japanese 'Yamato-class' battleships with overwhelming bombs and torpedoes. Only in this way can these four terrifying battleships be sent to the bottom of the sea.

   As for the battleship duel with the battleship formation of the navy of the island country, forget it. The capital ships of the German Navy do not have such strength. Once such a battle is launched, it will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

  The night of August 1 was a torment for both the German Navy and the island navy. Both sides are full of expectations for the battle after dawn tomorrow, hoping to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.


  The aircraft carrier of the two fleets was brightly lit. The ground crew is refueling the carrier-based aircraft, adding ammunition, and preparing for take-off. In order to be able to take off the carrier-based aircraft to launch an attack immediately after discovering the enemy's traces, so as to seize the opportunity.

  At 5 o'clock in the morning, the cruisers of the combined fleet of the island nation's navy began to release seaplanes. After more than 20 seaplanes took off, they searched in a fan shape towards the sea to the east and southeast of Palau.

  Although it was still dark at this time, the speed of the seaplane was not fast. It will be light in an hour and you will be able to see the sea clearly.

  The German Navy also released seaplanes almost at the same time to search for traces of the island navy. The German Navy also hoped to be able to attack first.

  At this moment, the distance between the two fleets of the German Navy is less than fifty kilometers apart.

  At 6:30 in the morning, the air search radar of the aircraft carrier formation of the German Navy's Pacific Fleet discovered the seaplane of the island navy.

   Lieutenant General William Canaris immediately ordered the "Aries" aircraft carrier to take off two carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets to attack the island navy's seaplane.

  In the air 120 kilometers away from the fleet, the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy shot down the seaplane of the island navy.

  However, before the seaplane was shot down, a telegram was sent. Although this seaplane did not find any trace of the German navy. However, the Combined Fleet could infer the position of the German fleet based on the position of the downed seaplane.

  In fact, after the seaplane of the island navy sent a telegram, the staff officers of the combined fleet deduced that the German fleet was about 150 kilometers away from the location where their seaplane was shot down.

  After the 56th General Yamamoto learned of this situation, he immediately ordered all aircraft carriers to start taking off carrier-based aircraft, preparing to launch an attack.

   "Order all aircraft carriers. Except for a certain number of air defense fighters, the rest of the carrier-based aircraft will be divided into two batches to take off, and try to kill the German Navy in one fell swoop!" General Yamamoto Fifty-Six ordered.

   "Yes, Your Excellency, Commander." Major General Yano Shikazo replied.

  Subsequently, the aircraft carrier of the United Fleet began to take off the carrier-based aircraft.

  When the first Zero fighter took off from the aircraft carrier 'Taiho', this naval battle can be regarded as officially kicked off. The 21 aircraft carriers of the United Fleet began to take off carrier-based aircraft one after another. Numerous carrier-based aircraft pilots of the island nation's navy, with white cloth strips with the word "struggle" tied on their heads, drove the aircraft away from the aircraft carrier amidst the cheers of the ground crew.