"Donate a battleship?" Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen was stunned.

   That's a battleship! The cost of a battleship is as high as tens of millions of marks. Even the princes of the royal family can receive fixed dividends from the royal family's property income. However, it is impossible to support the construction of a battleship.

"Your Highness, are you joking?" Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen had a serious expression on his face. With a staid personality, he thought that Qin Tian was simply whimsical, and he was writing a blank check in order to achieve his own goals. . In the eyes of the Germans, the problem is undoubtedly very serious. Especially Qin Tian's identity is still the prince of the royal family.

"Your Excellency, Dean, I am absolutely not joking. I know that with my current financial resources, it is absolutely impossible to build a battleship. However, I will use these four years to earn enough funds Yes. I swear in the name of God, I am very sober now, very serious, and I am not talking big things." Qin Tian looked serious.

  Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen was silent. He didn't know where Qin Tian's confidence came from. Although, judging from his decades of life experience, it will be very difficult for Qin Tian to do all this. But Qin Tian's self-confidence made him feel that a miracle would really happen.

"Your Excellency, compared to a battleship, it doesn't matter whether I study at the Naval Academy or not. If I can fulfill my promise and produce one more battleship, it will undoubtedly be a great deal for the German Navy." It's a great thing. Even if I fail to fulfill my promise, the Naval Academy will not lose anything." Qin Tian saw that Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen was tempted, and hurriedly continued.

  Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen nodded, although he thought that the chances of Qin Tian being able to fulfill his promise were very small. However, once a miracle happens, it will be of great benefit to the German Navy. He also expected a miracle to happen. Even if Qin Tian was really bragging, it was just Qin Tian's self-willed depravity, and it had no other influence on the Naval Academy.


"Okay, Your Highness, I agree to your conditions. However, you must show me that you have the possibility to fulfill your promise within two years. Otherwise, you must return to the Naval Academy honestly, Use the remaining two years to study all the courses." Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen said. In this case, even if Qin Tian is really bragging, there is still room for compensation.

   "Okay, Your Excellency Dean." Qin Tian nodded, it was really not easy to get Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen to nod and open the back door for him. This made Qin Tian ecstatic, he had enough time to carry out his plan.

   Afterwards, Qin Tian and Karl bid farewell to Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen and left the Naval Academy.

Standing by the window of the office, watching the two leave, Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen couldn't help muttering: "This prince is really a strange person. Is he a genius or a fool? What? If he can really donate a battleship to the German Navy within four years, then I will definitely be grateful for today's decision."

  However, Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen then informed Wilhelm II of what happened by telegram. He also informed William II of his disposal method. At the same time, ask Wilhelm II to forgive him for his self-assertion.

  From his heart, he still hopes that Qin Tian can fulfill his promise. After all, this is of great benefit to the German Navy and even Germany as a whole.


   "Your Highness, do you really want to donate a battleship to the Navy within four years?" Karl asked immediately after leaving the Naval Academy. As Qin Tian's close person, he knew how much property Qin Tian had. Although, Qin Tian's personal wealth is undoubtedly a huge sum of money. But it is still too far away from building a battleship. He also didn't think it was a wise choice for Qin Tian to spend all his financial resources for four years of freedom.

"Don't worry, Karl, I have my own measure. Although, my current financial resources are far from being able to build a battleship. But I believe that it will be enough soon. From now on, we need to work hard to make money. Otherwise, , I don't want to break my promise." Qin Tian didn't feel too much pressure.

  However, if Qin Tian fails to fulfill his promise in the end, then he will definitely make Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen very dissatisfied. It will even offend the entire navy. After all, isn't he fooling the Navy?

  As for William II, he will probably be completely disappointed with him. He even kicked him out of the Hohenzollern family in a rage.

  While Qin Tian and Karl were still taking the train back to Potsdam, Wilhelm II had already received a telegram from Dean Ludwig Birkenhagen.

   After reading the telegram, William II's brows were already tightly knit together. He personally dislikes those who only know how to talk big, but can't do things diligently. Undoubtedly, now Qin Tian has already been classified as this type of person by William II.


"Huh! Oscar is really going too far. Does he think that he is really a genius in business and everyone else is a fool? If money is really so easy to earn, wouldn't the people of the whole country go into business? "William II said angrily.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness may want to give it a try. Dean Birkenhagen's handling method is very good. Even if His Royal Highness fails to fulfill his promise, he will have to obediently return to the Naval Academy in two years. And once the Prince If His Highness can succeed, it will be a great thing for the navy and the entire empire." William II's steward, Essen von Jonneret, said on the sidelines.

   William II will not discriminate against businessmen. However, he still hopes that his sons will be able to join the army. It seems that only soldiers are real talents.

"Well, I want to see what tricks that little guy can come up with in the past few years. If the time comes, he can't fulfill his promise. Then, he will no longer have the title of prince He will also be removed from the Hohenzollern family and will no longer have any interests." William II said with a cold face.

  Obviously, William II was very disappointed with Qin Tian, ​​thinking that Qin Tian spent so much effort just because he didn't want to study at the Naval Academy and just wanted to have fun. Such a person is not worthy to be the prince of the German Empire at all.