Chapter 31:Color Rankings

Everyone had finished unpacking their things and started to change into the school uniform. The uniform was a black and grey jumpsuit. It had very little protection but was light and made it easy for your skin to breathe.

Students had to use the standard equipment given by the school, this included weapons and armour. We could keep our personal belongings but were only allowed to be taken on missions and special tasks. This was to keep things on an even scale. They didn't want anyone to be powerful just because of the equipment they carried.

Slyvia made us all get out of the room while she got changed. While standing outside I noticed there were only five of us. I went to look at the names that were written in front of the door.

"Yeah two of us are missing, I recognise one of the names but don't have a clue who Martha is?" Gary said.

Just as Gary had said that a tall slender man with black hair carrying a wooden staff on his back stopped in front of the door.

"Hey guys, what are you doing standing out here?" The man said.


"You're Dan right?" Garry replied.

"In the flesh, I guess I'll be staying with guys from now one, so why is everyone standing around here. let's go inside."

"This will be fun," Gary whispered in my ear.

"Oh there was a big cockroach in there, but we were all too scared to go in and get rid of it, you wouldn't mind helping us out would you?" Gary said with his puppy dog eyes.

I don't know if Gary was doing it for payback against Slyvia or if it was just that he wanted someone to share the same pain that he had gone through.

"Sure, a future knight can't be scared of anything"


A few moments later and Dan had come back out of the door with a black eye and lumps on his head. Gary and the others couldn't help but laugh.

After Slyvia was done changing we all went back into the room and introduced ourselves.

There was me and Gary who came from the same village. We had the most ordinary background of the lot, as it turns out.

Ian Had moved from orphanage to orphanage, each one had a disaster befall it. It was a sad tail that brought tears to the room. It made me think if I had different parents would the same thing of happened to me.

Dan came from a noble family of spear users and whished to continue his family's legacy. His staff was his training tool which weighed a ton. We each tried picking it up, other then me and Ian, no one else was able to wield it. Gary could lift the thing but couldn't move an inch after.

The small boy with long black hair covering his eyes just came out with one word as a response. Monk. With nothing else to go by, we had to guess that this was his name.


Slyvia had also come from a family of nobles but they were well known for there magical abilities. Slyvia being born with none wished to prove her worth by becoming a knight.

After the introductions were done the group quickly moved the topic to the upcoming assessment.

"What sashes are you guys hoping to get?" Dan asked.

"I hate to ask this but, what are all the different sashes you can get?" Gary said.

Everyone in the room shrugged and looked towards Slyvia. She sighed as it bothered her to answer it but I think she was quite pleased she got to gloat her knowledge to the group.

"You guys, didn't you study anything? First what you need to know that the sashes aren't really a power ranking system. They're more about your potential. If we start at the beginning if you were to receive a red sash it would mean you have no potential in anything, the school doesn't really know what to do with you, so you get put with basic training. There are no extra classes for you and you get free time to discover your potential yourself."

"That doesn't sound too bad," Gary said.

"Yeah if you want to be a loser. I've heard the red sashes get treated like crap here. They get bullied around by all the other sashes because they know they aren't powerful enough to do anything about it." Dan said.

Slyvia continued on speaking.

"On the complete opposite side, we have the white sash. This means you have unlimited potential and will receive lessons from the masters themselves."

"So what about the other ranks?" Ian asked.

"If we look red as the bottom, next would be yellow, blue then white. These are the standard Squire potential rankings. Next, we have sashes outside these colours Green and black. Green is for those who excel at archery while black I'm not sure. It has always been quite secretive and seems to be rarer than white."

"So is black better than white."

"I wouldn't say so, if my guess is correct black would be similar to green. Where their skill set must be useful for something else but I don't know what."

"Who would have thought, Slyvia heart not knowing something. I never thought I would see the day." Gary said.

Slyvia raised her fist and threw a punch towards Gary's face. Just as the fist was about the make contact the door opened.

Lancy was standing by the door.

"Okay, students you have a few moments to get ready. We will meet in the dining hall. We will have lunch and then a short meeting. After we will head to the training fields to start your assessment."

Lancy quickly left to deliver the message to the other rooms.

Gary jumped in the air and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"This is it! were finally going to become knights. Hey, why don't we try aiming at becoming white sashes together."

Gary was too excited for me to even responded. I looked around to room to see if everyone else shared the same excitement as Gary did. Some seemed to not care like it was an everyday occurrence while others had a grim look on the face. As if their life was on the line.

We left the room and were ready to face the test in front of us.