Chapter 34:Bad Luck

The test had been put on hold while Wilfred went over to discuss with the elders about the situation. While we were waiting, the student's couldn't help but talk about me. It was the opposite of what I had hoped for. While trying to avoid attention, instead I became the centre of attention.

"You just like to steal my thunder don't you?" Gary said while putting his arm around me.

"This is not what I expected."

"First trouble with Lancy now this, you just can't help yourself."

Wilfred had come back from talking with the elders and started talking to the students.

"It seems the mage has suffered from mana sickness, the student who was being tested at the time. His score will still be the time he was under the illusion. Although this means he will receive a low score. luck is also a real factor in this world."


The students again started to whisper amongst themselves.

"Does this mean he scored only second?"

"The red hair must be extremely unlucky, looks like the curse might be true."

"Looks like the divine being has destined him as a red sash."

The group started moving on to the next test but before that, I had a question nagging on the mind.

"What's mana Sickness?" I asked Gary.


"I don't really know but I do know someone who will." Gary started jumping up in the crowd of students waving towards Slyvia.

"Slyvia, get over here I got a question!"

Slyvia joined us in the walk to the next testing facility. She looked a bit frustrated.

"Why is it every time you guys have a question you come and ask me?"

"We don't really know anyone here, me and Ray kind of stuck to ourselves even in Renny town but what I do know is you were always the top of the class."

The truth was Gary had plenty of chances to make friends with the students in Renny town. Every time they would invite him out to something, he would ask if he could bring me along. Their answer was no and they stopped asking him. We had become outsiders to the whole school.


"Fine, I guess you guys wouldn't know because it's more of a mage thing anyway. Mana sickness is when a mage uses up all their mana. When they try to go past their limit the mana can rebound in your body causing all sorts of crazy symptoms."

This was the excused they used. I must admit it was quite clever to pin the blame on that. The mage had gone through 300 students casting illusion spell after illusion spell. So it was an excuse most of the students would be able to accept.

Slyvia then looked towards Gary and pointed her finger towards him.

"I won't lose to you." She said as she walked off quickly to the next test centre.

"Looks like someone's got a rival?" I said to Gary.

Gary began to laugh and said.

"I only have one rival."

We arrived at the third test site which was surprisingly empty. There was only a Knight master dressed in all black. He had light equipment on and was carrying four daggers around his waist. A scarf was covering the top of his mouth so only his eyes were visible.

"This test is called the silent knight, for this test I want you to watch me carefully and try to copy all of my steps. I will only show you once."

The night started to move in a strange manner. It was a strange sight to see, even though he was on a platform with no obstacles I found it hard to keep track of him. His footwork almost seemed magical as he would move from one area to the next.

All the student gulped in amazement. I doubt most of them were able to even follow his movements, how were we meant to copy them.

Many students tried to simulate what the knight master had done but no one succeeded. Even Gary and Slyvia didn't have a clue. I could see the knight shaking his head in disappointment at everyone. I gave it a good try also but controlling my body to move like that was not my talent.

At the end of the test, there were only two students that the knight seemed to approve. One of them was Monk. Although Monk didn't do well on the other test it seemed like he had found his calling.

Onto the fourth test, it was quite obvious what it was going to be just looking at the test site. In front of was a small village. The village had many archery targets in various different places. On top of roofs in small windows, falling debris and more.

This time a female knight stepped forward. She had a small slender tall figure with silver long hair. She seemed to be a hit with a lot of the male students who couldn't help but howl at the sight of her.

She quickly made them shut up when she shot an arrow scratching one of the student's cheeks.

"This test is called The Eye Of Accuracy, the goal is to hit as many targets as you can, as fast as you can. The targets have markings on them. The closer you are to the middle of the target the more points you will get. You will have to judge whether speed or accuracy is more important."

I was quite excited for this task as my dragon eye skill would show me were the hidden targets were easy, although I had never used a bow before it didn't seem to difficult.

Watching the test as usual Ian, Slyvia and Gary did well, they were second best to one student Named Martha Woodlock. For some reason the name seemed familiar, even her appearance was familiar. She was dressed in all green and had long brown hair. I couldn't quite put my finger on where I had seen this person before.

It was now my turn. I went up and grabbed the bow on the table before heading up to the platform. There was a spot marked with an X sign on the floor where you were to start shooting from. Before the Master Knight could say go I activated my dragon eyes skill. I could see all the targets clearly and figured out the best order to hit them in one by one.

"Go!" She shouted.

I picked up an arrow and pulled back the string on the bow as hard as I could then.


A sound was heard and the arrow had fallen to the floor. The string on the bow had snapped. I looked towards the knight wondering what was to happen in this type of situation.

"Luck is also a part of the test," She said.

I went back down of the platform having hit zero targets.