Chapter 475: Too many futures  

The blizzard seemed to settle, and while on the ice they didn't have further problems moving on the lake. Sir K continued to move up ahead, and when Harry and his group finally arrived, they could see what had caused the problem.

A large catapult had been built, a single human body that was confirmed to be a true infected and then two intermediate beast dead that were infected by the shadow. A small force, but it did its job in delaying them and causing them to lose one man.

Lenny was a highly knowledgeable man who helped out Ray greatly when it came to learning about the shadow and the Dragon hammer. He had even helped out with the beasting process. His knowledge when it came to unusual magic was just as great as Bliss's if not even better, as Bliss magic seemed to be focused in one direction whereas Lenny was happy to experiment with a number of options.

Lenny wasn't even part of the Redwings but was hired as a mercenary, and his main reason for joining was because he had a deep hatred for the shadow. The reason why, no one knew, and now they may never know.

They continued further on the lake and received no further ambushes. This time, Sir K and the Black sash would go further ahead to confirm there was nothing in front. It would take slightly longer, but they wouldn't make the same mistake as they made before.

Eventually, that had left the lake and now were on land once again, heading forward.


Although the blizzard had died down, it seemed like its effects on the terrain ahead caused them to struggle a bit more. The snow was now deep and thick and hard to tread through even with the use of Ki.

"Hey, if they are controlling this weather, then they're going to be doing a good job of making us tired before we even get there," Kyle said as his legs ached.

"Kyle, I don't think the other people need this right now," Martha said. "If they hear you complaining out loud like you're doing, a Redwing leader, then they will start to think they can as well. It's important we put on a brave face."

After a while though, one could tell that everyone was getting tired as their movements slowed. If they were to come across the Shadow Army now, they would be done for. So in the end, they decided it was best to rest for the night. They pitched up their tents, and a meeting was called.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all," Kyle complained. "We already lost Lenny, and the men are tired. I feel even if we run into the shadow, we won't be able to put up much of a fight. It might have been best to just stay in Avrion and fight them off with our full force."

"I disagree," Bliss said. "The shadow has attempted to slow us down two times now already, first by attempting to kill Harry and now this, it's clear we are disrupting their plans whatever it is."


The room was split in their decision, on deciding whether it was best to head back, or continue forward, in the end, the group decided to continue forward, with the vote marginally going that way. The main reason being, they felt Lenny's death would have been a waste otherwise.

Later that night, as they all laid asleep, they expected nothing out of the ordinary to happen. Outside, they had increased the security outside of their tents just in case they had any unexpected visitors.

They certainly did have an unexpected visitor as someone had entered the tent, but it was not an enemy this time but a friend. Hearing the heavy footsteps, everyone awoke quickly. They were on edge from the nights before, as well as the fact that they were in the shadow continent.

Roy quickly made a flame lighting up the room, and they could see the large figure was Lenny. His clothes were soaking wet, and his face and eyes were cold. He was shivering, and icicles had formed on his body.

"Lenny, we need to warm you up now!" Martha said, and she and Roy went other straight away to try to warm his body up but not too fast.

"How did you survive?" Kyle asked, but Lenny just continued to look forward, his body and actions strange. Most people would have died from staying in the lake that long. Sure there was magic, but if he had used magic, he would have looked to be in better condition then he was now.


When looking in his eyes, Harry was coming to his own conclusion.

"Do you think he's infected by the shadow?" Harry whispered to Sir k, Bliss and Van. It certainly did seem that way by his cold expression. On top of that, the shadow would enhance one's body, and it would certainly explain how he had survived a plunge into the icy river.

"I saw it," Lenny said. "I saw the future you spoke of."

Bliss then ran off to Lenny and grabbed him by the shoulders. "What do you mean, what did you see?" She asked.

"It was like I was dreaming when I was under the river. I saw the shadow, Gary leading an army destroying and killing everyone, Van with the white stone crushed to pieces, and Ray was there as well, but he was covered in blood."

After speaking these words, his large body started to sway and then he had fallen over, passing out.

"What does this mean? Is this what you saw as well Bliss?" Sir K asked.

"No, the vision he saw was different to mine. Originally I just saw the shadow taking over everything. Then it changed with Ray, Van and me fighting back. Then the most recent versions there was no Ray, but he saw Ray yet still it sounded like we lost." Bliss explained.

"But Ray isn't with us now, doesn't that mean it could still be different?" Martha asked.

"It can always be different, my guess this is just another one of the Shadow's tricks to get us to turn back," Bliss said, as she went off and to check up on Lenny's well being.

"Are you sure we're doing the right thing," Roy asked. "It seems to me that she has convinced herself that no matter what this is the right thing to do. Even though there have been a number of signs telling us otherwise."

They didn't want to admit it, because they had all gotten this far thanks to the Divine being, the whole of Avrion was built on it but what Roy was saying made a lot of sense.

The next day, despite Lenny's strange actions last night, he seemed to be back to his normal quirky self once again. His pale body and cold eyes had returned to normal.

When the others asked if he remembered what happened, he had no recollection of saying anything, nor did he remember how he had gotten back to the others. Which just confirmed their theories even more so. That he was most likely under the influence of the shadow.

But after thoroughly checking Lenny out, Bliss said she could sense no such thing, and he really did seem like he had returned to his regular old self.

Their travels continued and they could feel that they were getting closer and closer. Unfortunately, as Bliss said, they were getting closer to the old kingdom. The blizzard seemed to be reacting to that as well, getting even more fierce.

Even though it was still daylight outside, they had no choice but to set up camp for that night. When sound asleep that night, nothing out of the ordinary and come to meet them this time.

However, Harry was tossing and turning in his sleep, more so than ever before as if he was now possessed by something. In his dreams, he too could see the same vision that Lenny had spoken off. The white crystal was destroyed. Bliss hung up and was held by Gary.

As for Ray, he was covered in blood, but it wasn't due to Gary. For there was something else that could be sensed in the war. A third power. A power that was stronger than the original Dragon hammer. Stronger than the white stone given to Van.

This power, a strange and horrible beast, one with unimaginable power. It was looking down at Ray, who looked too injured to defend against it. As the beast lunged forward, so did Ray and a deathly image behind him appeared but before Harry could make out what it was, he woke up. Covered in a sweat.

"What the hell was that all about, and the beast. Was that the one that had escaped from underneath Avrion?"

It all felt too real to just be a simple vision.


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