Chapter 132   Fate of the Ruan Family

Jiang Dong whipped out his phone and made a call. “Young Master Cheng, do you think you can spare us a moment? I’m coming with my wayward son to offer our apologies.”

There was a response from the other side, which made the man burst into loud laughter.

Jiang Huai flinched in his seat, and a dark cloud passed over his eyes. He fingered the fresh wound on his arm as bitter thoughts swirled inside his head.

They drove straight to Cheng Yan’s company.

Jiang Dong all but dragged his son intoCheng Yan’s office like some prized game from a hunt. “Young Master Cheng,” he boomed. “I’ve brought my son here to apologize to you. We implore you to be merciful and let him off this once.”

Beside him, Jiang Huaiwas shaking slightly, his body covered in bloody cuts.


Cheng Yan was sitting on his chair, his back turned to them. “Whatever is the matter with your son?” he asked slowly.

He had sent Jiang Donga formal notice demanding an apology the same time he had ordered his men to post the Lawyer’s Letter on the No. 1 High Schoolforum.

In truth, Cheng Yanhadn’t been sure what would happen next.

All he knew was that he needed to send Jiang Huaia clear message and warn him never to mess with anyone ofCheng Yan’s again.

Jiang Dong narrowed his eyes at the younger man’s tone. His eyes flashed, and he made a subtle gesture with his foot.

Jiang Huia picked up on the signal and immediately knelt on the ground.


“Young Master Cheng, I’m sure you are aware that our Jiang family only has one male offspring. We always considered ourselves fortunate for having raised him safely into a promising young man. I assure you, we had no idea he would do something so… SO heinous!” Jiang Donglooked pained and resentful, but he still managed to sound apologetic.

As the future heir of the Jiang family, they couldn’t afford to have Jiang Huai’s name tainted in any way.

If the lawsuit pushed through, the boy might end up getting detained or jailed, not to mention getting slapped with a criminal record.

Jiang Dong couldn’t just stand and watch it all happen.

“Oh?” Cheng Yandrawled, his lips turning up into a smirk.

He finally swiveled his chair around to face them.


He was rather surprised to find Jiang Huaion his knees, all battered bruised, butCheng Yanquickly composed himself and assumed his usual aloof demeanor.

Since it had come to this, he saw no point in pursuing the lawsuit against the boy.

His own father seemed to have disciplined him well enough. If Cheng Yan persisted in seeing the case through, the other families in the capital might not like it.

“I suppose I can drop the suit,” he remarked casually.

“But Jiang Huai must apologize to his victim Yao Tang, and he must do it in public. He can post it in the forum, where he started it all.”

Cheng Yan might yield an inch or two, but he wasn’t going to let his enemies off just like that.

If it were up to him, he would have liked to skin this punk alive and feed him to the dogs.

“Of course, of course!” Jiang Dong’s grave expression finally gave way to a small smile. “In that case, my son and I will not be imposing on you any longer. Please carry on with your work. Once we are home, I’ll be sure to educate him properly so that he won’t repeat his mistakes in the future.”

He grabbed Jiang Huai’s collar and hauled his son out of the office, much like he had done when they had first arrived.

Jiang Huai never uttered a word throughout the whole encounter.

Cheng Yan watched them leave with a menacing look on his face. When they were gone, he picked up his phone and gave instructions to his men. “Continue to monitor the trends on the forum. Keep an eye on those trolls and track their every movement.”

Class 1.

“Have you heard? The Ruan family has been cleaned up!”

“Wait, what? What do you mean, cleaned up?”

It was just a little after their self-study period. A handful of girls were huddled up, gossiping The moment she heard mention of the Ruan family, Yao Ranstopped writing in her notebook and perked up her ears.

These girls all came from prominent families in City A, so they were updated on the goings-on of high society ahead of everyone else.

The topic soon attracted the attention of their other classmates.

“I heard from my parents earlier,” a girl with a ponytail whispered. “Apparently, the Ruan family’s business has been acquired some time ago, and now, their assets were being auctioned off one after another. Even their villas and luxury cars were sold in order to pay their debts!”

The girl next to her clicked her tongue. “I didn’t expect the Ruan family to disappear from City Ain just a matter of days! They must have offended someone very powerful.”

“Do you think… Could it possibly be Yao Tang?”

The girls exchanged a meaningful look.

While Yao Tangcame from the countryside and had no background to speak of, she had never failed to shock everyone with her skills and prowess.

A boy behind him opened his mouth, only to hesitate for a few seconds. In the end, he joined in on their conversation. “They say that Ruan Qing has already transferred to another school, but they found out about her online post. They expelled her from school the next day, and even the Ruan family couldn’t do anything about it.”

“Is that true? Then, we could be right. It might be Yao Tang.”

One of the girls glanced snidely at Yao Ran. “Right, I do remember that theYao familyalso stoked the fire that burnedYao Tang. They practically called her immoral. I wonder what they’re thinking now.”

“Oh, that’s correct! Hey, Yao Ran! Your family had a hand in making this issue worse! What do you have to say for yourself?”