"Never mind that, I'm more interested in this young man's incredible talent!" The Yu Family Patriarch waved his hand dismissively. He was in a cheery mood, his earlier anger long forgotten.

As expected, the Xiao Family Patriarch was furious at the other man's thoughtless remark. His bear twitched a couple of times as he swallowed a barrage of curses.

What the hell?!

Did this fool not even care about his own grandson?

In the end, the two patriarchs ended up in a tense argument.

It made for good entertainment, as they acted more like children fighting at the playground rather than well-respected family elders.

Cheng Yan eventually interrupted them with a loud cough.


"Surely, you did not come here to bicker in front of me, did you?" he asked when they finally settled down. "Tell me, what are you here for?"

His tone was curt, his words direct.

The patriarchs exchanged a look and seemed to hesitate. "We came to take a look at this girl," the Yu Family Patriarch said cautiously. "We heard that she is trapped by an array and is under an illusion spell. Perhaps we elders can help with her situation."

"Yes, yes," the Xiao Family Patriarch added hastily. "We don't have much to offer, but we do have a lot of experience in this kind of thing."

At the very least, they wanted to stick around until a viable treatment was administered.The two men knew that once the girl woke up, she and her friends would immediately leave. They couldn't afford to let them go.

All in all, it was in their best interests to cure the girl first.


"Thank you, but you don't have to worry about it. Our people have a way to wake her up."

Cheng Yan brushed off the patriarch's passionate offer and refused without a second's hesitation.

As things stood, it was not a matter of array formations. Even if they managed to break the spell, it would still be in vain.

After all, Yao Tang's comatose state had nothing to do with the illusion.

Only the key would wake her up.

The patriarchs glanced at each other awkwardly. They both knew that they were no match against Cheng Yan, so they definitely couldn't force his hand.


Even so, the Yu Family Patriarch was unwilling to give up just yet. "Young man. You may not know this, but older people have more experience than you young ones. We have our own secret methods that are not known to you. We might be more helpful than you think."

His tone was sincere when he spoke, but his eyes were twinkling with anticipation.

Not to be outdone, the Xiao Family Patriarch chimed in as well. "That's right. Give us a chance. There's no harm in trying, is there? Our only condition is that you let us make contact with our children. And if you find it in your heart to release them, then even better."

This shouldn't be too much to ask, right?

At the end of the day, they were still in the Xiao family's land. Only a fool would act drastically under the circumstances.

Surprisingly, Cheng Yannodded his head and gestured atQin Hao without revealing anything on his face.

Qin Hao immediately understood. He disappeared into a side room. After a while, he came back with their captives, whom he then pushed to the middle of the hall.

The captives were unable to utter a single word since their mouths had been stuffed with rags.

But the moment Yu Chensaw his grandfather, he began to struggle against his bounds. He kept whimpering, his eyes filling with tears as he tried to untie himself.

Thank the heavens, the Patriarch had come to save him!

The more he thought about it, the livelier he got.

In contrast to Yu Chen,Xiao Bingcould only lower her head in shame upon seeing the Xiao Family Patriarch. She couldn't bring herself to face him.

This time, she had completely disgraced the Xiao family.

The people in the valley were notoriously strong. This was the reason why she had been left alone to guard the entrance. Sadly, she did not live up to everyone's expectations and failed at the one duty she had been given.

It was because of her incompetence that these outsiders were able to get in.

Worse still, was the fact that these scoundrels had disrupted the Xiao family. Not only had she failed her responsibility to the valley, but she had also failed her duty to her family.

It was all her fault.

Seeing the distress on Xiao Bing's face, the Xiao Family Patriarch smiled gently at her. He stroked his beard and said, "As long as you are fine, there is no need to worry about anything else."

Only then did Xiao Bingstart to feel relieved, if only a little.

"Remove the rags," Cheng Yanordered when he noticed how worried the elders were.