The Mengs Are Here

“Well, whatever. Let’s see what happens.”

When Yao Ran heard that someone was carrying a weapon, she immediately rose on her tiptoes and swept a gaze over the crowd. What she saw next made her heart skip a beat. She felt her knees buckle under her.

A group of thugs had rushed into the venue, and Madam Meng was the one leading them.

Meng Ling stood beside her mother, her sharp eyes scouring the crowd.

As luck would have it, Yao Ran locked gazes with her.

“Mom, I see her! She’s over there!”


Madam Meng followed the direction of Meng Ling’s finger. Sure enough, she spotted Yao Ran among the guests.

The brat was still holding a glass of wine, standing there in her pretty dress.


Madam Meng was so furious that she wanted to rip Yao Ran into shreds with her bare hands.

After stealing the medicine that the Meng family had spent decades developing, this little wench actually dared to parade herself around in a banquet. Did she really think that the Meng family would take her actions lying down?

As if her lack of gratitude for their treatment of her leg wasn’t bad enough!


“Get her! Don’t let that bitch escape again!”

Madam Meng pointed at Yao Ran and screeched at the men she hired. This time, she wouldn’t give up until she had Yao Ran firmly in her clutches.

Yao Ran panicked.

She wasn’t expecting the Meng family to act so quickly. And there were so many of them!

Each man was brandishing a baton or some other similar weapon, and they all bore a fearsome expression. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what would happen to her if they caught her.

She needed to run!


That was all Yao Ran could think of. If she didn’t flee now, she might really be captured and beaten in revenge.

With no regard for her public image, she threw her wine glass aside, picked up her skirt, and ran.

She had to run, or she would risk losing her life.

She mustered all her strength, but her dress was massive, and her heels were making it hard for her to keep her balance. Forget about gaining distance, it was all she could do not to fall flat on her face.

Yao Ran tried her best to blend into the crowd, even as the goons’ voices drew closer behind her.

“Catch her! Get that girl in the white evening dress! Don’t let her run away!”

Yao Ran meandered clumsily among the throng, feeling like a helpless penguin skidding on the ice.

Now and then, she would hear mocking laughter and snide remarks. “Hahaha! Look, isn’t that the young lady of the Yao family? Isn’t she touted for her supposed grace and elegance? Look at her waddle like a duck!”

But Yao Ran had no time to bother with their taunts.

She was panting heavily as she shoved a rack of drinks behind her. “Security!” she cried out. “Someone, call security! These men are trying to kidnap me!”

Unfortunately for her, the security team stationed at the door had already been knocked out.

The guests dispersed from the hall and kept to the sides, clearing the path for Madam Meng’s men. In the blink of an eye, they were barreling toward Yao Ran.

They would catch her any second now!

Yao Ran chanced a look behind her and screamed in terror.

She tried to hasten her pace.

If no one came to rescue her, she would really be captured.

An overwhelming wave of fear and despair washed over her.

She felt someone make a grab for her arm, but she quickly pulled away. She snatched the brooch off her dress and stabbed it into the man’s hand.


The man’s cry of agony was a welcome relief to her ears, if only a little.

But then she spotted Yang Ming walking out from the other side of the hall. He seemed to have just come out of the bathroom, and had a calm expression on his face.

Yao Ran’s eyes lit up, and she opened her arms and reached for him.

“Help me!”

This was perfect.

To think that she would run into him at the most crucial moment. Perhaps it was fate, after all.

Much to her horror, however, Yang Ming acted as if he heard nothing. He merely glanced at the scene before turning on his heel and leaving.

His movements were short and precise.

He did not hesitate at all!

It was as though he hadn’t seen Yao Ran at all.