Meng Ling took out her phone and sent a message: "Keep a close eye on Yao Ran."

One of Yao Yuan's friends, a clever old fox, looked pointedly betweenYao RanandYang Ming. "Well, Old Yao, your invitation said that you will be sharing another piece of good news with everyone! Now that we're all here, hurry up and spill the beans!"

"Yes, yes," someone else chimed in. "That's right! We have been looking forward to celebrating the union of this young couple!"

"All right, calm down, everybody! President Yang said that he would announce it himself. How can I steal his thunder?" Yao Yuanwas over the moon, and it was evident by the way he was beaming.

But not everyone was particularly happy for him. In fact, a good number of the guests hated how smug Yao Yuanwas. "It looks like he really did a good job in finding the right person to suck up to!"

"Come now, let's not talk about this here. Just drink up, drink and enjoy the party!"

The buzz of conversation was promptly replaced by the sound of clinking glass.


"Ranran, come over here for a moment," Yang Mingcalled the girl aside. "I have something to discuss with you."

"Is anything wrong, Brother Ming?"

Yang Ming reached out and pattedYao Ran's head. "Are you happy?"

"Very happy. Thank you, Brother Ming!" Yao Rangrinned from ear to ear, her eyes sparkling. "I can't remember the last time I've been this happy."

"In that case, hand over the other half of the data."Yao Ran's smile froze on her face, and her expression slowly morphed from excitement to confusion, then anger.

"What are you saying, Brother Ming? Haven't we already agreed that I will give it to you once the engagement ceremony is over? Are you trying to go back on your word?"


Yang Ming's face didn't change, but a dangerous glint had entered his eyes.

Yao Ran found his silence ominous, and she felt a sliver of fear lance through her body. Even so, her anger triumphed in the end.

"Don't even think about it! There's no way I'm giving it to you now."

Yao Ran turned on her heel and was about to walk away when two burly men in black suits suddenly blocked her path.

Yang Ming took a canister of wine from the side table and slowly poured himself a glass.

"Be good, Ranran, or I might not be able to guarantee the outcome of today's show."


Yao Ran whipped around and roared at him. "Are you threatening me?"

But the young man only scoffed in the face of her ire. "Careful, now. You don't want to let your mask slip in front of the others."

He took a sip of his wine before continuing. "Me, threaten you? Wasn't it you who blackmailed me into getting engaged to you? I really thought you were smart enough to recognize what is happening when you get to the other side of the table."

"I never blackmailed you," Yao Ran spat out, her hands balling into fists. "I simply offered a deal. You're the one who took the bait and got us into this situation." Yang Ming clearly despised her, which meant that all the gentle affection he had been giving her these past few days was nothing but a lie. He had only been acting to ensure his chances of getting what he wanted.

If that was how it was going to be, she would just have to safeguard the data even better.

"Ha! A deal, is it, now? Fine. Since that's what you want to call it, then let's sit and have a proper discussion." Yang Mingpointed at the seat next to him. "Come here,Ranran. Let's talk."

Yao Ran sneered and remained where she stood. "Please stop calling me that, President Yang. I believe I am not worthy to have you speak my nickname."

Yang Ming raised an eyebrow at her insolence and waved his hand at the two men.

Within a matter of seconds, they had grabbed Yao Ranby both arms, dragging her over and pressing her into the chair.

"What do you think you're doing? How dare you manhandle me in public!"

"Don't worry, Ranran. This is a blind spot, so no one will even think of going in here. This area is also soundproof, so we won't disturb the guests even if you scream at the top of your lungs."Yang Mingwas partially hidden in a dark corner, making his face unreadable.

Yao Ran was truly afraid now. She thought about how the only weapon she had in her hands was the data. If she couldn't even use it to save herself, then she would only get trampled on for the rest of her life.

"No matter what you say, I won't give it to you! Like I said, we need to hold the engagement ceremony first!"

Yang Ming casually swirled his glass before taking another sip. He couldn't care less aboutYao Ran's demands.

"Silly girl, do you still not see it? I will never get engaged to you."

In truth, Yao Ranhad already deduced as much, but the words still stung.

"Then what was the point of your fake displays of affection this whole time? Why even bother?"

"Well, we are putting on a show, aren't we? It's only right that I give it all I've got. How else would I convince your parents and make them put their guard down?"

"Listen to me!" Yao Ransnarled. "If the engagement ceremony doesn't happen, I will destroy the data. Neither of us will get what we want then!"

Yang Ming's eyes narrowed at that, and his expression turned even more menacing.