Volume 18 Chapter 8 - Mortal Combat at Dusk

Part 1

The next day.

I left for the palace with Ariel.

Tris is waiting for her turn to act back at base.

The two servants are not with us.

So, it’s six people now.


The two servants will just get in the way when the fight breaks out.

They also have their own homes to go back to. Their Houses are both important allies to Ariel.

Besides, those two have already been assigned their job by Ariel.

She really intends to finish everything in ten days.

Seeing the Royal Palace for the first time.

Looked at from afar, the royal castle of the Asura Kingdom is certainly big.


Perhaps even bigger than Perugius’s Sky Castle.

Nestled at the back of the castle is where the royal palace is located.

That is where the Royal family lives, and it’s a place filled with palace gardens.

Supposedly, the palace is forbidden to everyone except the royal family, but that is not important right now.

I’m a little curious about the King’s harem, but I have no business with them for now.

But today’s business is paying condolences to the ill king and make preparations for the 『Venue』.


There’s an interesting thing about the royal palace.

No, it might not be that amazing.

Since it’s this place, it’s not so strange for such a thing to be here.

Though I say that, I couldn’t help but look twice when I see it.

A portrait of Perugius.

One of the three lined portraits.

The unique features of the Dragon Race are extremely prominent.

The beauty of Perugius in the portrait seemed to be exaggerated, making him look 10 years younger than he actually is.

Honestly, I didn’t recognize it to be Perugius at first.

Since I didn’t recognize it right away, I looked away from it for a moment.

However, because the plate just below the portrait caught my eye, I did a double take.

His name is written.

Perugius Dola.

I’m surprised.

I’m surprised because Perugius’s portrait hangs right next to the portraits of various Asura kings throughout history.

Beside him hangs a portrait of a human race I’ve never seen before.

A portrait of a man with silver hair with streaks of blonde.

Perhaps it’s because Perugius told me, I immediately recognize the portrait.

That person is the North God Kalman.

And this Dragon race that looks to be half-human would be Dragon King Ulpen, I guess.

They are the three heroes who defeated the Demon God.

If it was the me from before, I might’ve looked down upon them for not finishing the job.

Though, after hearing Orsted’s story I won’t make fun of them too much.

After all, they had defeated the full powered Demon God Laplace in battle.

A long time ago, the Demon Dragon King Laplace was considered as the strongest being in the world, and Demon God Laplace is a fragment of that being.

That's why these portraits are decorated in such a place.

To remember and honor the legend of a hero.

He’s a great person.

Geez, I was even worried about Perugius’s appearance at the 『Venue』,

Now that I see his portrait hanging next to the king’s though……

All right, it should be safe.

Part 2

It’s been three days already.

The plan was on track.

Ariel’s 『Venue』 preparations are progressing smoothly.

According to her, the number of nobles who are looking forward to her return is increasing.

While being her escort, Ariel introduced me to dozens of the nobility.

Honestly, I didn’t remember all of their names.

The first prince Grabell and Senior minister Darius.

I haven’t been introduced to them yet, but I had the chance to see them from a distance.

If I had to describe Darius with one phrase, it would be, he’s an old timer.

A fat body, flabby cheeks, and disgusting eyes.

With such an ugly figure up close, he looks like a pig monster.

When he sees me, he looks afraid.

It was as if he’s looking at the grim reaper.

Though I can’t be sure based on his look alone…

Since his reaction is so easy to read, I don’t even need to check whether he is Hitogami’s apostle or not.

The first prince Grabell is a normal looking old man with fluffy blonde hair.

He’s not a prince in his teens or his twenties like I imagined.

The feeling that I get from his 30-something year old looks combined with his mustache is a little far away from the image of a prince.

But, when I saw him, there was a feeling of [I want to work under this person.]

This is probably his charisma at work.

Come to think of it, I've heard rumors that the second prince Halfaus lost a power struggle with the first prince, and that he is currently under house arrest.

I wonder if Orsted did something about that?

Maybe it’s because Orsted knew this, he told me not to worry about the second prince?

Anyways, the people who backed up the second prince faction had given up on victory, and with any luck, they will flock to Ariel’s side after hearing of her return.

They seem to help me and Ariel on the 『Venue』 preparations.

Ariel has her own fight.

While my opponents are the ones that attack Ariel.

We are attacked several times.

We haven’t caught any big game yet, but assassins were sent on a daily basis.

Their target has been only Ariel thus far.

More specifically, Sylphy who is impersonating Ariel.

Whether we are moving, eating or sleeping.

We can’t afford to relax even during meals and sleep.

Also, the real Ariel is wearing a wig and is masquerading as a maid,

She eats the plain meals (but still better than that of lower class knights’) of a poor maid,

and sleeps soundly in the shoddy bedrooms of the maids.

"The number of assassination attempts is much higher than before, but it’s not a big deal since Rudi is here."

Are Sylphy‘s words.

Although the assassins are small fries, it’s good practice for Eris, Ghyslaine, and me, although I suffered a shortage of it.

If I was alone, I would have struggled a little.

Indecisive about whether or not to kill.

If I think about it like that.

I’m glad that I called Ghyslaine and Eris here.

Fortunately, an enemy that can beat Eris and Ghyslaine did not show up.

If it became an all out war at the 『Venue』, it would be a little troublesome.

I should be able to handle the North King and the North Emperor if they come at me one at a time.

All that’s left is the Water God. Sylphy can take care of the rest.

However, if there is another strong opponent, Ariel’s safety may be jeopardized.

I hope Orsted can figure something out if that’s the case. I couldn’t manage to contact him ever since we entered the capital.

First of all, we don’t even know if he is in the city or not.

Anyways, faith alone won’t solve anything…

Also, just in case, I want to reduce the number of enemies.

Ariel nods to acknowledge the situation when I consult her.

"Let's set up a trap."

That day, Ariel was talking about something with a noble from the first prince’s faction.

The topic is quite vulgar, Ariel is talking about how Ghyslaine and Eris were both having their time of the month that day.

The noble looks really interested in Eris.

Eris puts on a very uncomfortable look.

Passing rumors that the escorts are in poor form in order to bait an attack.

In the end, this strategy was unsuccessful.

It might have been too obvious.

Even the next day, assassins did not appear.

Part 3

The fifth day.

There is no attack.

Instead, the influential nobles supporting Ariel are targeted.

Mostly those who promoted the construction of the『Venue』.

However, they also seemed to have their own means of self-defense, so it’s nothing to worry about.

Although, those attacks might just serve as a warning.

Only the attempts from a few small fries of the First Prince faction.

On that day, I meet a person.

Philemon Notus Greyrat.

Just as the information said, he had defected to Grabell’s side.


He’s in about his mid-30's.

He had a face that was very similar to Paul’s.

But, he doesn’t have the sense of self-confidence and aloofness that Paul had.

He gives off the impression of a fearful and hungry rat.

Afraid of risks, taking the safe alternative, he’s the type of man that flees at the first sign of trouble.

I don’t hate people like him, but this old man likely hated Sauros.

Facing him, Luke talks about this and that.

It would not be an exaggeration to call it a fight.

About why he betrayed Ariel, and what about their own efforts.

Philemon ignored Luke’s questions by saying [You wouldn’t understand even if I explain it to you].

Luke’s face is full of disbelief.

However, Luke pleads to him that it’s not too late to come back to Ariel’s side.

Even so, he didn’t listen.

And finally he said with certain disdain, [You think you’re a better successor as family head than your brother or something?] He spurs Luke and walks away.

I think it's a terrible attitude.

At least, it is not an attitude he should have towards his son, who had been struggling in a foreign country for more than ten years.

However, Paul was also like that once.

I can understand his pain.

Asura nobles have their own set of morals, I shouldn’t one-sidedly judge them.

Assuming that Ariel wins over Luke.

And Grabell wins over Luke’s older brother.

Regardless of who takes the crown, the Notus House will survive.

Considering that, and their attitude, in some ways, it might just be jealousy towards Luke,

or he might just simply hate Luke.

Putting my personal feelings aside…

More likely than not, Ghyslaine will kill Philemon.

Then Luke’s family will be put on the brink of collapse.

If Luke cares, he’ll have to take on as the house head.

But he might also consider his own feelings.

It's a bad situation.

Part 4

Day nine.

Preparations of the『Venue』 have been completed.

The party itself will be located in the royal castle.

All of the famous nobles of the Asura kingdom will be participating.

Ariel wanted it that way.

For the Second Princess Ariel to host a party to nominate the First Prince Grabell as the next king.

If it were me, I would not participate in such a party, which obviously looks like a trap.

About the reason why the Asura nobles are attending.

Participation of such parties is a noble’s duty.

It seems that there were a number of interferences, but Ariel overcame them all.

All that’s left is the actual show.

Now, it’s my turn.

Tomorrow, it's going to be a tough day.

Someone might die.

Will it be Eris? Or Sylphy? Or Ghyslaine?

I will do everything I can to make sure that doesn’t happen.

I might not be able to sleep with all the excitement today.

Maybe I should ask to sleep with Eris tonight…

Part 5

It happened on the eve of this night.

It was a moonless night.

All preparations are complete, and the only thing left to do is to wait for the real thing tomorrow.

Tonight, just sleep and rest up.

With that thought in mind, we head back to base.

A man stands in the middle of the road.

If you look at his head, he looks like a man from the beast race.

Rabbit’s ears …… Certainly from the Mirudetto race.

It's a bunny if it’s a woman, but I wonder what I’d say if it’s a man.


Wearing matte black armor, he stands with a straight sword in hand.

Blocking the way of the horse-drawn carriage.

"Who is it!"

Luke on the side of the carriage is out in front, it was a challenge.

He keeps quiet.

I didn’t expect an answer.

The assailant’s name is ――

"One of the Three Swords of the North God style, the North King 『Twin Swords』 Knuckle Guard."

He actually answered.


The next moment, Knuckle Guard splits into two.

Slowly, as if it’s a mirage, he splits up in two…

"Knuckle-niichan. Is it a good idea to say our name at this time?"

"Haha, probably not? What a surprise… Guard is smart."

"Hehe, it’s because I have been studying in recent years."

Never mind, he didn’t split.

They’re twins.

It was actually two swordsmen with identical faces.

"Certainly, when our employer is someone like Darius, it's no good to say anything."

"Come to think of it, since we’re assassins. We shouldn’t have said our employer’s name.”

"Knuckle-niichan. Oh yeah, we definitely shouldn’t have.”

"I know."

Well, to be honest, it’s obvious who hired them even if they didn’t say, but.

And, at that slightly anticlimactic moment, Eris came forward.

She dismounts from the horse, and unsheaths her sword.

"Eris Greyrat."

In response to the massive amount of killing intent, the twins’ ears twitched.

"Oh, I’ve heard the rumors. 『Mad Sword King』!"

"Her sword skills sharp like a fang and a temper violent like a demon beast!"

"We of the weak Mirudetto tribe express our gratitude!"

"There is no shortage of opponents!"

Eris has set her sword in an upward position,

The twins stand side to side in mirrored stances.

"We are each half of a man."

"Thus both of us are one."

"Even if it’s two on one."

"We won’t call it cowardly."

No, but two against one is unfair.

As I think that, another figure appears from behind the horse-drawn carriage.

It's a small shadow.

The shadow wore an armor of black as though it was filled with ink.

Wielding a black sword and a black shield in his hands.


He does not say his name.

He didn’t need to say his name, but he took a stance.

Facing him is Ghyslaine.

Naturally, she draws her sword against the man.

"I will pay the debt from the other day."

"……Dorudia’s eyes are good in the night…… I’m at a disadvantage now."

It is Wii Taa.

Last time, Ghyslaine was cornered by him.

But the other day, I already told Ghyslaine about Wii Taa’s trick.

I do not know whether she understood me, but I guess she will be alright this time.

The rabbits at the front and the hobbit at the rear.

Speaking of this, this situation is strange because it seems to be very simple,

It’s the North King Gate in action.

Who should I support?

I will assist Eris, while Luke and Sylphy will be backing up Ghyslaine.

That way, I can level the playing field against the two rabbits.

That’s what I think, but I must not move yet.

Auber is not here.

This situation is constraining my movements.

Ariel isn’t in this place.

Using a different route, Ariel has been moved to the second safe house from the royal castle.

Therefore, it is better to take the formation of Luke covering Ghyslaine, while Sylphy covers Eris respectively.

However, if we do that, the enemy will also realize it.

That Ariel isn’t here.

Then, they will retreat.

Since the target is absent, it's the obvious move.

Tomorrow, they will ambush us in a more perfect position.

At that time, they would bring reinforcements.

Now's the chance.

It's a chance to kill two North Kings.

If they are not defeated here, tomorrow will be harder.

If Luke covers Ghyslaine, then I will cover Eris.

In that case, Auber would engage Sylphy.

Sylphy can’t win against Auber.

I can’t say that with certainty, but Orsted said so.

Again, I’m stuck.



The last time, where was Auber lurking?

We aren’t in a forest this time, so he’s not in the ground.

This time, he is lurking somewhere nearby.

If he is lurking nearby, he’s surely in our line of sight.

So, I only need to spot him.

Find out his hiding place and finish him with a single blow.

That way, I can assist Ghyslaine and Eris without worry.

"It’s all right Rudeus, I can win by myself."

Eris’s voice resounds in the dark night.

Indeed, no swordsman can stop Eris, even for that Knuckle Guard or something.

Since they call themselves each half of a man, I wonder if they’re each at the North Saint level at best.

If only to that extent, Eris should be able to suppress their swords with a single blow.

If she strikes either side, one of them will die.

Being capable of it, it doesn’t seem to require much effort.

Ghyslaine also has the advantage in reach.

Ghyslaine, with her tall stature, and Wii Taa the Hobbit, there is too much of a difference in their reach.

Still, she won’t find a gap that easily.

But they will not withdraw ……

Again, probably because they’re after one person.

Three pieces, our opponent is committed.

They intend to kill us here.

Auber is somewhere.

Where could he be hiding around here?

It’s hard to say whether this place is suitable for an attack.

A wall on the left, and a noble’s residence on the right.

The right of us appears to have many places to hide.

The garden there is surrounded by high walls.

There is an alley between the houses.

But since it’s wide enough to allow passage for horse carriages, it’s not an easy place to hide in.

Maybe he’s hiding in the garden and intends to break through the walls?

No, that’s stupid, he is not Badigadi.

What about the wall?

It’s high enough for me to have to turn my head up to see the top.

Perhaps jumping down with a rope from there?

Or come jumping off?

If it’s the North Emperor, it's possible to do that…

Then, from below?

Just like before, did he hide himself under the ground?

No, that’s not it.

Given what happened last time, we’ll obviously check the ground for movements.

I don’t think that was overlooked.

Where's …

Is there a blind spot?

I left the rear of the horse-drawn carriage.

Luke is located right in front of the horse-drawn carriage.

There are only two light sources.

Torches were equipped on the horse-drawn carriage.

Thus I summoned a Spirit of Light.

The light’s intensity is strong, I can even clearly see the figures of the assailants in black.

There is no place that’s not visible.

Or still on the wall?

…… he can snipe us with magic from the wall?

I send the Spirit of Light towards the wall,


Found it.

When I first saw the wall, I did not notice.

I wasn’t paying attention to the backgrounds.

In the middle of the wall, a cloth pattern that closely resembles the color of the walls had been laid there.

If it was during the day, it would have been obvious.

Or if we had the light from car headlights, it would look peculiar.

But with torches on the horse-drawn carriage, chances are that we won’t notice the difference.

However, if illuminated by the Spirit of Light, the difference can be seen.

I win.

I point my staff at the wall.


There is no chanting.

Usually I will yell out my spell to inform my surroundings, but I won’t this time.

Stone Cannon.

Full force.

………… Do it.

Farewell, Auber.


Was it a gut feeling?

Or intuition as a warrior?

I did not hesitate even for even a second.

Despite that, he seems to have sensed something.

Releasing the camouflage just in time, Auber manages to evade my magic.

No, he didn’t completely evade it.

The Stone Cannon pierced through Auber’s leg and left a big hole there.

While taking a passive defense stance, he fell from the wall.


It marked the start of the battle.


I shoot another round of Stone Cannon at Auber.

Now that he has better footing, I was sure Auber would parry it without difficulty.


Luke approached from behind.

Shifting his body weight to his left hand, Auber deflected Luke’s sword.

While still lying down, he knocks Luke off balance and tries to stab him.

I intercept it with the Stone Cannon.


Auber jumps up and stands up on one foot.

With one of his leg incapacitated, most of Auber’s mobility is gone.

While steadily standing on one leg, he looks at the front, back, me, and the horse-drawn carriage.


Following his line of sight.

During that moment’s exchange, I managed to grasp the flow of the battle.

Exactly as Eris declared, she defeated those two people alone.

But Eris wasn’t unscathed, her shoulder is injured.

Her left shoulder is hanging loosely.

But, Eris didn’t care about her own wound and turned towards here.

Her line of sight is on Auber.

Ghyslaine had overwhelmed Wii Taa.

Wii Taa had already lost one arm.

Wii Taa had lost his shield while Ghyslaine is uninjured.

Ghyslaine is delivering the final blow to Wii Taa when I looked her way.


Wii Taa shouts.

And, at the same time he threw something on the ground.

A powder-like [bafun] sound is made and we were instantly wrapped in black smoke.

Was it some kind of magic tool? Or magic item?

Wii Taa used the black smoke at night for blinding.

But, even if I understood it, experiencing it felt different.

I could not see anything.

In this dense fog, the sound where Wii Taa was running to can be heard.

Following him is Ghyslaine’s footsteps.

<A sword abruptly swings down in front of me.>

I quickly avoid it.

Wii Taa ran by me.

Was he aiming at me?

No, he was aiming at the horse-drawn carriage.

"Leave it!"

The next moment, the door of the carriage opened and while Sylphy was coming out, a magic was released.

Melded magic 『Flame Tornado』.

The melded magic of wind and flame blew away the black smoke and shed light on the surroundings.

Status check.

Ghyslaine, alive and well.

Luke, alive and well.

Sylphy, alive and well.

Eris, also alive and well.

Wii Taa disappeared into the alley.

Did he run away?

Fair enough, even if we failed to catch Wii Taa, I only need to kill Auber.

Auber… is not here?

Where is he?


Eris shouted.

Looking at her line of sight, Auber was using claws to climb the wall like a cockroach.

He disappeared into the top of the wall at an incredible speed.

The others cannot follow him.

And, now is not the time for hesitation.

"We will follow Wii Taa!"

The decision was made immediately to enter the alley.

Can we catch up?

A small part of me thinks, is this the wrong decision?

When Wii Taa fled to the back alley, should I immediately give chase?

That guy is missing an arm.

His body is out of balance, you cannot run quickly like that.

But, since it’s North God Style, their training might…

And, when I stepped into the alley to think, I stopped walking.

Wii Taa is dead.

A large hole is agape in his small body, and he fell into a pool of blood.

This method of death felt like a deja vu.

I’ve experienced being killed in that manner.

No signs of anyone around.

However, he ought to have been here.

And he did it.

Orsted, that is.

"Rudeus……you did it."

Looking back, Eris was there.

From the roughly slashed shoulder, Eris shed blood and got sluggish while laughing and grinning.

"Oh, right …"

For now, I cast healing magic by touching Eris’s shoulder,.

It is a terrible wound.

Although it didn’t sever the tendon.

Seeing you injured like this makes my heart ache.

"Thank you."

A simple thanks from Eris before she turns around.

She yelled out after returning back to the road.

"Rudeus killed the little one just now!"

At her words, sighs of relief flowed around.

"I'm sorry, I was a nuisance."

"No, I know Rudeus obviously did that so he can focus on Auber but ……"

"It was a good opportunity when he got attacked by me earlier, but I was a little slow."

"I also missed a chance, it happens!"

While talking to each other, we dealt with the corpses.

If I had used a different magic, Auber might not had a chance to escape.

Alternatively, I should have used Quagmire beforehand to rob him of his mobility.

Well, it’s pointless to think about it now.

The fight ended in an instant, a fluid situation.

All that matters is that we won, things said now won't change anything.

This time,

The North King Wii Taa.

The North King Knuckle Guard.

We succeeded in killing two people (actually three).

We have succeeded in reducing the enemy’s forces as planned.

Auber had escaped, but I can claim victory here.

All that’s left tomorrow is the main event.

『The incredibles! Three Swords of North God.』

Auber of the 『Peacock Sword』. He is skillful using an irregular fighting style, taking advantage of terrain and magic tools.

With simple skills and flashy outfits, he was named the Peacock.

Wii Taa of the 『Light and Darkness』. In order to overcome his handicap of a Hobbits’ small body, he excelled at blinding the enemy.

He also has a way to fight even when he is deprived of sight.


Knuckle Guard of the 『Twin Sword』.

Twin Swordsmen. To overwhelm their opponents with a mirror-like combination.

Two people as one.


Four in all, The Three Swords of North God!