Volume 18 Chapter 10 - Rudeus' Battlefield

Part 1

The Water God Style has five secret arts.

The Water God Style founder is the one who created the strongest secret arts.

If you can use three of those five moves, you would be considered as a [God] rank.

Throughout the history of the Water God Style, there were individuals who had mastered four of them, but……

Only the first generation [God] rank mastered all five of the Water God Style’s secret arts.


Water God Reida Ryia was one such individual having mastered three of the secret arts.

She is an old woman.

Her prime is long past, her abilities are degrading with age.

Regarding this, there is a bit of uncertainty.

About why has she retained the title of Water God.

She was chosen for teaching swordsmanship in the Asura Kingdom for many years.


She has not named a successor even after a dozen years.

Why does she continue bearing the title of the [God] rank of Water God Style?

Is it because she has exceptional talent?

That much is true.

The Water God Reida is unmistakably a genius.

Enough not to be inferior to any of history's Water Gods.


But, be that as it may, she doesn't have so much talent that she'd win over old age.

So is it that there’s no other talent left?

That’s not the case.

Currently, there are several individuals who have mastered three of the secret arts of the Water God Style.

But why didn’t those few consider taking over Reida’s burden as [God] rank in Water God Style.

[They weren’t suitable for that], said one with [Emperor] rank in Water God Style, entrusting that position to Reida.


That’s because Water God Reida used the two most difficult of the five secret arts.

By combining those two mystic arts, a phantom art is created, which could be called a sixth secret art.

『Deprivation Sword Kingdom』

She strikes from a single stance, be it a swing striking down, up, left or right.

From where she is, it’s possible for her to kill all of her opponents in every direction.

If anyone moves even a step, she will respond to that movement, capable of cutting down everything.

Part 2

"Nobody moves. I want to avoid this if possible.”

Perugius’ subordinate, Arumanfi of the Bright, moved as soon as Reida had appeared.

He was behind Reida in an instant …… and was sheared in half in the next moment.

He did not leave a corpse, but disappeared in particles of light.

Then Perugius’ underling Trophimus of the Wave also moved.

He points his hand towards Reida, as if to fire off something.

Looks like he will.

But Reida only tilted her sword slightly for just an instant and Trophimus was sheared in half.

He too disappeared, becoming particles of light.

Next, she moved to me and sliced off my wrist the moment I sent magic power to the ring I was wearing.

No, it only seemed to have been cut off.

What I lost was the wrist of my prosthetic hand.

My left hand is alive and well.

But, looking at my hand that abruptly disappeared, I couldn't help but shudder.

The next one that moved was a senior noble.

In an attempt to escape by himself, his leg’s tendon was sliced as a result.

He let out a scream before collapsing from the strike.

It was a strike with the back of the sword.

None of the guards were able to move.

Neither Eris who is prone to strike first, nor Ghyslaine.

Ariel, Perugius and his subordinates, as well as myself had all been nailed down by Reida.

Everyone in the room was aware that they were in Reida’s range.

They understood that if they took action, it would result in an instant death.

“……It doesn't seem that anyone dares to move. Well, Auber."

When Auber was called, he was stiff.

Even a swordsman of his level, cannot escape from Reida’s pressure.

"W, why are you here……? "

"Ariel, Perugius……and Quagmire, right. Hurry up and take their necks."

Auber alone was able to move.

He sent a puzzled look to Reida.


"That's right. Who else will do it? "

"But …… "

At that point, Auber glanced at Eris.

Looking at it with a sidelong glance, Reida spat with still eyes.

"It is no good that Eris is among the enemies, huh. Whether the attack in the forest, or on the street at night, you did a half-hearted job. Even a coward like you wants to act swordsman-like in front of your disciple."

Everyone held their position while Reida was badmouthing them.

"Why do you think you were hired for such a high price?

Is it so you could just take the money using your prestige as a North Emperor, lose two of your disciples, and watch your employer die without being able to do anything?"

" …… "

"Weren’t you a more underhanded person?"


Auber made his move.

With a sword in the right hand, he joined the party.

Heading toward Ariel’s direction.

This is bad.

I have do to something.

I can’t move.

What should I do.

This is one of Hitogami’s pawns.

With only one [God] rank from Water God style, this happens.

I had heard of the counter for the Water God style from Orsted.

I listened to his explaination carefully.

It's to [Take action so that it doesn’t come to this.]

Run away out of their sight before you see the Water God style, then take a stance.

Either behind or ahead of them is fine; even above or below works.

Run away while you still can.

Even though I was told that.

It has come to this situation.

" … Na! This! "

Suddenly, the security of the castle entered the room.

Knights in armor.

No, that silvery armor …… apprentice knights?

"P-Put away your sword …! "

"Don’t move! "

Reida’s shout stopped the Knight apprentices.

However, there was one apprentice who didn't listen, proceeding further in.

Walking a few steps in this pressure, that person removed her helmet.

Emerging from under the helmet was the face of someone I’m familiar with.

Water King Isolte Cruel.

Why is she here?

There shouldn’t be a single knight guarding the castle today.

Is this Darius’s doing?

In anticipation of such a situation, did he station the apprentice knight?

Or was this just a coincidence ?

"Honored Master, what on earth is going on here? "

"Oh, is it Isolte…?"

"Using the secret arts at a place like this……!"

“Yeah, yeah, I'll explain. Today, Water God Reida and North Emperor Auber shall begin their rampage."

"Ram…… page? "

While Isolte frowns upon hearing that, Reida continues her words.

“Let’s see…… Both of us here had conspired with the Kingdom of the Dragon King.

Blinded by huge amounts of gold, we tried to assassinate officials of the kingdom.

Ariel is brutally murdered, then the murderers are killed by an apprentice knight who was present at the time by some chance.

Isolte Cruel becomes a hero, and Water God Style survives."

Starting with a laugh, Reida saw the first prince.

"Yeah, isn’t it a good plot? I should’ve become a writer…… Make it happen like that, Grabell boy."

"Did I just hear something stupid, esteemed master…… ! "

Trying to step forward, Isolte’s legs are stopped.

Perhaps in Reida’s excitement, she caught Isolte in her area of attack.

" …… Hurry, Auber."

" …… "

"What? Are you worried that the North God Style will lose it's social status? Don’t screw with me, I’m cleaning up your mess! It's too late to step down now, calm yourself."

Auber shook his head.

He picks up his sword, and turns around to Ariel.

But, he shakes his head in hesitation.

He is at a loss.

"What are you doing, Auber! Kill Ariel now! And that whore over there as well!"

Darius’ cry resounded.

He also included Tris.

For Darius, it’s not only Ariel’s death that is desirable.

If evidence remains, even after Grabell becomes king, he might still be in trouble.

"Don’t worry about what happens later! I’ll do something about it!"

Hearing the cry of Darius, Auber seems to have regained his resolve.

Looking a little bit different, he continues walking to Ariel’s direction.

Oh, this is bad.

This situation.

Is it already checkmate?

"Chi…… "

Eris is trying to move.

For better or for worse, she tries to escape Reida’s barrier.

"Eris, it’s useless "

"But. "

"Please, stop it."

"Then, what do we do……?"

I do not want to see a situation where Eris dies.

But what will I do?

What should I do?

I do not know.

What if we move all at once?

No, that’s no good.

It's not a skill that could be broken so easily.

I assume, regardless, we’re too far apart to coordinate the attack.

What about Perugius?

He has not moved since earlier.

No, he’s looking at me with a bored face.

A face that seems to say, [What are you going to do about this situation?]

Even though his two subordinates are dead, he doesn’t look agitated at all.

Could he have something in store?

Or is he relying on something?

No, there is no such free time.

Auber is trying to kill Ariel right now.

No choice.

There is no choice but to move.

I will attack both Reida and Auber at the same time.

I will use『Electric』magic.

I will be injuring the surrounding people near me.

It might not be able to completely defeat them, and I might also get incapacitated if I use lightning.

Plus, Water God Style can evade even magic. The success rate is low……

"Rudeus…… Let’s do it. "

Seeming to have noticed my finger’s movement, Eris gave me a signal with her eyes.

We’ll die together……

Sylphy, please pick up my bones later.

" ……!"

And, at that time.

A jolt passed through the core of my being.

"T, This is … !"

Auber’s body starts to tremble and stops moving.

Reida’s forehead starts to sweat profusely.

No, it is not just those two people.

In this place, most people have begun to tremble and jerk their bodies.

Even though the world stopped moving from Reida’s pressure, their faces turn pale and shiver.

So he noticed.

Ah, thank goodness…

From the ring a little while ago, magic seems to have properly gone through.

"Damn it, I give up…… Darius, I wasted too much time talking……"

" ……W, What? What's, going on!? This cold air……!"

"Change of plan. Auber, it’s bad but can you take Darius and flee from this place right now?"

Auber is puzzled at Reida’s words.

"Why Darius…… instead of First Prince Grabell? "

"Ma, even an old lady like me won’t forget her debt. "

Reida laughed thinly.

"Hurry! At this rate, regardless of friend or foe, everyone will die!"

At her words, Auber thought for a moment, then nodded.

Grasping Darius’s arms, he dragged his heavy body, taking him away.

"This way."

"Hu, Yea…… "

Auber fled in a direction differing from the entrance the apprentice knights came from.

No one can stop them.

Tied down by Reida, I cannot move at all.

" …… "

Silence envelops the area.

"Whew. How far can they escape? If I knew about this earlier, then perhaps I wouldn’t have come…"


Someone asked this question.

It was Ariel.

Even in the face of death, her complexion hadn’t changed.

She seems to question why Reida is helping Darius.

I also have doubts in that regard.

"Everyone’s noisily asking [Why, why]. Come on, this isn’t something unusual.”

Reida has a pleasant look.

“It's a story of when an old woman was just a young girl.

Praised as a genius, the ecstatic girl beat up a noble of the same age at a dojo… and received retribution after.

Outnumbered and surrounded by a crowd, she was knocked down in an instant.

Just when she was about to have both her hands--the life of a swordswoman--cut off, and turned into a daruma, she was rescued.

By a single noble boy who was higher ranked than those nobles."

…… What?

It was Darius?

"She became a Water King and was selected to work as a fencing instructor.

When she tried to give her thanks then, he'd become a fat and sly man with a twisted character.

He didn't remember me, either."

"I sure felt let down.

After all, I'd thought that even if his face was bad, he was a boy with a straightforward, righteous character.

[Maybe, if I could meet that person]… I’ve even thought some maiden-like things."

Reida has a distant look in her eyes.

Remembering the illusion that she thinks she can now move on from.

"Well, it was an end to the girl’s first love…… But well, I didn’t resent that, I just needed to repay my life's favor."

Reida said.

In few short words, in such a short time.

A confession towards no one in particular.

"Honestly, I also had forgotten about it.

But, on the way back to Asura, there was a sudden revelation in my dream.

If I came back to the royal palace as a Water God Style instructor, I could return the favor of that time."

So it was Hitogami.

And now, a man opposing Hitogami is coming towards us.

While, unfortunately, his presence poured overwhelmingly, one man is running through the castle at great speed.

Auber will probably run in the opposite direction of that man.

They do not have the power to detect his presence, but he understood somehow.

Auber is a person sensitive to such signs.

"It’s funny. Even though he had completely forgotten about it long ago."

" …… "

"But at this age, it no longer matters anymore. By removing the feeling of love, it becomes a whole new feeling. It becomes a feeling to repay the kindness of a lifetime."

Then Reida opens her eyes.

" …… He seems to have arrived."

The front door opened.

A lone man entered.


Everyone is overcome with fear from seeing his figure.

Some leaked, while others collapsed on the floor.

There are those who are hostile too.

However, everyone here holds a similar thought.

『I’ll be killed.』

Silvery hair and golden eyes.

A lone man with a dangerous, frightening face.

Orsted stood there.

"Long time no see. Did you come to perform the final rites for this old lady’s short remaining life? "

"That’s right. Because you’re an apostle of Hitogami."

“Apostle, huh… So you let me go the previous time because I wasn’t one then? My my, in my last moments I’m going to have to fight an unbelievable opponent…"

Locking gazes, Orsted approached Reida in a straight line.

There was no hesitation.

"『Deprivation Sword Kingdom』"

Reida’s body blurred.

Her sword was never at a fixed location.

Every time Orsted took a step, golden flickers flew out from the sword.

With sword flickers leaving an afterimage, Reida and Orsted are tied with a thread of gold.

All sword flickers has been defended against.

Sparks are scattered around Orsted.

He repelled those sword blows with his bare hands.

One step, two steps, three steps.

The number of sparks increase with each step.

Orsted still does not stop.

He reached the front of Reida’s eyes in no time.


And all too soon.

Very anticlimactically, Reida’s chest had been penetrated.

By Orsted’s transparent hand, Reida is run through.

She was discarded like a rag.

" G-Grandmaaa! ! "

Isolte cried, and the killing intent vanished.

But, as if time stood still, no one made a move.

What just happened? No one understands it.

Only fear dominates this place.

Everyone thinking that they would be the next to die.

The first one to move is Isolte.

She drew her sword and took a stance against Orsted with trembling legs.

"How dare you, the esteemed master……! "


As if nothing had happened, Orsted moves towards the terrace.

Isolte starts running after him to the terrace.

"Rudeus-sama! "

Cried Ariel when she came to.

"Please chase after Auber and Darius! They must not escape!"

Following Ariel’s roared phrase, time began to move again.

Selfish nobles started to flee with their escorts in tow.

Three people. Ghyslaine, Eris, and I ran out of the room and chased after Darius.

"Ru, Rudi? What happened?"

Sylphy came over as well.

She doesn’t seem to grasp the situation.

What should I do, bring her along?

No, Isolte is still in the room.

She is looking down from the terrace outside while being stunned.

She seems to have given up on chasing Orsted…

"Sylphy, guard Ariel-sama! Be careful of Isolte! We will chase Darius!"


I leave Sylphy and Luke to protect Ariel.

With that last minute judgement, we gave chase.

Part 3

It is uncertain why Ariel screamed [Chase Darius!]

Maybe it was just in the spur of the moment?

Don’t let Darius get away!

I wonder if it’s because of the old woman's tale?

Ariel must have another reason for me to chase Darius.

She’s also a Dragon's dog like me.

Maybe her reason is simply: [Don’t let Hitogami’s apostle Darius get away.]

Kill Darius.

It's decided that I must do this.

"This way! "

In accordance with Ghyslaine’s nose, we run down the hallway.

Ghyslaine and Eris have no doubt whatsoever in Ariel’s words.

Chasing after a fleeing enemy, they wear stifled smiles.

Feeling the adrenaline, I run down the hall steadily.

Security is low.

It’s not entirely absent, but they seem to be after someone else.

A voice saying, [He fled towards the Royal Palace!] can be heard.

Perhaps they are after Orsted.

" … I saw them! "

With no disturbances, we easily caught up to them after a few minutes.

Darius, with his huge body, was being carried by Auber.

Heavy wheezing can be heard as they rush down the corridor.

" …… Tch! "

Looking back with a sharp glance, Auber clicks his tongue.

He supports Darius’s shoulder, and flees into a nearby room.

We immediately rush in after… and suddenly come to a stop.

Darius catches his breath, while Auber with his unsheathed sword is facing us.

"……Ku, Ku! "

Writhingly Darius glares at me.

"Agh, why did something so stupid have to happen? This is strange, too strange."

"Darius-dono, you have lived a long life, so you should have experienced this type of thing before. How about calming down and using your head to get us out of this situation? "

Auber replied To Darius’s cry.

"I did as God said! I shouldn’t have been cornered like this! "

Darius refutes with a red face.

" …… My my, so you’re a religious guy. Then at least calm your breathing and pray for my victory."

While scratching his cheek, Auber took up his swords with a helpless look.

Before us, he brandishes his swords head on for the first time.

And he introduces himself.

" 『North Emperor』 Auber Corvette."

To that challenge, Ghyslaine and Eris quickly ready their swords.

"『Sword King』 Eris Greyrat."

"『Sword King』 Ghyslaine Dedorudia."

Should I also introduce myself?

While I hesitated, Darius pointed his finger at Eris.

"The one with red hair! Boreas! It’s you! You’re a Boreas Greyrat! "

Eris bit her lips and frowned blatantly.

"…… That has changed."

" I! I have provided various help for Boreas’s needs!"

Darius didn’t hear Eris’s reply and shouted while spitting out his saliva.

"Even with Fedoa territory’s disappearance, I helped them with gold!"

…… Come to think of it.

Darius provided the capital to fund the Fedoa Region Search Group, right ……?

Although I heard talk that there was an ulterior motive.

Being caught off guard, this part of me is a little weak.

Ulterior motives of investors aside, many people were still saved by it.

"That’s irrelevant to me!”

Eris spit out her words harshly.

She is smart.

"J-James also received my help!"


The current head of Boreas, Eris’s uncle.

"Installing him as Boreas family head, and preventing him from being crushed by the all-out attack from nobles is also due to my help! "

It’s a completely different matter.

"Because of that, the reconstruction of the Fedoa territory is also going well!"

No, no, that’s a lie.

"I’ve seen it on the way to the Royal Capital, but reconstruction of Fedoa territory isn’t advancing at all."

“Don’t listen to that youngster! If Boreas had completely collapsed, other lords would have sold the Fedoa territory bit by bit and abandoned it!"

Putting it in that way it sounds convincing.

Was that really the case?

The reconstruction has not been going well is a fact.

But were the alternatives any better?

"If that’s the case, you should’ve helped old man Sauros…"

Coming out clearly from my mouth, were those words.

At that, Darius’s complexion changed dramatically.

"Sauros? Don’t talk about that idiot, that toothless lion could never grasp the reality of the situation! That man tried to use the entire Boreas fortune to reconstruct Fedoa Region without thinking about the consequences!"

" …… "

I think that's a manly choice … but.

Well, you can definitely call it a bad move.

The Boreas House is falling prey to other lords now, after all.

"I saved James who came crying to me! I killed Sauros who was forcibly advancing things, and made sure that James would become the head! The Boreas House and Fedoa territory still exist. This was all possible due to my help! So help me! Please overlook this!"


That's not good.

Saying such things about the late Sauros.

I think these two people may no longer be stopped.

"In other words, you’re Sauros-ojiisama’s enemy."

"I see, so that’s how it is."

At Eris’s words, Ghyslaine nods, they take up their swords and bare their fangs.

"Then, I’ll kill you."


Darius gives out a short scream.

Auber sighed.

"I guess that means negotiations have failed."

Thus, the final round begins.

Part 4

" Fu~u …… Fu~u…… "

Has Darius collected himself?

He sat on the nearest chair taking deep breaths.

His shout just now is starting to look like a lie, with his calm looking attitude.

"Auber, can you win?"

"Well, it would be better if it was just the two Sword Kings, but that magician is troublesome."

With his back to Darius, Auber is pointing a sword in my direction.

He looks… settled down, I guess?

However, his eyes are not focused.

He’s looking and moving restlessly, is that a feint?

"………… I know. The God also said so."

"God did?"

"That a mage in gray colored robe will come and kill me. I did as I was told; I destroyed all the magic teleportation circles in the area and had you withdraw to the capital, however this is the result. I won’t believe in him anymore."

Following Hitogami’s orders, he moved about secretly, doing this and that.

Like Orsted said, chess seems to be a weak point of Hitogami.

Maybe he just doesn’t like playing a two player game.

"Do something. That's why I hired you. Your speciality is fighting while being outnumbered, isn't it?"

"Understood……If by any chance I win I will get a special reward, right?"

"Oh yes, that’s right! I promise!"

――After that exchange, Auber was facing us.

He squared his shoulders against his opponents.

Seeing this, Eris and Ghyslaine straighten up.

"North God style……『 Red Ink 』"

"Gaaaaaaaa! "

"Uraaaaaaa! "

The moment Auber muttered that, Eris and Ghyslaine reacted.

But at that time, I already understood the meaning of 『 Red Ink 』.

I had heard from Orsted what kind of skill it was.


A red carpet was laid on the floor.

Also, a red ball was scattered beforehand without anyone realizing it.

By the time we noticed it, it was too late.

"This is!"

"Nu!? "

At the feet of Ghyslaine and Eris, a big pop “Pa~an” resounded.

Spreading under their feet, strong liquid adhesive was strewn, sticking the soles of the two to the carpet.

This ball was developed by a certain North Saint pharmacist, an instant adhesive.

Since the process is complex, I don't really remember how to make it.

The impact causes the ball to rupture scattering the contents around.

The strong adhesive kept Ghyslaine's and Eris’s legs stuck to the carpet.

"『Water Flow』!"

Using water magic, I washed off the adhesive on their feet.

It is weak to water and loses its suction the moment it’s exposed to moisture.

But, Eris and Ghyslaine’s stance had already been messed up.

Too unsteady for their kill moves, but with their well trained legs they still never-the-less managed to strike.

Too slow.

Auber has already started his next move.

He immediately moves between Ghyslaine and Eris.

Ghyslaine’s sword stops.

Eris’s sword stops.

They’re taught in Sword God Style, to never release a Sword of Light with allies in the way.

"First thing’s first, you. Rudeus Greyrat."

Auber’s target isn’t Ghyslaine or even Eris.

It was me.

<Two swords with both hands are swung down to me.>

I see it.

Thanks to the simulated training with Eris, my foreseeing eye has caught Auber’s sword properly.

Immediately, I moved the artificial hand into the sword‘s trajectory.

First move.

I guard another by using the art of 『Earth Shield』with the right hand .

"North God Style secret art……『 Oboro Cross 』!"

<Auber’s hand is blurred.>

Auber threw his sword into the air, lowered his upper body, and reached for the sword remaining at his waist.

I see that.

The foreseeing eye has caught the movement.

To cover my right side, an『Earth Shield』 shaped like a buckler has already formed.

This shield made to parry Auber’s slashing power is heavy and very hard.

It’s so heavy that my hand’s movements are limited.

Auber’s sword is already under my left hand.

It’s a heavy prosthetic hand made of high magic, there is nothing beyond the wrist, but it manages to receive Auber’s sword slash directly .

Auber tries to draw another sword while making a turning fall.

The strike can’t be avoided.

Even if there was a way, there is not enough time to do that.

I decided to take a risk.

I jumped and moved my bent knee at him. Auber’s sword was received by my left foot.

Something hot sears my shin.

When I landed, my left foot felt like it had been squashed and bent.

If you take a look at the area right below the knee of my left leg, it is dangling by a flap of skin.

Pain came later.

"Iii! "

I withstand the pain by clenching down on my teeth.

I confirm my surroundings

Eris is moving, Ghyslaine’s also looking back, I'm standing here.

I'm not dead.

Auber, enclosed by three people, cannot escape.


Just then, something caught my attention

What now, is Auber trying to use strange ninjutsu again?

That’s not it.

Something moves at the edge of my vision.

It’s Darius, pointing his right hand in our direction.

"Spirit of fire, everywhere between the sky and earth, I request for your protection -

Divine protection of the great fire spirit in the place where the demand of thee―― "

Ghyslaine and Eris noticed it.

The actions taken by the two women were almost completely opposite.

Eris faces Darius, to stand between Darius and me, while Ghyslaine approaches Auber.

"――『Fire Bullet』."

From Darius’ hand, a mass of fire is released.

Its power and speed, both unquestionably lethal, the fiery projectile was closing in.

"Fun…… Gu! "

Eris cut the fireball in half.

But without anyone noticing, Auger had thrown a kunai knife , penetrating Eris' flanks.

My vision returns to the present.

Auber, still retaining the posture of throwing a dagger at Eris, parried Ghyslaine’s sword.

No, not completely; Ghyslaine’s sword had cut into Auber's shoulder.

He had not completely parried the blow.

His sword broke and he was thus cut

But only shallowly.

It did not sever his arm.

"Fu! "

"Gaaa ! "

Auber flew back flipping,

Eris lay in wait at his landing point, launching a killing attack.

But likely due to the kunai damage to her flank, Auber evaded it easily.

" …… "

This is bad; He’s put distance between us.

I don’t know what went wrong, to confront Auber from a distance is bad.

Why is it bad?

That guy has a variety of skills.

Not only that.

My leg was sliced and I doubt Eris can run either.

Now, supposing Auber runs away with Darius.

Then it will become Ghyslaine alone.

That’s right.

I have to do something to Darius.

While discarding the Earth Shield, I directed my staff at Darius.

"Stone Cannon! "



The bullet flew at a ridiculous speed, but it was received by Auber’s sword.

However, this was within my predictions.

That shot just now was not a mere Stone Cannon.


Right where it was hit.

The hollow point rock bullet which was cut into two explodes near Darius.

I had developed this hollow point rock bullet while traveling the Magic Continent.

The name is Explosive Stone Cannon.

"Gugyaaaaaa! "

Fragments of rock and shell penetrating his eye, Darius crouches while holding his face .


Auber’s attention slipped.

"Daaaaaa! "

There, Eris immediately seized the opening.

Sword of Light.


Auber…… parried it.

He caught it with the side of his blade, the thickest part of the sword.

But Eris’ sword cuts through it like it’s nothing, and her sword went into Auber’s arm.

Too shallow.

Because of her injury, the technique was not perfect.

After slicing Auber’s arm, Eris’s sword failed to cut deeper.

"Gaaaaaa! "

After that, Ghyslaine moved.

Auber, lacking both his arms, tried to evade.

However, the Sword of Light is a difficult move to evade.

It's a killer move of the Sword God Style, after all.

Auber is in no position to avoid it.

It’s not a move you can dodge without preparations.

Auber realizes this.

Currently, it is impossible.

Ghyslaine’s perfect Sword of Light entered from around his shoulders and exited his side.

" …… Impressive."

While muttering that, Auber fell.

He collapses in a pool of his own blood.

His body twitched for a while, but the light in his eyes was gone.

………… He is dead.

" …… "

"Aaaaa, my eye, my eye! Auber, do something …… Auber!"

Still crouching, Darius was screaming while holding his eye.

Ghyslaine looks down at the crouching Darius who received my Explosive Stone Cannon.

" …… "

Ghyslaine swings her sword down in silence.

Blood sprayed to my cheek.

Part 4

I left Darius’s corpse there.

This is a prior arrangement with Ariel.

Regardless of how the murder took place, it’s best to leave Darius’ corpse behind if possible.

The possibility that Ariel is accused at a later time is also high, but…

It’s more important to prove that Darius is dead.

This happy feeling over killing someone… bothers me.

"Fuu …… "

The unpleasant guy died.

I killed him.

The aftertaste is bad.

I did not deal the finishing blow directly, but it didn’t matter.

Now, I actually felt it.

I am the one who killed Darius.

Killing Auber that tried to protect him, while crushing Darius’s eye, rendering him defenseless.

It was not possible to feel it until now, but this time I felt it.

I do not know what is the difference.

Will it be a problem of distance.

I don't know.

"Huh …… "

I think that it’s useless to mull over it.

Because this is a path I have chosen.

Then, going to the next room, my wounds were treated by using the King Class Healing Magic scroll that I got from Orsted.

As expected of King Class, even the severed foot was restored.

But, probably due to the thinning of my blood, my body is cold.

Next to me is Eris.

She is looking at my treatment with a blue face.

I pull her clothes off.

Such charming, well-trained ab muscles ……

"…… What? "

Her side’s wound had turned purplish.


Auber’s dagger was coated in poison.

"…… "

I tried Elementary and Intermediate Detoxification.

Confirmed that they are not effective.

Cold sweat has run down at my back.

Suddenly, I remember Orsted’s words.

Auber only uses one type of poison and it is non-lethal.

In addition, he also has the antidote.

Immediately returning to the room next door, Auber's corpse was scavenged to obtain the antidote.

Eris drank it, and spread some on her abdomen while she was at it.

As a precaution… I who received slashes also drank it.

It was dangerous.

If he had more powerful poison, Eris would probably already be dead.

I'm so glad, really……

"You avoided his 『Oboro Cross』quite well……"

When treating Eris’s side, she said clearly.

I wonder if can be considered avoiding ……

Well, I suppose you can given that it is not a mortal wound.

"It's thanks to the mock battles with Eris. Having become accustomed to fast attacks, I was somehow able to evade it. "

"But even I’ve never evaded it …… "

Saying so, Eris was giving a slightly lonely look.

Eris had been taught the way of sword by Auber.

Was she reminiscing?

"Oh well, that’s fine."

Eris shook her head quickly.

Her character is enviable.


Ghyslaine, Eris and I are safe.

Total victory.

"Then, let’s go back "



We'll look at it as a triumph, I am allowed to feel triumphant.

Part 5

When we came back to the party venue, an unexpected sight befell my eyes.

"……Eh? "

Luke is pressing a dagger against Ariel’s neck.

Philemon is kneeling and Sylphy is sending a hateful gaze in Luke’s direction.

What kind of situation is this?

Luke glanced at me in confusion and opened his mouth.

Directing words not towards me, but towards Sylphy.

"If you want to help Ariel-sama, then kill Rudeus."

That question was directed towards Sylphy ――