Volume 20 Chapter 2: Foreboding

Part 1

After I went home, I gave a report to my family.

Recently there is a lot about my business trips that I can't talk about.

But since this time it might take a while, I feel I owe them more details.

First, our office doesn't have a magic teleport circle directed at Shirone Kingdom.

Instead, I'll purchase a horse carriage at the Kingdom of Dragon King then travel to the Shirone Kingdom from there.


Last time it took almost four months for me to get from the Kingdom of Dragon King to Shirone.

Including investigating on the way, at best I can cut travel time to two months or so.

Two months.

In other words, travel alone will take four months.

Considering that Eris will give birth in about three, there's no way for me to get back in time.

Of course, if I ask Perugius for the favor, we can head directly to Shirone Kingdom instead.


Zanoba and Perugius got along well. Zanoba would often bring new paintings or dolls he found in the market to Perugius and have an art show together, just the two of them.

If anything caught Perugius's eyes, Zanoba would happily offer it to him.

Since they get along so well, if Zanoba asks for a favor, he probably won't refuse.

Still, even if we cut the trip back and forth to under one month, we don't know how long Zanoba will spend in Shirone itself.

So I still don't know how to proceed right now.

It'd be easy if all I need is to kick someone's ass and go home, but Pax cannot be killed.


The alternatives will probably take a lot more time.

"That's why, I don't know when I will get back."

After dinner, I said.

Norn isn't home tonight, but that's typical. It can't be helped.

Still, the whole family is present, including Sylphy and Zenith.

Besides how long it takes, I also gave them the gist of the situation, but I didn't mention the possibility that it's a trap by Hitogami.

It's only a possibility, after all. It'll be troublesome if Eris insists on coming.

It might be selfish of me, but because of that they didn't raise any objections.

"I'm fine with this."

They all look toward Eris.

Eris looks comfortable in the center of attention, with her hands wrapped around her ever growing tummy.

"Well, it can't be helped."

How easygoing, nothing compared to how nervous Sylphy was.

"Hey Eris, aren't you too indifferent?"

"Even if Rudeus isn't here, the baby will be born."

"But, this is important!"

"I know, but all Rudeus would do is hold my hand, right?"

"It's true, but…"

Finding no retort, Sylphy shrinks back.

Roxy folds her hands with a [She's right, you know] look on her face.

But the person with personal experience still believes how important my hand's warmth is during birth.

"Rudeus isn't necessary when it comes to childbirth."

Eris said that with a raised voice.

I feel a little sad to hear that I'm not a necessity.

But with Lilia and Aisha here, my lack of necessity is a matter of fact.

"It's fine as long as Rudeus praises me for giving him a wonderful son, once he gets back."

Eris sure is direct today, how manly. She's probably doing this to leave me without worries.

Eris is starting to become considerate of others. I feel proud, but also a little lonesome.

[You only need one to birth a baby], as a husband, should that be what I hope the wife to say?

Well, I'm not the one going to give birth.

"… By the way, have you picked a name already?"

"Yes, a great name, just look forward to it!"

But didn't you say you only thought of names for boys?

What if you end up giving birth to a girl while I was away?

Do you really plan to name her and raise her as a boy?

"Eris… If the baby's a girl, please give her your mother's name, Hilda."

"No, I'm not gonna give her an old lady's name!"


Do you have to call her an old lady…

Hilda-san is probably crying from the beyond right now.

"Ara ara, just let Eris-ane do what she wants. Just follow Slyphy-ane's example, Onii-chan, and support her quietly from behind."

With Aisha's input, the discussion is over.

Indeed, Sylphy really has always been supporting me from the shadows.

As expected as the captain of the wife's corp.

I can count on her.

I'd worry if Eris was left by herself, but I have my other trustworthy wives here, and sisters and mothers too.

No matter what happens, I can count on them.

"I'm more worried about Rudeus going on his own again, so honestly I wanted to come along!"

On the other hand.

Honestly I'm the one worrying them.

Indeed, this time has some elements of danger. Basically, I'll likely fall for one of Hitogami's traps.

Ugh, now I start to feel rather uneasy.

Will I come back alive this time…

No, worrying alone won't help.

I got to do what I got to do, and take down any enemy that comes my way.

Take things one at a time, I'll just do that.

"Rudi, you look uneasy."

Roxy asked, seeing how troubled I look.

She's her usual self, holding Lara to her bosom, looking towards me with fatigued eyes.

"Um, yeah, it might devolve into war this time…"

Let's go with that first.

Roxy raises her head and studies me with a serious expression on her face.

"To be honest, I think it might be my fault this time."

"Eh? Why?"

"Because the one tasked to educate the young Prince Pax was me."

Now that she mentioned it, Roxy has spent a long time at Shirone Kingdom.

"No one blames a home tutor for what the student does in the future. You can't teach him everything."

"That may be, but his twisted personality happened under my watch."

That's not your fault, Roxy.

How could a person turn twisted from Roxy's brilliant teaching be possible in this world?

I know that for sure.

That's what I want to say, but honestly speaking I know nothing about this Pax person…

According to Orsted, even if it's via a coup, he seems to have what it takes to be king, so perhaps he did grow a bit under Roxy's tutelage.

No, impossible.

How can it be possible.

Even the worst of human scum can learn greatest under Roxy's teachings.

Definitely not your fault, Roxy.

Definitely another reason.

"Sensei, it's not your fault."

"… Rudi, did you ever notice, how creepy you look when you call me Sensei?"



That's impossible.

I only call Roxy Sensei out of utter respect.

How can me looking creepy be possible?

It's true that we have teacher-student play at times, but that's only a game between husband and wife.

I definitely do not have any ulterior motive.

I'm innocent!

"I have mixed feelings about this… but I might just add fuel to the fire if I go this time…"

Roxy glanced at Lara as she said this.

Lara looks at me with her sleepy face.

As if wanting to say something she stares straight at me.

Roxy looks somewhat troubled.

Maybe if there wasn't school or a kid, Roxy might want to come along with me.

"No, Roxy, it's definitely not your fault."

That's all I can say for now.

I don't know if Roxy would have become Pax's home tutor, if I didn't reincarnate in this world. Yet Pax would still become a king through a coup.

Moreover, the chances are high this time that Hitogami is behind this.

If Pax was educated by Roxy, even if he received a different education than other timelines, I doubt the situation would be any different.

That's why, this crisis is definitely not Roxy's fault.

"Pax has been manipulated by Hitogami."

"But… No, right, I get it."

Roxy still has her reservations, but in the end she dropped her objections.

She probably is still bothered that one of her students did a bad thing.

Suddenly I look at Sylphy.

She isn't my student, but the one that taught her magic foundations was me, and I think I taught her many other things as well.

If after the Metastasis Event she didn't end up with Ariel, but instead used the magic I taught her to kill and steal. What would I think?

I definitely would have thought, [I taught her wrong], [I'm responsible], [I need to stop her], [I need to get her to listen to me], and etc.

"Eh, Rudi, what is it?"

"Nothing, I just realize that Sylphy had always listened to everything I said."

"That came out of no where, haven't I been doing that even now? Only recently, Rudi was so pushy, even though I was reluctant, and forced me…"

"Hey, there's children present."

"Ah, right."

Lucy, who's sitting besides her, looks back and forth at me and Sylphy.

Her face reads, [What are you talking about.]

How cute.

It's too early for her, too early to learn about night time wrestling strategies.

Let's end this family meeting here, on a positive note.

"Alright, everyone, I'll leave the rest…"

"Ah! Ah-!"

Crying suddenly.

Looking over, the usually quiet Lara is bursting in tears in Roxy's bosom.

She's looking towards me, crying, with her tiny hands outstretch.

"Kya! Aah-!"

"Lara, what wrong? Be good…"

Roxy nervously tries to comfort her, but she just keeps crying.

I think this is the first time Lara ever had an outburst like this.

Maybe she couldn't handle the heavy mood.

She just keeps looking, with her hands outstretched towards me, crying a river.



I take Lara from Roxy's hands, carrying her in my arms.

Lara instantly stops crying as soon as she grabs hold of me.

She grasps tightly on my shoulder, glued on me like a cicada.

Maybe she can sense that I'll soon be far away.

If she was crying because of that, it bothers me a bit…

But this never happened previously.

Maybe because the mood feels different this time, she sensed something?

"Well, papa will go away for a while, so be a good girl, okay?"

Oh, she should be fine if she stopped crying.

I lightly pat her back before handing her back to Roxy.

I tried to hand her over.

But couldn't.

Lara refuses to let go.

She grabs my cloak and clings on like a rhinoceros beetle.

"Kya-! Aah-!"

Just when I try to pry her away, Lara starts crying loudly and refuses to leave.

I'm actually very happy that Lara wants to be with papa so much.

Be a good girl, when papa comes home, I'll take a bath-bath with you.

"Well, Roxy, I'll leave her to you."

"Eh? Ah, okay."

Well, I said that I can't pry her off, but she's still a baby, after all.

I easily toss her over to Roxy.

"Aah---! Kya-----!"

Right away, Lara cries out like she's at death's door.

Almost as loud as Eris, nothing like how quiet she usually was.

I feel a little guilty, like I'm abusing her somehow.

"Then, while I'm away…"

"Maa--! Baa----! Aaa--!"

No, papa, stay.

That's what I imagine she said.

I feel like being held back.

But I must go.

I can't leave my dear friend alone.

"Bya--! Aaa--! Aaa--!"

I glance at Lara, crying like she saw a ghost, she reaches out in fear towards me.

This is the first time I've ever seen Lara like this.

Everyone else looks dumbfounded at Lara, all wondering [What's going on.]

"Be good… What's going on. Why all the sudden… Lilia, do you know about this?"

"No, this is the first time I've seen this as well…"

Regardless of what Roxy does, she can't seem to calm Lara down.

I suddenly feel anxious.

Is there nothing strange going on?

Will it be alright if I go?

Lara is chosen by Holy Beast Leo as the savior of the world!

Even though I don't know how she will save the world, but maybe she has some special ability.

Like premonition.

Or she sees a dead man walking.

Eh… Am I, going to die?

"Aaa---! Bya---!"

The sorrow in her cries echoes through the room.

This only adds to my unease.

"Okay, I get it, Lara."

In the midst of her cries, a person picks up the crying Lara and embraces her.

Raising her to her own eye level, with exchanged glances she said.

"I'll go with papa and protect him."

Like the warm sun basking the earth this gentlewoman says.

Only that.

Instantly Lara stops crying.

Part 2

I tried to stop her.

It's really dangerous this time.

The chances that it's a Hitogami trap is high.

Roxy will just get in the way once the fight starts.

Perugius doesn't allow Magic race in the Sky Castle.

Teaching is Roxy's dream job, she can't just go on vacation for a few months without a heads up.

She might get fired.

Babies cry all the time. Now that she stopped, just forget about it.

I spoke rather harshly, making up all sorts of excuses on why Roxy shouldn't come.

But Roxy looks unmoved.

"If it's a trap, then that explains why Lara started crying."

"Even if I'm a hindrance in fights, I might come in handy elsewhere!"

"If I can't go along, then I will just find my own way there."

"Teaching is my dream, but it doesn't matter when my husband's life is at stake."

"It's a mother's duty when her daughter cries."

Roxy counters my every excuse, leaving me lost for words.

Not a single member of my family are with me on this one.

For sure, none of them think it's okay if Roxy dies.

Rather, as soon as they heard [This is Hitogami's trap], all of them had [So that's what it is] written all over their faces.

[Why didn't you tell us], they admonish me.

Then Eris demands to come along, with Sylphy trying to stop her.

Even Sylphy starts to speak about whether she should come as well.

An out-of-ordinary unease clings to everyone's hearts.

Will I really be alright on my own?


This is what they mean by bad omen?

Something will happen to Rudi?

Everyone's anxiety rests squarely on Roxy.

That's why she decides to go with me as the family's representative.

Because of Roxy's words, even Sylphy and Eris want to come along.

As expected of Roxy, but I have mixed emotions about praising her for that.

I'm in a bad spot as well.

I'm the kind that wants to treasure the things that are important to me.

Roxy, my special treasure, if possible I want to keep her safe in the most secure of treasure chests.

But, Roxy is stubborn.

Even if I stop her now, she'll definitely go off to Shirone Kingdom on her own.

Knowing this, I have no choice but let her come with me.

It's easier to protect her with her by my side.

But I'm also starting to feel anxious.

Facing a trap that Hitogami set, and I can't count on Orsted coming to my rescue this time.

I haven't even figured out how to convince Zanoba to come back with me yet.

Only dark clouds cover the path before me, how foreboding.

Roxy is coming along during my predicament.

The one I respect the most of this world by my side.

There's nothing more reassuring than that.

Part 3

Next day we begin preparations for the journey to Shirone Kingdom.

Preparing everything that we need for the trip.

First, equipment for Zanoba.

It goes without saying that I don't want Zanoba to die.

Because of that, I pick a few choice armor out of the office armory for Zanoba to use.

First is a rather hefty full body armor.

It is augmented with [Increase fire resistance] magic tools.

A perfect match for Zanoba, who's weak against fire.

Even though Zanoba seems vulnerable to fire, but that's more or less true for all humans.

Next is a weapon.

Orsted said, there's no weapon tough enough for the strength of a miko like Zanoba.

Regardless of how special the sword is, it will break like a twig in his hands.

That's why I made Zanoba a bat.

A stone bat, hardened with my magic.

It's shaped like a racket.

It's deceivingly heavy, so much that even a grown man can't lift it.

But Zanoba pinches it, holding it like a twig. If a single swing from that lands, it's basically instant kill.

It's like attaching lasers on sharks.

Even though Zanoba has ridiculous strength, he has plenty of weaknesses.

He isn't fast, but I have just the thing for that.

A magic item called [Net of Overfishing].

For reasons unknown, as soon as it's cast, as if it has a mind of its own it will automatically chase and tie up the opponent.

Taking advantage of Zanoba's strength, it can instantly cripple an opponent, and drag him within Zanoba's striking range.

I'll just leave these three pieces of equipment with Zanoba for now.

He doesn't really like wearing full armor, but he's more than happy with the rest of them.

I also prepared equipment for Roxy.

Of course her safety is my top concern.

So I mostly picked equipment that can adequately protect her.

Of course, Roxy isn't very strong, so I can't exactly dress her up in full body armor like Zanoba.

She has plenty of combat experience, so wearing unfamiliar equipment might just become an hindrance for her instead.

That's why I picked for her a barrier ring for physical attacks and a scapegoat ring that can prevent one lethal attack.

She'll use her usual staff and robe.

That's all the equipment for Roxy.

It makes me uneasy.

But all I can do is do my best to protect her.

We don't know what kind of trap awaits us, but we will make headway on that front.

On the school front, Zanoba dropped out, and Roxy also filed a leave of absence.

I don't want Roxy fired, so I asked Zanoba to write a notice of recall, requesting Roxy to return to her post as court magician of Shirone palace.

Of course the school objects.

So it ended up becoming a sit-down negotiation between the principal and Zanoba.

Roxy has become that important a personnel to the school.

That's only natural.

If I were the principal, I'd do the same.

"Roxy-dono was court magician for Shirone to begin with. Only for various reasons did she quit, but she has plenty of ability, thus I wish to bring her back and again grant her the position of court magician of Shirone Kingdom."

Zanoba negotiates aggressively, while Roxy complains [I don't want to be a court magician…]

The principal, taking advantage of Roxy's words, declared [Roxy belongs to the Magic University.]

An hour into negotiation, Zanoba finally budges.

He'll bring her with him, since she's involved this time, afterwards he'll return her to the University… that's the deal.

Put up unreasonable demands first, then coming back down.

That's the art of negotiation.

And that's how Roxy managed to hold onto her teaching position when she returns.

Finally, I checked my own equipment.

When it comes to my equipment, it's the same as usual.

Magic Armor Mk-I, Magic Armor Mk-IIB, and the Shotgun Cannon; just these three.

It's been a long time since I last used my old companion Aqua Hartia.

I feel a little guilty towards Eris, but she responds [Isn't it great that you found a better weapon?]

I kind of wish she would treasure the symbol of our shared memory more.

Even though it encapsulates the memory of our tenth together… Or does she want to forget the past?

Yet I still remember fondly how her boobs felt back then…

For now, my friend Aqua Hartia currently sits as decoration in my room.

Maybe it's better to let Sylphy have it?

Unlike Eris, Sylphy never stopped using the magic wand I gave her.

If I give her my companion Aqua Hartia, she definitely will use it happily.

But I'm not sure how girls feel about being regifted a present from another woman.

But Sylphy's current wand was a present from Roxy as well…

Regardless, like usual, my primary equipment will be Magic Armor Mk-IIB.

Only when a strong enemy appears would I need the bulky Magic Armor Mk-I.

It's fine. Even if a strong enemy appears, I have long planned for that scenario.

It'll work.

I plan to disassemble the bulky Magic Armor Mk-I and ship it over, then reassemble it there.

Hitogami knows about the existence of Magic Armor.

To avoid giving him a chance to deal with it, it's better if I keep the Magic Armor hidden.

Unlike Mk-IIB, I can't wear Mk-I at all times. Keeping armored core dissembled when not-in-use is common sense.

With the equipments set, all that's left is how to get there.

For that, Zanoba and I went together to bow our heads to Perugius.

Part 4

When we reached the Sky Castle, we were brought to a particularly upscale room.

One I have never been in before.

The room feels particularly personalized.

Paintings cover the walls, hand-sized sculptures line the shelves.

The pieces here looks exceptional even compared to all the others on display in the Sky Castle.

All the works on display in the hallway looks [expensive], but the ones here all look [exquisitely crafted] or [particularly tasteful.]

In other words, money can't buy taste.

"This place is amazing."

"Oh, is this Shisho's first time here?"

I start murmuring to myself without realizing it. Unexpectedly Zanoba replies.

"Yeah, I'm usually at the guest room or courtyards…"

"Only those recognized by Perugius-sama are allowed here."

Sylvaril speaks sternly, standing by the entryway.

Hidden in her tones is [And you're not.]

Recently I've started to think that she really hates me.

Or more precisely, hates the one behind me, Orsted.

"Sylvaril-dono, can you not speak as if my Shisho somehow is beneath me?"

Without turning around, Zanoba raises his objection.

Hey, at least look at people when you speak to them.

"But, the only one Perugius-sama recognizes and granted permission to enter is Zanoba-sama. I don't know why you're so insistent about bringing both over…"

Listening to Sylvaril's calm reply, Zanoba turns around like he saw a ghost.

"Indeed, Shisho rarely has a chance to make dolls during Perugius-sama's presence, so I can understand why he may not yet to be recognized. But, Shisho's work has a depth far beyond my own understandings. They're truly excellent."

"But Perugius-sama…"

"Rudeus Greyrat is my Shishou. Indeed, he may be less informed than Perugius-sama and yours truly. But without Shisho's guidance, the Zanoba Shirone who has been recognized by Perugius-sama himself may not exist!"


Sylvaril falls silent.

She seems disinterested.

Well, I can't tell behind that mask.

Even though I'm used to Zanoba's flattery by now, I still feel rather moved this time.

I have a little know-how about figures from the other world, it's not that big of a deal.

"Understood, please accept my apology, Zanoba-sama."

"It's fine, Sylvaril-dono."

Sylvaril bows her head, and candidly Zanoba pardons her.

Honestly, I don't really care how she treats me.

"Zanoba, you're back."

Just now, the door to the interior opens.

It's Perugius.

Maybe reading the mood, he glanced back and forth at Sylvaril and Zanoba.

"… What is it, has Sylvaril been negligent in some way."

"No, Shisho has never been in this room before, and we're talking about that."

Zanoba happily replies.

He did not complain to the master. He's a good man.

"Rudeus… Indeed, he never had a chance to come here. What do you think of this room, my pride and joy?"

"It's truly impressive. Even more than those in the hallway, they truly capture the essence of good taste."


Not knowing what to say in details, I gave some ambiguous praises, but that seems to put Perugius in a good mood.

"If those on the hallway outside are what's considered first rate, then these here are the premium goods that Perugius-sama loves. Aren't they?"


Perugius smiles with a smirk on his face and sits down.

I muddled through this time.

Maybe my appraisal ability hasn't completely been forgotten.

Even Sylvaril looks shocked… I think.

Even though I can't see under that mask.

Regardless, Zanoba and I rushed to sit down after Perugius's invitation.

It becomes an interview between us three.

"Well then, what shall it be today? Have you found another interesting doll somewhere?"

Perugius asks merrily.

Zanoba happily replies.

"No, Perugius-sama, I'm heading home, so I come to say my goodbyes."


Perugius frowns, staring at Zanoba.

Then slowly his happiness subsides.

In details Zanoba explains the draft summon he received from Shirone Kingdom.

Perugius listens without interrupting, only looking straight at Zanoba.

Zanoba finishes his monologue.

And after a moment of silence, Perugius finally speaks.

"… Zanoba, have you the resolve to die?"

Instead of waiting for anything else he has to say, Perugius asked.

Zanoba looks blankly back at Perugius.

"Why are you so certain?"

"I can see it in your face, the look you wear, I've seen it on many men in my lifetime."

Perugius unhappily said.

Even though I wonder how he knew from just looking at Zanoba, but if Perugius wants to stop him, I concur.

It's perfect if he tells Zanoba not to go to Shirone Kingdom.

If that happens, then I won't fall for Hitogami's trap.

"If that's true, what will you do?"

Zanoba keeps his poker face. Perugius smiles lightly.

"If you need to fight someone, I'll happily give you a hand. Discussing art with you is important to me. If someone gets in the way of that, I'll get rid of them. A… false king, for example."

"That won't be necessary."

"Ah, of course."

Perugius suddenly checks his surroundings, before stopping on me.

Am I supposed to say something?

This is what they call exchanging a glance, right?

While I'm thinking, Perugius has already looked away and continues his conversation with Zanoba.

"Zanoba… going to your death, does he know of it?"

"No, he just wants to come along--"

"Oh, and you didn't refuse him?"

"Because once Shisho sets his mind on something, even if I refuse he will come to Shirone Kingdom."

When I said I'm coming, Zanoba didn't particularly object.

I guess he realized objecting won't do any good.

Well, it's true.

"Rudeus will protect your life like his own."

"Haha, what are you talking about, Perugius-sama."

Zanoba laughs like he heard a joke.

But his smile is forced.

"Shisho will have another baby soon. There are things he must do. When it comes to it, certainly he will save himself first."

"Are you the student of someone who would watch his friend cornered and leave him to die?"

"Of course not! Shisho is an amazing man. He will definitely come to my aid and survive as well!"

I'm no superman.

Well, leaving aside whether Zanoba seriously thinks I'm superman or not…

Zanoba and Perugius's meeting has been going smoothly.

But [Don't go to Shirone] doesn't seem to be an option here.

Perugius seems to realize something.

Losing interest rapidly, he props himself up, and sighs with a face of boredom.

"Well then, you shouldn't be here just to say goodbye, what can I be of help with?"

Zanoba nods before answering.

"I wish to borrow your magic teleport circles to Shirone Kingdom, for permission to bring the Magic Armor to the castle, as well as… permission for Shisho's wife, the Magic Race Roxy Migurdia."

"I can prepare a magic teleport circle for you, and permit entry for the Magic Armor… but Magic Race are not allowed in this castle."

Perugius replies with a frown.

Previously Arumanfi had also denied entry for Roxy, also because Perugius refused to allow Magic Race from entering the Sky Castle.

"Even if this, Zanoba Shirone, asks you as a once-in-a-lifetime favor?"

"Zanoba Shirone, you said this, so you think you're that important to me?"

"I am a rare friend who can discuss art at your level with you."

"So you said this Armor Dragon King Perugius Dola has befriended some prince from a little kingdom like yourself?"

"Excuse my impudence, but when it comes to art, race and stature are irrelevant."

Perugius stares down Zanoba.

Zanoba fearlessly returns the favor.

Sylvaril also glares at Zanoba.

Only my eyesight wanders back and forth.

The situation is tense.

If it's me, I'd start apologizing.


Perugius raise his chin and laughs.

"Fine, I'll permit that Magic Race's entry."

"Thank you very much for your consideration."

"But, I have conditions."

Afterwards, Perugius lays out his ground rules.

Roxy is barred from speaking, touching anything, from appearing before him, inside the castle…

Basically, she's only allowed to use the castle as a way station. I accept the conditions.

"Then, Sylvaril, prepare the magic circle for them."


After giving Syvaril instructions, Perugius looks back at Zanoba with disinterest.

A cold glance, but in there somehow I saw he has resigned himself.

"Zanoba Shirone."


"It's a pity."

Perugius and Zanoba stand up together.

Towards the Perugius's back, Zanoba bows quietly.

Perugius's outline looks particularly lonesome, but perhaps that's just an illusion.

Part 5

After the Magic Armor has been disassembled, it was sent to Shirone Kingdom via the magic circle.

Afterwards Ginger contacted a craftsman she knew to encase the Magic Armor in stone blocks as camouflage, and had it sent to a warehouse near the capital.

I didn't go along.

But I did instruct her to also start investigating the situation inside Shirone Kingdom.

If the north invading turns out false, that gives me a good reason to dissuade Zanoba from going.

Even though, the northern Kingdom of Bista really looks poised for attack.

Bista has mobilized for war, with large number of mercenaries and hoodlums inside its borders.

"King Pax seems to have brought 10 able knights from the Kingdom of Dragon King with him, and used them to rid the country of rebels."

able knights.

Just 10?

Well, including Pax, the coup has eleven members, but the coup's success are no doubt the doing of these ten individuals.

In that case, they might be the trap set by Hitogami.

"Ginger-san, did you learn of the names of these 10 knights?"

"No, unfortunately I haven't got that far with my investigation… Only that it's rumored King Pax has a man with a skull-looking face by his side. Also the rumor that man is among the Seven Great World Powers, the Death God."

"I see."

Yikes, another one of the Seven Great World Powers…

Well, I hope that the Kingdom of Dragon King won't bother to lend Pax one of the Seven. Maybe that skull guy is someone else. Either way I should report this to Orsted.

"Oh, if the northern kingdom is ready to invade, then we have to hurry."

Hearing this, Zanoba looks anxious to immediately head out.

He is ready to go.

His tone is like usual, but I can sense his unease.

Nothing I can do to dissuade Zanoba now, so we will set out in a few days.

The party will be me, Zanoba, Ginger, and Roxy. Four members.

Julie is temporarily left with my family.