Volume 20 Chapter 4: King Pax

Part 1

We arrive at the entrance to the royal castle.

At first, the soldiers on guard look at Zanoba with suspicion.

They didn't expect him to come. He never made any contact.

At least he should arrive on horseback.

But instead he's on foot.


Even his only royal guard Ginger is nowhere to be seen.

Everything looks too suspicious, but after a few questions to test and confirm Zanoba's identity, they immediately straighten up and make way for us.

From their actions, I can appreciate how much this kingdom puts its royalties up on a pedestal, including this one here.

Maybe they're especially sensitive, given the recent purge of the royal bloodline?

Regardless, we asked for an audience and were brought to a waiting room.

There we wait for about an hour or so.


Our request was granted, and we're allowed into the audience room.

Part 2

Shirone Royal Castle.

Audience Room.

Inside are five individuals.

Only five.


With not a single soldier standing guard.

In the center.

Seated on the throne is someone I recognize.

At least, on the outside he hasn't changed much.

He hasn't grown much.

Nonchalantly he leans back on the throne.

Pax Shirone.

A little more mature looking, a little more daunting, but more or less the same as before.

A beautiful girl sits beside him.

Looks like a middle schooler. She's wearing a white dress. Her hair has a dash of aqua blue.

The color is similar to Migurdia Tribe's, yet not the same as Roxy's.

Maybe from another tribe?

She has vacant eyes.

Wearing a coronet, is she the Queen?

Pax's hand motions behind her.

At a glance, it looks like he's rubbing her back, but…

I know that he's touching her butt.

He thinks no one can tell?

Sigh, treating her like a sex slave.

I turn my sight away from that girl, towards the man standing by the other side of the throne.

He looks around 40 or so.

Buff looking, with a sword on his waist, but he's lightly armored.

He doesn't look particularly strong or dangerous.

A person that I won't feel guarded towards if we cross paths normally.

But on his head.

A grim face with prominent cheekbones.

An eyepatch covers his right eye. His left eye looks sunken and lifeless. His face is shaded like a zombie.

He looks like a pirate captain straight out of old movies.

If I have to describe him in a single phrase.

It would be a skull-faced man.


No doubt he's the Death God Randolph Marianne.

"Your majesty. Zanoba Shirone has received your summons and rushed back from Magic City Sharia."

Zanoba walks up the audience room and immediately kneels down.

Without any reservations he pays his respect to Pax and bows his head.

I imitate his motions, but just in case, beneath my robes I take aim at Pax.

Pax spies at the kneeling Zanoba and withdraws his hand from the girl's buttocks.

While slurping that hand, he speaks.

"… Aren't you early."

"I hurried given the state of emergency."

"Or perhaps, you've been in hiding somewhere in the country the whole time. After all, there's no news of you crossing the border."

It took us about a month to reach Shirone Kingdom, after the letter arrived.

It's a year's travel by normal methods.

Our pace definitely looks impossible.

"To avoid attacks from enemy nations, we kept our identities hidden during the journey here."

"Even after you crossed the border?"

"Especially after we crossed the border."

"I see."

Pax humphs.

Doesn't sound like he'll bother to ask how we got here so fast.

Well, we'll just lie about it, but…

Pax straightens up and points towards me.

"Then, what about him?"

"Your majesty knows him as well. He's Rudeus Greyrat."

"I'm aware."

"Then, what is it?"

"I'm asking why is he here."

"War is coming, so I thought it would be ideal to bring a strong magician along."

It's decisive.

In this world, magicians have critical importance on the field of battle.

Advanced Rank magicians, even intermediate ranked ones, are very handy for tactical positioning.

In single confrontations, swordsmen generally have the upper hand. But in numbers, when individual battles are less crucial, magicians become the focus.

Saint and King Rank magicians are indispensable commodities for kings of nations during wartime.

But Pax snickers in response.

With a sullen smile, his glance shuffles between Zanoba and I.

"Oh, really? Are you sure he isn't a pawn you brought to kill me."

When Pax said that, bloodthirst can be felt from two individuals that appear suddenly beside the Death God.

I guess those two are knights from Kingdom of Dragon King?

There should be ten in all.

Including the Death God, three are accounted for.

Where might the other seven be?

Honestly, they don't look too strong.

"How could you say that… I have no intention of making enemies with your majesty."

"Huh, you'll forgive the usurper?"

"Certainly. It's not like I ever swore loyalty to the previous king."

"Then, do you plan to swear loyalty to me?"


Zanoba did not reply.

Pax snorts, unamused by the non-response.

The attitude might be considered seditious, but Pax seemed to overlook it.

"Just as well. Brother … no, Zanoba. What you actually think is irrelevant."

Pax nods towards the knights standing behind him.

"Look, these are the knights I brought from the Kingdom of Dragon King."

Hearing Pax, the knights lower their heads.

But the Death God yawns.

"And this one here, is a rather big deal. Ranked fifth of the Seven Great Powers, Death God Randolph Marianne."

The Death God straightens up when he heard his introduction.

He steps up looking rather uncomfortable.

A dry cough.

"Thank you for the introduction. I'm Randolph Marianne. Magic Continent born, mixed race. Human, elf, immortal, and a few others. I work as a knight under the command of General Generalissimo Chagall Gargantis of Kingdom of Dragon King, Order of Black Knights. My main job is killing. I can kill anyone. I don't belong to a particular school, but was formerly trained in North God and Water God Style. People think that the Death God is just a serial killer, but that's a misunderstanding. My hobby is cooking. I'm really a nice guy. I hope we can get along."

After that well practiced speech, he fakes a grim smile, and steps back.

"He might not look it, but he's really strong. After all, he took out all of brother's royal guards in a blink of an eye, he's the crucial character that made me king."

He soloed the whole thing?

As expected of one of the Seven Great Powers.

I heard he's rusty, but I guess not that rusty.

"How about it, Zanoba. How about we let them fight it out and see who's stronger?"

That's how it's going to be?

So Pax really is a Hitogami apostle?

This time he sent the Death God to kill me…

For a trap, this seems awfully straight forward.

"Surely you jest. Exhausting our forces right before war with the north…"

I can see beads of cold sweat forming on Zanoba's temples.

I suppose he's trying to protect me.

On the other hand, Pax is looking rather bemused by the way Zanoba acts.

Finding joy in cornering someone with mere words and watching him panic.

This reminds me of that time when he had me caught.

He really enjoys gaining the higher ground.

Finally, his face turns, as if to show that's he's just kidding.

If via Pax, Hitogami intends to force me to fight the Death God.

I'm ready to fight.

I have made my resolve.

Should I preempt the attack?

Death God looks full of openings.


My opponent is among the Seven Great Powers. Certainly he won't have any obvious openings.

If I just attack the first opening I see, it'll certainly be countered.

Orsted said that is the Death God's expertise.

While I was thinking, Pax suddenly stretches his arm.

"Ha, just kidding. Don't be so serious."

A simple reproach.

That's it?

It's not happening?

Randolph looks totally unenthusiastic from the start, yawning again.

Yawning like he only had two hours of sleep last night.

Or maybe he's just bored.

"I have heard of rumors of Rudeus Greyrat. In Asura Kingdom, even though he had help from Armor Dragon King Perugius, he still took down Water God Reida and the Three Swords of North God? Randolph is a treasure his majesty Kingdragon lent to me. I don't think he would lose. But if he's hurt, I would lose face."

Pax shrugs.

Then, straightening up again, he looks back at Zanoba.

"Say, brother, you look rather guarded."

"Well, your majesty and I left on bad terms."

"That is true… but, I don't intend to keep on fighting my brother."

Pax crosses his legs and rests his chin on his hands.

Looking rather arrogant.

"So, let bygones be bygones."

"Thank you for your generosity."


Pax grins as Zanoba takes a bow.

A satisfied grin.

The grin of a winner.

Not a winner in battle, but a smile for having the upper hand.

"Rather, I should be the one thanking you."


"Because of what happened, I was able to change for the better."

He changed?

That short and chubby Pax doesn't look much different.

Well, looking more carefully, he seems to have slimmed down.

I can see his jawline and abs now. His neck has thickened too. Has he gained muscles?

He can no longer be considered chubby.

No… it's what's inside that counts.

"Certainly, I shed my share of tears when I was sent off as hostage to Kingdom of Dragon King. Towards brother and Rudeus Greyrat… I felt only hate in those dark days."


"But, I changed."

Pax glances at the girl beside him.

That girl notices his glance.

The glance they exchange conveys a certain trust between them.

"Let me tell you a little story."


"When I arrived at Kingdom of Dragon King, nobody cared for me. While wandering around aimlessly, I happened upon a girl."

Pax begins his tale without waiting for our reply.

Well, no reason to stop him.

Maybe he'll incidentally mention something about Hitogami.

"That girl was alone in the garden. Just by herself, having nothing to do and bored out of her mind. No one would talk to her, and she would talk to no one. Even when I approached and asked, she wouldn't respond."

Somehow Pax became interested in that girl.

Everyday he would approach her in the garden to make conversation.

That girl talks little, but at least she would respond to Pax.

She's just a clueless girl, but she seems happy to listen to Pax talk.

Pax also finds joy in this, always seeking new topics to discuss with her.

"Soon the rumor spread, that the good-for-nothing from Shirone has hooked up with the good-for-nothing from Kingdom of Dragon King."

A pair of good-for-nothings.

And if they do the deed, a good-for-nothing will be born.

How terrible, soon the palace will be filled with good-for-nothings.

So goes the rumors.

"I want to behead the ones that spread those rumors."

If it was Shirone, even drunks wouldn't dare to speak such slander.

But it wasn't.

"Because in Kingdom of Dragon King, I have nothing."

This weighed heavily on him.

He wanted to make them pay.

But all Pax could do was hide in his bed and soak his pillows with tears of frustration.

He thought that when he got tired of crying, he would just dismiss them as a bunch of idiots…

-- But that didn't happen.

From that day since, Pax changed. He turned away from wanton lifestyle and became diligent.

"Even I don't know why that happened. I was not really dumb in the first place. Maybe I just want to prove that I'm more than a good-for-nothing."

In a different environment, meeting different people, learning different emotions, and forging a different path.

It's a change of heart.

I understand.

Because I too, was like that when I came to this world.

Anyways, Pax put in the effort.

He diligently studied magic.

Because of his physiques, he had no talent in swordsmanship and exercise. But looking at him now, he didn't slack off on physical training either.

A year and half later.

Kingdom of Dragon King held a scholarly convention - Pax posted great results in a mock trial of sorts.

That's where he caught the eye of the king.

The king said, [Even though he was sent as a hostage, his never-give-up attitude is praiseworthy.]

There was even an offer of reward.

Basically, he was recognized.

Pax was summoned to the audience room, and the king asks.

Do you want wealth? Or perhaps rank?

If you want, you can defect from Shirone Kingdom and become a citizen of mine.

Despite the king's generous offers, Pax replies.

"The Eighteenth Princess."

Eighteenth Princess Benedict Kingdragon.

Born of a Magic Race mother from unknown origins. The king used her as a plaything, and she was born of that plaything.

She has no succession right, even though she held the title as Eighteenth Princess, no one recognizes her as royalty.

An apathetic girl, the good-for-nothing princess.

Yet Pax asked for the hand of this princess.

The king was hesitant, but Pax was relentless.

"Other daughters are fine too, what a shame you asked for Benedict. Though, even if it's only in name, Benedict is still a princess. You'll need a stature to match that."

Thus the king of Kingdom of Dragon King permits Pax to temporarily return to Shirone Kingdom.

So he can find a suitable station in Shirone before returning to wed the princess.

Also to ask for another prince as hostage.

A necessary step to save face.

But Shirone Kingdom tactfully refused.

Pax always caused trouble in Shirone.

That's why King Shirone sent him to Kingdom of Dragon King.

Wouldn't it be a pity to send another prince as hostage in his place?

This enrages the Dragonking.

How dare a vassal state like Shirone refuse an order from the Dragonking!

To show his wrath, the king sent his most able knights, Death God Randolph and the Order of Black Knights, with Pax to initiate a coup.

They murdered the rest of the royal family, and installed Pax on that still bloody throne.

"… And that's how I gained everything. Rank, fame, a woman's love, and the strongest pawn."

Pax wraps an arm around the girl besides him as he said, and shoots a glance at the Death God beside him.

That girl blushes. The Death God can only shrug.

Oh, so that girl is Benedict?


So far he has yet to mention Hitogami.

Hitogami didn't direct his actions, then?

Well, his change of heart is a bit suspicious, but…

Kingdragon's actions feel the most suspicious.

To suddenly break off diplomatically… That feels like one of Hitogami's ploys.

Well, there could be more than one apostle involved.

So Pax and Kingdragon could be as well.

"That's why, I have no reason to hate you anymore."

"I see, how respectable."

As if truly grateful, Zanoba takes a deep bow.

Then he asks.

"Since you now wield the strongest pawn, is there a reason to recall yours truly?"

"Ha, about that."

Pax snorts and laughs.

Zanoba and him both like to use I to refer to themselves, it's a little confusing.

"Indeed, if I ask Randolph, he can handle the northern incursion on his own. But despite calling him my pawn, ultimately, he's just a loan. Who knows when he will return to his majesty Kingdragon. To assume borrowed power alone can protect the motherland would be a mistake. I don't want to disappoint his majesty after finally earning his approval."

Because he was recognized, Pax was made king of Shirone.

So he has to show his worth.

"What good am I, if I don't show my resourcefulness once a while?"

How self-aware.

I often try to make myself useful to Orsted as well.

"So, that's why, brother… no, Zanoba. You might have expected revenge when I summoned you, but… that was never my intention. It's as just the letter said. Due to the coup, our country has a moment of weakness, and is now under attack from the north. Right now, the country needs a warrior like Zanoba. So let water under the bridge, and lend me your power."

When he said that, Pax lowers his head.

Not really a bow, but it's lowered.

Not asking Zanoba as his brother, but as his king.

"Of course, your majesty. It's for this that I live."

Zanoba nods.

There's no hesitation there.

His lack of hesitation probably unnerves Pax.

Thus he asks.

"Brother… even though I'm an usurper. You're fine with that?"

Pax fears that Zanoba might plot mutiny?

Perhaps he just wants to lay it all out there first.

He did kill the rest of their brothers.

He said he doesn't harbor hate anymore, but Zanoba still might.

It's not unfathomable to think that Zanoba came back to avenge them.


Zanoba raises his head when he heard those words. A moment of confusion, then bows down again.

With Zanoba unresponsive, Pax raises his chin and speaks up.

"Speak freely."

Dependent on his answer, I might have to fight the Death God.

The Death God may look unenthusiastic now, but if things turn serious, he'll certainly come at me with breathtaking speed.

I will put up a distraction and break a wall to escape.

While I'm on alert, Zanoba speaks.

"No matter the king, no matter his politics, the fact that I live to protect the kingdom remains unchanged."

Silence permeates the audience room.

That wasn't the question.

But, it's clear that he means [I don't plan to betray you] in those words.

Pax looks troubled.

I wonder if it's a difficult decision.

Whether to consider Zanoba friend or foe.

"Ha, well, do as you please."

He mutters as if he gave up.

But as if resolved himself, he loudly declares.

"Zanoba Shirone. I give you command of Fort Karon. Your soldiers are already deployed. Take over as commander there and stop the northern incursion."

"Yes sir!"

Zanoba takes a gracious bow.

With that, the audience concluded.

Feeling like I dodged a bullet, I left the audience room.

Part 3

Afterwards, we're led to a room inside the Shirone Castle.

Zanoba's room is no longer there, so a guest room on the second floor is used instead.

Our guard seems to be a knight of Kingdom of Dragon King.

Instead of guarding us, I'm afraid we're under watch instead.

Pax is wary of Zanoba.

Tomorrow we head north towards Fort Karon.

I want to give Roxy the heads up, but we're under watch.

It's better if we don't make unnecessary movements, so we'll just meet up tomorrow before heading north.

Zanoba and I are sitting on a sofa together, like a couple.

"Pax is surprisingly a great king."

Zanoba is the first to break the ice.

In his usual tone, but he seems rather happy.

"Is he?"

"He's trying to protect Shirone with our own people. For that, he even lowered his head towards a former enemy. Isn't that spectacular?"

Em. If you look at it that way, it is very impressive.

I nod slightly, still…

"Shisho looks concerned, but people change. What happened was a mistake."


"Pax did handle it poorly. He made mistakes. But I feel that he's trying his best right now."

Indeed hasn't Pax become… stronger, than how I remember him?

I can't say for sure whether he's doing his best.

But that's not for me to decide.

"This may also be manipulation by an evil god."

"The evil god Shisho said you're fighting against?"

My joke backfired, and I got a serious response instead.

"What? Did I say that?"

"Before, when we had that dinner with Cliff."

Ah, my heart-to-heart with Cliff?

I guess Zanoba wasn't as drunk as he seemed.

"Of course back then, I thought it was a joke."


"Asking Cliff-san to create a anti-curse device to weaken Orsted's curse, along with other work Shisho has done with Orsted, I start to connect the dots that they all have to do with that evil god."


You did?

Is it time to fess up?

After all, Zanoba is part of it this time.

"Alright, I'll talk."

"Please, Shisho."

I tell Zanoba about Hitogami.

Roughly all that has happened.

Also the rough situation this time.

And the possibility of Pax being manipulated by Hitogami.

"Umm… But Pax never mentioned Hitogami at all. Maybe maybe not?"

"Hitogami had deceived before. How he works behind the scenes can be difficult to fathomed."

If Pax isn't an apostle, then maybe the Death God, even Benedict is a possibility.

Right now the prime suspect is the King of Kingdom of Dragon King.

Unfortunately, there's more than one apostle.

Considering Hitogami's motives, there should be one in Shirone Kingdom as well.

"Deceive… so Shisho fought Orsted, because Hitogami deceived you?"


"Hypothetically, if Hitogami has deceived Pax, a possibility exists that I may have to fight with Shisho."

Zanoba presses his hands against his chin, taking a moment to think.

Then slowly, those words trickle out.

"Since in that hypothesis, I must protect Pax."


"… In that case, might we become enemies?"

"Eh? No no, that won't happen. There's no way I can become enemies with Shisho. Didn't Shisho just say that Pax must not be killed?"

"But, right now…"

"By protect, I meant [protect him from Hitogami]."


What a shock.

I thought Zanoba was saying he would go to the other side.

I have no clue what I would do if that actually happens.

What a relief.

Why did the word protect suddenly pop up?

"I thought you didn't care about Pax."

When I thoughtlessly say that, Zanoba is stuck in a daze.

Again putting a hand under his chin, considering for a while.

"Well, certainly it was like that up until now. It didn't have anything to do with me."

With a troubled expression, he murmurs.

"… Unexpectedly, Pax is depending on me, this is a first for me!"

Zanoba says, flashing a bright smile.

Rather than rely upon, he's more like being used.

But Zanoba seems quite happy to be depended upon.

I guess the desire to [Protect the Kingdom] and the actions to protect its king, Pax, often line up.

I still can't read Hitogami's intentions.

I don't know who the apostles are.

I can't see any signs of it being a trap to kill me.

I get the feeling that I missed something, that there's something I didn't notice.

It would be nice if a trap was just Orsted overthinking things, but it's best not to be too optimistic.

There may be a trap somewhere, and I just didn't notice it.

Well, my doubts remain, but right now there's too many things I don't know, so there's no helping it.

Also, convincing Zanoba seems impossible.

Pax acts as if he's welcoming Zanoba.

No killing intent.

There's a feeling that if it's what Zanoba wants, it may be alright to let him stay here.

If Pax shows no intentions of killing Zanoba, it'll be difficult to convince him to return.

Without fear of being targeted by Pax, then he can be employees by his homeland in the current turmoil.

Though a company run by Pax doesn't seem like it would treat its employees well, I should respect Zanoba's decisions.

But the possibility remains that Pax will have a change of heart and try to kill Zanoba.

Mentioning that here would just sound like an excuse, but my doubts won't disappear just like that.

Not to mention, it would be too late once Pax really acts to take out Zanoba.

Before that happens, I'd like to find proof somewhere that Pax really wants Zanoba dead.

But where can I find that evidence?

In the first place, even if there's no intention to kill him now, Pax may be thinking about killing Zanoba if he ever becomes a nuisance in the future.

Damn it.

I'm going in circles.

This stress will make me bald…

I won't get any answers just worrying on my own.

I'll go discuss it with Roxy tomorrow.