Volume 20 Chapter 6 - Preparations for War

Part 1

The following day I went on a date with Zanoba.

The location we chose was the prairie north of Fort Karon, which will likely become the battlefield.

It's not actually a date of course.

If it was a date I would have brought Roxy.

I don't dislike you Zanoba, but I already have two wives and one husband.


I cannot answer your feelings.

Let's set aside the jokes for now.

Early this morning Zanoba came to me saying, [I want you to come with me for a little bit.] and brought me out here.

Honestly, I'm scared.

This is a rough neighborhood.

We could encounter the enemy at any time here.


"Hey, is it safe out here?"

"Hmmm, Shisho, are you being timid?"

"Well, isn't it possible we might be discovered by the enemy at any time… because the main attack should be coming soon?"

"We will be fine if you just defeat whatever shows up. Those don't seem like the words of my valiant Shisho who challenged one of the world powers, Dragon God Orsted."

Valiant is an unsuitable word for me.

Eris is the one who is valiant.


Well, with the Mk-II Magic Armor I'm probably over dressed to handle small fries even if we are ambushed…

"Ah, well enemy scouts should not come here where they can be seen from the fortress."

"Shouldn't it be the opposite? If they don't position themselves where they can see the fort how can they achieve anything as a scout?"

"There is a bit of truth in that, but Commander Garrick has said that once the enemy arrives here they are already cut off from their main

party. One or two people might come in hiding but you won't see any formations this close."

Alright then, that's good.

If the enemy forces in the area are known then there are no worries.

"I mean, Zanoba, why did you bring me out to a place like this? A love confession?"

"Haha, I like you Shisho, but I'm not into sodomy. I'm not like those Asura nobles… Oh sorry, actually, Shisho is descended from Asura


" … Our family tree is perfectly ordinary."

I'm not interested in men.

Or else would you want to embrace me?

Neither of us would feel good about that?

"Joking aside, when this becomes a battlefield the enemy will be arrayed in about this position."


Now that he mentions that I look around.

It's just an empty field;

rolling plains with bundles of tall grass and a few idle stones.

In addition there is also a slope.

If you look towards Fort Karon you would be looking up.

As you move away the slope gradually lessens.

The river flows from south to north as well.

"It is an advantageous position, but the enemies bows will still reach."


I think we have plenty of distance but…

Something could still get through.

Still the arrows from this place will arrive more or less.

So, I suppose we should do something about the terrain in this area.

"So that we don't have to worry about this position I would like to change the topography here."

"I see."

If we change the terrain, then the enemy won't be able to deploy as close to us.

In that case they will have to move their formation to a spot before here.

If we can use that kind of method then their arrows won't reach us.

If their advance becomes more difficult, it becomes possible to pick them off before they even get to the fort.

This is definitely an ideal first step.

"Well then, Shisho, if you would."

"Affirmative. What kind of feeling do you want?"

"How about a mountain or a valley."

"Then how about a valley which won't be passable without building a bridge."

We spent the entire day altering the terrain of the battlefield.

Out on the prairie we also created some trenches, 10 meters deep, 5 meters wide, and 20 meters long.

While we were at it we disguised some of them to make pitfalls.

Like this they are easy to fill, so we even installed a trebuchet to increase our range.

In addition I crafted a moat and some stone walls along the outside of the river surrounding the fort.

In this way it would be difficult for the enemy to construct a position near the fort.

Even if they assault from the pitfall zone they will find it difficult to advance on the fort.

Everything was completed.

Setting it all up took half a day, but with this the enemy won't have an easy time with their advance.

The field took a form where we will be able to attack unilaterally.

"This scene gives me a peace of mind."

"No no, Shisho, couldn't you destroy this fort with magic from the other side of our traps?"

"It's possible."

If I could see it then that would be enough.

"The other side's magicians, it would be a good idea to assume their magic will reach."

I do not know what kind of range a regular magician has.

But if there is one person (ME) who can, then you had better assume others can as well.

I think the possibility that Hitogami has prepared a Saint to King ranked magician is good.

"Also, it's possible that a magician from the other side will be able to fill our traps."

This time I made pitfalls the focus.

But they are pitfalls after all.

If you are up against an earth saint magician then they will be filled in one shot.

"I expect that, in the main phase of the battle, Roxy-dono and Shisho will be tasked with resisting that kind of magic."

"I see."

Even if it turns out like that, we have two Saint ranked magicians over here.

If their goal is terrain destruction I should be able to resist.

I'll counterspell.

"I'll get the details at a later date, but for now there is meaning in making today's traps."


Looking at the traps from the enemy's perspective, what would I do to surmount them?

I could either use a magician, or if not that then human wave tactics.

I will resist them if they use magic, if they use humans then the fort's archers.

This way, I have peace of mind.

We won't be taken by storm.

If it's me, then I should have some flexibility.

Part 2

And then three days went by.

My magic armor arrived and I got busy assembling it.

It is fundamentally designed for close combat so I won't be able to really use it until the fort is infiltrated.

Magic consumption is also large and I can only go one battle inside of it, so I will fight without wearing it for now.

I must not forget that there is a possibility that I will have to fight one of the 7 major powers.

After I completed the assembly of the magic armor, I participated in reinforcing the fort with Zanoba.

I block openings and strengthen walls.

If only to this degree, consumption of magic is insignificant so there isn't a problem.

While I was doing that, Roxy was teaching magic to some of the soldiers in the fort.

She wasn't only teaching magic to the soldiers, but also the rank and file.

In a pinch, having the use of elementary magic could be the difference between life and death.

Within the fort Roxy was popular, but I found myself being avoided.

They aren't hostile toward me.

In short, they are afraid.

This seems to have happened because I rearranged the battled field in one day.

Soldiers in front of me get out of my way in a hurry, and if I ask for something then it will be answered with a polite and respectful tone.

On the other hand, the soldiers do not approach me to talk.

I'm a little alienated.

Even though Roxy and Zanoba are already being accepted by the soldiers…

Could it be a difference in communication skills?

If I went and spoke with them more, would it be good I wonder?

No no, I didn't come here to make friends. I'll be fine.

The soldiers are cold and distant towards me, but there is rice.

This is because the Kingdom of Dragon King is backing this war.

They may not have sent reinforcements, but they have sent supplies.

In particular, they have sent food.

Sanachia rice is eaten on a daily basis in the Kingdom of Dragon King.

It is also eaten in the Shirone kingdom.

As such it has become a staple in this fort.

The taste is a little different from the rice that Aisha is breeding back home.

Aisha has been diligently attempting many different things to meet my preference.

When it comes to taste, I prefer Aisha's rice.

But originally it's the same rice.

If I can eat this rice every day then I am fine becoming a soldier of the Shirone kingdom.

While thinking that, I feel a moment of bliss.

However, I'll pass on the idea of working under Pax.

Then on the fourth day:

From an allied scout, we were told that the enemy troops have departed for the front.

Part 3

The enemy will come soon.

Traveling from the enemy's fort to here, it will take around five days to arrive with their forces.

I do not know how many days it would take for a scout to complete a round trip, but they won't make a five day trip in only a single day.

Neither will they make it on the third or the second day.

The enemy will be here in the blink of an eye.

The inside of the fort became an uproar.

Zanoba with Garrick began to reorganize the troops, meanwhile Roxy started writing magic circles on the roof of the fort.

Sharpening weapons; refurbishing armor; the soldiers of the fort were even counting their arrows.

Among them were even guys writing wills for the event that the enemy sacs the fort.

I became bored.

There didn't seem to be anything for me to do.

I had already finished everything that I could do over the last few days.

At best the only thing I can help with is writing magic circles with Roxy.

According to Roxy these circles are for the Saint rank magic [Flashover].

Roxy did not learn this spell formally.

Controlling it is difficult if you are not good with fire magic.

However it seems she is able to with the assistance of magic circles.

Nevertheless these magic circles are not set up for Roxy's use.

These are set up so that multiple soldiers can pour magic power into them at the same time.

Roxy will likely use water saint rank magic exclusively.

Fire magic is not used on demon foes.

It has high power but inside a labyrinth it can cause oxygen deprivation and also possesses a high probability of splash damage. For these reasons it is not preferred.

However it is very effective on human opponents.

After all, there are no human beings who are not weak to fire.

When the battle begins, along with Roxy, I will be commencing magical bombardment of the enemy from the roof of the fort.

We have a detailed plan, but fundamentally I'll just be bombarding the enemy.

That is my role.

However there is one concern.

Will I actually be able to fire?

Every single time since I have come to this world I have hesitated when faced with killing a person.

It's too late, I am already guilty of murder, I won't pretend to be a good little boy.

In the future, I don't plan on becoming an unreasonable adult by telling kids that killing is never justified.

Now that I think about it, I once told Ruijerd not to kill people.

In the past I have killed a man once.

Senior Minister Darius.

As far as that goes, Auber as well.

I did not deliver the finishing blow, but I was the one who cornered and killed him.

It left a bad aftertaste.

However he was someone that had to be brought down.

This time, though, the opponent is relatively innocent.

Yet I'll have to kill them.

This is no just cause.

When you come right down to it, I am only here for Zanoba…

Regardless, I will be killing many people from a distance with my magic.

Unlike my fight with Auber, this is going to be one sided.

If you ask whether I can or can't, then I can.

If you ask whether I will or I won't, then I will.

But when it is over, will I be okay?

I wonder if I'll feel sick and retch and vomit.

Then if the Death God attacks, will I be able to fight properly…

" … "

"How are you doing, Rudy?"

Roxy is looking up at my troubled face.

She has ink on her cheek.

Come to think of it, she has been pretty calm considering this is war.

Because Roxy spent her time as an adventurer she should not have experienced war before.

I wonder if she has killed anyone in the past.

I certainly haven't heard that kind of story from her.

"Roxy… well, it's kind of like this."

But I hesitate to ask.

Have you ever killed a person?

In my previous life it's the kind of remark that might cause [Did you mean this fellow…] to be blurted out.

"Aah… I understand. It absolutely can't be helped."


"I hear that before a fight, a man should embrace a woman to quiet his troubled heart. If its so much that I can no longer stand then I will be troubled, but since I am Rudy's wife I can take care of that."

"No no no, it's not that kind of thing."

"It's… something different?"

Even I can't get into a pink frame of mind during such a time.

I mean, Roxy, that's a little disappointing.

If Roxy wants to do it, I am pleased…

No, let's set that aside.

Alright, I'll have her listen to me.

"Roxy… have you ever had times like this when you had to kill people?"

"There has been."

She replied frankly.

I was taken back.

Roxy, that Roxy who was immediately able to befriend the soldiers of this fort…

"Since I had spent a long time as an adventurer it should not be that surprising."

"Huh… but who was the opponent?"

"The first party I was in… back when I was an adventurer on the magic continent. At that time I was still only a child and, because of a fight where one of the members tried to cheat us, it became a situation where we tried to kill one another."

The situation just naturally escalated, it should be that kind of thing.

"Just that?"

"When I was adventuring alone… there were several more times… Ah, when I would go on trips alone often I would be targeted by kidnappers. It is because I have such an appearance of someone who would be an easy target for kidnapping. When all of their members were together I turned the tables on them and wiped them out."

Oh, is that the case.

This is that kind of world.

No one living here can be completely clean.

"Roxy may have settled down… but is this your first time experiencing war?"

"Yes, but I have stared death in the eyes many times until now."

The answer was decisive.

"Here you won't likely have to face the enemies you kill. You can also take refuge in the rear. I can handle it."

"And just run?"

"Yes. If it comes down to it just run away and I will take over your responsibilities. I came here in order to protect Rudy."

Roxy raised the hand that was holding the brush and posed while flexing her bicep.

Her upper arm is soft.

It's still nice and reliable…

"Rudy, are you afraid to kill people?"

"Yes, I'm scared."

"How come?"

"I don't know…"

Roxy nodded with an, [I see.] and wiped the sweat from her brow with her sleeve.

The ink that had gotten on her sleeve when she took her pose is now smeared across her forehead.

"Even in the past Rudy was timid, but you can ride a horse even if you are scared."


That reminds me, 15 years ago I was too scared to even go outside.

How nostalgic.

"Do you have something you are having trouble with? Then please talk to me about it."

Like that, Roxy was teaching me for the first time in a long while.

"If there is a situation where you hesitate to kill a person. Don't worry about it, I will take care of it."

"Just don't worry about it? Is that really okay?"


I would not be troubled if I understood it.

But I think it would be bad to just not worry about it.

Until recently I never thought about killing people.

"… I have been adjusting my magic since the time I traveled the Magic continent so that I could decide when to kill and when not to kill."

Originally I began to adjust the power of my stone cannon so that Eris could have experience fighting demons.

That experience allowed me to continue to adjust the power so that I wouldn't have to kill human opponents.

The reason was because of Rujerd… the party of [Dead End] was a group that could not kill.

"At that time our party decided that we would not kill people. Because I was the leader I had to set a good example like that. Somehow I've continued on in that manner and it has become ingrained behavior."

Precisely because I was like that for so long, deep inside the habit of hesitating has rooted.

Just like someone rigidly trained as a child, I continue experiencing this repellent feeling even into adulthood.

It's a kind of trauma.

It's been that way through my entire journey, maybe there's no reason to worry about it after all this time.

I have made it all the way here with good results.

"I see."

Roxy brushed the bangs from her forehead.

Ink has now also spread to the tip of her nose.

"What do you think about the hesitation yourself? Do you want to do something about it somehow?"

"… No. I am thinking about the people who would be lost."

In this world I have power.

It is such a force that an opponent can be killed at the snap of my fingertips.

Killing my opponent disturbs me.

Furthermore it is the kind of power to kill multiple opponents without rebuke.

That is if there is no hesitation.

Like in my future self's diary, I could become someone who has no concern for murdering anyone.

I find that… disturbing.

"Then isn't it fine?"

Sure I guess.

But on into the future it could become troubling.

"Look here. Let's say, [Because Rudy let this guy live he has went on to kill Prince Zanoba another time.] This will provoke Rudy's anger."

" … "

In war, murdering people is sanctioned by the country.

The organization called the country bears the responsibility for it.

So the number of people I kill in this war doesn't matter.

It becomes the responsibility of Zanoba, or Pax, entirely.

This is not just an excuse.

"This time, if Rudy is unable to use magic, I will do my best. If this causes me to run out of magic please put me on your shoulders and escape."

"… Well, with Roxy on my shoulders, the place we escape to might be pretty nice."

"Oh yeah?"

While laughing at my remark, Roxy picks up another jar of ink.

Seeing the ink stain on her sleeve, she frowns.

"Rudy, is there some ink stuck to my face?"

"Yes, enough that your face might just produce some magic."

When I said that Roxy took a handkerchief from her breast pocket and rubbed her face roughly.

Her face is bright red.

A blush came out instead of magic.

"Did I get it all?"

"It's on the tip of your nose, your forehead, and cheeks."

"… Please wipe me. In this state, I don't look like a proper wife."

"Alright, here I go."

I take the handkerchief from Roxy and wet it with water magic.

Roxy raised her face up and closed her eyes.

I wiped her forehead and the tip of her nose, but her cheek I kissed.

" … "

" …… "

Unnoticed by me Roxy had opened her eyes and was glaring at me reproachfully.

Her face was waiting unchanged.

"I still have some more magic circles to write. After I'm done, let's take our time and continue with that."


It seems I'll be able to continue.

I waited like a dog while Roxy finished writing the magic circles.

After that the two of us, alone back in our room, became soaking wet.

This war.

I do not know what kind of things I'll be able to do.

But it will be fine so long as Roxy is here.

Part 4

The next day.

A report that the main enemy force will arrive by the end of today came in.

Everyone in the fort became tense; we had everyone take up their positions.

I also took my place on the roof of the fort.

The job given to Roxy and me is to fire off magic attacks while taking orders from the magic soldier commander.

Until the enemy gets here I just have to wait patiently.

I am currently wearing the 『Magic Armor MK-II』.

I set 『MK-I』 up so that it's sitting down over the back of the fort.

It's setup and ready for me to jump in and go.

Even now, Hitogami has yet to show his hand.

Will he do something when this battle is over?

Or will he somehow come and take advantage of this battle?

Could there be apostles among the enemy?

Might there even already be an apostle in the fort?

Will Pax come from behind as the true enemy?

While I was feeling uneasy something moved within the edge of my view.


The back of the fort.

From the opposite side of the enemy's advance.

A group of armored figures separated from the fort. They seem to have moved into the woods across the river.

Somewhere around 100 people.

No way, it couldn't be deserters.

"Excuse me, do you know what is going on over there?"

"Yes sir!"

I try to ask Mr. Billy, the company commander.

Then he nodded at the group outside the fort dressed in armor.

"It is a military unit that was formed around his highness Zanoba. Their task is to kill enemy soldiers who attempt to escape through the forest, to

launch a surprise attack on the enemy in certain situations, and to take the head of the enemy general."


What was that?

"I wasn't told about this."

"Sir… If Rudeus-sama had went as well, our defenses would have greatly weakened…"

"That and not telling me are separate issues."

"Rudeus-sama will definitely go if told, and Roxy-sama would follow as well… So…"

Well yeah, I'm grateful for your consideration, I understand what you want to say.

If I heard Zanoba led a small unit away out the fort, I would definitely chase after him yelling, [This is exactly the form Hitogami's trap would take!]

Roxy might have also reacted in the same way, given the situation.

I can fire off magic anywhere

But the forest would certainly obscure our vantage.

I understand the reasoning.

But then this didn't have any meaning.

For what reason did the guy think I came here for?

I only came along to protect Zanoba.

You could at least say goodbye before your departure.

What would we have done if I had accidentally nuked you?

I mean, what if our opponent knew that our supreme commander was just sitting in the woods? Wouldn't that be dangerous?

Right now I should give chase…


However, before I could take action the tension in the fort spiked.

The bell to announce the enemy attack resounded with a [Kan Kan].

Everyone's eyes looked toward the same place.

Ahead of us, the horizon is blurred by a cloud of dust.

The enemy had come.