Volume 20.5 Side Story: A Country Hick Goes to the City

Part 1

"There's a letter for Nina."

That summer a letter reached Sword King Nina Farion.

The Holy Land of the Sword is a place covered by perpetual snow, where it is always cold, but that day was one that could be spent warmly, almost like spring.

The head of the dojo, Sword God Gull Farion said, "You may as well do as you like, there's no sense in training on a day like this." before decisively taking a nap.

"A letter?"


Since Nina was diligent, she was earnestly training hard, but her hand was stopped by the arriving letter.

"…Is…sol…te… Ah!"

Dripping with sweat, Nina received the letter from the deliveryman with a broad smile.

On the back of the letter was the coat of arms of the Water God Style along with a nostalgic name.

Isolte Cruel.

Several years ago she was Nina's training partner, now she is the head of the Water God Style.


She is currently working as a swordsmanship instructor in Asura Kingdom, she should have taken over as the manager of the Water God Style dojo there.

She was someone who had been Nina's friend, but neither of them had spoken since Isolte had left the Holy Land of the Sword several years ago.

And so the arrival of the letter was unusual.

"… Let's see."

Nina ripped into the envelope with joy, and took the stationary from inside of it.

However, the moment she saw the densely packed script, her expression glazed over.


"I wonder what is written here."

Nina could not read the characters.

She is just about literate enough to read the name of an acquaintance, but her skill does not extend to the point where she can read something this long.

In the Holy Land of the Sword this isn't something to be embarrassed over.

( Somebody else can read it. )

Nina was born and raised in the Holy Land of the Sword.

However, among those who live at the dojo, there are some who were brought up and properly educated.

Someone else should be able to read it.

Nina went into the back yard.

Several disciples had settled in there, and had taken to chatting leisurely in the sun.

Usually this would be the point where Nina would thunderously scold them for slacking.

Because of that, many of them rose and hastily began making excuses.

Today is an unusual day where the dojo's master personally declared a holiday.

Nina did not scold them, but instead asked if anyone could read her letter.

They each looked at one another, then one of them raised his hand.

Nina held the letter out saying, "If you can read human language." and then passed it to him to be read.

The content was concise.

It was the events of the past few years leading up to the present.

Reida had died, and somehow or another Isolte had taken over the dojo.

As a sword instructor she found herself quarreling with Ghyslaine frequently.

She had been reminiscing fondly about her time with Nina.

Nina could imagine the stuffy fastidious Isolte's face angered by Ghyslaine's blunt speech.

Then, from the last line of the letter, her face became serious.

"Soon, the coronation for Her Majesty Ariel will be completed.

One month before and after the coronation is a festival to raise the spirit of the entire country.

Therefore, at that time, please come and play no matter what."

Immediately as she heard it, Nina decided to go to the Asura Kingdom.

She did not worry for a moment.

Speedy snap judgment is the motto of the Sword God Style.

Part 2

In Asura Kingdom's capital of Arus, its thoroughfare had become packed with people.

The crowd was thick enough that you would bump into someone if you stumbled one step to the side and disappear into the crowd several meters in.

The density is just like a certain Obon festival's third day.

It was the eve of the coronation in the capital city of the Asura Kingdom, Arus, and people had gathered from all over the world.

There are those who came to the country with the hope of glancing the next ruler of the world's most powerful nation.

To offer congratulations, there are nobles from other countries who have been dispatched as goodwill ambassadors.

Unemployed swordsmen have gathered for the chance at work in case the government services will be hiring at this time.

Predicting simple jobs with straightforward rewards, adventurers had gathered.

Bounty heads trying to escape from their pursuers taking the opportunity to hide like a tree in the forest.

The merchants who came in order to pursue a money-making scheme, selling a dubious product in a place were many people have gathered.

So on and so forth…

Every race dwelling on the Central Continent had been gathered in this country.

In addition, the White Knights of Asura were performing a parade that day.

In an attempt to catch a glimpse of the admired Knights, the townspeople had stretched out their legs into the thoroughfare.


Meanwhile, while craning her neck restlessly, Nina walked towards the center of town.

This was the first time in her life she had seen such a crowd.

This girl had thought she had seen large numbers of people in many towns before, but the crowd here was beyond her imagination, she couldn't help but become confused.

"Tch, watch where you're walking!"

"Now… which one of you… where?"

The opponent she thought was selling her a fight vanished into the crowd.

This was a first for her.

She has been a Sword King for some time. With her characteristic sharp senses, never before has she failed to understand the source of abusive language.

This time, the other side was allowed to walk away with only words as a response.

Perhaps he did not even see Nina's face.

( In this city, words like that… I wonder if such a thing is like a greeting. )

In the Holy Land of the Sword, someone who approached her with a mouth like that would have been sent to the healing magician in an instant.

You must not think that someone is trying to pick a fight with you even if they are rude in this city.

"Hey, hey, pretty onee-san, why don't you come over here for a little bit?"

"I-I… I'm pretty?"

As she was walking along in a daze, she was abruptly stopped by a person with the air of a merchant about him.

He had a small shop nearby, and seemed to be selling something.

"Yes, yes. This is the first time I've seen a woman as beautiful as you… By the way, it seems like you aren't familiar with the capitol, is this your first time visiting?"

"Yes, but how did you know?"

"It's obvious at first glance. The way you are jostled about in the crowd is proof that you are a person from another country."

To hear that her movements were obviously that of someone from the country, Nina blushed.

She had previously stretched her legs out into other cities.

But, from the point of view of this urbanite, the places Nina had thought were cities was still in the countryside.

"It's a terrible crowd of people. Are all of them here to witness the coronation?"

"Yeah, there is that, but there is also going to be a parade of the White Knights, so everyone is gathering in the street for that."

"I see…"

"There are signboards everywhere instructing people who wish to see the parade to head for the main streets. As for the people with no business there, they should keep to the back streets…"

"That's my fault, I can't really read…"

"Oh, alright alright, if you don't intend to view that parade and you don't have business here, you can go out the back here and down Sarruten Avenue, if that's what you want, alright?"

"Is that okay? There's no toll?"

"Nooo, that's free of course. Ah, that's right. If you can't read, inside I have a product that might be good for you. It's a doll which comes with a picture book. At the end of the book there is a part to help you learn the characters; it's a popular item."

"I can't afford such a thing as a book…"

"It's okay, it's okay, our book is much cheaper than a common text. Two Asura large copper coins… No, for you, I'll go as low as an Asura large copper coin and 8 copper coins. How about it?"

Before she had noticed, Nina was making her way down a less crowded street, clutching a doll and a picture book in her hand.

The contents of her purse had been reduced by exactly 1.8 Asura large copper coins.

This is the result of that man cutting off her speech and continuing to talk in rapid succession.

It had the appearance of a scam, but did not really give off that kind of feeling.

The speed at which things developed paralleled that time in which Sword God Gull Farion joined in a training session.

Nevertheless, 1.8 large copper coins.

That might be a cheap price for a book, but it is still a lot of money from the point of view of Nina.

However Nina felt that it would disgrace the name Sword King, if she did not repay him for the directions.

( Like this, it's fine. )

Thinking that, Nina began to walk.

Sarruten Avenue was about 2 meters narrower then the main thoroughfare.

It was kind of damp and there were underpasses every so often, it gave off the feeling of a local path, but just as the merchant had said, though it wasn't as wide as the main street it was comparably less crowded.

Well, it was only not crowded when compared to the previous street…

Even so, by getting away from the people coming in and out of the center of the city, Nina was able to progress more smoothly.

"This way, I'll make it to Isolte's dojo by this evening somehow."

.8 large copper coins, is probably not such a bad trade for that information.

While thinking so, Nina looked down at the picture book and doll in her hand.

It was a doll of a Demon race with a spear; it's the same person as on the cover of the book.

Perhaps, he might be a hero.

The unusual thing was, it was a Supard race.

She didn't know what kind of story it was, Nina, as a warrior, wanted to try fighting a Supard race.

According to her friend Eris's story, the Supard race is fiendishly strong.

Eris is a mad dog. Even a devil would turn his eyes away from her and cross the street when faced with her killing intent.

The Supard race that she talked about so proudly,

Nina was a little interested in it.

(Besides, if you can use this book to study like the merchant said, studying between practice might also not be a bad idea.)

As she was walking, lost in her imagination, cheers sounded out from the direction of the thoroughfare.

Apparently, the parade seems to have begun.

After hearing all that noise, Nina became a little interested.

Her original intention was to go right to Isolte, but now she kind of wanted to go toward the parade and watch.


On the edge of Nina's field of vision she thought she saw something, just a glance.

It was something she had certainly seen before, a woman with red hair caught her eye.


Why is that girl here?

Her eyes, hopefully, chased after the girl.

This was surely her.

Two meters above the elevation of the thoroughfare that red head suddenly appeared.

She only saw her from behind, but, based on her demeanor, Nina was convinced.

There was no doubt.

It was Eris.


She didn't understand why that person was here. A nostalgic feeling clung in her chest and her voice was arrested.

"Look, Lucy, do you see it?"

"I see! It's sparkling!"

She had suddenly stopped. The reason was a nearby little girl receiving a piggy back ride.

"Eris, I wanted to let her ride on my shoulders."

"No good, wouldn't you just lick Lucy's thigh anyway? Yesterday you did something similar to me."

"How rude! That's not something I would do to my own daughter!"

"Is that so!"

"Well if it's you I would certainly lick it clean…"

Eris was having a conversation with the man standing next to her.

He was someone familiar to Nina.

Something which had become a bit of a trauma for Nina, the Demon Lord Badigadi.

Someone had killed him with a single blow, he's that magician.

He's regarded as 'The Right Hand of the Dragon God' and, recently, he has been sighted in many different places.

It's Rudeus Greyrat.

" … "

Nina received some kind of shock.

She knew that Eris went to find Rudeus.

She knew Eris went to join up with Rudeus to fight Orsted.

Because Eris did not send any letters after that, Nina assumed she was dead, and yet she had heard rumors on the wind that Eris had appeared in the Asura kingdom alongside of Rudeus.

Rudeus then became 'The Right Hand of the Dragon God', and so Nina assumed that Eris had been forced into the Dragon God's camp.

Nina thought, surely she has become stronger, stronger than in the past.

However, the Eris which can be seen right now, she was in a place far from Nina's imagination.

While arguing jokingly with a man, those two people.

That girl getting the piggyback ride, Nina wondered if she could be Eris's daughter.

Eris married and raising children, this is something she couldn't possibly have imagined.

Eris, that beast, that mad dog, how could she become like that?

Then the pair of them, coming sightseeing peacefully, flirting with her husband…

"… I'll go meet Isolte."

Thinking that, Nina removed herself from Eris's line of sight.

She had thought that, becoming a Sword King, she had finally leveled the field against Eris, but now she felt a tremendous sense of defeat.

By the way, though they were not visible to Nina, just on the other side of Rudeus stood Roxy and Sylphy. In the immediate vicinity, it should also be known, were two other people, Zanoba and Julie.

Part 3

After that, Nina traveled to Isolte's dojo.

There was no frivolous atmosphere here, and that combined with the smell of sweat set Nina's heart at ease.

After greeting Isolte, she was introduced to her disciples.

Everyone acted chaste around the opposite sex here.

(Indeed, such are proper conduct for swordsmen… )

After having been shown around the dojo, Isolte led Nina to her home.

While she was staying in Arus, it had been arranged for Nina to be at Isolte's house.

There was space for her at the house where Isolte lives, the reason being that it contained an extra room.

Formerly it had been the room of Water God Reida. It was quite tidy.

Other than that thing with Reida, Nina was relieved to find no male presence in Isolte's home.

Water Emperor, sword instructor, knight:

she should certainly be popular.

If that Eris is married and has children, it would not been strange for exquisite Isolte to have found a man.

It would not have been odd to be introduced to her husband and children upon arriving at her house.

Because she had been expecting something like that, she was relieved.

"Nina-san. By the way, at the close of the parade there is going to be a little gathering. I know you are probably tired from your long journey, but would you come along and participate? No matter what, I want to introduce a Sword King to various kinds of people."

Nina stowed her luggage, then paused and took a single breath to consider Isolte's suggestion.

"Yeah, that sounds nice."

Nina answered lightly.

She didn't really understand what this small gathering was about, but it wasn't like she had any other plans for that evening.

She could start her sightseeing tomorrow.

She thought that would be fine.

Then, in less then an hour, she came to regret her answer.

Of course, some things occurred before that.

At first she thought it was 'something funny'.

She was led by Isolte to a large mansion near the country's royal palace.

That place, despite being a small gathering, wasn't small at all.

The thought was, "She cheated."

After that, she was brought into a luxurious room where she was asked to choose a luxurious dress, which she was then forcibly stuffed into by more than one maid.

This thing, it's absolutely a noble's party or something.

The thought became, "I shouldn't have come."

Why did I agree to this so easily?

Why did I come so nonchalantly?

Why didn't I resist when I was made to change my clothes?

If it was the ordinary Nina, at any point she could have resisted and escaped from that place.

However there was one way in which this deviated from the ordinary.

This was not a battle using swords.

She was packaged in a dress she was unfamiliar with, it was hard to walk in those abominable shoes, and her swords were taken.

Her waist was lonely, her suspension was faltering.

In that state, Nina was dragged along by Isolte and introduced to people at the party venue.

There was only one slight relief for Nina.

The people who were introduced to her at the party were not only nobles.

Although there were many nobles, there were also knights and those of common birth such as the ace of the Magician's Guild from another country. These were people from the real world who Nina could understand.

Some of them were also fooled, just like Nina; these people all had puzzled looks on their faces.

Knowing that she wasn't alone, these people gave her a little peace of mind.

She calmed down; Nina is a Sword King.

Once she ascertained the other party, then it becomes possible to evaluate whether or not she can win.

Knowing the opponents around there were just small fry, her mind can become calm.

Nina finally cleared her mind.

When she did, she realized, 'I'm hungry.'

Her appetite returned.

Thinking about it, she had not eaten since noon.

Swordsmen of the Sword God Style are unanimously heavy eaters.

Even when secluding themselves in the forest for ascetic training, they will not skip a meal.

It was inevitable that the variety of food at the party venue would captivate her sight.

For a person without hesitation, after being offered great food and drink, the result is the need to be excused to the toilet; that was unavoidable.

Although she was able to arrive at the toilet with the guidance of a maid, after she was finished there was no longer a maid to help her struggle with the unfamiliar clothing. Because of this, in the mansion which was like a labyrinth, there was no way she wouldn't become lost while searching for the original venue.

( I might have lost a step… )

While walking vaguely down a dimly lit hallway, Nina sighed from her heart.

In any case, after coming to the Asura Kingdom she was overwhelmed by the atmosphere of the place; she could not regain her condition.

The idea that being a Sword King brought her to the level of world class had been shattered to pieces.

"Like in the past, maybe I've been moving without thinking…"

After becoming Sword King, shouldn't obtaining disciples have been possible?

Or perhaps, after becoming acquainted with Eris, Nina was influenced by her personality?

Unlike the old days, it may not be possible to succeed while moving without thinking about the consequences.

At this rate, becoming a strong swordsman is something that has become distant…

"Come to think of it, that Eris, I forgot to tell Isolte about her."

If Eris was in the same town, she wanted to be able to do three-man practice with her.

As soon as she thought that the scene from earlier that day came into her mind, and she shook her head to push it away.

( That isn't the Eris that I knew anymore… )

Whatever, quickly she'll go back to the venue.

Finding an appropriate place to leave, she'll return to the house.

Although it is an uncomfortable place, Asura has lots of attractions.

With Isolte as a guide… she could spend days exploring.

The town seems like a festival, so it should be quite fun.

Afterwards, it would be a good idea to visit the local Sword God Style dojo.

( Alright…… huh? )

In front of Nina's renewed determination appeared a door with light leaking from it.

The door is small, so it won't be the party hall.

However, the person inside should know the way to the venue.

It'll be fine if she just asked that person.

Mildly relieved Nina inched closer to the door…

"--Your Majesty Ariel, also would not want that thing to be exposed."

Hearing such an overt threat, she stopped.

( Her Majesty… Ariel? )

In this country there is only one person called that, even a hick like Nina knows this.

Ariel Anemoi Asura.

In spite of being exiled for nearly 10 years in the Ranoa kingdom, she came back like a comet and won the throne, a charismatic queen.

It is no exaggeration to say that all of the revelry in the capital Arus is taking place just for her.

"… That thing? What are you talking about?"

"You don't remember?"

Nina concealed her footsteps and approached the door.

From the doors gap she peered into the middle of the room.

( … ! )

In that place were two people, a man and a woman.

Sitting in the chair was a blonde, and beside her was a man with light brown hair.

The face of the man standing beside her, it was familiar.

"I have some ideas…"

"It's --"

It was Rudeus Greyrat.

He was making a smile completely different from the smile he had worn earlier in the day with Eris. It was an obscene smile belonging to a different person, which he produced close to Ariel's face.

Nina quickly assessed the situation.

( He's pressing her for sex! )

The man named Rudeus Greyrat, in addition to Eris, had two other wives.

Also she had heard rumors somewhere that he was a very lustful person.

In addition to that, she had heard the story that he had put in considerable effort behind the scenes to back Ariel into becoming Queen.

Since he is working under Orsted, he probably helped Ariel as his minion.

And, perhaps, he intends to have sex with Ariel using a story or something from that time as leverage.

( I'll cut him down. )

Nina is immediately determined.

She doesn't understand what kind of material Ariel is being blackmailed with.

She doesn't know how much stronger Rudeus is.

Right now, she doesn't even have a sword.

But, deciding not to care about such things, Nina intended to kill the man in front of her eyes.

There was no point worrying about it.

Isolte is a subordinate of Ariel.

Seeing her friend's boss being blackmailed, there can be no hesitation in cutting him down.

Although the current Nina would normally think, 'I should just wait a moment,'

in the past few hours, stress had built up inside of her.

However, in that instant, from behind her, blood thirst washed over Nina in a wave.


She rushed to look to her rear.

There, wearing a bright blood red dress, stood a demon.


Why didn't she realize this person would be here?

Eris was with Rudeus.

Here was Rudeus.

Then it wouldn't be odd for her to accompany him to this mansion.

"Nina… ?"

Eris made a puzzled expression for an instant, but then her face strained.

"You, just who do you think you are directing that blood thirst towards?"

This is bad.

Eris, in that state, does not stop.

If she notices Rudeus in the other room then there will be two opponents.

If it's two on one, Eris doesn't have a sword, but then she would be sandwiched between her and a magician.

"Oh? Eris, you came back?"

By the time Nina had thought of it, it was too late.

The door behind her opened and Rudeus came out.

Nina instantly realized she could no longer win at that point.

However she still faced that beast of the Sword God Style.

Nina pulled power to her abdomen and feet.

"Now, Rudeus-sama, just give up.

We can't leave our guest waiting."

Seeing the expression of Ariel's face as she looked at Rudeus, the power let out of Nina.

She did not have the face of someone asking for help, there was no desperation there.

Nina felt that something was wrong. Many times in the last few hours she had felt the same thing.

"… you aren't being threatened?"

" … ?"

Ariel saw Nina crouched down with a puzzled expression.

Ariel was not acquainted with Nina.

However, Ariel regarded Nina's expression, the expression of Eris, her own conversation, and Nina's position, and instantly realized what was going on.

"No, I had asked Rudeus for a favor and was declined.

Because I wanted him to accept by any means, I prodded a weakness of Rudeus a little, but he splendidly countered me.

Hearing only the latter part, you thought I had been threatened, and were trying to help me?"

Nina nodded, her eyes swimming in bewilderment.

Ariel caught her arm quietly and helped her to stand.

"Thank you very much. This is the first time we have met. I am the Asura Kingdom's next Queen, Ariel Anemoi Asura."

"Oh, ah, eh?"

The next Queen of Asura, Ariel, is so close. Moreover she is actually introducing herself.

Her understanding couldn't keep up with the situation, and so Nina found herself looking towards Eris.

She had an annoyed expression, but she sighed and decided to throw her friend a life line.

"This is Nina."

"Eris-sama, is she your acquaintance?"

"Yeah, she is Sword Saint Nina Farion. We trained together in the Holy Land of Swords."

Eris chimed in even though she didn't know why Nina was here.

"I've become a Sword King as well! The same as you!"

"… Oh yeah? Congratulations."

She said that curtly to Eris, but otherwise Nina remained silent.

It had seemed like Nina was just meaninglessly proud of being a Sword King.

However she was just correcting Eris.

"Well then, Nina-sama. The party tonight is something that was organized by myself and Rudeus-sama. I think later there will be an opportunity to share stories, but first of all, please go and enjoy yourself."

"Ah, ye-yes…"

With that, Ariel smiled gently and walked down the hallway with Rudeus.

Nina saw them off with a sigh.

Today, truly, is just a series of crazy things.

"Hey, why are you here?"

Then, she turned towards the voice of Eris behind her.

She was wearing a bright red dress with her hair up, it was quite becoming.

Accessories such as a necklace and earrings, she was also wearing them. It was like a real noble's daughter.

"… Eris… that dress, it looks good on you."

"That's because Rudeus chose it. It's only natural!"

Eris pushed out her chest and wantonly boasted, she seemed altogether a different person from the beast just now.

( Eris, you haven't changed so much after all. )


This was probably a good chance.

"Say… listen Eris… about Isolte…"

Nina, with a sigh, started to complain to Eris.

Part 4

By the end of the day Nina still did not quite understand the purpose of the party.

Rudeus came back after that and returned to the venue with Eris.

"Dragon God Orsted is your ally! If you accept now, I'll throw in this detergent. It's great. There is no contract fee, when a certain guy awakens in 80 years or so you simply have to lend forces to Dragon God Orsted. For the next 100 years and beyond Orsted Corporation is on your side. Please cast your vote accordingly!"

And, he said a lot of things which couldn't be understood but just nodded at.

It seems Rudeus was gathering allies.

That thing a little while ago was a misunderstanding, now she was ready to lend her strength to Eris's husband.

However, Nina could not think of a way to go about it.

Because the fight would take place more then 80 years in the future, it was unrealistic for Nina to try and save her power to lend to Orsted.

Others, like Nina, were also puzzled.

But, eventually everyone nodded.

Since it was being asked by Ariel, there wasn't a person in the place who could say that they were reluctant.

After the party:

On the recommendation of Eris, Nina was supposed to stay bottled up at the party venue.

Isolte was also together with her.

About this mansion, apparently it was a thing that Ariel bestowed to Rudeus. Eris boastfully told them to make themselves at home.

That night there was conversation among those three people for the first time in a long while.

Isolte grumbled, that soon she too would find someone, to the Eris who wouldn't shut up about Rudeus.

To speak to these two guys in person, it made Nina remember the old days, it was downright nostalgic.

The contents of their talks had changed a little compared to then, but what had not changed was how much fun it was.

After being alone all this time, it seems like it was a good idea to come to the capital Arus.

Then, by the time the next day had dawned, that strange sense of defeat and jealousy had faded; Nina had regained herself.

Part 5

Before the end of Ariel's coronation ceremony, Nina had plenty of time to enjoy the capital city Arus.

The attractions, the crowds, the dojos, she went to all the places she had thought about going.

She wasn't alone.

While there were many days that Isolte could not be there because of work, Eris always followed along for some reason.

At first, Nina couldn't figure out why.

Every time Eris opened her mouth she would talk only about Rudeus.

There were many times when she thought it wasn't the place to talk about Rudeus at all.

But Nina finally understood Eris after they were together for a long time.

It seems that Eris wanted to entice Nina; she was soliciting for Rudeus.

Her awkward stories didn't get to the point, but she was sincere, and her desperate words moved Nina's heart.

She didn't quite understand, it seemed to be the same thing as Rudeus's speech, but it was something she should think about.

Part 6

Once the coronation ended, Nina returned to the Holy Land of the Sword.

She thought about things the entire way back.

The war in 80 years, she had agreed to join Orsted's camp.

The happy Eris, bright Eris, the unlikely energetic Eris.

That Rudeus who was next to her.

While thinking about them she rode her horse forward.

A conclusion, of course, she never reached one.

However, once she looked at the person who welcomed her to the Holy Land of the Sword, she was hooked and something suddenly clicked within Nina.

The person greeting her was her cousin.

He was a master swordsman who was always chasing behind her, but very soon he too would be a Sword King. The young man's name was Jino Britts.

Once she saw him, Nina said the first words that popped into her head.

There was no hesitation at all.

Because speedy snap judgment is the motto of the Sword God Style.

"Hey, Jino. Shouldn't we get married?"

After a few months, a married couple of Sword Kings was born, but that's another story.