Volume 23 Chapter 4: Supard Race's Village

Part 1

The village was very similar to the Migurd village.

It was surrounded by two meter high walls, and humble log houses lined the inside.

Near the log houses, there was a rather small field.

Unlike the Migurd’s, they were growing many different types of vegetables.

The soil seemed like it’s fertile.


On top of that, behind the log houses, an animal was being prepared for cooking.

It was a 4 legged beast with whitish fur.

That is the true identity of the invisible demon.

A short while after they die, their invisibility gets released, and even the one who attacked us just moments ago started showing its color.

It seems they’re called [Invisible Wolf].

Rather frank.


In the centre of the village is a fountain, and near it is a large pot that looks like it’s used to prepare food for the whole village.

Their culture really is similar to the Migurd Tribe.

But there’s one difference.

The Migurd village was filled entirely with blue haired people that looked like middle schoolers…

But here, everyone has a red gem on their forehead and emerald green hair.

They are Supards.


All of them.

And so, it was here that I had a surprising revelation.

The Supards not only had red gems on their forehead and emerald green hair, but……

They are beautiful.

They are all, without exception, beautiful.

No, in this world, there are people with much more beautiful forms and stronger faces.

But they are beautiful nonetheless.

Of course, it’s not just nothing but pretty boys; everyone’s features are regulated well.

Over there is a young girl with a shortcut hair, super cute.

She is slender, isn’t too tall, but her shoulders are quite muscular, she has a strong-willed look, and her chest is fairly large. She gives off the impression of having the best parts of both Sylphy and Eris……

No, it’s different, this isn’t cheating, I’m looking at it objectively, OK?

It’s a village of beautiful men and women.

This is evil.

The people of this forest are evil.

"It’s a frightening village."


In response to my comment, Doga gave off something that sounded like an agreement.

For a while now, Doga has been squeezing behind me as if to hide himself.

It seems he’s scared of the Supards.

He was born in the Asura kingdom, so he must have grown up on stories of the Supards being evil demons.

Although I want to deny it……

Though the Supard race as a whole are not that bad, whether or not this village is taking the trouble to welcome us is a different question.

So for now, I’ll hold off on consoling him.

"Now, I wonder where they’ll take us."

Sandor doesn’t seem all that scared.

Maybe because he was raised in the strife zone, he hasn’t heard many stories about the Supards.

Actually, it seems that seeing so many Supards has him excited.

"It would have to be where Ruijerd is, right?"

"We won’t necessarily be heading there first."

"Then following this pattern, wouldn’t it be the village head?"

"If we’re following the pattern then a jail might be likely………they don't seem to need to deliberate anything."

The Supard warrior headed towards us and said, "Follow me," so we did.

As a result, we blindly followed him and arrived at the village.

We walked in silence.

“In any case, the village doesn’t seem all that energetic.”

It’s as he says, the Supards don’t look all that healthy.

There’s also someone with a cough preparing the meals.

Although the children are healthy.

The children with tails are running around playing.

Ah right, so supard children have tails……

"Considering the size of the village, the number of people is rather small."

"Have they gone hunting?"

"They have livestock, they wouldn’t need to go hunting would they?"

"Ah, you have a point."

Just now, we saw an animal being prepared for food.

Which is why they would be back from hunting.

Rather than a group, it might be just one person that leaves, since that animal might be stored as food…

"It would have to be the disease."

The village has that "sick person" smell to it.

I might be biased because of the medicine information we received……but the village still seems to have a sickly vibe.

I should be fine, but would it be better if I wore a mask?

"It’s here, hurry up."

The Supard who talked to us before led us in single file.

In the village, it's the oldest house.

However, it’s also the largest.

It’s gotta be the village chief pattern.

"Chieftain, I am entering. I have brought Ruijerd’s guests."

As he said that, he opened the door to the house.

The inside looked like some kind of hall.

Rather than the house of the Chieftain, it seemed more like an auditorium or a conference hall.

Anyhow, inside there were five Supards.

Most likely, five old men.

They had a calming atmosphere, more so than the Supard who brought me here.

All of them had green hair and white skin, they’re beautiful.

Age was difficult to understand.


And so, one of the five.

He stood the instant I entered the room.

With a familiar native dress…

Facial scars.

White spear.

With a familiar metal head band.

His hair grew. He’s no longer a cue ball.

This time there’s no doubt.


A natural smile overflowed.

Out of nostalgia, I wanted to rush towards him instinctively, but I held back a few steps before I entered.

But when he saw my face, he gave a puzzled look.

"Are you………Rudeus?"

I wonder if he’s forgotten about me.

That would be rather sad.

"……Have you forgotten?”

"No, the face in my memory is different."

"Aah! I get it, this is for a disguise."

I remove the ring and show them my actual face. It caused a buzz among the Chieftains.

I understand that face……is what I would like to say, but it’s probably thanks to the Supard’s third eye.

"I see, it has been so long."

"It really has."

Aah, how nostalgic.

There are so many things I want to say.

There are so many things I want to tell.

About Eris and Paul.

There are loads of things I want to hear.

About this village and what he has been doing up to now.

No, if you look at this village you can tell.

Ruijerd found it.

What he had long been searching for, he had found at last.


I might cry.

My memories of him are coming back to me.

The time when I first met Ruijerd.

When we met, he was alone. Near the Migurd village is where we began our journey. He did not appear to be alone, but he was.

But Ruijerd is no longer alone.

"Well, congratulations. You found the Supard tribe."


Ruijerd nodded while fondly looking at me and gave a smile.

He is surrounded by his comrades.

……the surrounding 5 don't seem all that moved, but Ruijerd is happy.

"But Rudeus……why are you here?"

Ah, right.

This isn't the time to be immersed in sentimentality.

Now is not the time to reminisce.

"It’s a long story. There are also many things I want to hear from you. So may I have a little of your time?"

While sitting in the conference hall, I said that with a serious face.

"Chieftain, is that alright?"

Sitting furthest in the back, the pattern on his clothes was much more exuberant than the other four.

He would have to be the Chieftain.

In response to Ruijerd’s question, he made a difficult face.

"Can we trust this human?"

"We can."

"Then why not hear it?"

With the permission of the Chieftain, the conversation began.

Part 2

Before I told my story, Ruijerd gave me an explanation of how he reached the Supard Village.

The story started after he had delivered Norn and Aisha to my place.

After that, Ruijerd set out on a journey to find any remaining, living Supards.

While moving from country to country he planned to search the northern part of the Central Continent.

But after he left town, Badigadi quickly caught up.

"He said, 'I know where you can find the remaining living Supards'."

Ruijerd was skeptical.

But he had nothing else to go on, so for the meantime, he listened.

During the next couple of years, their journey together ended at the Biheiril Kingdom.

And so, they entered the Forest of No Return, the backwoods of the Earth Dragon Valley.

He then guided him to the place where the Supards were living.

Ruijerd was kindly accepted by the Supards.

There was much talk regarding the war of the past, but all that was taken to kindly.

He began life in this village and gained peace.

"But a plague struck the village."

An unknown plague.

The initial symptoms are similar to that of the common cold, but then you begin to lose energy and start trembling. The forehead eye gets cloudy, and it eventually leads to death.

As Ruijerd saw the villagers dying one by one, he ran about in order to search for the treatment.

Ruijerd himself was also infected, but to save the village, he forced his trembling body to Irel.

And so he succeeded in buying medicine from a peddler.

As of now, the village was heading towards recovery.

"But outside the village, demons of this forest had exterminated the investigation squad. Those kinds of rumours are circulating, aren't they?"

"When the plague hit, the beasts of the forest most likely went outside."

In the first place, why would the Supard race make their village here?

It was the same as what the old lady from the village in the Earth Dragon Valley said.

Several hundred years ago.

When the Supard race was chased from the Magic Continent, they spread all over the world.

They were persecuted wherever they went, at times they were chased by Knights or the military, day after day.

The Supard refugees, avoiding plains, walking along the forests and foot of the mountains, sought for a safe-haven.

A land where the humans couldn't tread, a place where the Supards could live.

Seeking that place, persistently, to the ends of the world.

And so, the place they found was here, the place called the Valley of the Earth Dragon in the Forest of No Return.

Because of the earth dragons, large demonic beasts didn’t approach. The forest was inhabited only by the [Invisible Demons].

Of course, the [Invisible Wolf] is not on the same level as a common demonic beast.

Because of the benefit of invisibility, 3 of them could wipe out the average adventurer party.

But, the invisible demons, to the Supards’ [eye], were a simple matter.

And so their strength, compared to the Supards’ who had lived on the magic continent, couldn’t match.

So they became livestock.

Before long, the Supard race had settled in the Forest of No Return.

Of course, they had trouble.

No matter how few humans enter the forest, as there was a human village near, their hiding place was not absolute.

After the Supards had been living in the forest for a while, the villagers began to enter.

The villagers frequently went in and out of the forest, sometimes coming close to the village.

At that time, the Chieftain of the Supards decided that the demonic beasts in the forest were to be reduced, and at the same time ordered the protection of any villagers lost in the forest; that was the promise he made.

If it’s the legend of the village, and what the old lady told us before……

But this is a story from 200~300 years ago, so it’s possible that she was wrong.

Whatever the case, they have kept their promise and the humans are still alive.

Anyhow, the Supards have successfully done this while maintaining a reasonable distance.

But with the uproar caused by the plague, the balance was broken.

"The country intends to destroy this village."

After hearing that story, I reported about the rumors that were circulating in the Biheiril Kingdom and what the country intends to do.

"I see……"

Upon hearing that, the Chieftain’s face showed a look of disappointment.

Not the expression of wanting to fight if destruction is imminent, but disappointment.

With a tired look, and an expression of resignation.

"It seems we can no longer live here either……"

"Where can we possibly live now……?"

"If it wasn’t for that war…"

The Chieftains gave a numbed look and Ruijerd looked apologetic.

"I am sorry."

In response to Ruijerd’s apology, the Chieftains hurriedly shook their heads.

"We are not blaming you Ruijerd. We had decided together to follow Laplace as well."

"There may still be some hard feelings, but at that time, everybody looked at the warriors with pride, and would have been glad to join you. We share the same sin."

"……But why must only we meet these gazes?"

"Why would Laplace do such a disservice to the Supard race……?"

Voicing blame is useless, nobody is entirely at fault.

It was not because of regret.

Just the voice of a man who had lost normality.

Nothing can be done.

There is no choice but to run.

Those feelings, through their tones and actions, are being expressed.

The war of 400 years ago.

To the humans, it is an event of the distant past.

But for them, it’s a similar stretch of time to that which has passed since the teleportation incident for me.

For the Supard race, the Laplace campaign has probably yet to end.

"If it is alright with you, should I inform the Biheiril Kingdom?"

Before I could think, the words had leaked out.


"I am a human. That, in a way, gives me power.

Up until now, the Supard race have been exterminating dangerous beasts in the forest and protecting a human village.

That is to the benefit of the country.

In short, with that explanation, I will request that they allow you to live in your corner of this forest."

Now I know what to do.

To defeat Gisu, that is my job.

Although Ruijerd and his comrades are part of the plan, if that causes us to be unable to find Gisu, then it would be better to avoid doing it.

I’m also thinking that.

But can I leave the Supards to die?

Up until now, I have been selling Ruijerd dolls and picture books.

For what purpose?

To look for Ruijerd?

But why dolls and picture books?

To help recover the honour of the Supard race.

I have always been trying to help the Supard race and Ruijerd.

My priorities might be off.

But who else besides me is in the position to save the Supard race?

"The humans hate us. Do you think they'll accept us?"

"The hate for the Supards within the human race is already fading.

In the Biheiril Kingdom, the humans and the obviously different Ogre tribe exist in peace, I feel there will be little resistance.

Within this area, the Millis Church has little influence,

While spreading good rumours of the Supard race with my own hands, if you let me help, then I'm sure they'll accept."

They began talking rapid-fire.

At the very least, there isn't any meaning for the Biheiril Kingdom to destroy the Supard race.

Without the Supards, the invisible wolves will flood out from the forest, and the village will perish.

We don't know how far the invisible wolves will spread, but it will most likely reach the second city Irel.

It should be fine to ask them to ignore the Supard race.

Rather than getting wiped out, this would be better.

"If the Bilheiril Kingdom does refuse, I'll have you be allowed into the country of someone I know."

The Asura Kingdom……would be tough.

In that country, the Millis Church is beginning to thrive.

But to the north of the Asura kingdom, there is a large forest.

That place doesn't belong to any kingdom.

As long as no real harm comes forth while they live there, it's possible to say that the Mills Church won't be too obstinate about it.

More so, in that forest is the band of thieves that know Ariel. It would be good if they could get along and share.

With Ariel, I might be able to use the good condition of the Supard race……

"Will it be alright?"

"Before that, can we trust this man?"

"If he is an acquaintance of Ruijerd……"

"But can we believe what he is saying?"

Those around the Chieftain began arguing amongst themselves.

So much so that you wouldn't think they were the same race as Ruijerd.

Since they all look so young, it kind of looked like a youth group meeting.

If you brought a video like this into human society, they would at least realize that they aren't demons……

"It does not need to be decided now."

The Chieftain said that and the discussion ended.

Indeed, if a man appears out of nowhere and suddenly says something like that, you would get confused and be unable to decide.

"I understand. The humans will come to attack in 16-17 days. Although there is time for discussion, please decide quickly."

Although, if negotiations here were to break down, I would help protect the Supard village.

"……I understand. We will have our decision in a few days."

As the Chieftain said that, he stood up with a hard to understand face.

"Huh? But you still haven't heard the reason I have come here."

"Currently we are too divided to hear your story. And the sun will also set soon. For now, the meeting is adjourned. I would like to make arrangements."

I've been rescheduled.

They're an excellent company.

"We must prepare food and lodging for our guest."

"I'll do it."

Well, hearing what I came here to say tomorrow shouldn't be a problem.

Even if this village’s problem isn't solved, I won't have to fight Gisu or Hitogami over it.


Tomorrow I will explain them why I proposed such a suggestion.

And like that, I finished my meeting with the Chieftains.

Part 3

That evening, we were given a vacant house to stay in.

Doga shut himself in and Shandor, at dusk, went looking around the village out of curiosity.

I was in Ruijerd's home.

It seemed he had the position of an advisor, and was living retired in the village.

Home, Ruijerd's home.

When I see it, it somehow warms my heart.

He is no longer on an unending journey, being persecuted wherever he goes.

This is the place Ruijerd belongs to.

Even if he is absent for a time, this is a place he can return to, with a warm bed and a smiling family.

A home is a great thing.

Ah, no good, I think I might cry.

"You can sit there."


The inside was quite plain.

The structure is definitely similar to the Migurds’ homes.

There is a pelt draped over something like a fireplace, and clothes hanging on the wall.

The inside is divided into three sections, and Ruijerd seems to be in the storeroom.

It seems food, water pots, and the like are put in a separate room as the sound of water dripping could be heard from there.

But the appearance isn’t that impressive.

Although the floor is covered with fur, there are grains of wood sticking out from the wall.

While a trophy of the invisible wolf was decorating the wall……

Ah, the thing that’s hanging from it, it’s Roxy’s pendant.

How nostalgic, so he was still holding on to it.

Still……the house is quite spacious.

"Excuse me, Ruijerd-san."

"What is it?"

"Are you perhaps living alone in this house?"


Living alone in a house this big.

Suddenly, I thought of living alone in my current house.

The bedroom would be the same as before.

I would cram anything useless in the basement like now.

I’d make use of the bathroom, dining room, and kitchen but……probably not the living room.

Other rooms as well aren’t of any use to me.

As the head of the house, I can change the layout of my private room as much as I want.

All of this would result in an empty and dreary room.

If it was the me from before, I would’ve thought of it as fine, but the me right now can’t stand it.

"………Are you not going to marry or something?"

"Do you think I can?"


Damn it.

Now that I recall, his wife and child, by his own hands, were……

So he obviously wouldn’t.


"Don’t apologize. It’s not because I'm being pulled by the past, but because I simply don't have any sort of companion right now."

Ruijerd sat in front of me while smiling.

"So what has been happening to you?"

He seems to be relaxed.

This sense of distance.

I should've brought Eris along if it was going to be like this………

No, I’ll do it after all of this is over.

We can meet whenever we want if we're all alive.

Therefore, we must act together if we all want to live.

"It’s a long story, is that fine?"

I thought that it would’ve been fine tomorrow, but I guess I should at least speak with Ruijerd ahead of time.

I, too, can't help but want to talk to him.

"Let me hear it."


I started talking about the time after we parted.

About my sisters, about Paul’s death, about my marriage with Roxy.

My reunion with Eris, and how I reconciled with her.

Ruijerd was calmly listening to all of that.

He had a little clouded expression regarding Paul’s death, but as a result of me not being particularly sad, we didn't talk about it.

Rather, the thing we did talk about was Eris.

"As I thought, so Eris did have the disease of a warrior?"

"……Ah~, I wonder. It still looks like she’s suffering from it even now."

"Even so, to marry three women, it’s just like you. Are there any kids already?"

"Yes. There are four."

"I see."

He didn't say ‘I want to see them’.

But I'll bring them along next time.

Especially Ars.

Ruijerd wants to see mine and Eris’s child.

Well, this and that can be done after defeating Gisu.


I correct my posture thusly.

The order of things was sequential but now comes the main question.

"I have currently become Dragon God Orsted’s subordinate."

I started talking about the present situation.

About how the Dragon God Orsted had been fighting Hitogami since long ago.

How I took Hitogami’s side, but he was deceiving me from the start.

How he tried to kill my family as he deemed my descendants a hindrance.

But the future me came and how I was barely able to prevent that.

How the angered Hitogami suggested that I fight Orsted and how I did.

I lost to Orsted, but he was a surprisingly nice guy and I was able to escape from the hands of Hitogami.

And after I became Orsted’s subordinate, I joined in the fight against Hitogami.

How I am currently in the midst of assembling personnel in order to bring down Demon God Laplace, whose resurrection is to be 80 years from now.

How everything was progressing smoothly until Gisu took Hitogami’s side.

About Gisu’s letter. About the possibility of Gisu being in Biheiril Kingdom.

In order to defeat Gisu, I sent in every trustworthy comrade towards the whole nation of Biheiril Kingdom.

While reporting on the current situation, I said at last.


I've been searching for you ever since I decided to fight against Laplace in the future.

Please become my streng-……no, please fight alongside me."

I requested as I bowed my head.

Ruijerd, too, is a person who holds resentment towards Laplace.


Therefore, I, as if it was to be expected.

Was dreaming about his acceptance to my request with all my heart.


But Ruijerd didn’t answer.

He just made an unpleasant face and looked away.


I hadn't even thought about the possibility that he would refuse.

When Laplace’s name was mentioned, Ruijerd’s face became expressionless as usual, though I always thought that when the time came he would just nod as if to say 'Got it'.

But I was wrong.

He averted his eyes from me.

That made his refusal apparent.

His attitude was saying 'no'.

'This is a lie', or so I would like to think.

But, 'so that’s how it is', or so I was assenting to it as well.

Isn't it obvious?

It’s because he found the members of the Supard race.

He still holds resentment towards Laplace.

There is still some residual anger.

However, that fight ended long ago.

During the final battle of Laplace’s military campaign, it was all over when he struck his blow of revenge.

Not to mention that the Supard village is currently in a grave situation.

There is no need to promise until the present situation is resolved.

"Is it because of the Supard village? If it is, please leave it to me. It’s been several years after our separation, and I’ve reached the point where I've become so influential that I can even do something rash."

"It’s not that."

Looks like I was wrong.

But I hadn't given up yet.

I needed an answer immediately, so I thought of anything else I could use to persuade him.

What kind of life had he lived after Laplace disappeared?

What had been Ruijerd aiming for?

To protect the remaining Supard race?

To protect the long lost brethren that he finally found?

There is that.

But, there is one more thing, which has a greater impact.

"Then, is it restoring the Supard Race’s honor? Asura’s ruler and Mills’s miko are also participating in the fight against Laplace. If the word gets out that you stood by them in the fight, then even the Supard Race’s honor----"

"It’s not that."

Is that it, or so I thought, but my suggestion was rejected without a second thought.

Ruijerd stood up.

His expression gave off a thirst for blood and could also be seen with hints of bewilderment and hesitance.

Perhaps, there may be a different reason that I'm not aware of.

"Rudeus, come with me."

Ruijerd picked up the spear that was leaning against the wall and walked towards the exit.

I got up in a hurry and followed him.

Part 4

As a result of talking for so long, outside it’s already pitch dark.

Although the moon is peeking from the gaps in the trees, you can't even see your feet.

Ruijerd headed towards the outskirts of the village.

I took out a light spirit from the scroll in my hand and illuminated the surroundings.

Ruijerd kept walking for several minutes as if to say that there is no need for light, and stopped in a clearing within the forest.



From here on out, I'm going to be hearing things that I didn't want to hear.

I had that premonition.

Perhaps an uneasy premonition flashed through my mind.

"Regarding the discussion before, there’s just one lie."


"The Chieftain and all the warriors as well believe in that lie."

A lie.

"There is no cure for the plague. The medicine didn't have any effect. We're not going to recover."

The figure of a woman coughing in the village comes to mind.

The symptoms of a disease that can be felt from everyone in the village.

The number of villagers that Sandor had said was rather low.

"Currently, the advancement of the illness has just been suppressed."


When he heard that, Ruijerd put his hand on the metal headband that was concealing his forehead.


The thing that appeared from under the headband.

It was not the red gem.

The gem that should've been red, had turned into a deep blue.

Furthermore, it was surrounded by a black pattern.

Something like………like a drawing made by a fourteen year old using their left hand, a pattern like that.

"That is?"

Ruijerd's mood and the ominous presence from the pattern is probably the reason why I can't bring myself to make fun of him.

I feel like I've become more aware to others' powers and danger since I've become stronger than before…………

"Currently, my body has been possessed by『Dark King』Vita."

Dark King Vita.

The one who lives in the labyrinth of the Heaven Continent『Hell』, one of the possible candidates for Hitogami’s apostles.

"Dark King Vita fissioned and distributed himself to the infected people in the village. Due to the power of Vita’s fissioned parts, the plague's progress has been suppressed."

"Pos-Possession………are you all right?"

"There isn’t anything out of the ordinary. Only the progress of the plague and its symptoms have been suppressed."

"Did he say something or do anything?"


The only thing that I heard from Orsted was his name.

From what he looked like to what goals he may have, I hadn’t heard anything about it.

So he's the type who can possess.

Fission… that means, he's a life-form that can split himself.

Or possibly a bacteria type?

"But,『Dark King』Vita should’ve been living in the labyrinth of the heaven continent『Hell』………just why?"

"When the village was caught in a dilemma, a male appeared in front of me with Vita in a jar."

"One male………don’t tell me!"

"It was Gisu."

So it was him.

"Gisu said that afterwards, a great war is going to happen in this country. When that time comes, he wanted me to assist him."


"I accepted.

I had doubts about relying on an unfamiliar person like Dark King Vita, but we didn’t have any choice. Then, the plague's progress was actually suppressed and everyone was saved."

And then, Ruijerd expressed a disappointed smile as if mocking himself.

"To think that the enemy Gisu was fighting with was you, I never even dreamt that………"

My heart is pounding.

Even though I considered the slight possibility of Ruijerd becoming an enemy.

Now that the possibility is true, the pounding won't stop.

"It’s not that the plague has been completely cured.

If Dark King Vita dies, his fissions will also die or so I’ve heard.

If that happens, the village will again be swallowed up by the plague."


"I must fight you."

Ruijerd said that expressionlessly with a sober face like always.

"Of course, even I don’t want to fight you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have been able to come this far. I may still be loitering around the Demon Continent with foolish thoughts."

"……Even I feel that I have a debt to repay you. I don’t want to fight you."

"Fighting is a necessity. It's been like this since the beginning of time, it's immemorial."

“………I guess so."

The fellow that I feel indebted to is going to become my enemy.

Helplessly fighting against one another, when the other dies, the heart of the survivor becomes scarred.

Something like that may happen due to the war.

But this should be different.

Why should there be any need to fight?

Exception. Right, there should be an exception.

There must be a way to avoid the war.

In order to avoid the war, the source of it should be eliminated.

That's right, as long as the source is removed………

What’s the source………?

Orsted and Hitogami?

It's certainly that, but I’ve already reached a point where I can no longer betray Orsted.

Currently, it’s the relationship between me and Ruijerd.

The reason Ruijerd must fight me.

It's because of comrades, the brethren of Supard race.

If the Supard race is no longer………no that's wrong.

It's the plague.

The plague gnawing at the Supard race.

If a way to cure it is known, then the Supard race should become our comrades.

"If there is a method to completely cure the plague, will you come to my side?"

Betray them.

Hearing those words, Ruijerd gave a unwavering glance and wore a rigid face for a little while.

But I didn't leave from his sight.

Gisu had dibs on Ruijerd before me.

But Ruijerd informed me about the situation.

If he had really sided with Gisu, he wouldn’t have said anything and just killed me. Yet…

The reason he brought me to this place and explained the situation is certainly because he was swayed as well.


Ruijerd was straining his lips and furrowing his brow.

I intend to make him my comrade.

He, too, should be thinking that.

But, he may also have an obligation towards Gisu who saved his brethren as well as Hitogami, who gave the instruction.

Since it's the honest Ruijerd.

"I said it before, but I was betrayed by Hitogami. And I can definitely say that the same could happen with the Supard Race. Gisu was betrayed once as well and I was told that my entire family will be killed. There is also the possibility that if you keep following him, then after the war is over, Dark King Vita will willfully leave and the Supard race will be doomed anyway."

Even if you feel indebted, the possibility of Hitogami eventually betraying you is high.

Hitogami is that kind of guy.

Of course, it is nothing more than just a malicious guess.

But I ought to tell him about the things that have happened in the past.


Ruijerd is still silent.

He remains silent and continues to look at me.

I continue to look at him as well.

And then, he slowly opens his mouth.

"If there really is such a method. Then, all right. I also wish to fight alongside you."


A sigh of relief escapes me.

I’m glad.

I’m glad that we don't have to kill each other now.

"But, is there such a method?"

"Orsted knows a lot about this world. If we listen to him then there is a possibility."

But, will Orsted tell us about it?

He hasn’t told me so far.

That the Supard race was here, he didn’t inform me about it.

No, based on the situation, I’ll properly listen to him.

Whether or not I’ll be fighting with Ruijerd may be decided later.

"In any case, there should be a countermeasure to the disease.

Until then, don’t say that you’ll become my enemy, please wait."

The problem is the delay.

But, there isn’t any countermeasure, that's understood but it's still not too late.

"Orsted came once, before Gisu."


He abruptly spoke, causing me to tilt my head.

Orsted came?


"Approximately two years ago, when the first patient was discovered."


"But he didn't do anything. Of course, we didn't know that he had a connection with you and drove him away, but………if what you say is true, at that time, Orsted should've been your comrade."

What does that mean?

What does that mean?

"Do you have absolute trust in Orsted?"

Orsted didn't do anything about the Supard race.

Though, there is the possibility that he wasn't aware of the illness, but if what Ruijerd says is true, then that can't be the case.


The method to a cure.

Can't do it, don't know it.

"I do."

But I said that.

Orsted and I have gotten along all this time, until now.

Perhaps, even this time he may have some reason.

For example, the Supard race may become some kind of hindrance to him in the future or the like.

But, if we talk things through then a resolution can be found.

At least, Orsted had already visited the village once, it isn’t like he wants to kill off the entire village.

Perhaps he came to do just that, but wasn't able to.

Now that is something to think about.

"You can trust in Orsted."

I've been working together with Orsted until now, that much is certain.

Surely, communicating with him can be difficult since he doesn't say much. But he can be trusted as he aims to defeat Hitogami and always moves towards that goal.

"He doesn’t like talking too much, but please believe in me and not Orsted. I would never come to loathe the Supard race."


Ruijerd turned back.

Folding his arms as if to think, he stood like that for several seconds.

Suddenly, as if he realized something, he raised his face.

A large moon could be seen in the sky.


In the next moment, he suddenly grasped his chest and squatted.


Just what happened?

Immediately after I thought that, I rushed over to him.

He abruptly raised his head and grabbed my shoulder.


That was strange.

Ruijerd’s face was changing.

His eyes were stained deep blue.

The whites and blacks of his eyes were transforming into a deep blue color.

His mouth was partly open; it didn't look like his face was under his control at all.

The gem on his forehead was turning red, but the surrounding pattern was releasing an ominous glow.

Looking at that, I understood.

"Are you being manipulated!?"

Damn it.

Just because he told me that nothing happened until now, I shouldn't have immediately had that conversation.

Even though I was told he was being possessed…

It was too late to think about it now, Ruijerd approached my face.

And kissed me.

At the same time, some kind of liquid infiltrated my mouth, and crawled into my throat as if it was a living animal.