Standing at the helm of a ship again with blustery gales whipping my hair and filling our sails had me in high spirits. Travis and handful of my constructs assisted me in sailing, while Gnaraugh – or Gnar as he’d allowed me to call him for winning our fight – worked to organize the orcs we’d brought into a fighting force under his command.

He was green at it, I could tell that even if the methods for teambuilding differed between our races. I didn’t interfere, though. That would be a disservice to him, and leadership advice coming from me would be ironic. I had learned a great deal since my dark days aboard the Death’s Consort, however, and our current course spoke of my dedication to choose a new heading.


The administrator had told me that if I wanted to find answers for releasing my crew from my curse, it would be among the Madu at Nilfheim. At the time, I’d refused to consider it. I blamed the Madu for the disadvantages of my situation, and considered them villains.

With a great deal of introspection and some prying from my friends I was willing to admit that was largely prejudice. I hadn’t been spared from human propaganda growing up, and while I considered myself friendly to different races I’d pushed blame onto them rather than accept the consequences of my curse were from my own actions. Recognizing that wasn’t easy, and letting go of that bias was tougher still. It was so easy to consider the Madu as an enemy. Even when I’d been horrified at the deaths I’d caused among humans, I’d rampaged across the Madu’s ship Justice with no qualms.

Hopefully dropping in on them this time would lead to some agreements rather than bloodshed.

All those thoughts were secondary, however. I had the wind and the waves, with storm clouds on the horizon. This was where I was meant to be.


Roc's Eye (Cursed)

Ship Class



Domenic Seaborn

Ship Durability



Ship level

Cursed Status:

Perceptive Eye
