The Firstborn, and indeed all of the Flower Meadow queens, began their meeting standing still in silence. They had had much to think about recently and had come up with few solutions to their concerns. What could they even say when an enemy repulsed every force in their army, invalidated every tactic and strategy they had prepared, and rendered all of their efforts for naught? When even the King’s mighty chasms and honey sprayers could not turn the tide? When the hive of hives had no choice but to rely upon an outsider of questionable trustworthiness?

Well, the karnuq’s aid in the battle had shifted the Firstborn’s opinion of them but that was besides the point. The point was that, lately, the Firstborn did not feel the Flower Meadow queens were contributing sufficiently to the hive of hives. They had abandoned everything, including competent honey-making, the very backbone of bee-hood, to build the greatest army bee-kind had ever seen. But for all their efforts, their army could not yet match the power of a single karnuq. And worse still, in doing so they had created an unsustainable situation within their hives. They now required the First of the Fifth’s intervention to continue growing. They had become a drain upon the hive of hives’ resources.

That in itself was not necessarily a problem. Even within a hive, soldiers, queens, and drones spent resources while workers gathered them. There was a role to play for bees that did not gather honey, and so in a hive of hives an entire hive that spent more resources than it produced might still have a place. But that was if, and only if, they provided value to the hive of hives that justified the resources. The Firstborn could no longer state this was the case.

There were some new developments. The King had granted them access to a new kind of bee and the wounded soldier, one so honored as to receive a name from the King himself, an honor previously reserved only for the Conduit, had come up with a new sort of attack that could bypass the new shade’s defenses. Yet, the new lancers would require additional resources to raise, which at the moment meant receiving yet more honey from the Apiary queens. And Beero’s efforts belonged to her and the other wounded bees alone, the Firstborn and the Flower Meadow hives had played no part in it besides sharing some of their honey to sustain the wounded. They would be investigating whether the rest of their army could utilize such attacks, but they could not call that their own initiative. They were still receiving from others.

So, the Firstborn was not satisfied with the situation. She slowly began to dance.

“Think…I have an idea. Want to hear?”

She could no longer confidently step forward. While the Flower Meadow queens worked together, the Firstborn had been the one to lead them thus far. But with recent developments, she could not continue to do so on her own initiative. She, thus, waited for the others to dance.


But one by one, the other queens all indicated that she should continue. She wasn’t sure if they still believed in her, or if no one felt confident taking charge in her place, but either way, she chose to dance.

“Other queens have soldiers, soldiers that work. First of the Fifth’s workers help carry honey. Fourth of the Seventh and First of the Fifth’s First Daughter’s workers weave stems. Think our soldiers can work too.”

The First of the Fourth began to dance.

“But…if soldiers work, then can’t train. Army will be weaker?”

The Firstborn danced her agreement but continued on.

“Yes, but not all soldiers fight every day. Can take a few from reserve force, maybe change each day so all still get to train.”


The First of the Second danced slowly.

“Could work but…how soldiers work? What do? Can’t gather nectar. Could help dry? Firstborn has idea?”Stolen from its original source, this story is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

The Firstborn did, in fact.

“Already did before. Helped King build new hives. Should have soldiers build. Dig new chasms, build new hives.”

The First of the Fourth buzzed her wings.

“But…new hives won’t help army? Will still make weaker?”


The Firstborn again confirmed.

“Yes. Won’t make army stronger, won’t help army. But…will let army help hive of hives. Can send to build new hives for new queens, help Apiary expand. Can help karnuq too, since karnuq helped fight. We only take from hive of hives and still can’t defend alone. Now can give as well as defend.”

The Flower Meadow queens all fell still. Then, one by one, they slowly began to dance.


“Would help King, like before.”

“Soldiers wanted to help again if could.”

“Could use to talk to other hives too.”

Eventually, the Firstborn danced once more.

“So, all agree?”

And this time, all the Flower Meadow queens danced a salute.

“Ok, let’s let Conduit know and decide on soldiers. Should have one from each hive so all queens can see through communers.”

The next day, as Belissar gathered with the bees for his breakfast reports, Niobee started with a dance of her own.

“King! Flower Meadow queens have request!”

Belissar nodded.

“Oh? What it is it?”

“Want to send soldier bees to help build things! King has job?”

Belissar tilted his head.

“Oh, hm, I wasn’t building anything today but…do you know why they’re asking?”

“Want to help! Want to do more work and help other hives!”

Niobee hestitated only a moment before continuing.

“…karnuq too!”

Belissar’s eyes widened a bit, but then he slowly nodded. He was a bit worried about the Flower Meadow queens, they had seemed subdued ever since the emergency purification. He had hoped the lancers might excite them but they still remained subdued, unfortunately. He guessed this was what they wanted to do to make up for that?

Belissar wasn’t sure how else to help them, so he decided to let them do what they wanted.

“I see…”

He thought for a moment.

“Well, the karnuq are still building their homes, so they could use the help. I don’t know if they’re able to lift stones but if so we’re still gathering stuff to upgrade the Barracks that they could help transport. Hm…maybe we could check with the Apiary or Orchard queens if any of them want to expand or raise new queens? We could either build new beehouses or expand some to apartments if so, whatever the queens want to do.”

“Ok! Will let them know and will ask other queens!”

Belissar smiled and nodded.

“Thanks, Niobee. I’ll stop by the Flower Meadow myself to thank them.”

Belissar soon made his way over and found the queens assembling a group of soldiers apart from the overall army. He walked over to them, causing them all to stop and break out into salute dances.

“I heard you wanted to help with the building? Thanks, you girls really helped last time. How about today you help the karnuq and then we can figure out if there’s more to do? I’m sure they’d appreciate it.”

The bees all froze before breaking out into rapid salute dances. Belissar chuckled and smiled at them.

“And…you all are doing great. The Tower would not exist today without you and I’m always grateful to you all for defending it…”

Belissar paused there. He was about to claim responsibility for the mistakes and failures…but the last time he did that it only caused the bees to vehemently object. He wanted to encourage them this time, so instead he stopped and thought about what would make them the most happy to hear.

“…so, keep up the good work!”

Well, he couldn’t think of much, so he just went with that. The Flower Meadow bees all froze solid once more. Belissar tried to think of something else to say, but before he could they burst out into a buzzing swarm of rapid salute dances. He smiled a bit, whispering to himself.

“Well, I guess that will do for now. I’m sorry, I’ll try my best for you too…”

The karnuq then got a surprise visit from the Sacred Den Master and his bees. Chief Rohsuak tilted her head.

“The bees…want to help with building?”

Belissar nodded.

“Yes, together they should be able to lift a large plank. They’re, um, especially helpful for roofs and stuff high up.”

Chief Rohsuak shook her head.

“Are you certain? Help is always appreciated but we manage the construction on our own and have our tents until then. I would not want to take anything away from the Tower’s defenses.”

But Belissar looked her in the eyes with a serious expression.

“Please, the bees want to help with this.”

Chief Rohsuak paused at the look and then slowly nodded.

“Well, if you’re certain, then we appreciate it.”

She turned to the group of soldier bees hovering around Belissar.

“Thank you, we’d love your help.”

The bees all danced a salute. Soon thereafter, karnuq watched with wide eyes as soldier bees worked together to lift up entire planks of wood and fly them into place.

And so, the soldier bee army’s construction squadrons were formed and began their work…