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Alan woke from his nap feeling a lot better. All his problems atschool seemed like they'd happened to someone else. He'd made a vow toturn over a new leaf with his school work, so he decided to get startedright away. He figured that if he saw any of his women first, it wouldonly lead to distractions.


His first task had to be completing his application to UCBerkeley. That had to be mailed before Saturday night, which was weeksbefore any of his other college applications were due. Since Berkeleywas his top choice (of the colleges he had a reasonable chance ofgetting into), he didn't want to put that off until the very lastminute.

He already had most of the pieces he needed, includingtranscripts, test scores, and even an essay he'd written well inadvance. Luckily, Berkeley didn't require teacher recommendations, so itwas mostly just a matter of putting everything together and doublechecking. He figured he could finish in a couple of hours.

But before he could get started, he knew he had to deal with a few things. He thought, Rightnow, and for the past two hours already, Simone has been at Heather'shouse doing the devil knows what to her. I should give her a call andfigure out what's going on. Maybe give her some direction on how totreat the queen bitch. The other cheerleaders have no clue or experiencein sexually controlling Heather, but if anyone could help with that,who would be better than Simone?

But still, Simone should be punishing her to what purpose?With so much going on, I haven't really figured out what her fullpunishment should be, how many days it should last, and so many otherissues. It's extremely tricky with her. She's kind of like Brenda, whereyou have to be careful the punishment isn't seen as a reward.

He sat down at his computer desk and pondered the issue. The question is, the really big question is, what do I want from Heather right now?

The answer that leaps out is help with the football playercrisis. For starters, she's literally slept with half the team. Infact, the more delinquent the player, the more likely she's alreadyfucked him, so I bet she's fucked most of the guys who are out to getme. She is already supposed to be dividing the team, and I guess she'sbeen having some success with that, but that doesn't really help me now.We're talking about one very closely-knit faction. Forget all the otherplayers. We need to know how many people are in the faction that'safter me, who they are exactly, and how they can be stopped.


Amy says she's got the names of a bunch of the plottersfrom her talk with a few of their teammates, but how can we becompletely sure if the names she has are the bad guys or the good guys?Or maybe I should say the not-so-bad guys. Christine and her"Goody-goody" group seem to have almost no inroads with the really nastyplayers by virtue of their very own goody-goody nature and the players'nastiness. We're lucky one of Christine's friends is a sister to one ofthem or we probably wouldn't know anything at all.

Heather, on the other hand, knows most of these guysinside and out. Or maybe I should say they know her inside and out,literally. But in any case, now that I think about it, during her firstconfession in the theater room she did tell me some about the footballplot. Her gossip network seems to be all over it already!

So I've got to learn what she knows. But she's in a weakposition with me now overall, so she's going to try to play hardballeven more than usual to at least get back to the status quo. That meansshe'll want something big in return. Worse, what would I have to tradeto her so she'll go the extra mile and actually talk to these guysdirectly and even seduce them? THAT'S what I need! She can seduce thefootball plotters one by one and get them to fall out of the plot, inreturn for promises of sex, or whatever else her sneaky mind can conjureup. Now, there's an idea! If anyone can do it, She's in the perfectposition for that.

Or maybe not Heather directly - I don't want to get anydiseases from those thugs. Plus, hell, let's admit it: I don't like theidea of sharing her with any other guy. But she could hook them up withsome of her lapdog groupies easily enough. Yeah, that's much better. Shemanipulates them with rewards and punishments so well that it's noteven funny. Hell, she's the one who brought me Simone in the first placeas a "gift"!

The only problem is, she's going to try and get me to dropthe rest of her punishment, whatever that might be, in return for whatshe knows is help I desperately need. Now, she has ME over a barrel! Andif I can't successfully punish her this time, she's going to totallyrun amok with her crazy plots to get back at me and my lovers.



Alan pondered the situation a while longer, then picked upthe telephone and called Heather's house. Heather's mother Helenanswered the phone and soon yelled for Heather in her room. But toAlan's surprise, Simone was the one to pick up the cordless extension.He could also hear some reggae music playing in the background. The songwas "Here Comes the Hotstepper" by Ini Kamoze, which happened to beHeather's favorite song at the moment.

Already having been told that Alan was the one calling,Simone was playful right off the bat. "Heather Morgan's residence.Heather is a bit tied up at the moment. How may I help you?" She cackledwith glee.

Alan laughed. "Hi Simone. When you say Heather is tied up, I assume you mean that literally?"

Simone sounded surprised. "Oh goodness! It's Alan Plummer,the father of my child! How you doing, daddy? Yes, she is, how shall wesay, 'fit to be tied' as it were? I like that expression. It works on somany levels. What's the occasion for this pleasant interruption? Let meguess: you want to discuss names for the baby. I was thinking KuntaKinte if it's a boy and Nya Boto if it's a girl."

"Ha ha. Very cute." He recognized that name Kunta Kinte fromRoots, the famous 1970's miniseries about slavery that had been assignedin their social studies class not that long ago. "In all seriousness, Ineed to talk to you at length about the Great Bitchy One."

As he was saying that, he heard a long drawn out moan throughthe phone line. He thought he recognized the sound. "Speak of thedevil, are you STILL reaming out her ass?""You bet!" Simone panted. "Does your new baby go goo?" She climbed up onto Heather's bed with the phone still in her hand.

He could hear the bedsprings creak as Simone resumed her position. "But it's been hours since you took her home!"

"And I'm still not tired of riding her rump yet. God dammit,the bitch can take it! It makes me so fucking HOT to fuck her like this,over and over and over again. I didn't think I'd get off on this quiteso much, but DAMN!"

Suddenly there was a loud slap of flesh hitting fleshfollowed by another groaning noise, this time more sustained, althoughsomewhat muffled.magic

"What was that?" Hee asked.

"Oh, just a hard thrust that bottomed out in bitchslut butt.She likes it when I put all twelve of my inches into her. Yes, you do,don't you, Bitchslut? That's why you keep cumming all over Mr. Simone,isn't it? Your mouth said you couldn't take any more, but your selfishbutt just kept pushing back and back and back for more and more, didn'tit?"

He listened to the sounds of Simone fucking Heather up theass with her new strap-on and then remembered how he'd talked toHeather's mother on the phone briefly before being transferred toSimone. "Hey Simone, aren't you worried about Heather's parents hearingyou?"

Simone was breathing heavily again, and Alan could onlyimagine what her hips were doing to Heather's backside. "Yeah, they'veboth come home from work, but that's never stopped us from continuingour sexual escapades before, so why should it now? I assume her dad isdownstairs watching TV as usual and we're grooving to Bob Marley uphere, so there's no way they can hear us screwing around in her bed.We're always careful to lock the door and have some music playing assafety precautions. Let me tell ya, the song 'Jammin'' takes on a wholenew meaning when you're riding Heather with a strap-on!"

Simone laughed heartily at her own comment. "Besides, there'sno rest for the wicked just because the parental overunits are in thehouse, if you know what I mean. After all, there's an ass that needs tobe punished here." There was a loud grunting noise. "Oooh yeah! You likethat don't you?"

Alan faintly heard Heather whimpering and moaning again, butdecided he needed to stop dilly-dallying. "Anyway Simone, I called youup for a reason. I didn't think you'd still be at it with Heatherthough."

"Well, spit it out already. I'm kinda busy here, in case youcouldn't tell. Even though I'm pretty good at multi-tasking, I'd ratherdevote all of my attention to what I'm getting INTO here, if you catchmy drift. So what's the occasion for this interruption of my pleasure?"

The song 'Exodus' could be heard in the background as the BobMarley album 'Legend' was still playing. Simone ad-libbed her ownwords, "Exodus, movement of ja deel-do." Then she burst out laughingagain, greatly amused with herself.

Alan laughed too, but then said, "In all seriousness, I need to talk to you at length about you know who."

Simone continued to pant and work her hips. She took her timegetting around to answering Alan, but said between slightly laboredbreaths, "Ah yes. My favorite subject. Well, that and trying to decideon baby names."

"Simone! Cut it out!" He was in an all-business, no-sex mood,but her pregnancy jokes were starting to arouse him a little, even asthey annoyed him.

Simone laughed. "Let's see, let's see. I'm buck naked, in ahouse full of white folks with issues, and I'm still fucking their oneand only child up the ASS and she's LOVING it, even though she's soexhausted from cumming for hours and hours by now that she can barelymove. In fact, she's kinda gone a little pre-verbal right now, which iswhy you can't hear her complaining all that much at the moment. Thepillow she's got her face smushed into helps quiet her down though. Oh,and I suppose the gag in her mouth doesn't help her much. She was waylouder before her parents got home. Hmmm. this could be tricky. Now whatwere we talking about? Oh yes. Baby names."lights

"Nooooo," he admonished, his voice rising in a chiding tone, "we were talking about Heather, not babies."

"What, there's a difference?" Simone quipped.

"Touché. But seriously, I've got a problem. And we don't want certain people to overhear."

"Oh, shoot. Well, I suppose it's time for a break anyway.Smoke is starting to rise from her ass, and I almost do mean thatliterally. Hold on a sec, let me move to her oh-so-fancy privatebathroom."

Alan heard a popping sound, followed by Heather moaningagain, although there was more of a whimpering tone to it this time.Then he heard the bed creak as Simone got off it. He continued to waitwhile hearing sounds of Simone shuffling about.

Simone finally came back on the line. "Ah, that's better. Well then, ride on McDuff. Into the breach we go!"

Since Alan had been working on his college applications justbefore the call, he still had that on his mind. So he said, "Before Iget to the main thing I want to talk about, there's a question I've beenmeaning to ask Heather for a while now: do you know which collegesshe's applying to, and which ones she'll probably get into? And now thatI'm getting to know you and you're turning out to be pretty cool, I'dbe curious what your answer to that is as well."

Simone joked, "I'm merely 'pretty cool?' The future mother ofyour children? I'm offended!" She chuckled. "But seriously, what's beenstopping you from asking Heather that yourself?"

He admitted, "To be honest, it's pretty rare that I have anykind of normal conversation with her. To be REALLY honest with you, andplease don't tell her this, I really have to sort of psych myself up andget into a certain mode whenever I'm around her, like an actor on astage. The 'me' you see when I'm with Heather is not the real me."

Simone chuckled. "Well, thank God for that!" She chuckledsome more, adding, "Seriously, that would be kind of scary if you were.I've suspected that you sort of take on a different persona wheneveryou're around her, because you've been pretty normal with me otherwise.But it's good to confirm that."He said, "Yeah, I'm a pretty laid-back guy. But with Heather,it's like being tossed into a gladiator pit with a win-or-die battle onyour hands. Frankly, I wonder how you can handle being her bestfriend."

"You're hardly the first person to say that. But she and Ihave a special relationship. I can talk with her just like I'm talkingwith you right now. Well, most of the time, anyway. But, to answer yourquestions about colleges..."

"Please do."

"It's 99 percent certain Heather will go to USD - Universityof San Diego. It's not a great school academically, but hey, it is inSan Diego. Her mother went there, so she has a special in. Plus, like Isaid: San Diego! Can you imagine Heather going to college in, say,Wisconsin or Minnesota?"

lightsΝοvel He chuckled. "Definitely not."

"Me neither. The first winter there, she would track down OldMan Winter somewhere near the North Pole and kick his ass until hestopped the 'whole snow shit thing.'" She giggled. "Anyway, as for me,I'm almost certainly going to end up in San Diego too, at USD or maybenearby at UCSD, so I'll be there with her. Either way, she and I will beable to be roommates."

He replied, "Wow! So you'd deliberately go to the same city as her, as opposed to, say, fleeing in the opposite direction?"

Simone chuckled at that. "Yeah, what can I say? I'm a gluttonfor punishment. But we really do have a special relationship, bothphysically and emotionally. She might be a world-class bitch, but she'sMY world-class bitch, if you know what I mean."

"I do. And I think that's sweet, actually. You'll be a good influence on her."

"Thanks. As for you, I hear you're Berkeley bound. Is that true?"

He replied, "I hope so. Knock on wood. I have a fewpie-in-the-sky choices, but that's my top choice where I have a prettygood shot at getting in. There's also a top-notch art college near there- CCA, the California College of the Arts - that Amy has her heart seton. So I imagine she and I will live together, kind of like you andHeather."

Simone said suggestively, "Interesting. And, lucky you, Amyis totally open to sexually sharing you with other women. Looks like theAlan sex train is gonna keep on rolling." She made aa good imitation ofa high-pitched train whistle. "Choo chooooo!"

"We'll see," he said modestly. He didn't want to reveal toSimone that in fact he'd have an entire harem moving north with him aswell. He changed topics slightly by saying, "Unfortunately, it soundslike my train is headed in one direction, and yours and Heather's isheaded in the other."

Simone sighed. "Alas. You certainly make and keep thingsinteresting. But let's not talk about such distant days. A lot couldhappen between now and then. Plus, I'm going to have to keep in contactwith you to get those monthly paternity checks."

He groaned. "Simone! If you keep that up, I'm gonna start believing you."

"All part of my fiendish plan. What was the main thing you wanted to ask me about?"

"Oh, right." He began explaining in detail his thoughts aboutHeather helping out with the football-player's plot against him, andthe potential pitfalls involved.

Simone actually took the topic seriously and eventuallyasked, "Look. Why don't you get the school administration more involvedin helping out? Or go to the police, even? This sounds like apotentially serious criminal matter to me."

He sighed to himself silently because he had no good answerto give. He figured Simone was probably right, but he wanted to avoidthe authorities like the plague, mainly because of the scandalous andprobably criminal incest going on in his own life. If any officials wereto start nosing around and asking questions on certain topics, such asAmy's boast that she allowed him to have multiple sex partners, thingscould get tricky very quickly. His worst case scenario was that hisconflict would eventually make the local news and then he'd have to livein a fishbowl of public scrutiny.

So instead he explained to her how the teacher Mr. Jacksonhad been unable to help, and pointed out "the boy who cried wolf"metaphor. He ended his explanation with, "I can handle it myself. Trustme."

Simone sighed theatrically. "Men! I swear, what a hopelesslot you all are. What is it about having one of those things danglingbetween your legs that makes you lose all common sense? Wait, don'tanswer that. I don't know what it is, but since I put this strap-on on, Ifeel myself slowly going stupid. Duuuh... I think I feel like watching abaseball game on TV. Somebody give me a beer!"

Alan snorted with laughter, but stayed focused. He got her topromise not to talk to any authority figure about the situation withouthis permission. He redirected the conversation to Heather and how shemight be able to help. After a while though, he began to notice certainrhythmic sounds in the background, some of which were distinctly squishysounding. He finally asked, "Simone, where are your hands at themoment?"

"Hey! What kind of question is that?" she responded with theatrical indignation.

"Just answer the question. Since Heather's in the next room now, I'm wondering what all that noise is about."

"Well, I'm talking to the school sex machine while riding therump of my best friend in her own bed while her parents are home. Youexpect me to NOT get a little bit excited by all this?"

"Simone," he growled with mock indignation, "Where are your hands already?"

"If you must insist, I have the phone between my shoulder andear so I can have both hands free. I ditched the strap-on before I losttoo many IQ points. Plus, it doesn't hurt that I can get to my clit.One hand is pulling on my little joy button and the other is reachinginside my pussy to wave hi to Kunta Kinte. 'Hi there, little fellow!It's your daddy on the phone. You want to talk to him, Kunta? He fuckedme reaaaally good this morning. He kept my cunnie all squishy and fullof cum for hours."

Alan joked, "Hush. Don't talk that way to Alan Junior. You don't want to corrupt a minor with foul language."

Simone laughed. "Oh, so it's Alan Junior now, eh? I can livewith that. Only we already know there's another Alan Junior. He'salready very notorious with all the high school girls, even though he'sonly about eight inches tall. In fact, nowadays, most girls pray for anightly visit of Alan Junior the way little kids pray for a visit fromthe tooth fairy. Except instead of leaving us with a nickel under thepillow, he leaves us with big swollen bellies."

Alan laughed again, but said, "Simone, before you up and getyour own HBO comedy special, can we please discuss what to do aboutHeather?"