[Book II Chapter 21] DYLAN: Battle to the Death


A rainbow of pyrotechnics blanketed a distant hill. Soul had used the talisman Gen had given him.

“They’re really here.” Kailen lamented, visible circles under his eyes. The man hadn’t slept well lately, and Dylan felt a tinge of guilt at his involvement.

“It’ll be fine.” Yingtai reassured him. “I’ll be there to help. Just stick to the plan.”

Agreed. Dylan was confident the two would do alright. He was more concerned about Gen, who’d refused to share his preparations.

Soon Soul appeared over a hill, Sulai’s group in close pursuit. Gen had predicted they’d arrive today, and everyone had gathered to wait. They were on a peak surrounded by valleys separated by sharp ridges. Duels in one location were unlikely to impede another.


Soon Soul joined them, and they moved forwards to confront the Red Sky disciples.

“See, I told you,” Said a brown-haired woman. “There was no way to take them by surprise given Gen Jiang.”

Sulai ignored her and shouted out, “We are here for Soul Skyfell. The rest of you are of no interest. Don’t interfere or you will be shown no mercy.”

“That sounded like a threat.” Gen stepped forwards. “Surely not?”

Sulai glared daggers, “If you get in my way again, I’ll incinerate you myself.”

Gen’s eyes opened in mock shock. “Oh my, what a precarious situation!” He reached up for the sky. “Lady luck, answer my call. Save your poor humble servent.”


As Dylan was cringing at the showmanship, an enormous shadow flew over head. What the——? He scrambled back as a Nemean Griffon landed next to him. Gen smirked viciously, “Seems I haven’t been forsaken.”

The beast appeared confused, unsure why it was here. Gen walked over slowly, “We’re friends, right?” When the talisman in his hand disintegrated, understand lit in the griffon’s eyes. It relaxed letting Gen stroke its golden pelt. Everyone stood in awe.

<<He’s a prodigy.>> Dowart declared. <<The Fate Pavilion is often underestimated since so many of its members are underwhelming, but every once and a while a genius like Gen comes along. Those who truly understand how to wield destiny are monsters.>>

Dylan was inclined to agree. That thing is stronger than any of us.

Gen happily climbed on its back. “Now, who wants to play with goldie here?”

“Damn it, Sulai. I knew this would happen.” The brown-haired woman cursed. “I’ll distract Gen and his pet. Finish your business quickly, I don’t know how long I’ll last.”


As the Nemean Griffon took off after the fleeing woman, Mingzhu Su walked forward and pointed at Dylan. “If we’re pairing up, then I chose him.”

“I accept.” Dylan responded instantly.

Leading Mingzhu away from the others, Dylan’s mind raced. He was thrilled his hated foe was handing himself to him on a silver platter, but it was too suspicious. Does he know me?

Once they’d reached a mountain clearing, Mingzhu declared. “This is far enough.”

Dylan faced his enemy. The Red Sky disciple had a relaxed posture, hands behind his back. This composure gave Dylan pause. As he wondered what Mingzhu was up to, he had a vision of the man standing in the Sacred Cloud sect, burning buildings in the background. He remembered the weight of everything he’d lost. The pain and anger give him focus, calming his nerves. You will be the second. Dylan unsheathed his sword.

“Enough, there’s no need for that.” Mingzhu said.

“What?” Dylan stammered at the absurdity of the words.

“Why don’t we stop here?” Mingzhu continued. “I came here humoring Sulay’s need for revenge. By removing one obstacle between her and Soul, I have already done my part. There’s no need to fight.”

Mingzhu studied him, “You don’t strike me as the type to risk your life for others, especially those you barely know. Was I wrong in my assessment?”

I understand. Dylan wanted to laugh. “Aren’t you worried Sulai might lose her life?”

Mingzhu shrugged, “I care for her as little as I imagine you care for that Soul fellow.”

He’s right, but also so wrong. Dylan appraised his opponent. Like the others, he wore the lush attire of the Red Sky Sect. There were no visible weapons. If he wants to die without putting up resistance, who am I to deny him?

Dylan dashed forwards, swinging down his sword. His blow was blocked by a blade of pure fire. “I appear to have misjudged you.” Mingzhu said calmly. “I’m disappointed.”

“It’s simply that I have a reason fight.” Dylan responded.

A second fiery sword appeared in the other hand, and Dylan jumped back to avoid the slash. Mingzhu didn’t pursue. Instead, he brought out a dried flower which glowed ominously. A crimson rose, Dylan recognized.

“While I preferred to avoid battle, I came prepared for it.” Mingzhu crushed the petals in his palm, sending out a scarlet shockwave. While Dylan warded off the magic, every tree, shrub, and blade of grass within sight was set ablaze. The valley had become an inferno.If you spot this story on Amazon, know that it has been stolen. Report the violation.

<<This is troublesome.>> Dowart chimed in. <<He’s wearing rings of solid flame. They’re powerful catalysts which can turn fire into weapons.>>

As if to confirm the words, red spears shot up at Dylan from the burning field. Dylan backpedaled out of range.

<<Use the profound mysteries.>> Dowart said coldly. <<Show him their power.>>

Dylan nodded. The profound mysteries were fighting stances and the core of his martial arts, Four Element Transcendence. There were six lesser mysteries, and four greater mysteries. Proof of Dowart Fain’s genius.

While it was most efficient to channel all one’s affinities at once, there was a little flexibility. Dylan could draw more heavily on some elements, as he did now with fire and air, embracing the lesser mystery of ash.

A vortex formed around him as wind swept towards him from all directions. Once enough heat and pressure had gathered, he unleashed a backdraft so powerful the clearing was snuffed out.

Mingzhu watched him with disinterest, “You’re only delaying the inevitable.”

A rain of flaming arrows descended on Dylan from the forest. However, he didn’t move. It’s child’s play redirecting this barrage.

Mingzhu frowned watching his attacks miss, “Telekinesis… So your affinities are air and fire. I suppose I must exert myself.” Shaping a dozen swords around him and two more in his hands, the Red Sky disciple rushed forward.

Dylan was waiting for this. The ground around him grew malleable as he adopted the lesser mystery of mud. When Mingzhu sent his the flaming swords at him, a wave of earth rose up to block them. Mingzhu jumped to avoid this avalanche, but was shocked to find his legs sinking once he landed. It was as if he was trapped in quicksand.

“No!” Mingzhu released a torrent flame, breaking free and shooting high into the air.

Oh no, you don’t. Dylan switched back to the lesser mystery of ash, directing the thick smoke from the burning landscape towards his flying opponent. The Red Sky disciple’s rich red robes were rapidly covered in ever heavier layers of soot.

Cursing, Mingzhu dove towards the forest, landing on a burning branch. Shaking off the filth, he regained some composure. He turned and looked down condescendingly, “I should have done this from the start, but I forgot I had no need to defeat you. I suppose your hot-bloodedness rubbed off on me.”

“You’re welcome to try and reach me,” he sneered, “but this conflagration is my element. Your strange tricks won’t aid you here.”

Finally. Dylan smiled. It’d taken far longer than hoped, but it was time to end this. He closed his eyes. As he did, wisps of smoke left his body as his metabolism went into hyperdrive.

Mingzhu sensed something was wrong, “What are you playing at?”

Dylan strode forward, pulsating light gathering in his hand. “You have the honor of dying to one of the Greater Mysteries.” He sent the orb of power forward.

“What?” Mingzhu uttered. These were his last words as the area around him was vaporized.

Drawing on fire, earth, and air, the Greater Mystery of combustion gave Dylan mastery over explosions, allowing him to accelerate any chemical reaction. Rather than burning slowly over hours, his magic forced the trees to release their energy all at once. The blast produced a crater larger than the clearing.

Mingzhu wasn’t the only one who’d prepared. Dylan had placed his enchantments deep in the wood throughout the valley. He would’ve set fire to the forest himself if his opponent hadn’t done so.

Dylan collapsed on the smoldering ground, catching his breath. The Greater Mysteries placed a great burden on him and weren’t something he could use for long. Maybe once I’m stronger. In any case the exertion had been worth it. The eight were now six.

That’s enough. Dylan dragged himself up and ran through the charred vegetation. While Gen and Soul were of no concern, he had to aid Kailen and Yingtai if needed. Dropping over a ridge, he was pleased to find the battle proceeding smoothly. I was concerned for nothing.

As planned, they’d successfully lured Sulai’s fourth companion to the bottom of a water-logged valley, and it was not going well for him. Kailen was running on the surface, manipulating the liquid to drag the man under. Meanwhile, Yingtai was hovering above on transparent wings, preventing any attempts to flee.

They’d chosen this location due to the wetlands, and an aquatic array was carved into the marsh’s bottom. Fighting Kailen on water with that magic active, not even I could do it. The Red Sky disciple was struggling desperately, blasting himself into the air only to be knocked back down. The water level was dropping due to the huge clouds of vapor, but it wouldn’t run dry.

It’s already over. If the Red Sky disciple had the means to escape, he would’ve done so already.

Once done, they crossed to the next valley where the fight was just about concluded. Sulai was on her last legs with Soul standing uninjured. She grimaced when she saw the lifeless body they dropped at her feet.

“Looks like you were defeated by a brat half your age.” Mocked Dylan. Despite his scorn for the boy, this was his favored outcome. He’s a teammate for now.

“Ice coffin.” Soul said, enclosing Sulai’s companion.

“What are you doing?” Dylan demanded.

“If he’s recently drowned, there may be a chance to resuscitated him.” Soul explained.

Dylan was shocked speechless. Before he could react, Sulai broke in, “Wait a second, the reason you never used Heaven Splitter… Was it because you planned to spare me?”

Soul didn’t answer, which enraged Sulai further. “How many times will you humiliate me? I won’t suffer your mercy! Finish me, you coward.”

Soul smiled, “If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my travels in Sanwue, it’s that the victor decided who lives and dies. I’m sorry, but that’s not you.”

Soul’s armor shattered, and the glacial power gathered in his hand. He reached out, “Ice coffin.” Sulai tried to resist, but was frozen solid, her defiant glare locked in ice.

Dylan confronted, “You can’t be serious. She’ll come after you again. Letting her live is the height of foolishness.”

He was genuinely angry. While it would be written off as obvious self-defense, he’d preferred no one find out he killed Mingzhu. It’d be best for Sulai’s party to disappear without a trace.

Soul didn’t back down, “To my knowledge, Sulai has not committed a wrong meriting taking her life. And her companion even less so. I won’t kill out of concern for a future risk to my safety.”

Dylan genuinely stumped before this sheer stupidity. He turned to Yingtai in desperation. “Surely you must agree with me?”

“I’ve had this argument more time than I can count.” Yingtai sighed. “I don’t have the energy to go through it again, but you’re welcome to try.”

Dylan took a deep breath and tried again with a different approach. “What about the man whose life you saved? Doesn’t Sulai’s attempted murder deserves punishing?” He felt uncomfortable with this line of logic, but he judged it might have the desired effect.

Soul pursed his lips, “’ordinary people are trash’. Sulai was acting on the belief shared by most cultivators that a person’s lifespan determines their worth. If I were judge her for it, then what of everyone who stood by in the crowd in quiet acceptance?”

At that moment, Gen dropped out of the sky on his Nemean Griffon. “My sparring partner took refuge in a cavern. Goldie was very upset. He collapsed half the mountain trying to dig her out.”

Dylan frowned. So she lived… He privately wondered if Gen had foreseen Soul’s wishes and held the beast back.

“Gen,” Soul asked. “An individual may only enter the Godly Herb Garden once in their lifetime, correct?”

“That’s right” Gen affirmed.

Soul gestured to the blocks of ice. “So if we throw these two through the portal, they will not bother us again?”

“Not until we leave.” Gen nodded.

Dylan didn’t raise any further objections as Gen took off carrying the two frozen cultivators. If one escaped, then there’s little point. He glanced at the others congratulating themselves on their victories. Taking a deep breath, he buried his resentment and joined them. They’d all come out alive, and he’d taken down one more of his targets. All in all, it’d been a good day.