[Book II Chapter 24] Rose: The First Necromancer
They exited Xarst central core into a space Rose had never seen before. They were on the a balcony overlooking what resembled a library, but instead of bookshelves there were giant slabs of black honeycombs, with each slot containing a crystal. Above them, ghostly fairies sailed around with unexpected energy. The room went on asa far as the eye could see.
“Welcome to the Hall of Records” Jesabelle Lancer said. “What you see is the history we keepers have collected.”
She turned to Nero. “You’re taking them to see him?”
“It was his request.” Nero nodded.
“Very well, but first.” Jesabelle gazed at Rose, Wise, and Lucy in turn. “You must swear to never reveal anything about the one you meet today.”
One by one they did as instructed. Who could warrant such secrecy? Minutes earlier, Nero had interrupted their training, informing them only that a special person wished to meet them. Frankly, Rose hadn’t been too pleased.
Torak’s disciples would leave tomorrow, and every moment spent outside their accelerated floor was wasted time. While Roxanne was coming along, there were subjects that were far easier to learn within the Black Mountain, and she was trying to absorb all she could before leaving.
Rose wasn’t sure what Wise would do if he caught up with Torak’s acolytes. They were far too strong to confront. Apparently, her brother was confident he could avoid an encounter. His intention was to discover their plans and enlisted the aid of nearby immortals.
For that matter, she wasn’t entirely sure why she was accompanying him. If Wise’s strength was insufficient, her own would be more so. I guess I don’t want to be left behind.
Nero led them away from the hall through a series of winding corridors, arriving at the most imposing of doors. Three dozen feet tall, the top half depicted winged men in what appeared to be a paradise. On the bottom, three figure led an army of deformed creatures upwards. The carvings radiated impenetrability.
“It never opens.” Nero explained. “Those with permission walk through.”
On the other side, Rose found herself facing an idyllic hill with a blue sky above. White marble pathways wandered flowery meadows, connecting far flung buildings. Each structure was an architectural marvel. Every blade of grass reflected splendor. The rest of Xarst was nothing before this perfection.
“Oh my god,” Wise whispered, doubling over. Rose rushed over to discover a stunned expression on his face.
What the? She glanced back at Lucy, who was staring off into space, mouth agape. This damned pair…
“Can we get moving so I can be surprised too?” Rose said, more than a little peeved.
“This way.” Nero lead them down a path towards a palatial complex. Passing a gate, they entered a garden courtyard of incomprehensible splendor. In the center, an angel sat reading a book.
Or at least that’s what it appeared to be. The man had pale blue skin and white wings at his back. In exquisite ashen robes, he was gorgeous. However, what truly convinced Rose of his nature was a his presence. He radiate a majestic aura, full of power and mystery. It was alien to anything she’d experience.
“My name is Lothian.” Said the being. “Welcome to my sanctuary.”Stolen novel; please report.
Rose noticed Wise staring stupefied. The sight jogged her into action. I must ask some questions or I’ll get nothing out this.
“Are you really an angel?” She began.
Lothian cocked his head, “Yes?”
Smart questions. Rose tried again. “What I mean, are you an entity from before Enera’s existence?”
“I am.” Lothian answered.
“He’s one of Idia’s first creations, a central figure of the war against paradise, and the first individual to take the oath.” Nero added.
Rose was gradually reaching Wise’s level of shock. “Why do you look so human?” Except for the blue skin, wings, and otherworldly beauty, he appeared an ordinary member of mankind.
Lothian laughed, “I’m always asked that.”
“At the very beginning, we had no fixed form. Instead, we fashioned ourselves from our imagination. Some took the shape of geometric objects, others took more complex appearances. It was chaos.”
“To bring order to paradise, Idia led project genesis. We simulated a series of realities with defined physical rules, those we judged conductive to our purpose. Eventually one bore fruit, a world where two intelligent life forms evolved.”
“You don’t mean…” Rose couldn’t believe it.
“That was your world thirty thousand years back. When heaven was shattered, Idia gathered a piece and made the simulation reality.”
“Ironic isn’t it?” Lothian smiled. “Your world shaped every aspect of my old one. It wasn’t just your looks. We also took your metals and minerals, crafting an endless variety of superior versions. What you know as unearthly materials, those were the building blocks of our paradise.”
“Why did you turn against Idia?” Rose asked.
Lothian sighed. “He walked among us back then. After our creation, he was supremely confident. I was one of the commanders who defended our realm from Torak, blindly loyal to him.”
“For eons, I was satisfied in my role. Then I noticed some of my comrades were missing. At first I assumed they were resting somewhere, but eventually I discovered the truth: they were cast out.”
“Our paradise ——Eden as we called it—— was Idia’s crowning jewel, and no imperfections could be tolerated. Those injured beyond repair, those who’d grow weary of the endless conflict, all were cast out into the void.”
“There was no death back then. Torak had barred the way, knowing it’d corrupt the Abyss. So the numbers of broken souls languishing in the dark grew and grew.”
“I tried confronting Idia, but he’d hear none of it. I quickly understood that if I pressed the issue, I too would be banished.” Lothian shook his head. “If he could empathize with other’s misery, he wouldn’t have resisted Torak so desperately. He wouldn’t have created life.”
“In the end, I couldn’t stand watching the endless suffering of former friends. Two others defected with me, Gabrielle and Tyriel. We approached Torak and struck a bargain.”
“The three of us would lead an army of outcasts against Eden. In exchange, Torak would accept the souls of those no longer able to fight. To seal the deal, I took the oath.”
“What happened next?” Rose asked.
“The battle was a drawn out affair, with Idia summoning new combatant almost as fast as we felled them. At the same time, our incursions deep into Eden stoked dissatisfaction and fear, resulting in a flood of recruits to our side as well. I’d like to believe we were slowly winning, but, for Gabrielle, it wasn’t fast enough.”
Lothian closed his eyes for long while. “If I have one regret, it’s how everything ended…” He looked at Rose. “You’ve heard the tale Barsal’s ultimate weapon? The one which released the White Dragon? Gabrielle fashioned such a weapon, except infinitely more powerful, using herself as its very core.”
“Once it was ready, we mounted a major offensive and fought our way to Eden’s center. There, with Torak’s aid, she reached so deep into the Ether and touched a plane of pure primal chaos. The resulting cataclysm ripped reality asunder, rending most of our paradise and scattering the rest.”
“The souls consumed by that vile weapon will never know rest. It shames me that its remnant still threaten your world today.”
Nero steped forward, “You mean to say that the Flux Planescapes were created using that remnant?”
“Your HEAVENLY DAO did something unforgivable.” Lothian answered. “It’s why all those born within that place can never leave. No soul can ever escape its grasp.”
Let’s focus on what I can understand. “And how did you wind up here?” Rose asked.
“I discovered your world as I watched Torak swallow all creation. He was most upset. As for me, I harbored no ill will towards your fledgling world and resolved to remain on the sideline. I was observing quietly from this desolate land when the first leader of Black Citadel found me. I helped him found Xarst in exchange for keeping my presence secret.”
“Are you the last of your kind?” Rose asked.
“Tyriel also remains, in technical sense. He gave almost all of himself to Torak, becoming an avatar of death. While he can’t approach Enera right now, when the time is right, he’ll descend and bring an end to everything.”