[Book II Chapter 30] ROSE: An Unwelcome Distraction
Rose waited while Wise haggled with the captain. He wasn’t alone in his efforts. Quite a few people were on the docks trying to hitch rides. Many had large bags which likely held all their earthly possessions.
Soon Wise returned and led her on board a mid-sized cargo ship.
“I’m surprised you succeeded.” Rose said. “Didn’t they just turn away a couple?”
“The advantage of the oath.” Wise responded. “I told them straight up that having two saints on board would make their journey safer. We didn’t even have to pay. Sadly, I couldn’t convince them to take more passengers…”
As they departed the small hamlet, Rose walked to the front of the deck and watched the scenery pass by. It was her first time journeying on her own. All her other expeditions had been over in less than a day. This was different. Not knowing where she’d spend the night was an intimidating, yet exhilarating, feeling.
She’d been prepared to camp out if necessary, but Wise had found them an inn both nights so far. In fact, with his foresight guiding them, the trip had been a breeze. She’d almost forgot their purpose, losing herself in all the new sights.
Wise joined her. “They’ve started traveling by foot and avoiding cities, which means they suspect they’re being followed.”
“Any danger of being ambushed?” Rose asked.
“None.” Wise answered. “But there is the risk of losing their trail. I’m tracking them based on glimpses from airship passagers, which isn’t ideal. That’s why we’re headed to a major trading hub a little off from their last locations. I should have more luck there.”
Wise had only grown more certain they were planning something. Judging by their efforts to move stealthily, Rose was inclined to agree. I just hope I am able to contribute in some way. Until then, she could only enjoy the trip.
Ah, that’s right! “Spill the beans about Lothian.” Rose demanded. “I’m certain you got mountains of information out of him. This is the perfect opportunity to share.”
Every time Rose had reflected on their meeting with the angel, she’d reminded herself to press Wise for answers. The encounter had ended too fast for her liking.
Wised sighed, “What do you wish to know?”
“Why did he summon us?” Rose asked. “We’re two lowly saints.”
“Lothian spends his time observing the world through the records the keepers collect.” Wise explained. “In that sense, he’s the same as the HEAVENLY DAO, following interesting developments to quell his boredom. From our experiences on the Isle of Dream, he judged us central characters, worthy of his attention.”
“It really wasn’t that rare an occurrence.” Wise added. “With the oath compelling secrecy, there’s little danger of his presence being leaked no matter how many necromancers visit him.”
Rose frowned. “That’s the only reason? He was curious?”Stolen from Royal Road, this story should be reported if encountered on Amazon.
Wise hesitated. “Not entirely. Lothian believes at least some of those fighting for Enera should hear the story of Eden’s fall and fully understand what is at stake.”
So it’s his small way of aiding the world he’s secretly watched for millennia, Rose determined. “Any other tidbits? There must have been something juicy.”
Wise pondered. “The origin of Barsal’s Gala Plateau. When Torak first discovered Enera, he was furious. He sent his avatar, Tyriel, to the surface in an effort to cut the planet off from the Ether, attempting to sever the connection between the bodies and souls of living things. This failed, but, at the place Tyriel touched down, the land was forever scarred. That’s why magic doesn’t work there anymore.”
Fascinating… Rose was about to ask for more, but Wise raised a hand. “Wait a moment.” He said.
His eyes lost focus, peering far off. Rose recognized the look and wondered what had caught his attention. Her brother’s brows furrowed, and a seriousness returned to his gaze.
“We must go.” He said, jumping overboard.
Rose watched him fall, frozen in shock. Damn it, what is going on? They were over a twisted land in the middle of nowhere. Reluctantly, she hopped off the airship.
Plummeting after him, she saw Wise had summoned black wings and was descending rapidly at an angle. A fear suddenly gripped her. He’s going to wait for me, right? Rose propelled herself on jets of fire, a sinking feeling in her stomach. If her brother was determined to travel at top speed, she wouldn’t be able to keep up.
Wise touched down and raced through spiraling valleys, descending deeper into the earth. Rose followed, falling more and more behind. Before long, she’d lost track of him all together. This is bad. She couldn’t use her foresight when moving this fast, and if she stopped he might move out of range before she could locate him.
Rose gambled he was headed straight for his destination and continued in the direction she’d last glimpsed him. Time passed slowly as she rushed forwards blindly, fighting the rising panic. Worse comes to worse, he should be able to find me. Probably…
Relief washed over her when she finally spotted smoke. Burning buildings soon came into view. Focusing, she saw the cause of the blaze as she neared a small settlement. Werewoves… what are they doing here?
Wise was on the far side of the the village, fending off the beasts and protecting the survivors. Rose immediately went on the offensive, releasing a barrage of meteoric fireballs, and was pleased to watch her crimson flames gradually consume the beasts she hit. I now have fire that can burn you bastards.
Upon her arrival, the werewolf scattered, fleeing in all direction. She was surprised. Don’t they mostly fight to the death or blow themselves up?
Not caring to lose herself chasing them, Rose joined Wise to find him administrating first aid to the injured. So he’s even mastered some rudimentary healing… Letting him continue, she smothered the remaining fires with her pyrokinesis.
Surprisingly, the damage wasn’t extensive. The village’s guardian beast had sacrificed itself fighting off the werewolves, buying enough time for Wise to arrive. As a result, there’d been only six fatalities, mostly guards.
Wise finished speaking to the villagers and walked over to Rose. “Sorry for taking off like that. It was an emergency, and I knew you would find your way.”
“It’s fine.” Rose wasn’t holding a grudge. “So what now?”
“They’ve sent word to a nearby city, and reinforcements should arrive in a couple of hours.” Wise answered. “We need to stay until then. The village’s defenses are down, and there are werewolves close by.”
“About that,” Rose said. “Weren’t they behaving weirdly? I don’t remember them being so cowardly.”
“You’re right.” Wise nodded. “Also, I suspect these werewolves are leftovers from the outbreak under the Isle. If that’s true, they traveled all the way here from Nirvan. That’s half a continent.”
“You think they’re being controlled by Kongal?” Rose asked.
“The god of despair is still partly fused with Kaine. It makes sense he can influence those afflicted by the curse. He probably never had a reason to do so before, but now it’s a dark age.”
Wise stared out at the surrounding Twisted Lands. “It’s as if they were focused on building up their numbers, retreating as soon as this was no longer feasible. We must alert the Adventurer’s Guild.”
They stood in silence for a while. “Will we still be able to prevent whatever the Acolytes are planning?” Rose asked.
“I honestly don’t know.” Wise responded.