[Book II Chapter 51] ROSE: Undead Occupiers
A lightning bolt pierced the greater spellmaster’s core, bringing the struggle to a close in an explosion of energy.
“So this eliminates the risk of an overflow?” Rose asked. Norani spellmasters were the most bizarre entities she’d encountered so far. They were formed of a multitude of spell circles layered together in the shape of a man. Floating above the ground, these living spells functioned as perpetual energy sources, conjuring servants and waging war on their masters behalf.
“Yes, we’ve culled enough to prevent the conflict from spilling over for the next few years.” Cindy responded.
“And we collected an ample amount of spell shards.” George added.
Smiling, Rose stretched. It’s nice when everything goes according to plan. As they made for the exit, she glanced back at a far off field where lesser spellmasters were battling each other beneath the eternal black sky.
Doug had explained the history of this Neverwhere Ruin. Norani sorcerer kings had succeeded in uniting their world. From their country-sized capital, they researched amazing advanced magics and ruled their conquered lands. Their end came in the form of a global civil war which tore the planet apart. Torak was left with little to do in that alternative timeline.
Once the undead finally did rise up, spellmasters weren’t regarded as alive and were left untouched. They continued their mission long after the last human was slaughtered. The Starless Peninsula recaptured the pointless fighting of those final hours, right before the world was engulfed in darkness.
They emerged to a sunny sky and a small crowd camped around their airship.
“What are you doing here?” Cindy demanded.
A middle-aged man stepped forward, “We took a dingy here from Rabaster.” He pointed to a flimsy mini-airship often used to get around cities. “We were hoping to secure a ride with adventurers leaving the Starless Peninsula.”
Cindy frowned. “Rabaster has fallen?” That’s the city below us which put out the quest we completed.
“The Gray Kingdom invasion was imminent when we fled.” The man responded.
Cindy led them away to discuss. “The spell shards must be returned. George, you’ll take these people and fly to Vandril.”
“What about you?” George asked.
“I want to confirm the situation in Rabaster.” Cindy answered. “I know this region intimately. There’s an excellent vantage point to observe the city. I’ll sneak off afterwards and hitch a ride at the next town.”
“I’ll come with you.” Rose announced. The tactics and strategies of war had always fascinated her.
Cindy said nothing, simply giving her a bitter, appraising look.
“My foresight is better than yours.” Rose added. “And you know I’m a competent fighter.” She hoped this made a convincing argument.
“Fine.” Cindy relented.
“As for me,” Doug chimed in. “I’ll head back to Ravelin. I can find my way on my own.”
The matter settled. Rose followed Cindy down a narrow crevice to the subterranean land below. Taking a round-a-bout route, Cindy brought them to a cliff overlooking a medium-sized city. Across the tops of the tallest buildings flew green flags featuring a lion with bat wings and a scorpion tail. The Grey Kingdom’s manticore emblem.
“That’s a relatively small contingent of airships. The main forces must have moved on elsewhere.” Cindy observed.
Scanning the streets, the Rose immediately noticed an unsettling presence. “Why are there undead all over the place?” She asked.
“That’s a common practice for occupying forces.” Cindy explained. “When rules are enforced by the undead, no one doubts what will happen when you break them. Out of any summons, they are the best at intimidating a population into compliance. Intelligent enough to grasp the most complex of instructions, their only flaws are their refusal to speak and their tendency to go rogue if unattended.”
“So all of those were made permanent?” Rose surveyed the skeleton figures, counting over fifty scattered around.
“Yes, the necromancers overseeing them have specialized in this task.” Cindy motioned the central square. “There’s some form of assembly over there.”
A uniformed man was giving a speech to large crowd. Two platoons stood at attention behind him.
“They’re laying down the law after the invasion.” Cindy interpreted. “Considering the show of force, we can safely assume no immortals are present, else they’d be here for this.”
Undead guards dragged out a man and a woman and forced the couple to their knees. Two then lifted and swung large axes. …!!Unauthorized use: this story is on Amazon without permission from the author. Report any sightings.
“They killed them!” Rose exclaimed.
“They’re wiping out the bloodline for a fresh start.” Cindy said emotionlessly. “Rabaster’s nobility didn’t surrender and has deep ties to Vandril. They must’ve judged it not worth keeping them.”
More men and women were forced forward. Rose’s heart sunk when she saw undead holding a boy and girl further on the side. “Not the children as well?”
“Everyone with a claim to rule will be publicly executed.” Cindy confirmed.
Can I really allow this? Rose mind raced as her eyes flashed back and forth between the enemy forces. She was confident in handling them individually, but the problem was their numbers.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” Cindy warned, sensing something was wrong, but it was too late.
“Sorry,” Rose said, jumping down. “Go on ahead without me.”
She had plan, or at least the vague notion of one. Approaching the gates, she engulfed the pair of undead guards in crimson fire. Using a nifty technique Roxanne had taught, she asserted her will and transformed them into burning dead under her control. Racing inside, she converted every skeleton she saw. Only when she reached the tenth did an opposing consciousness block her attempt to seize control. Oh well, controlling nine is complicated already.
Rose battled her way forward with her new minions, making swift progress. The burning dead were more destructive than their brethren, easily disrupting their forms. As she neared the square, she spotted a woman in Xarst’s black. She prepared to take her out, but reconsidered. If she dies, the undead she controls will massacre the townfolk. Instead she forced the necromancer back with a burst of flame.
Rounding a corner, she found a platoon of soldiers aiming a mix of staves and crossbows at her. Freezing, she watched magic and bolts fly at her… and veer off course. Thank god for the blessing. She quickly blew the soldiers away with a fireball.
Arriving at the central square, she found herself facing a hundred soldiers and undead, with a horde of reconstructed skeletons at her back. The commander is also a saint. This would be tough. However, before she could react, a dozen lighting bolts rained down and knocked everyone off their feet.
“I have them.” Cindy yelled with both children under one arm. “We leave now.”
Ordering the burning dead to self-destruct, Rose rushed after her companion. Once the city had faded from view she work up the courage to approach Cindy.
“Again, sorry.”
Cindy turned, her fury plain. “The only reason they left such a meager force is because they have an immortal on stand by.”
“An airship is following us.” Rose reported meekly. Strangely, it was keeping at a distance.
Cindy glanced back and cursed, “Which means they’ve called in that immortal. The scout is there to keep track of us.”
“Should we try going down to the dark lands?” Rose asked.
“All entrances are sealed around here.” Cindy responded. “Our only prayer is to reach a friendly city.”
The anxious chase continued for several minutes without any new developments. Rose was beginning to hope for the best when she saw a whirlwind approaching. The twister passed overhead and touched down in front of them.
A hunchback dropped to the ground. Thick scars covered his muscular arms and deformed face. He radiated brutality.
“Quazon, Aery’s exile.” Cindy stated blankly.
“So you are the two saints who stole Rabaster’s heirs.” Quazon observed them, his eyes coming to rest on Cindy. He smirked. “The immortal butler’s current master. Will you be the latest to fall victim to the Rollen curse?”
Rose saw Cindy grimace. “What do you mean?” She asked, stalling for time.
“You haven’t heard the story?” Quazon relayed happily. “For hundreds of years, members of Rollen family have tried for immortally, and every one has failed, always for the same reason: ‘Save me’, a sublime vagary which summons Elliot Watson across time and space, even to places immortals are normally barred entry. While incredibly powerful, the cost of using this ability even once is losing any chance of reaching the wall.”
“If you make me summon Elliot, I’ll order him to kill you.” Cindy declared coldly.
“Do you think I fear him?” Quazon sneered. “It’s not my good looks that got me where I am today. That said, fighting the Lord of Ruin for a pair of children doesn’t seem smart either. But I can’t just return empty handed either…”
Quazon looked towards Rose and smiled sinisterly. “What about her? Will you use your sublime vagary to save her?”
“No.” Cindy answered.
Quazon laughed. “How many of your comrades have you let die so far? Two? This will be your third. Your determination is admirable.”
The hunchback floated gingerly off the ground, lifted by an updraft. “There you have it. While I bear no grudge against Astra, neither do I respect her enough to spare her daughter. You shouldn’t have interfered with the Grey Kingdom’s business.”
Quazon waved a finger and a blade of air shot forward. Rose evaded as the earth behind her was ripped apart. Quazon continued to pendulum his digit back and forth, as if directing an unseen orchestra, and the same deadly attack raced towards her without relief. Unable to dodge, Rose raised a fire wall in desperation, but the wind cut deeper and deeper into the flames. She channeled all her strength into her defense to no avail.
A moment before the end came, the space in front of her exploded in a fiery blaze, knocking her back. Exhausted, she pulled herself up to see Quazon facing a new arrival. Roxanne!
Her mentor stood before her, holding a black staff taller than herself. At its end, a crystal burned viciously with a crimson flame.
“This is becoming tiresome.” Quazon said angrily. “I am killing this girl and departing. Share her fate if you wish.”
With a swipe of his arm, he launched a cannon ball of air at them. Red flame stretched out and deflected the blast. Roxanne then planted her staff. “I wield the ‘wickedest flame’.” She declared.
A blood red column rose into the sky. Rose swore she saw screaming souls within the flames. Roxanne brought down the inferno on her opponent.
“And I control the ‘Winds of Hell’.”
A dozen tornadoes pulsating green pierced through the burning mass, tearing it apart, and converged on the both of them. Roxanne retreated next to her, summoning more crimson fire, but they were blown away.
Rose recovered to see Roxanne already on her feet, panting. Quazon had stopped his assault and was staring at her.
“I remember you… We fought together during the dark age.” He said. “What is your name?”
“Roxanne Sibil.”
“Weren’t you captured by Nuzou? How are you still alive?” He asked.
Rose glance up at her mentor in shock. Wasn’t Nuzou the avatar who loved to ‘deconstruct’ people?
“After Sola killed him, I escaped somehow.” Roxanne answered
“But you were taken months before…” Quazon began. “How unpleasant… Are really willing to lay down your life for this girl.”
“I am.”
Quazon said nothing, simply studying her. “You’re on your last legs aren’t you? Like a candle flickering in the wind…”
“I have enough left to die a death with meaning.” Roxanne replied softly.
“Fine, you win." Quazon sighed. "I’ve lost my drive. Get out here.” With that, he retreated in the same twister that brought him, leaving them alone.