[Book II Chapter 97] DYLAN: Saeen, the Devourer


Nang, Darius, and Dylan stood on a grassy slope besides the team of ninjas lead by immortal Jayden Zuto. Below them, Free was having a heated discussion with their fourth member, a shinobi in black whose name was Light.

“I understand why she’s upset, but it’s useless.” Arika, their necromancer, shook her head. “There’s nothing she can say that we haven’t told him already.”

While returning from patrol, they’d run into Jayden’s squad just before reaching Libra, and Free had stopped to confront their youngest member.

“What’s their relationship?” Dylan asked. Somehow, watching Free argue heatedly with Light irritated him.

“They’re siblings.” Haron answered. “I’m surprised you didn’t know.”


Before Dylan could wonder at this comment, Light took off, leaving a frustrated Free behind. Parting ways with the shinobi, they joined up her to make their way to Livra.

“We should check in on her.” Nang whispered as they moved.

Dylan nodded. He’d been planning to anyway. This was the first time he’d seen Free in such a foul mood, and he was curious.

Once in the city, Nang and Dylan cornered Free on a rooftop, and it didn’t take much for her to open up. Slowly, she relayed the story of her brother. “… so because of this girl, Nephrite, he’s killing himself.” She finished. “I can’t understand it.”

Free sighed. “Maybe I lack perspective because I’ve never hated someone. What about you two? Have you ever wished for revenge?”

“I have.” Nang confessed. “I lost a family member I admired and respected recently. If I knew who was responsible, I’d want them dead.” It was clear she didn’t intent to reveal more.


“Oh, I am so sorry…” Free said. “What about you Dylan?”

“Me too.” He admitted. “Those close to me were murdered before my eyes. I’m still working to bring the criminals to justice.”

“Both of you, huh?” Free hesitated. “Maybe I’m the strange one to be so upset.”

“No,” Nang countered. “Cursing yourself is extreme behavior.”

“Agreed.” Dylan stated firmly. In the Cultivator Realm, there were similar forbidden techniques which could grant power. He’d never considered any of them. I have to care for Lin and pass on Four Element Transcendence. “While desiring vengeance is normal, sacrificing yourself to achieve it isn’t. Only those who have nothing left to live for would consider that route. Considering he has a sister like you, the odd one is him.”

Free listened quietly. “I think he did it because he feels responsible for Nephrite’s death. It’s his ‘punishment’.”


Dylan frowned. He imagined a scenario where Sacred Cloud Sect’s massacre was partly his doing. If I’d unknowingly leaked the Sect’s location… I might have considered self-harm too.

Several horns rang out from the wall facing the Twisted Lands. Dylan was hit with a sinking premonition. I knew I’d been too quiet over the last few days. They arrived on the western fortification and witnessed the coming threat with the other saints.

A mass of demonic beasts surged across the broken landscape as one enormous wave. So many traveled the skies that they darkened the setting sun. Below them, bridges of earth and ice carried an endless horde forwards. Still more jumped their way over.

<<Livra falls tonight.>> Dowart declared somberly. He wasn’t the only one who’d come to this conclusion. Trhe faces around him were filled with resignation and disappointment. The budding hope they might hold the city was gone.

Sarah’s voice rang out, echoing in the streets behind them, “This is an emergency evacuation order. Grab what you can carry and take the road to the capital in an orderly fashion——”Stolen content warning: this content belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences.

“Our job is to buy them some time.” Free stated.

“We’ll do as much as we can.” Dylan replied. While the bulk of the refugees had already been moved, a sizable number remained. There were also the city’s more stubborn residents to consider.

Once the beasts neared, they were greeted by a volley of destructive magic. Dylan focused the lesser mystery of embers through Resplendent Delusion to send out explosive fireballs. Next to him, Free tossed glowing green spores to similar affect. Thousands of beasts were blasted into the Twisted Lands’s dark depths. Yet, still more pressed forwards.

Those who reached the Tulven mainland were ripped apart by giant blue crabs. They’re pulling their weight. It’s a pity we won’t be able to rely on them for long. Livra’s summon generators were too precious to lose on a doomed defense and were being loaded onto airships.

The first batch of flying foes arrived, and Darius leapt to greet them. Nimbly hoping between them, a stream of corpses rained down wherever he went. Nang threw up wide mothsilk nets to ensnared those he missed, dragging them to the earth for the crabs to finish.

“Some are slipping through.” Nang warned, casting another net.

Dylan glanced back. Despite a barrage of offensive magic from the city, a growing number was hovering above and hammering away at the wards. Another group was chasing after those fleeing on the road.

Dylan grimaced. He couldn’t afford to embrace the greater mysteries so soon in this battle of endurance. “Sarah and a couple of saints are escorting the people. We must trust this to them.” He said. “Our hands are full here.”

A cheer rang out from the defenders. “Reinforcements are here!”

From one of three airships, balls of lights dropped down, their lasers beams striking birds and griffins from the air. Jordan Seers stood on deck, directing the will-o'-the-wisps’ destruction with a short staff in his hand. The boy had honored Dylan’s request to keep Starlight disguised by growing a layer of wood around the sword.

<<He’s attained an impressive mastery since we last saw him.>> Dowart mused. Dylan agreed. All the demonic beast which had broken through fell to ground, charred holes in their sides.

Noticing Nang staring shocked at the spectacle, he yelled out, “Don’t slack off!” Jolted back to her senses, she turned to the enemy with a sullen determination. The airships had brought Lord Yohan and several groups of saints. Bolstered by these forces, they were able stem the onslaught. However, even as their spirits rose, Dylan remained cautious.

<<It’s strange there are no sovereigns.>> Dowart voiced his thoughts. Exactly, how could an assault of this magnitude not have some? He keep his eyes open and soon spotted a figure amoung the beasts.

“Rending Reality Itself.” The fang ninja cried out. Lighting shot upward into the sky, a rift forming it its wake. Turok, the mad wendigo, dashed out, howling madly.

This isn’t a problem, at least not yet. Jayden was here and had felled that revenant sovereign multiple times already. Undoubtedly, Kaygren knew this too. Dylan waited anxiously. Within a minute, there was second shout and another lightning strike. A gigantic boa constrictor emerged from the rift, followed by flood of reptiles. It began gobbling up the blue crabs.

“That’s Saeen, the devourer.” A cry rang out. “Retreat!” Several men broke ranks, fleeing after the evacuating citizens.

“No, stand strong!” Lord Yohan boomed out. “We must hold them!” This quelled the panic momentarily. Sadly, their only immortal was busy with Turok, and Saeen would soon finish feasting on the crabs.

With morale collapsing, Yohan called out, “Any brave souls willing to confront the serpent?” Dylan winced. Such a desperate play will only worsen the situation.

“We’ll fight.” A cry rang out from besides him. He regarded Free with disbelief. “Trust me.” She whispered. “We have Darius.”

Dylan glanced at the man who had so little presence he often forgot his existence. True, he’s stronger than any saint I’ve known…

<<With him, victory is not impossible.>> Dowart admitted.

“Unless we defeat both sovereigns, the fleeing citizens will be slaughtered.” Free added. Dylan understood what she meant. The army of demonic beasts attacking them had roosted in the Twisted Lands for only a few days. Without a sovereign, their duration would run low, preventing them from pushing into Tulven’s interior.

“Fine.” He relented.

They lured Saeen into Livra for their battle. Darius took the lead, inflicting deep gashes to maintain the sovereign’s ire. Free and Nang assisted by conjuring roots and mothsilk, leveraging the buildings to ensnare the boa. Dylan chose the greater mystery of combustion for his part, setting wooden structures ablaze and releasing their stored energy at opportune times to blast their foe off-balance.

<<Darius’s agility is impressive.>> Dowart observed.

Despite their efforts, Saeen was tearing through the streets, lunging after their ninja companion. Failing to catch him, it wielded its earth telekinesis to hurl boulders and rock spikes, to no affect. The city will be leveled before this ends.

Dylan was chasing after the serpent when he noticed a figure on Livra’s cathedral. Light was holding two ninjatos with his arms spread, a giant white magic circle on his left and a giant brown magic circle on his right.

“Iron Sand Blade Storm” He shouted.

Black clouds rose up around Saeen, twirling on themselves violently. The sovereign released a deafening hiss as its scales were shredded by tiny sharp edges. Eyes filled with fury, it swerved and rose up towards Light. This was the opening Darius had been waiting for. With a one swing of his scythe, he claimed the head of the distracted reptile.